Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Window Shopping

The figure was imposing, wrapped in a suit that seemed more akin to the rich of the city - but the mask was terrifying. A symbol of a bygone organization Wrenarias would never have known - by a figure once by the name of Tiamat. Maliphant breathed low and slow, watching her adjust her self defensively to his presence - she knew he had killed all those within, left them to die by the hand of a blade invisible to the more conventional sense.​
Duval.”, he said in the augmented bass of his tones.​
You’re his slave. Were his slave.”, he repeated; those were changing ever so slightly as he motioned to her.​
If you don’t kill him… End this now, or he will come back for you.”​
The breathing of the mask was loud, as though it were assisting the man to breath - yet no cybernetics were obvious. He moved with care, silver hair running down his shoulders, and a stout stance that showed set shoulders and a carnivorous disposition. Even as he spoke, he didn’t move - but as he finished, told her what she must do, he took a step aside and pointed to where Duval had gone.​
End his life. Save your own.”​
There was a moment of hesitation as Wren processed what was happening. Her brow furrowed together, lips thinning into a tight line, grip tightening her hold on the blaster rifle that she now held. She'd come to Coruscant to train under Cedric as a Jedi -- not because she wanted power or status; but because she wanted to make a difference. She wanted to protect others from enduring the same life she'd been forced to suffer through.

If she left this tower and let Duval live... she would be dooming countless other women to the man's cruelty. That was absolutely not an option.

A calmness settled over her as she took a step in the direction that Maliphant gestured towards. Killing was nothing new to her. Throughout countless battles she'd killed her own fair share of people, those whose only fault she knew of was that they were the opposition. A man like Sadavir Duval did not deserve the air he breathed, let alone a life spent in the lap of luxury.

She paused once more and looked over her shoulder at the man in the frightening mask. He hadn't given her his name or what his purpose was here, though the slender build and long silver hair tickled at the back of her mind. It was important, but she couldn't quite remember why.

Her head lowered in an appreciative gesture and she touched a free hand to her brow. "Thank you again, stranger."

Without another word, she turned and slowly stalked her way down the corridor.


Finding Duval was a simple matter now that her collar had been removed. His terror was a palpable tremor through the Force as he cowered in a corner office, the Empath could sense it with ease. She still had Duval's cardkey around her neck and the door slid open automatically as she approached as a result.

As she stepped into the room, she reached over with her elbow and keyed the lock to seal the door behind her.

"There's really no point in hiding, Sadavir." Wrenarias said flatly as she took a step further into the room. There were only so many places someone could cower in such a small space.

With a wave of her hand she flung the large desk across the room, sending it crashing into the wall with tremendous force. Left behind in the middle of the room, cowering on the floor with his hands over his head, was Sadavir Duval. He immediately raised his hands defensively, shaking his head back and forth when he saw the twi'lek with the rifle in her hand.

"Wren! My dear girl, don't shoot me! I'll release you from the contract! I-I'll give you credits! Anything!" He pleaded with her, his voice cracking from the strain as he shouted.

Wren scoffed at him and suddenly fired several shots over his head. The floor-to-ceiling glass window shattered into thousands of pieces behind him. Slowly, she approached him until she was standing a few inches from the trembling businessman. He was no fighter.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to shoot you." She said in a low voice.

Before Sadavir could even react, she lashed out with her right hand and grabbed the man by the throat. Using the Force to augment her strength, she yanked him off the floor and stepped forward until he was dangling outside the window. The city fell away beneath him into nothing, vanishing into the whirling clouds below. There was no telling how far the fall really was.

Only, she suspected Duval would know exactly how tall his own building was.

Her lavender eyes glowed a brilliant shade of violet as she channeled her emotions into the man, casting a projection of the life he'd subjugated her too. The pain, humiliation, and fear she'd suffered at his hands. All experienced in an instant.

The slaver screamed. His horrendous cries snatched away by the wind that violently whipped his thinning hair.

