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Approved Tech Will of the Force Training Suites

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Intent: To create a simulation and training environment the Silver Jedi and Silver Cross can use
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Eshan Industrial Corporation
Model: Simulator
Affiliation: Order of the Silver Jedi
Modularity: Can be loaded with new programs
  • Holo Novels
  • Officer Training
  • Procedural lessons
  • Speeder simulation
  • Unit Tactics
  • Lightsaber Combat
  • Hand to Hand tactics
  • Combat Simulations
  • Survival Training
  • Fighter simulation
  • Bridge simulation
  • Pre-mission simulation
  • Surgical
  • Anatomy
  • Diagnosis
  • Parasitic (how to handle several parasites latched onto people)
Production: Limited (Light Star Destroyer class and above required to use it)
  • Holo-remotes
  • Holo Emitters
  • Durasteel
With the progression of the Silver Jedi throughout their small section of space a need for training became more apparent with the temples being spaced out and Maya Whitelights Silver cross being formed. A better idea came, for their ships being developed by Niamh Raste, Camellia Swift and Alli Wren the wanting to train doctors, healers, defenders in flight from system to system or on runs when the Silver Cross is called in.

The room on a ship is fairly spacious usually two decks with modular lightweight sections for forming environments and holo emitters built into the walls to project solid state holograms. Holo remotes used to form walking or bodies for observation and showing the inner workings of the human body. The main suite working to be used with other parts on the Will of The Force a large ship designed for the Silver Cross by a joint collaboration.

Smaller training suites for ships that begin to be made light star destroyer or above. The suites are restricted to one per ship with high power requirements, the reactors on the ship being able to operate them in normal circumstances but not combat situations. The Rendili B-reactors and Solar Ionization reactors of the ships taking a good amount. The Will of the Force's reactors being different as the larger ship is built using several special pieces and prototypes.

Training sessions within the room are easier, the holo remotes and emiters designed to be used and programmed by the computer displaying the setting as needed but it can only run two programs max at once... Usually it doesn't run combat scenario's while a group is preforming medical procedures The holo suites safeties having several redundencies that prevent them from being disabled and endangering the crew.

Overall, this is an extremely nice and unique submission, and I can truthfully say it's refreshing to see these kind of submissions. Although with my appreciation for both the general concept and the pair of development threads, I have a few points that need clarifying before I can approve this. Don't worry! I don't need anymore dev threads, just need the submission itself tweaked a little.

Quenladose said:
Manufacturer: Eshan
Eshan..what? I'd like the full name of the company to be on here for reference purposes.

Quenladose said:
Modularity: Can be loaded with new programs
Not a big deal. I'd just like to see in the description what kind of programs it can be updated with. Here's a few medical examples: Surgical procedures, more advanced diagnosis tips, first aid, etc. As for the combat sections, I'd be a bit more leaning towards lightsaber training sessions rather than Force-based. You'd obviously be able to use holograms and whatnot for lightsaber sparring, but I think you'd need to uplink or connect a Datacron or Holocron to get more in-depth teaching classes.

Quenladose said:
Production: Rare
Unique, Semi-Unique, Limited, Minor, or Mass. Choose one.

As far as the description itself goes, it'd like the following things to be rectified:
  • How much power does this thing suck up? I'm sure a full-suite training facility that takes up two whole decks on a starship would obviously need lots of wattage. No need for technical terms, just a general idea.
  • How many training sessions can be running at once? Of course there's gonna be class sessions to teach multiple students, but what about individual ones? Take note of the power usage question to help answer this one.
  • The addition of those points I made regarding programs.
That's all I could think of for now as far as the general basis of it goes. Get those fixed and @me when you're finished!
[member="Quenladose"] - Thanks for making the edits. I don't see anything wrong with it other than the fact that it can teach skills up to mastery. Just be reasonable with the time it takes to train and whatnot.

Otherwise, pending approval.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"] edited but I never said it could train mastery... It would be a setting as a jedi master fighting at apprentice level against a training sim wouldn't do much. A master would need a master level opponent.
[member="Quenladose"] If you wanted to keep it that way I'd suggest getting a Master level character help you program *collect data* [Yeah another dev thread]. Though the way it is now is perfectly fine, but if you wanted to upgrade it you could at another time by implementing that or an AI to learn and adapt to different students therefore creating a harder and harder scenario.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"] we'll upgrade it down the road then. These will hopefully be improved upon for more immersion and great degrees of training... Also less power consumption. We'll mae sure to dev thread those ones with more features.
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