Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Whispers of Madness | Lords of the Sith

Hyrva Vh'akli
Truthspeaker, The Prophet, Lady of Throdog N'ghftor, Witch Elder
Location: Valley of the Kings, Korriban
Equipment: Shield talisman || Empyrean gland
Tag: Open

Ahmgr'luh kadishtuor, f' ahe! Satchi ri wtsia, arsosûtoi anim!

The Valley of the Kings; countless tombs could be found in this place. Hyrva chose one where the Force was present in a greater “concentration” where the power of the Nexus could be felt much better. The Truthspeaker didn't even know when she last had to educate young people. It was easier at home than here. The tomb she chose was a larger place that many had access to, with a large spacious space and a huge ceiling height. She needed exactly such a place.

Ahmgr'luh kadishtuor, f' ahe! Satchi ri wtsia, arsosûtoi anim!

Whoever arrived at the place first came into darkness, and then the lights of the torches lit up the corridor through which they had to go. As soon as someone entered the hallway, they could immediately hear the whisper in their mind. They spoke in some unknown but disgusting language, sometimes an ur-Kittât word could be heard as well, but it didn't make sense. Beyond the corridor at the end was a huge hall illuminated by floating illumination probes. So because of this, the first thing everyone could see was maybe a scary “picture”.

Ahmgr'luh kadishtuor, f' ahe! Satchi ri wtsia, arsosûtoi anim!

In the middle of the room, above the ground, a huge (12 meters high) octopus-like but decidedly humanoid creature meditated. The whispers came from her direction and not only everyone here could hear them in their head, but the whole hall was full of them. Hyrva sensed when the acolytes were starting to arrive. She could not see, for she was blind in her original form, but perceived them through the Force. However, she has not yet responded to them. She was just working with interpreting the Force Vision, which she saw in those minutes.


Ahmgr'luh kadishtuor, f' ahe! Satchi ri wtsia, arsosûtoi anim!

As soon as everyone arrived the whispers suddenly stopped and everything in the hall fell silent, as in the minds of those present. Now only Hyrva could hear the voices. Turned her gaze to those present. There was only a brighter white part in place of her eyes, but she “saw” everyone perfectly. Began to concentrate, then with shape-shifting she took her usual shape, which many had already seen. As the shape-shifting was over, the woman had average height (170 cm) but still with tentacles and she watched the young people with her five eyes.

Ahmgr'luh kadishtuor, f' ahe! Satchi ri wtsia, arsosûtoi anim!

The Truthspeaker came down to the ground and her legs reached the stone floor elegantly. All five of her eyes blinked at once to get used to the light conditions. She walked closer to the youngsters and then stopped about three or four metre away. Looked at them and pondered for a moment, that they are hoping for the kind of education they will receive?

Ahmgr'luh kadishtuor, f' ahe! Satchi ri wtsia, arsosûtoi anim!

"Welcome everyone! I haven’t had a chance to meet everyone before. Whoever does not know me, I am Hyrva Vh'akli, and today I will give you a sorcery lesson, especially about blood and eldritch magic. And we can supplement all this with some alchemical knowledge."



Quintus Varro

He'd lost his mind. As the torches lit showing the way forward the voices echoed in his ears, no, no no, they echoed in his mind directly. Shaking his head he tried to focus on the words, but none of them held any meaning for him at all. So engrossed was his focus on the words that when he entered the main room it took him a minutes to actually look around.

He didn't notice the vaulted ceilings, or the wide space. Instead his eyes were stuck on the floating creature in the center of the room where all the whispers seemed to emanate from. What was this creature? A sith spawn? Some ancient Sith spirit? Something about her seemed on the edge of recognition though. Not her form, or the whispers, but the feeling of her in the force. Like he'd seen this creature before but just couldn't put words to it.

He didn't look around the room and notice the other students until long after she changed into the form he did know. As she spoke he shook his head trying to accept it all. Sometimes he felt like he was starting to get this all, then something like this happened and he felt like a babe again.

Celeste Demici Celeste Demici
With thudding footsteps he followed the smaller one known as Quintus as he swatted away at around his head with his hands like that could get rid of the whispers. Sorcerers were an odd group, but even failing to learn something today in their arts he'd maybe learn to understand them. He almost bumped into the smaller one he'd been so focused on freeing his mind of the whispers when the man stopped before the creature in the center of the room.