"Wrenarias! No! I'm so sorry! I didn't know! P-please!" She shrieked desperately grasping at her wrist.

"Now you do." She retorted in a flat voice, indifferent to his pleas.

His eyes widened momentarily, feeling what she was going to do through their connection before she did it. "N-NO!"

Her grip unfurled and she released him, yanking her hand back as he frantically tried to grasp her for that split second she was still within reach. She watched him fall away, his shrill screams reaching her ears for a few more seconds before the wind drowned him out. Moments later, slammed into the side of the building and then tumbled out of sight, vanishing into the Under city below.

Shaking her head, she turned away from the window and tossed the blaster rifle onto the office floor. It was done.

Unsure of what to do, she ambled back into the corridor and slowly made her way back to the turbolifts.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Maliphant watched the girl disappear, wander into the darkness of the corridor to acts unspeakable for a Jedi - she wouldn’t kill out of necessity like he had proposed, there was too much history for her. She’d let darkness hold her heart - if only for a moment, and that much was enough to reinforce his goal.​
If she were trained as a Jedi, she would always be a danger to him. He had to remove her from that, get rid of that support.​
But for now, he couldn’t let her find him when he returned - So Maliphant simply walked out a different corridor. The night was surprisingly cool, and the air offered a subtle breeze that ran across his exposed skins in a tickling refreshment. He needed a ride - he imagined.​
So he threw himself over the edge - lightsaber first. There’d be something to catch him.​
He just hoped Wrenarias found her way out of the building without issue.​
The twi'lek stopped to grab a jacket from one of the guards that Maliphant had killed. She didn't want to go stumbling through Coruscant in just a skimpy dancer leotard. Her hands were shaking, just as they always did after she killed someone. She hated the feeling, even when the person fully deserved what came to them. Still, sometimes in order to protect others, someone had to die.

She zipped the jacket up, gathered another discarded blaster off the floor, and then went to find herself a pair of trousers that would fit. It took her a little longer, but she managed -- one of the guards Maliphant killed had been a woman of similar size. From there, she marched through the tower with relative ease. No one stopped her, as she was an armed guard with a cardkey access.

But she didn't leave just yet. There was still one last thing she needed to do.

Duval's private office was on the top floor, much like Dorian's was. She'd been here before, the revolting memories made her skin crawl, and she grimaced as the elevator door slid shut behind her. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she strode over to the desk situated in front of a towering window. In just a few simple keystrokes and a swipe of the access card, the computer chimed a pleasant greeting.

She smirked, quickly navigating through the system to find the database with remote control access to the slave collars and quarters.

"Oops." She murmured in a soft voice, selecting all entries and simultaneously deactivated their collars while also unlocking the door to their rooms.

As security alarms started to activate on the "servant housing" floor, she pinged the security teams to the indoc floor with a priority alert-- where Duval and the other guards had been killed. There wasn't time to go through and doctor the security footage, a consequence she was going to have to deal with at a later date, no doubt.

Evacuating while chaos erupted throughout building proved tedious and difficult, but she managed to find her way, along with the cluster of recently escaped slave twi'lek girls that she escorted out. Confused and uncertain, they didn't know where to turn next. They had no money between them, Wrenarias included, and almost all of them were adorned in clothing better suited for a strip club than a high-end commerce sector of Coruscant. There weren't many of them, fortunately. Keeping more than a handful of slaves on Coruscant would only draw unwanted attention, even for someone like Duval. There was only so much that could be swept under the rug.

Flashing lights flickered in the darkness, announcing the impending approach of authorities.

Jaw set and eyes narrowed, Wren stared up at the speeder, a plan forming in her mind as it landed. She watched the group of law enforcement officers rush across the platform with weapons in hand. The speeder was left attended only by a droid, one she recognized as being a Duval Enterprise model.

