Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Why does it sparkle so?

The engineers had called her down to look at a discovery made while mining for some of the natural ores, and precious gems of Aldera. Faith did not know much about mining but today she would learn as much as she could from the men and women who knew this task better than she.

She walked into the room leaving the guards at the doors, here on Aldera she was safe, least she felt safe.

While much of the galaxy was focused on Alderaan now was the time Faith could step back and work now on matters on Aldera.

"So, what can I do this morning?"

The lead geologist came forward, "Princess Faith, about a week ago the miners came across two items that we've not been able to identify on anyon known chart. The structure of each item, the properties, we have not seen before."

He motioned for the Princess to follow him.

As they approached the counter, Faith could see two trays. They looked filled with rocks.

She looked to the Geologist, whose name tag read Dr. Bouie.

"Princess this first try is a gem. In its rare form it looks a lifeless blue -

Faith nodded, it was a pretty rock. She was resigned now that she would have to learn more than to recognize a pretty rock.

"But once we cut it down the outer edges the brilliance of the stone became more evident

Oh now she had to admit that was beautiful.

"MiLady the Stone cutters are now working on a presentation of what gem the stone can bring forth."

Faith nodded, "I look forward to seeing that, was that why you called me here?"

"No mi Lady...this way please.."
"This is the reason. This raw ore shares a similar make up to the phrik found on Alderaan except there are concerns that when heated the molecular bonds break making it too brittle. We are experimenting with other alloys to strengthen and provide flexibility"

Faith look closer, "so with the right combination it could rival phrik" It might rival phrik, she didn't know if she could contain the excitement. A metal not from Alderaan that held the properties of phrik. It was almost as exciting when phrik was found on Tatooine. It meant there were more sources out there that there were different varieties of the metal.

"Yes mam I don't know how it will stand against a light saber. It will require testing" ,Faith nodded, "ok"

