Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Who Will Take The Reigns? (GR Senators only, invite only)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The Senate Hall. All Senators were in attendance as it was a very important day. The failed coup was over and the large mess that was left in it's wake was beginning to get cleaned up. It was time to select a new leader for the Republic and one that would not bend it's people to his or her will. This was afterall, a democracy.

The Vice Chancellor took to the floor, his mic turned on so that all could hear his announcement.

"Senators of the Republic. In light of the recent circumstances following the arrest of our former Prime Minister, it is time for a new election. As agreed upon by many of you it is now time to select our new Supreme Chancellor. The floor is now open for you to either nominate yourself or nominate another and once the nominations are finalized, the election will start. Now fellow Senators, the floor is yours."

The Vice Chancellor turned his mic off and levitated his pod back into position. The future of the Republic now rested in the hands of the Senators.

OOC: Nominations are open for four days, to be closed by Wednesday at 3pm pst. This is open to the current GR Senators only. Afterwards the voting session will start.

Edit: I added two days as I was unaware that this past weekend was a holiday weekend for some and people may have been away from home.

[member="Megàn Alestria"] [member="Jack Sparrow"] [member="Darion Blackstaff"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Tonald Drump"] [member="Ordon Trozky"] [member="Miria Lasedri"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay stood up and turned on her mic. She didn't know what the future would bring, but hopefully the nomination that she put forth would help in creating a brighter future for the Republic.

"I'd like to nominate [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] for Supreme Chancellor. She has done more for the Republic than anyone I know and has a kind heart."

[member="Megàn Alestria"] [member="Jack Sparrow"] [member="Darion Blackstaff"] [member="Tonald Drump"] [member="Ordon Trozky"] [member="Miria Lasedri"]
The senate had been in chock ever since the attempted coup by the former republic republic prime minister.

But now there had been measures taken, both to guarantee no such event would be possible in the future as well as to have the Republic move forward.

Now was the time for politicians to show if they indeed were leaders or mere opportunists.

Darion had known that [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] was influential but he had not guessed sje would go unopposed. Then again, maybe total unity was what was needed in these turbulent times.

He leaned forward and adressed the senate with his raspy voice.

"Pengal IV support the nomination of minister [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] "

He switched the mice off and leaned back.
What would happen should the minister decline the nomination, he wondered as the senate fell silent anew.
Faith was very quiet the soft echoes of her name rounded the Senate. So much had happened so much would continue to happen. The Republic had no credibility it had been destroyed by someone who over time had become a friend. A woman who held onto power while ordering about a clone army.

Murdered imperials.


And now here she was being nominated for her position, well as her replacement. How did she feel? Another position that she never coveted, did she want it? What kind of job would she do? Would it deteriorate her sense of morality as it had done the former?

Would she change?

This was what her family wanted, position. She wanted something but this room was it here?

She said nothing. She would no longer be over intelligence. Did she want to keep that job?
Jack stood, brushing off the sleeves of his impeccably tailored jacket. "Ladies and gentlebeings, I would humbly like to submit...myself. No, wait. Not humbly. That sounds like I don't think I deserve it. I would, instead, like to offer my whole-hearted endorsement. Of me. I believe, should you check my recent history, that I've done nothing but good for both my adopted planet of Kashyyyk, and for the Republic at large. I have endeavored to further trade and peaceful negotiations, and have provided both troops and materiel when verbosity proved insufficient to the task at hand. If elected, I vow to continue my good deeds and not to blow anything up that doesn't deserve it quite a bit. I thank you." Jack bowed politely from the waist, spreading his arms, and took his seat.

Megàn Alestria Darion Blackstaff Tonald Drump Ordon Trozky Miria Lasedri [member="Lady Kay"]

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