"Alright... we're gonna take that speeder. I know a safe place. Just... stay close." She hissed quietly to the five girls that were crouched behind her.

Odds were, these officers were in Duval's pocket. She had no intention of staying around long enough to find out. Bracing the blaster rifle against her shoulder, she stood up and rushed towards the speeder. The droid turned to look at her, waving a hand towards her. "Halt. This is a poli-"

A blaster bolt slammed into the droid's chest, silencing it. Wren jumped into the driver's seat of the speeder and she looked to the group of girls, waving her hand. "Get in! Let's go!" She shouted hoarsely.

As soon as all the girls were safely inside the speeder, Wren ducked down and quickly took over the controls. This was far from the first speeder that she needed to hot wire.

Before anyone could stop her, she pressed the accelerator and the speeder leapt into the air. With no where else to go, Wrenarias turned the craft towards the Grayson Palace and prayed to the goddess that Cedric wouldn't be mad.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
It’d been days since Wrenarias had come to the Penthouse, and while Maliphant held no worries - Dorian couldn’t help but feel a pang of stress. She had certainly gotten out, he’d heard as much on the news, but without the security footage - it seemed she was being brought up as a possible suspect in the death of all the security there. Justified, as many thought - Duval was a known human trafficker on this side of the planet, but that detail was progressively more covered up by the fact he held many powerful friends.​
Dorian’s own efforts spoke to the contrary. If she was the subject of such trafficking, the news outlets he held sway over would spout that it was a crime done in the passion of justice - and with that heated conversation, and the Greyson Imperium protecting her, there was no doubt they’d let her free. He only hoped nobody would seek her out, to try and do what hadn’t been done before.​
Maliphant however, almost hoped for it. To fight for what she believed in was passion, and to feel passion was the first step in breaking the chains that bound the poor girl - and in time, she may yet still prove to be a great Sith; if not a terrible Jedi. Both benefited him in some regard.​
Cybele, could you connect me on a holovid with Wrenarias?”, Dorian asked as he twiddled his thumbs, the holo-television playing its stories out, though without his notice.​
I could certainly try, but I would remind you that she hasn’t answered the last ten times.”​
That’s… fine.”, Dorian offered somewhat quietly.​
Just try again.”​
Wrenarias spent several days hidden away inside the Greyson Palace, keeping a low profile while the news cycle ran its course. Her distinct features made it risky to venture off the premises, as she wasn't difficult to pick out of a crowd. Unfortunately, since she'd been taken from her apartment by the collector, she didn't have her holocomm with her while she stayed in the Palace.

Eventually, she managed to make it back to her apartment. The gown she never got to wear was still draped over the bed. A sigh escaped her lips as she ran her fingers over the supple fabric. What did Dorian think happened, that she just stood him up and disappeared? She grimaced at the thought, worried that was the case.

Just as the banker crossed her mind, she heard the soft chime of her holocomm that was still sitting on the top of her workbench.

Scrambling, she rushed over to the small device and snatched it up; fumbling a few times as she nearly dropped it before she was able to key the button to accept the call.

"Oh wait, no! Hi! Dorian, hey." She grimaced as she realized her image was upside down and quickly turned the device right-side up.

"I'm so sorry... I know you're probably mad."

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
No, not mad…”, Dorian offered in a gentle, careful tone as he crossed his legs on the couch.​
He offered her a slightly awkward smile, though he looked away from the camera after a moment -​
Just worried.”​
It’d been days, and Maliphant knew he couldn’t ‘know’ too much about it. What hope would he have of hiding his identity if she knew he had murdered all those people? Who would she tell? He grimaced at the thought, and brought himself back to character.​
The news is saying some things, Wren. What’s going on?”​
She bit her bottom lip rather nervously and glanced down at the floor. Of course he would have seen the news, but she didn't know how he interpreted what he'd seen. Taking a deep breath, she raised her lavender gaze back to the camera with a hesitant smile.