This was exciting a metal. Native to Aldera, this could help
[SIZE=12pt]The metallurgists worked hard for they knew that they needed something unique to their world that would bring them additional credits. The nice of the Field Marshall [member="Ordo"] could make a deal for them all to build ships, armor, weapons that would defend Aldera to the last.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The veins of near phrik like metal ran deep on Aldera, but the deeper they went they found something new. That there the phrik like material had other properties that resembled ciridium and this mixed with the phrik like metal became stronger, become more flexible. It tightened the bonds between the atoms but when heated and tempered the metal become flexible.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]As they drove the mining deeper other gems were found, Emeralds, rubies, diamonds, citrine, sphalerite, morganite, and amethyst. From these findings would the crown jewels be formed, from these findings would the offerings to the galaxy to look upon. They would see the artistry of its jewelers and seek to buy the unique creations of such skilled hands.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Across the Capital city at the edges of the Palace’s grounds a foundation is struck. The Captain of the Alderaan Guard, Captain Lindsey brings his expertise and concern for House Organa to Aldera. This building will house the 100 Aldera Royal guards. They would be trained perhaps once again by [member="Marcello Matteo"] if he could be convinced to do so, and if he stilled lived.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The 100 volunteers to service for three years, or longer if their wish. The 100 who would protect the grounds, and protect the family would come from thousands of refugees who made their homes on Aldera.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]These brave men and women, who saw value in service, saw honor in serving, the first to be trained on this new world.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The crew began to dig out the foundation, and lay the base. Just as Captain Lindsey laid down the base with the new recruits.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Within the Labs of the metallurgists, and scientists they began to identify this new metal. They finally agreed upon a name pharidium. It was as good a name as any other, and it told the galaxy it was unique.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]This metal however would not do have the same strength as phrik it was not indestructible like phrik. No one would be making light sabers from this material. But fine weapons, ships these things could be made from the new metal. They would work with the forgers now to see what else it could withstand. They would update the Princess on their progress.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The first floor of the new barracks/training facility for the Aldera Royal guard was completed, their ceremonial weapons would be made from the phiridium. Claire Organa was called to create the uniforms, or to find someone who could. Everything should be perfect.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The Queen's birthday was coming and they wished to present everything to her.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Aldera was teeming with activity. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Testing on the new metal swung into high gear.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]So what was their Intention for this new metal?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Intent: a unique metal to be sold on the open market to generate income[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The ore was smelted into a liquid form and placed into plates for testing. The military tested its strength, how much pressure could it endure before breaking, how thin could it be made into before snapping. The endless testing by the military to ensure that this metal could be used in defense of Aldera.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The jewelers even took samples to see how thin they could use the metal in the crafting of the crown jewels of Aldera. The jewelers found they needed to temper it over and over adding in either silver or gold to give it some flexibility in order to be used for jewelry. They were able to weave the new metal throughout the tiaras. They were beautiful and delicate.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The forgers however had already begun to fashion tools for their own use.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The Aldera Royal Guard Facility had already grown to three levels, adjacent to the parade grounds where they practiced the skills needed to not only protect the royal family but to learn to engage those wishing only to see the family.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Many wanted to see the family they felt part of their family here on Aldera. Faith walked among the guards this morning just talking with them, finding out about them. It was how she felt about everything it needed a personal touch, she couldn’t isolate herself and be on a pedestal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]No Faith wanted to be among the people, and that was another reason the guards trained hard for working through crowds.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith glanced over to the structure so far it looked like any other building, and that was intentional. It needed to not draw attention to itself. It needed to be just like anything else so that the guards would not become targets themselves.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]If being a member of the royal family had any drawbacks, the drawbacks to being a royal guard were that they had to guard the family with all their idiosyncrasies. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]IN the lab the scientists and metallurgists were working on the properties of the new phridium. How much of a blaster shot could it take? It was durable, but when compared to a metal like durasteel or titanium how would it fair?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]How far was it flexible, just enough to bend, or would it allow for more when combined with another metal or would it become too rigid and break?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The small tools made by the forgers worked well, but they were small. Faith wanted the Aldera Royal Guard to have swords made from the natural material of Aldera. Would it temper into a fine blade? Or would it need an additional alloy? So many questions, and they worked to get them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]As much as Faith wanted to put her attention on the Guard Barrack, and training facility, the creation of the crown jewels, and the phridium. She had to admit that the areas in the mountains also called for her attention, the thranta from Bespin were going to be freed sometime today. Would they survive?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She was truly only one person, perhaps now was also a good time to find a vizier.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]In the labs there were comparing durasteel to the phridium, heating them both watching the reactions and taking notes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith yawned, she had not meant to. But there it was it seemed no one had noticed but her guard leaned forward, “MiLady do you wish to return to the palace? You could rest.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith looked over Captain Lindsey nodded, she smiled knowing he spoke only for her well-being, “I’m ok…tired”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Mi Lady should pace herself with her new….paramour”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith looked over her cheeks burned crimson, “How did you know?” she whispered.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Mam I am the Captain of your guard, I know everything about you.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith stared straight ahead, so embarrassed that he knew. She was speechless.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“MiLady will take some advice from me”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith nodded without turning her gaze which remained fixed on the lab before her. She trusted Captain Lindsey he had been with her since she was a small child.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“One should not…give the milk away for free.” He said nothing about this being Darth Vulkan, his image recognizable and feared on many planets. But surely the princess knew what a sith was capable of.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Your advice is taken.” She said nothing else…what was she going to say, she had done exactly what he said. And then there was the conversation with her mother, now that one had gone…into high decibels leaving Faith with a headache, and the words of warning ringing in her ears.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]As if on cue by the mere mention or thought of the Queen, Arianna Organa, reigning Queen of Alderaan and Aldera walked into the lab.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Her gaze was swift was it swept over Captain Lindsey, the Scientists, Metallurgists, to finally come to rest on Faith.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith visibly stiffened in her presence here. “I understand there is a new discovery.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith turned giving a curtsy to her mother, as Captain Lindsey gave the formal bow.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Arianna and Faith had gone what was commonly called, round for round the night before on her behavior. While Arianna knew that Faith’s life was beginning to pattern her own, she could not help but want for her something else.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I am thinking of making a marriage of alliance. Claire is a young business woman, and once she is retrieved from Balmorra I plan to speak with her father.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Arianna waited to see if Faith would react, “You and Alyesa are also both unmarried, suitable marriages should be found for the both of you as well, don’t you agree”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]It was a fishing expedition. One that had only the outcome Arianna wanted.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Faith bit her tongue she knew she was being baited, “The miners found a new ore and the lab folks, and metallurgists are refining the description and uses for it.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She didn’t want to turn, she didn’t want to see that look in her mother’s eyes, “I cannot control your actions Mom, but you already know my thoughts on this.” Faith took a deep breath, “no one should be asked to make a marriage of alliance. It isn’t something that a royal house of Alderaan or Aldera would seem to do. After all we Organa’s are supposed to be about choices, not dictations”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She tried not to sound too harsh, just then the lab filled with sparks.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]A small alarm went off and then the fire extinguishers were pulled from their hiding spots, “It’s alright, just...a little too much electricity.” Faith couldn’t recall his name, “It is a great conductor” then his gaze fell upon Arianna, “Your Highness welcome” He then gave a deep bow.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Formalities, Faith had always hated formalities. But here they were again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I think after a few more tests, and the results from the metallurgists and we’ll know just how viable the metal is for the use you described Princess Faith.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith smiled, “That’s great…once we have it I will speak with Clan Ordo, specifically Uncle [member="Ordo"] about a few ships to guard our skies” It was exciting, and then there was the design for the swords for the Aldera Royal Guards.[/SIZE]
They held one of the plates in their hands turning it over looking at any damage that it may have taken, "It's very light, surprising for how often the blaster was fired on it" While it looked scorched, even burnt the metal itself did not break or shatter even at close range.