Looking around he couldn't help but be pleased at the space, trust a fellow monster to know the value of space. Eyeing up the floating creature he bobbed his head from side to side as he considered a fight with it. He was sure it wouldn't fight fair, but who did? Letting go of the idea he took a step back so there would be more space up front for the shorter ones.

Spreading his ears out as he waited he got a good scratch in before she transformed into what he could only assume was her disguise. Sorcerers, they were an odd lot.

Celeste Demici Celeste Demici
How could he say no?
The promise of furthering his pursuit of all things mystic was all together too tempting for the boy to pass up. When he'd received invitation to the tomb, deep within the Valley of Kings, however vague the contents of the lesson might have been, he had immediately made space in his schedule to attend. What was a few hours less in the Archives compared with first hand knowledge?
He traipsed the halls just behind the one named Grundark, surprised in truth to find Quintus at the head of their party. A changed man to be sure, the hesitation he had shown when Thesh had first met him had begun to melt away, and this was certainly indicative of such. It took a strong man to head first into the unknown, and with such maddening whispers in the air the fact that he did not turn tail and flee, or merge more with the center of their group, spoke volumes.
Of course, perhaps he was just as mesmerized as Thesh was. Those incomprehensible whispers were punctuated with some of his favourite harmonies, they warbled through the air and sent haunting chills down his spine. He had not known such a deep connection with the metaphysical before his time on the edge of the Galaxy, had never heard the songs it produced if one only opened themselves up to it. What he wouldn't give to seek out Pravus once more, to see if he could learn more now than he ever had as a welp in his service.
But today was not about the Zambrano outcast.
He walked into the cavernous room with a rejuvenated spirit, so vast was it, so poorly illuminated, that he could not see where the ceiling began, nor where the walls stopped. His inspection of the room was swift, instead focusing upon the suspended body at its core. He took a few steps closer, even after the others halted, eyes eagerly inspecting all that they could even as the being transformed into something else.
Something he'd seen before, if only in passing.
Captivated by the beauty of the being, and the whispers which no longer called out to him, it took him a moment to return to saner thoughts. The music still danced around the room, locked into stone which was seeped in the purest Bogan. But it was not so loud that he could not hear what was said. Not so loud that he could not participate.
"Truly, I look forward to learning My Lady," he spoke, despite the silence of the others, compelled to respond if only to break some of the lingering spell he'd found himself suspended within. He could swear if he strained his ears he could still hear the echoes of those whispers, in the rocks around them, reverberating from the walls, or perhaps within his mind.
But they were fleeting. And he knew deep down that in truth they were gone from him. Still, he craved them all the same.
Hyrva Vh'akli
Truthspeaker, The Prophet, Lady of Throdog N'ghftor, Witch Elder
Location: Valley of the Kings, Korriban
Equipment: Shield talisman || Empyrean gland
Tag: Quintus Varro | Grundark Grundark | Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn | Open

Kadishtuor; uh'eor kadishtuor ah syha'h! Wtsia; ros ri wtsia tuti isatri!

Three children who wanted to learn. It was all announced for a pretty special lecture that many might be afraid of, so it wasn’t surprising that no more student came. In fact, it was already gratifying that so many came. As far as she experienced, doctrines in this direction were not explicitly popular. Simple magic or necromancy does. It was surprising to her that it was in her world that blood and eldritch were so popular; for they were so closed. Maybe that's why, because they only know this. Learning could be quick, but as far as she has experienced here, it’s not a particularly popular procedure to „dig” into each other’s minds.

Kadishtuor; uh'eor kadishtuor ah syha'h! Wtsia; ros ri wtsia tuti isatri!

Yet it made everything easier, as did the fact that there were no secrets. If she had looked into the children’s minds, she would have known what level they were on, what they already knew, and what they needed to be prepared for. Now she groped as blindly as they did. It actually had the charm of it too, it was a novel experience, like it used to be at home a long time ago. Hyrva was one of those who developed the Ritual with which the entire planet is able to unite its consciousness into hive consciousness; they did it once a year. So they knew everything about everyone. It was their most sacred ceremony and ritual.

Kadishtuor; uh'eor kadishtuor ah syha'h! Wtsia; ros ri wtsia tuti isatri!

"Because we don’t know each other yet and it’s not necessarily the safest form of magic. I promised to try to send everyone back to the academy in one piece… So for this reason, I would first like to know who is at what level in the field of sorcery and alchemy. To know where to start your education and training."

