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Winter is Coming (Csilla, OS Only)

Location: Expeditionary Library, Csilla​

[The Events After The Skirmish]​

Cryax Bane, Imperial governor of Csilla walked through the corridors of the subglacial Expeditionary Library on Csilla. He had been spending more time on the planet of his people, especially since the Rebel attack on the icy planet. Rebuilding from the attack was currently in the final phases, and Cryax made sure that his visibility was high for the reconstruction efforts. In his position, the trust of the Chiss people was his holy grail.

When Bane was first appointed Governor of Csilla, the naysayers were many. A slicer? A former crime lord? Cryax ran the Red Ravens into the ground. How could a man like this know anything about the complicated politics and scheming machinations of the Chiss ruling families? The slander in the Holopress was relentless, a favorite joke of the press being that he was merely the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet's tech support guy. Cryax paid it no mind. At first he was consumed with self-doubt about his new role, originally forced upon him by [member="Darth Vornskr"], but the more his detractors tried to drag him down, the more determination brimmed in those glowing, red eyes.

Cryax, a ridiculously wealthy individual, was also of the mindset that if you couldn't do something yourself, hire someone. With that philosophy in mind, he was about to meet a woman named [member="Miad'rien'navruno"], Core name Adrienna. It was said that she was just the Chiss that could help him shore up Csilla's defenses and pick up the shambles of the Chiss Ascendancy. The Lieutenant Commander of the CEDF seemed like the perfect Chiss to ensure that his Governorship would herald in a golden age of the Chiss Ascendancy that would rival any its own very history.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Chiss Ascendancy
Expeditionary Library
[member="Cryax Bane"]

The capital has fallen, Rien. It’s over.” the old whisper curled around her ear as her determined footsteps rang across the long hallways. Each step took her closer towards the meeting that she was already dreading; a meeting with the Imperial Governor appointed by the One Sith the second time they had conquered Csilla and with it the Ascendancy.

The chain of command wi-”

There is none, the CEDF has fallen. You are on your own… I am sorry.”

It had been astonished silence that had followed in the wake of that late night call - a ghost transmission bouncing across as many satellites as possible before originating in her private comm, to this day Adrianna wasn’t sure how the war against the One Sith could have gotten so desperate, but it had happened.

And now she was back.

The Lieutenant Commander could almost feel the muscles in her back stretch themselves as she straightened out from her slump. There were people here, her people and they were watching her even now; perhaps probing her for any weaknesses she might have picked up from her long, long infiltration mission.

Before her the two gargantuan white doors came up; they separated the the actual libraries from the deep tunnels that had been etched into the ice and rock.

She studied the guards that were currently standing in front of them, mixture of a standard Phalanx (they were wearing bright orange, a new house had risen in her absence?) and imperial stormtroopers… it seemed that even here the Governor had found himself in the need for protection stemming from his sponsors.

One of the stormtroopers would disappear inside after a single look at her, before returning as swiftly as he had vanished with a quick nod to her.

It seemed that she was allowed to enter after all.

Governor.” the Commander would stand to attention, greeting him without showing any of the emotions that were currently streaming through her.
Cryax had to admit, he was in awe of the Csilla Expeditionary Library. With billions and billions of Chiss history contained in its dry walls, all in book form to better survive the planet's many ice storms, the people of Csilla were if anything, obsessive about chronicling information.

"At ease, Lieutenant Commander," said Cryax in perfect Cheuhn. He was clad in a neat black suit and tie. Stately but not too showy. His nervousness was palatable. Bane desperately wanted to be accepted by his people, and he knew that the jury was still out on his place in their world.

He gestured a blue-skinned to the large snowood table in the middle of the room, encouraging the young military woman to sit with him. His red eyes locked on hers, but upon searching them, he found her expression as unreadable as a professional sabaac player. A long sigh escaped his lips. Ironic how he felt even more alien among those who looked so much like him.

"I've called upon you to open up a dialogue about our defense situation here on Csilla and all along the Path of the Houses. Please give me an honest assessment of where we stand. Your candor would be much appreciated."

The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Cryax Bane"]

When she had been younger and still training under the strict regiment of the CEDF she had been given spare time to explore the great libraries of Csilla, but the time Rien had been given with the many digital and physical devices of knowledge… had left her as much in awe as Bane was experiencing right now. She was better at hiding the ache that was currently formulating itself deep within herself though.

Even now, feeling the ancient stones that had been tread upon by her ancestors - well it felt like a special moment for her, one of the first moments she had been able to experience after escaping the filth of the Primeval.

Miad'rien'navruno’s posture eased only slightly. Those eyes kept their gaze steady at the Governor in front of her, and she did not seem to be willing to take a seat in front of him - perhaps it was a sign of defiance or more likely it was the simple knowledge that she was still on duty and this wasn’t her superior officer.