Faith went towards the researchers, "That is in line with the phrik baseline, to be light, and to be able to endure blaster shots."

They nodded yes in answer to her questions.

The plate was still able to be bent without breaking. So the shot did not weaken it either when it came to flexibility. This excited Faith even more even if it wasn't phrik it was so close to being phrik that the name still fit, still described what the metal could do.

"It will do well for armor Princess, and for the swords you wanted to construct. Your family however will have to decide if it is good for the hull of ships for the power of weapons in space is significantly different than what we use on the ground. The cold of space, then hit with high intensity heat from weapons."

Faith nodded, "How do we test that? Can we test that?"

Glances were exchanged, "Well we can construct a target made of phridium, and then place it in space. Check how the metal has changed if any, and then, have one of ships fire on it." They all frowned and smiled at the same time, "it would provide answers"

Faith seemed to sense they were waiting for her to say do it, a quick glance from face to face confirmed it, "Well let's see what it does."
Two Days Later

Faith stood on board the Endless Light watching out the view port. She could feel the tension in her stomach, not only from the test that was counting down




but from what her mother had said, that she was going to seek marriage for all of them. The only ones getting out of this were her brothers who were lost somewhere, she hoped they came home soon.




The target was barely able to be seen from the bridge, she had to take their word for it that it was there. Magnification brought it up, out there spinning, waiting. Would it hold? Would it explode.

Yesterday they had brought the target in and took note that it did not become brittle having sat in space but it did seem to hold the cold well, it felt like it was burning her skin when she touched it from the cold. But it did not bend, or break once it was brought back to temperature. A good sign she thought, she hoped.

Then they sent it back out, and there it was spinning slowly waiting, almost taunting them.




Faith stared so hard at the viewer she thought she'd bore holes through it.


They fired.

When they finally brought the target back on board, it had not broken, but it had warped absorbing as much of the energy as it could until it reached it's break point and then warped and expanded to be able to take on more. This was good news, and bad.

It meant it would need something to help break down the energy that flowed through the metal to help it deal with high energy weapons, or was it in the cold process? Or something else, they would continue to test to find the answers.
The forgers had been working with the metal folding it over and over to see how it reacted, how well it took the heat, the orange and blue blazing fire kept the metal warm pliable as they heated and cooled it.

They were using the small tools they fashioned from the metal in order to work the metal, otherwise some of the others broke when they struck the anvil. The heat in the forge was enough to make Faith appreciate the cool of the day, even at 90F.

She could barely breath but watched in fascination as they worked.

Finally one of the smith's motioned for her to come closer, Faith could see the the beginning of the sword the slightly curved blade, "It takes shape easily Princess, and tempered as it is it is as strong as durasteel. Anyone who carries a sword made of this will be able to cut through anything, anything but a light saber. They will need training and their wits to defend against a force user, but the sword will not break."

Faith reached out, "can I touch it?"

"Its still warm, but yes"

For the first time Faith touched the metal as it took shape into something else. It was warm to the touch.

"It's the warmth that allows us to bend it to the right angles, to form the design you want Princess"

Faith nodded her understanding. "Wow, this will be beautiful."

The smith pointed over to another forge, "They are trying to see how it holds the form for the armor, it has taken a little longer because of the form. But it is as tempered as this sword and with each folding of the metal it conforms and strengthens." He smiled at her glad that he could show her what the metal would do when handled correctly.

Faith knew in her heart the metal once polished, and decorated in the traditions of Aldera would be a beautiful weapon for the Royal Guards to wear, and use.
Faith sat with her mother once again. Arianna, Queen of Aldera was signing a bill that provided funding to continue the development of the phridium, to pay for more miners, and to purchase the most modern mining equipment available.

This new metal was going to play a part in the future of Aldera, and its survival.

Arianna signed a commission for the Master Metal Smith to begin working on the swords for the Aldera Royal Guard.

She gave comission to Faith giving her the ability to sell the phridium in exchange for credits, or goods.

The report at the Queens left read -

A natural occurring ore found on the planet Aldera. At first discovery it was thought to be another source of phrik but closer testing revealed that there were other properties trapped within the ore. Once the ore was smelted and the metal separated into a liquid form and the impurities removed it revealed this metal also contained amounts of ciridium. This cousin to phrik once separated from the ciridium becomes fragile, it must have the additional component to maintain strength, and durability. Since it cannot be used without the ciridium the new metal is called phridium.