"Duval... he uhm..." Her voice cracked and she shook her head a few times.

The twi'lek softly cleared her throat and then tried a second time. "He had someone track me to my apartment... I think he figured out that I was still legally under a contract..." She murmured with a heavy sigh and gestured idly with her hand, as if trying to explain things through the movement.

"I was able to get away... but I only just made it home. Had to find somewhere to uhm... lay low." She added a moment latter.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Dorian listened, though quietly as she spoke. He watched her, bite her lip and glance to the floor - she was uncomfortable, that much was obvious. Ashamed, perhaps, and while he wanted to call out to her - to demand she straighten her back and find a strength in what she’d done - he couldn’t. She had to find that pride on her own.​
To know that fighting for what she believed in required passion, strength, and the will power to see it through. He sighed before he spoke again,​
So long as you’re doing alright.”, he said quietly.​
And the… deaths.”, an easy way to put it. Most news sources called it a blood bath.​
Did you kill them?”​
She quickly shook her head back and forth at the question. "No... not all of them. That was someone... else. I don't know who he was, he wore a mask."

The explanation was simple, but what more could she say? Her lips pursed slightly and then she managed a slight smile at the banker through the holoscreen. Part of her wished he was there was her, his presence would have been soothing.

"I'm not sure I'd say I'm alright... still a little shaken up. I shouldn't have been so careless, that's not like me." Her words trailed off briefly and she sighed.

"Given what's happened though I uh... I understand if you need to cut ties with me. It could reflect poorly on the company to have a wanted woman under your employ." She finally mumbled, although rather reluctantly.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
I…”, he paused, considering it for a moment. Alot rode on the line in regards to the IGBC, and would his attempts at turning a padawan undermine his attempt to conquer the Galaxy’s financial institutions, he was sure Caulder Dune Caulder Dune would no doubt never let him live it down.​
And despite…​
... We’ll see.”, he said with an idle smile, hoping to reassure her - but he knew just as well he couldn’t promise her anything. No matter how Dorian felt.​
Can the Jedi help with this? Someone in the Academy perhaps?”​
Wren grimaced slightly at his response, immediately taking it as a placation to make her feel better. The fact of the matter was... things were never so simple. Dorian had far too much on the line to risk everything because of someone like her. It stung, but she understood. There was clear evidence that she'd been responsible for the death of Sadavir Duval... and assumed that she was behind the slaughter of his security teams as well. While she was grateful to the masked man who enabled her rescue, Wrenarias couldn't deny the corner she'd been backed into.

Her gaze softened as she gazed down at the camera, pressing her lips tightly together as she tongued the inside of her cheek. Discussing her training was something Wren had avoided as best she could with Dorian, as she wanted to keep the two parts of her life as separate as she could.

"I... don't know." She rubbed the back of her neck, shaking her head.

"I guess I could try to find someone to ask, maybe. I'm not sure why they'd get involved with a legal matter though."

As she spoke, she felt her heart fall a little farther. Why would the Jedi even want a murderer in their ranks to begin with? There wasn't much of a way to avoid prosecution, at least, not while she was here in the core. It would only be a matter of time before a bounty hunter was able to track her down.

"I'll think of something..."

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
You always do, Wren.”, he said with a quiet, concerned nature.​
It betrayed in essence who he was, the uncaring persona of a Sith Lord. The World of the Sith didn’t allow for that, openness- but Wrenarias made Maliphant realize, if only slightly, he craved it more than he ever cared to admit. Others were psychopaths, sought comfort in power, but it was bandaids on a greater problem; the fact was, Maliphant was alone.​
Lonely. Wren had offered him a change in that.​
Perhaps that was what he was looking for afterall.​
Dorian sighed, suddenly a bit uncomfortable at his own revelation -​
If you… need help, you can always ask me. Ships, creds… weapons, if need be. Anything at all, Wren.”​
You know that, right?”​
Wren felt herself smile back at Dorian, affectionately reaching out to the image in front of her, as if she was trying to run her fingers through his hair.

