Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Why does it sparkle so?

Now something she had never seen, they called it morganite, it had been found in one of the mine shafts almost a room by itself. It gave a pink hue to the gem once cut and polished the two necklaces and a pair of earrings and the tiara these though simple were so elegant. This Faith could wear as well, a single necklace with the tiara with some gown that Claire would find. yes.

And then stones that looked very much like the sapphires except lighter in blue they called them topaz. Faith couldn't help but smile at the first necklace "It makes me think of tear drops" and then the simple ring "beautful"

Faith stood at the end of the long line of cases, "remarkable work truly something for the galaxy to look upon and see the artistry that is here on Aldera, and how well everyone has showcased the gems which is but a small part of the wealth that Aldera offers. Well done all, mother will be surprised and pleased."

Faith couldn't say which were her favorites that would be rude, but she could appreciate all the work that went into the creation.

They would present them tomorrow.
The shipment from [member="Draco"] between had arrived and was being distributed to the the guards. However the five for the lieutenants and the captain would need signature of rank painted on.

It was a gift meant to protect her and the family. He had offered a great many things to her to protect her when he wasn't near. In time perhaps she would take more but for now this was enough.

The simple weapons of blasters and rifles were already stored away in the armory. They were ready. Training was set and the building nearly finished. It had been a very busy week.
[SIZE=12pt]Now that the Guards had been properly outfitted she had to turn her attention back to another task that her mother had set upon her. Seemed her mother was more and more giving tasks to she and Alyesa. As was the way of the things for certain.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith walked along with Ana her long trusted aide, and now joining them another young woman by the name of Rebekah. They strolled quietly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Faith[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]” Ana spoke softly, “Are you sure you’re ready for this, I know how much you dislike these type of displays.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith nodded without speaking just looking over shaking her head, “Yes I can do this. I just..I feel like by doing this it’s like bragging. I know mother doesn’t see it that way.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]This task this morning was to look at the portraits completed by four of the local artists from holos that her mother had provided. Faith did not like all the attention to the family she believed it was like painting a target on themselves, and now they’d have visuals.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Yes know your royal family, and here if you didn’t know what they looked like TA DA![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rebekah not wanting to offend the Princess felt she had to speak, “Your Highness, the people of Aldera will enjoy knowing what the family looks like. Your brothers are quite handsome and well..they..get a lot of attention”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith stopped and turned, “Are you trying to tell me that women are fantasizing about my brothers?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Rebekah’s face grew red, “yes mam”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith laughed, “wouldn’t they be surprised!" Faith turned and continued walking how she wished her brothers were around to be teased.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The entrance way of the Palace was now crowded with advisors, and the artists. Faith nodded, “Morning everyone, glad to see all, so…please tell me about these renditions”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith stood at the center looking at the veiled easels, each one containing a picture that was one of her family.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The first artist, Rodrigo Amici came forward, [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]“Your Highness I have taken on the task of creating the portraits of Duchess Rianna, her Husband Duke Ordo, and your cousin Marchioness Claire.[/SIZE]

Portrait of Duchess Rianna Organa
Portrait of Duke [member="Ordo"]
Marchioness Claire Organa

[SIZE=12pt]Faith walked up and looked at each rendition. She had to admit one thing, that having paintings such as this to put on the wall she could look at family when she wanted, course she could also put up a holo and see them, though not with this kind of color.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Very nice, I like it very much”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Yes these were taken at moments in time when each of them were at their best, the way they should be remembered.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Mr. Amici stepped back, “thank you your Highness”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The next artist, Micah Revenaux stepped forward, “Your Highness I took on the portraits of your brothers and your sister Arabella. This would be most difficult for Faith to look upon the faces of her siblings that she did not know where they were. How they were, did they live?[/SIZE]

Portrait of Prince [member="Theodosius"]
Portrait of Prince [member="Garith Darkhold JR"].
Portrait of Princess [member="Arabella Darkhold"]

[SIZE=12pt]When each veil was lifted Faith caught her breath not because they were so works of art that they stole her breath but that she could see them. The eyes, the shape of their faces.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith had to compose herself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“It is how I remember them. It if you have given us back their presence” Faith could only hope she didn’t spend endless hours in front of them pining away.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]He could only nod the expression on her face had been more than enough to know that he had given her something precious through the stroke of a brush.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Faith was not sure that she would recover from that, that she wouldn’t be lost in the paintings once hung.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The next Artist, Ferdinand Oliveri, “Your Highness” He turned and began to remove the veils.[/SIZE]

Portrait of Queen Arianna

- Portrait of Princess Faith

Portrait of Princess Alyesa
[member="Alyesa Organa"]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith almost laughed out loud looking at her own face. Was that really her? And where did her mother find that shot it had to be from one of the recent ceremonies held for that look that was Claire all over it Claire. What a headache everyone would see this this….grown up Faith.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Aww Feth it all[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The laugh of the day and Faith was ready to be done with this and royal duties for the day but there were other things to be done, other things to accomplish to make Aldera ready to meet Ambassadors, and perhaps Senators Faith had not yet decided what she wanted to do.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Whatever she was going to do she needed to talk to the Knight Errant [member="Draco Vereen"] but not today. No…not today. A sigh escaped she missed him. But he had duties he too had to see to and perhaps one day soon she could say, this is who I choose.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]But not today.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The final artist, Salvador no last name just Salvador. It struck Faith odd but artists they were temperamental had something to do with their art right. But he was doing something for the Family that required he find old images, and reproduce them, or create new based on what he had been given.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She really wanted to see these two.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Portrait of Bail Organa, and Daughter Princess Leia[/SIZE]

Portrait of Princess Leia [SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]

Oh he really had done his homework. The soulful eyes of long ago members of House Organa stared out at Faith. Faith heard Ana and Rebekah take a breath they had not known about this commission, they only knew about the Royal Family commission.

[SIZE=12pt]Speechless, she just stood there. She needed time to take it in.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Faith turned to the artists, “These are wonderful much more than I expected really. You have done my family and ancestors’ great justice and honor. They will hang in the halls of House Organa for all time for our descendants to see and be thankful for such craftsmanship”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith had used that world craftsmanship a lot in the last month the Crown Jewels had taken her breath away and now here her breath was gone once more.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Each of the artists were paid, and the crowds asked to leave once all pictures for holo shots had been taken.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Now was the task of hanging them in the great hall that guests and visiting dignitaries would pass through.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith looked at Ana and Rebekah, “I’m not even sure what to say..let’s get some folks busy to hang these up”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith went towards the great hall, her mind on many things, mostly she thought of those whose likenesses she saw and yet were gone from her.[/SIZE]

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