He did not have the authority to grant her some respite, sadly.

Governor, I arrived on Csilla nine hours ago after a prolonged absence.” the Chiss would reply earnestly. It was all in the public records and it wasn’t hard to simply poke around a little bit here and there. “I have done my best to appraise myself of the situation we are currently in, but I will need more time for the finer details.”

She was not sure what to think of Forlac'rya'xitodo - he clearly was a foreigner, even with the ocean skin and crimson eyes. So why had he been appointed as the Governor? Was this some sort of slight towards the Chiss from the Sith? Did they wish to insult them even further after the dissolution of the Ascendancy so many years ago?


We are still investigating the culprits of the offensive, but there weren’t a lot of them. It’s highly likely we were dealing with some sort of rebel cell - those have been jumping up all around the Sith territories.” Had the the Sith left their claws out of the Ascendancy this would never have happened.

The damage was substantial, but highly localized. Repairs are already on the way with the men stating that they will need another two weeks to bring everything back to its former state.”

Rien did not mention that during the preliminary investigations the crews had also found structural weaknesses that had been hidden for many years - natural wear and tear - it would have stayed hidden for far longer if these rebels hadn’t decided to attack Csilla.

And this could have caused even more damage in an uncontrolled state.

So in a way the Rebels had done them a public service.


But it wasn’t relevant to the discussion at hand, as such she left it out of the report - if he needed to know more, he would simply ask for more information on that particular subject.

Security has been tightened around those circles and we are currently looking into other weaknesses within our network. Such a thing cannot happen again, and if it does… it will draw far more blood than this time.”
Although her red eyes were devoid of emotion, Cryax could sense a tinge of suspicion in Adrienna's voice, not to mention her interesting choice of taking a stiff, standing posture instead of a seat at the main table. Bane wasn't a military man, so he simply chalked it up to a personal preference not to seem like she was cozying up with the One Sith's thin, blue marionette. Under the library's warm yellow lights, a few other Chiss curiously watched the two as they perused materials. Cryax could almost hear their thoughts. Isn't that the Imperial Governor, Forlac'rya'xitodo? Must be nice for him to have a place curled up under boot of the Sith? Was that how that Lieutenant Commander felt, too?

"Good job, Lieutenant Commander," Cryax said. "Take all the time you need to put together a complete report. I have heard from my cabinet that civilians were killed, and I am planning on making some visits to those communities most hurt by the attacks. To hand out supplies and to assure the Chiss people that the One Sith only have their interests in mind, and those of the ruling families, or what's left of them."

He cleared his throat and continued. Whatever the Chiss lacked in actual political experience, he made up for in his ever present spin doctoring. Why was he sharing this with Adrienna? She was young, but held weight in the remaining structure of the CEDF, however dismantled it was by the relentless occupations.

"Miad'rien'navruno. We have a very rich defense budget approved for Csilla, as it is a jewel of the Unknown Regions. I personally oversee the defense budget, and aim to ensure that the planet has everything it needs to thrive under the Sith. However, I'm lacking one very important element..."

He paused for a bit of dramatic effect. Was he overdoing it with her?

"...I need an advisor."

The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Cryax Bane"]

Oh, Forlac'rya'xitodo.

You have so much to learn still.

In the end the only thing that would turn the Chiss’ opinion into a more… favorable disposition was by convincing them that he had their best interests in mind. You did not do that by underlining that the Sth were the ones who had their best interests in mind, for one?

Nobody in their right minds would truly believe that anyway - so it was a waste of time and opportunity to sway the people to his cause and banner.

How? By fueling the hatred they felt for the Sith and present himself as the barrier and reasonable entity that could set them free.

But the Lieutenant did not speak those thoughts either, because she was far too busy contemplating the effects her standing would take by accepting a position as his advisor; truly it could be a beneficial arrangement for her, he was clearly a greenhorn in the matters of state and politics…

Could be influenced for the betterment of the Chiss, her family and herself.

Your terms, Governor?” the Chiss finally asked.
Cold, unblinking eyes, the very color of fresh blood, stared back at the Imperial Governor. Her emotions were a closed book to him, with not even a line to read between. No matter. Cryax knew that Adrienna was skeptical of her new Governor. Pandering only really worked on those who lapped it up, and the Lieutenant Commander was certainly not one of the gullible masses. Few Chiss were, in fact, and it made him respect his people even more fiercely for it.

Even if they did not return it.

When she asked him what his terms were, Bane sighed. "I can certainly have my office you a formal contract of terms, if that is what you wish, but right now, I'd rather cut the formalities between us."

Perhaps it was time to shoot straight with his potential adviser. Bane spread his hands and gave her an earnest smile, putting his heart on the line, a rare event in the Chiss' usual circus ring of spin.