The banker had done so much for her, and given her more than she ever asked for; but it was his companionship and time that she appreciated the most. He'd shown her that not everyone saw her as something to objectify or use. When she was with him, she felt a happiness she hadn't experienced in her otherwise bleak existence.

To say that Wrenarias treasured the man was an understatement.

"I know, Dorian, I know." She paused for a brief moment, her mouth quirking to the side.

"I just don't want to get you tied up in this mess. If anyone finds out that you're even in contact with me... Let alone helping me, it will come back on you. I don't... Want to cause any trouble for you." She said in a warm, emphatic tone.
I’ve alot to worry about, but helping you won’t be one of them, Wren.”, Dorian said with a smile.​
I’ll have Cybele send you a connector, you can ask her for anything. She might not respond, but you’ll get whatever it is you need, whenever and wherever you are.”​
Dorian glanced towards the monitor that held Cybele’s immaculate conceptualization. She nodded, smiled in acknowledge (and appreciation), and went back to whatever work she was doing. The banker couldn’t help but stifle his own smile as he looked back to Wren -​
I’ll send an unmarked ship to your apartment, it’ll help you. Big enough to get around, travel off planet, defend you if you need. Just…”, he sighed as he glanced away for a moment.​
Be safe. I have to go, a board meeting is coming up.”, yet before he moved to disconnect he stopped -​
And Wren… I uh… Good luck.”​
It wasn’t exactly what he wanted to say, but the message was clear regardless. He cared for her, appreciated that she had visited him for the while she had, and with that final smile he closed the communication. The board meeting was waiting…​
Almost as soon as the call was ended, the ship he mentioned alerted Wren of its presence - communicating via holocommunicator, with a location and all. When she would see it, it’d be two South Star Class Battle Droids defending the comfortable gunship well known to be used by bounty hunters and the like across the galaxy;​
Now, a new one was hers. And inside, on the table - a bottle of brandy they had drank when she first arrived to his home.​
"I always am." She smiled warmly to him, just before he killed the connection. The woman sighed softly as she was left alone in the dingy apartment once again. Her eyes swept over the small living space and she sank back down onto the bed.

Doubt swirled within her, clutching tightly at her throat and making it difficult for her to take a breath. Even if it had been deserved, she'd killed a man out of anger and a desperate need to rid the galaxy of his ilk. Jedi didn't to that, it went against all of the teachings she'd learned. ...But she wasn't even certain that she'd been wrong.

Sadavir needed to die.

And others like him did too.

Her lips pursed slightly and she slowly raised her gaze to the far wall, brow furrowed in thought. What was stopping her? She glanced to the partially assembled droid and then her datapad chimed with the alert from ship Dorian had just dispatched to her. Something clicked into place and a smirk spread over her lips.

Dorian had just given her unfettered freedom.

She set about grabbing everything that she owned in the small apartment and stuffing the meager belongings into a bag, even the gowns that Dorian had bought her. Even the droid and her tools were tucked away. The heavy bag was slung over her shoulder and she grunted softly before she stepped out of her apartment.

All her life she'd wanted to make a difference. To do something to stop men like Duval from taking advantage of others, subjugating them to lives of misery and degradation. With a ship of her own, she could do just that.


When the ship came into view, Wren felt the breath rush out of her lungs at the very sight of the sleek vessel. Her lavender eyes went wide in shock and she found herself beaming from ear to ear.

The droids allowed her onto the ship, but stayed guard by the loading ramp. She took a moment to wander around the ship, taking in every room and detail that she could. When she found the bottle of brandy her smile only grew all the more.

She took the bottle with her up to the bridge and sank down into the pilot's chair, pouring herself a drink while she quickly sent a message to Talival, the lethan twi'lek she helped free from Duval's tower: Meet me at the attached coordinates, bring the girls.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

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