While Phridium is not necessarily light saber resistant, the metal is very durable, superior to Durasteel, titanium, even Bronzium in terms of energy resistance, able to suffer a great deal of heat damage before being melted, burnt, or destroyed by blaster bolts. It is mildly more durable than durasteel when suffering from kinetic impacts as well.

Phrik is generally a very light weight material, lighter than durasteel and duraplast, while ciridium is flexible, allowing it to flex and bend without causing permanent folds in the resulting metal. This, coupled with the light weight of the metal makes the material excellent for armor, as even plate mail has flex to it, allowing for greater mobility. However it is difficult to form and use for weapons, requiring a master smith, and probably the inclusion of a more rigid base material to be used properly for swords, axes, spears, and the like.
[SIZE=12pt]Now that the Queen had seen to how the new metal would be handled, the High Council turned to a simple task.

The creation of the crown jewels for Aldera. The great sapphire that had been found had been cut and polished, and given to one of the six jewelers to begin the task of creating pieces that would represent the craftsmanship of Aldera and provide jewels to the Queen.

A contest had been held designers wishing to be considered sent in sketched designs of what they saw the crown jewels to look like. While many included the traditional tiara, they also included necklaces, ear rings, rings, and pins.

The miners brought out the raw stone, dull, clouded looking it would be up to the jeweler to bring out the luster, life, and polish of each of the stones.

Only a trained eye of the miners knew what stones they had brought forth, and yet they searched for something that had never been seen hoping for a heart of the mountain to bestow upon the Queen for her birthday.

From the depths of the oceans divers brought up clams that had rested for years growing the precious ecru colored pearls. Pearls that individually were unique works of art to be turned into something to be worn. Something that would show off the beauty of the pearl.

The High Council tried to include a jeweler from the refugees as well for they were all one planet now.

In the meantime the barracks was nearing completion four levels on each level 25 soldiers could sleep. Each level ha communal showers, and gym. But each soldier had their own room to do with as they pleased, for as long as their assignments lasted with the Royal Guard.

Each was given armor, a gift from someone who wanted to ensure the safety of the Royal Family for those that would protect the family of Aldera and Alderaan.

The ceremonial swords were being forged now, the elegant curve to each blade that was tempered 100 fold. They would be sharp in appearance, and when in use.[/SIZE]
The jewelers were meticulous in their work the use of white gold and yellow gold interlaces with the sparkling gems of Aldera. The formation of the molds, and metal work even using the new phridium the crown jewels were truly the work of Aldera.

Hard to believe that this world that had seemed so harsh to Arianna and Garith had blossomed into such a port of beauty, technology, and a growing population. Would Garith believe how much Arianna had used the knowledge they gained from being here alone for over a year to show the people how beautiful their world truly was.

The Crown Jewels would showcase that beauty. It was the Phridium that Garith used to repair the ship though they did not now it at the time, and the green stones that he had fashioned the necklace out of that Arianna wore all the time were the emeralds that would soon be center to the crown jewels.

Faith now stood with the jewelers looking at their work.

The emeralds were first

"Wow so beautiful, the green with the white gold" Faith could only look at the set.
The rubies were next, a beautiful grown with necklace and bracelet.

The rubies were so clear so perfect and excellent paring to the white gold, it seemed white gold was a theme. But who could not look upon these jewels and see the beauty. The careful intricate weaving of design, so many Faith wondered how heavy was this.

One day this would be something she would be able to wear. Suddenly the weight of Aldera was felt on her shoulders. Their expectations their desires, their caring to ensure the family was taken care of and represented them well.

"It's beautiful, I don't know how anyone could ever choose one from another"
The sapphires taken from the very stone they had shown her the first day she had entered the mining facility, she couldn't believe it was the same stone. Gone was the dull looking stone that had been taken from the ground, now in a stunning display.

Crown, necklace, ear rings, brooches, and rings Faith knew she could never wear them all at once. She'd be fearful that she would lose something, second what did she have need of such finery it was..too much. She could wear the crown but everything else...

"My mother will be so pleased blue is her favorite color" Her mother would likely wear the sapphires more than anything, but the truth was she wore the necklace her father had given her more than any one thing.

It was no secret that Arianna pined after Garith even after all these years.
The citrine was stunning in the gold yellow. The first grouping of the necklace earrings bracelets and the crown of all the crowns presented today this one she loved the most, even if it wasn't in green.

This showed the true craftsmanship of the artist. She looked up, "stunning"

Faith walked to the next display - Pearls from the oceans depths.

The crown in yellow gold offset by the white pearls the accompany jewelry , "I just don't know how the family will do such honor to such work, and time. Words fail me at how beautiful this all is" She had not grown up around such jewels they were not needed for the work that the Organa family did.

Jewels were a luxury, they may have lived in a large house that was comfortable. But was it luxurious?

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