"I am out of my depth here. I know it. You know it. Hell, all of Csilla knows it. I'm an outsider and a One Sith loyalist who cannot claim Csilla as his homeworld. That being said, I may have been born on Bakura, but I am still Chiss, and I care about my people."

He shook his head with just a tinge of sadness. The Sith's relentless subjugation of the Chiss weighed heavy on him. Bane realized that Kaine had put him in the position as the one who needed to answer for the sins of the Sith. And no answer would truly suffice. Whether or not [member="Darth Vornskr"] had intended it, although lets face it, nothing Kaine did was unintentional, Bane's Governorship was simply another way for the Sith Lord to further torment his stringy, blue puppet.

The man's evil knew no bounds.

"Adrienna, I want to help the Chiss. No, scratch that, need to help the Chiss. I need to make sure that the One Sith give the Ruling Families the autonomy they deserve. I need to make sure that mindless terrorists who fancy themselves freedom fighters don't terrorize the Chiss people and further divide us. I need someone to help me make the right decisions. I need honesty and candor..."

Miad’rien’navruno could probably guess what he was about to say next.

"...and in return, you and the Ruling Families in your sway will reap the rewards of power."

The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Cryax Bane"]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]She did not offer him a smile back. It wasn’t that she didn’t [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]want[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] to answer his with her own, but it was simply too deeply ingrained within herself to pace herself - to be careful of showing any true or false emotions unless they somehow served the greater goal that she strived for. It was for this reason that when Bane made his heartfelt emotions and desires clear, that the Lieutenant Commander did not try to soften the glacial attitude that she had been displaying beforehand.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Instead came a curt nod. Remarkable in its shortness and ability to convey meaning, because no matter what the Governor thought?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Miad'rien'navruno had just made a judgement call.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Perhaps it was a gut feeling, perhaps it were the spirits of the ancestors themselves or maybe Rien was getting just a little bit nostalgic with age, but all added up to the same conclusion. She would accept the position as an advisor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]At least in an unofficial capacity.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Very well then.” the Chiss responded. And not soon after that the military mind within herself took control over the situation - it analyzed the various weak points of the Ascendancy, the positions of the One Sith and what could be done.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It would need a while before her subconscious could present her with the necessary details, but as it stood there were ground rules to set before any of that could happen anyway.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“I shall be your advisor, [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Forlac'rya'xitodo.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]” - the fact that she addressed him in crisp Cheunh and underlined his full birthname instead of calling him by his position would mean something. It was a reminder for him; so he would remember who he [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]really[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] was.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“But I have ground rules for this relationship to work to satisfactory results.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Arms crossed behind her back. Crimson locking with crimson, the Chiss waited for Cryax to acknowledge this fact so she could name her own terms - if you could call them that.[/SIZE]
Whenever Adrienna called him Forlac'rya'xito, it hearkened back to his mother, Cidaxi, scolding her boy for breaking some rule or another. Is that the relationship that would organically develop between the two Chiss? Would Cryax, as usual, fall into the subservient role of prodigal son?

No. Adrienna and Cryax would be equals, whether he used her Core name or not. His damaged pride depended on it. Bane had many detractors, but he was a fast learner with an analytic mind to match. He had hearts and minds to win, and hers was first.

"Thank you Miad'rien'navruno. It is an honor for me for you to accept this position."

Short and sweet. He wasn't damning the Lieutenant with faint praise or lavishing her with fawning admiration. Not even a handshake or a tic of a smile on his face. He was blending.

"What are your conditions, Lieutenant Commander?"

The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Cryax Bane"]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Simple: You listen to what I say.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It seemed easy enough, but she knew the truth behind most political moves. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]In a sense Cryax was trying to install her as his advisor to appease the Chiss. Oh, he would contest that and spin pretty tales about how he truly cared about his people, about the Ascendancy and the worlds that belonged to them. But the truth of the matter was that he had only returned to his [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]family[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] after the Sith had appointed him as the Governor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Not exactly the brightest example of patriotism.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]But Miad'rien'navruno was not going to be a little ball of yarn - to be pushed around and played with for his convenience. If she was to take this role then he would have to truly [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]listen[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] to what she was saying and actually do things with it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Even now though… there was a solid weariness spreading through her bones. She had just come off a lengthy infiltration operation with the Fringe and instead of a break? Adrianna found more work in front of her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Can’t complain. You have to do what you can.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“I will not satisfy myself with being a mere decor piece, Forlac'rya'xito. If we can agree to this then you will have my backing.”[/SIZE]
Adrienna's reputation as a strong, no-nonsense woman turned out to be right on the money. She did not bow and scrape. She did not mince words. Cryax was accustomed to dealing with underhanded Sith Lords, and Force knew there was always a hidden agenda hiding underneath those flowing onyx robes. As the Lieutenant Commander laid out her terms, his first thought was, "that's it?"

But that wasn't it, was it? There was one element hanging in the balance. Could Bane trust his new adviser? An attempted assassination was not a possibility, but an inevitability. Hell, the streets would probably be full of dissidents frolicking around with a flaming blue effigy of him, if the Chiss people weren't so damned reserved, that is.

Despite his unpopularity, the Sith barely had a presence on Csilla yet, and there were already attacks from outsiders trying to capitalize on the instability. The barely functional CEDF had just fought against more intruders right after the occupation lead by the younger Bane. Did they blame the One Sith for the random attacks? Who could say? Either way, the Chiss people needed stability and leadership. That was the one thing the two Chiss here today could agree on. Emotional or not, Bane couldn't contain the warm smile that spread across his face when he gave her his answer.

"Adrienna, you not only have my ears. But I will go one further, and give you my voice."

Of course, he would also have her watched at all times to make sure that she didn't arrange to have him stabbed in his sleep.

Location: Naporar, Chiss Expansionary Defense Force Headquarters​
[Two days later]​
Fantana sighed as she strolled through the hallways of the military complex that housed the official Chiss military, the CEDF, a structure that already filled with the young Chiss with a tinge of nostalgia. A few months ago, she had been a Lieutenant in the CEDF, but family duty called, and Fan had hung up her uniform to carry out the duties of Aristocra of House Chaf, the Fifth Ruling House of the Chiss Ascendancy.

She was meeting as a representative of House Chaf with [member="Miad'rien'navruno"] of House Miad, to discuss the possibilities that lay before them. Since Fleets spanned across the sky and the One Sith re-occupied their home world, instability reigned. It was an interesting opportunity for Fan to put House Chaf in the forefront of the Ascendancy's response, and hopefully help place her family back in the Ascendancy's folds of power. It had been ages since the name of the family had even been spoken on blue lips.

Although she was dressed the traditional yellow and grey diplomatic robes of House Chaf, Fan greeted her former superior officer with a salute. Once an officer, always an officer. Around her shoulders, in a nutrient pack, perched Damasa, Fan's Ysalamir, an animal she had been given to wearing ever since she accepted her new position. As a high-ranking diplomat on a Sith world, one could never be too careful after all.

"It is good to see you, Rien," she said, using her friend's nickname. She raised a curious blue-black brow.

"I assume that your meeting with the Imperial Governor went well?"
The Admiralty
Codex Judge

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]She rose just the lightest of brows at the resting Ysalamiri resting on the former Lieutenant’s shoulders. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It was a [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]questionable[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] artistic expression, but neither of them had been much in the way of fashion anyway. Too much time spend infiltrating the Fringe to really concern themselves with what was [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]in[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] and what was [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]out[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] - it felt a bit strange to be disconnected from the Force in such a sudden fashion, but she could not begrudge Fanta her own little precautions.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Especially after ascending such a high rank at such short notice.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Formerly Lieutenant and Lieutenant Commander… now Aristocra and Syndic. Where did the world come to, to put women like them in such positions of power? She hadn’t even been able to wash off the grime from her cheeks before the news had been pushed towards her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Severe lack of competent personnel had been the official reasoning.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Well, quite subjective word, Fanta.” the Chiss would reply without the usual coldness accompanying her voice. The current Aristocra was one of the few people that could be counted amongst Rien’s [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]friends[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] and that meant something to her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Good to see you too. I see you have brought a friend with you?” she chuckled softly - a rare occurrence indeed - at the Ysalamiri.[/SIZE]
"Ah, yes, this is Damasa," she said, reaching up a hand to give the delicate lizard a soft pat on the head. "The smell of the Oblio wood frame was a little hard to get used to at first, but I've adjusted."

Rien would likely know that Fantana's pet was no mere companion, but protection. Assassination rumors flew across the Path of the Houses, and Aristocra and Syndics alike were all said to be targets. The line of thinking was that until their new overlords came in and officially dismantled what was left of the previously dismantled Chiss Ascendancy, the preemptive elimination of rivals would benefit those who faced a One Sith culling.

Again the Chiss' own insularity turned out to be their undoing, but Fantana would not express that opinion. Hindsight was twenty-twenty after all.

"Let me guess. Our dear Governor, Cryax Bane, was resplendent with propaganda. I imagine he was full of deceit and lies about how the One Sith only want to help us build up infrastructure and our military. Meanwhile our tunnel system will crumble and our technology will become obsolete, while the Sith erect their red-pyloned temples around us."

Perhaps Rien would have a surprise or two about the Governor's transparent agenda, but she certainly wasn't holding her breath.


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