Kadishtuor; uh'eor kadishtuor ah syha'h! Wtsia; ros ri wtsia tuti isatri!

The Truthspeaker heard the whispers in her mind again that made her live up to her racial instincts and take away the knowledge of young people without question. Shook off the urge; here one had to behave differently, here she could not give in to such urges and desires. Here another world ruled, she had to adapt. All five eyes blinked at once; continued to watch the young people. How skillful and worthy will they be of the knowledge the woman can teach to them? Do they go crazy when they hear the whispers, or do they accept it as it was foretold?

C' ephaimgr'luh! Mis waria ziji!



Quintus Varro

It was quite the experience, and quite honestly a little overwhelming. Yet it was not as frightening as it should have been, strange and unsettling as it was. Questions bubbled in his mind, but he let them sit for the moment as the lesson hadn't even really begun yet. Gripping a chain of the force tightly in his hand as he leached strength from it he realized that as the first to enter he should speak first.

"Thank you for this opportunity, but with all honesty I no nothing of either sorcery or witchery. I have just recently come into controlled use of the force, but I hope to learn."

It wasn't much he had to offer, but he was willing and unafraid. Perhaps not wise for that, but still he was there.

Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn Celeste Demici Celeste Demici
The noise was lower at least now he felt, but this monstrous little sight in front of him was still just as interesting. Of course he didn't use the term monster like most would, no from him it was a compliment. He enjoyed the company of other monsters, they were the only ones who really seemed to understand life as he did.

Realizing he was up to talk he gave a pat on the back to the little one who was at least brave enough to admit he knew nothing. "Grundark, and I've seen it an action but I've never tried my hands at it. Alchemy makes me more curious then sorcery to be honest, but only a fool judges what he doesn't know. So here I am to see the things I don't know."

Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn Celeste Demici Celeste Demici
Thesh found himself the last to speak in response to the lady, his eyes unable to focus on any one thing in that room with the strange glowing orbs and the whispers and the woman herself. Of course when she spoke he looked her way, but there were things at the edge of his senses tempting him away.
He quickly came to realize that he was the only one among them who had any experience with anything even remotely resembling alchemy and sorcery. Though for some that might have made them all the more confident, Thesh felt himself retreating inside himself as though he were just a small boy again, afraid that he might slip up and make a mistake.
A slow, shuddery intake of breath was made. He tried to use that moment to block out the whispers; they were quieter now, but like the symphony of the Force they seemed to be remaining in the very corners of the room. Together they made for quite the melody.
"My name is Thesh, My Lady," he said, since Grundark had seen fit to give her his name. It only made sense for Thesh to follow suit. "I am... familiar with more traditional forms of Alchemy and Sorcery," familiar was perhaps underselling it, he'd dedicated years of his life to it thus far after all, but he wasn't one to toot his own horn. Truth be told, in the grand scheme of things, he'd barely touched the surface. "Though I am eager to learn your ways, My Lady."
Knowledge was his one true passion in life, after all. Experimenting fell under that blanket, learning new things and putting them to good use... Yes. He was excited, truly excited, even if he might not have appeared it on the surface.
Hyrva Vh'akli
Truthspeaker, The Prophet, Lady of Throdog N'ghftor, Witch Elder
Location: Valley of the Kings, Korriban
Equipment: Shield talisman || Empyrean gland
Tag: Quintus Varro | Grundark Grundark | Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn | Open

Nallll kadishtuor ng r'luh ahagl ah uh'eor n'gha. War wtsia diâ midwan irsir ros kûts.

It soon became apparent to Hyrva that two of the three young men had never encountered this science before. Only the third. This made it a little more difficult, since if she started from scratch, it is possible that the third party would all be bored; on the other hand, if she says something that would be a step forward for Thesh, it is possible that the other two would be too much. She loved challenges, so the Truthspeaker didn’t even want to give up on this. Then, after the starting tasks, she will be able to get more serious tasks for her students. But until then, his knowledge had to be measured first as well.

Nallll kadishtuor ng r'luh ahagl ah uh'eor n'gha. War wtsia diâ midwan irsir ros kûts.

"I am Hyrva Vh'akli; my Lady or Truthspeaker will be appropriate for my address. All right, then I have two completely beginner students and one advanced. I’ll make a quick introduction, there will be some beginner, practice tasks that will be the same for all three of you; after that Thesh you will be given a special task, as will your comrades. Everyone according to their own ability."

Nallll kadishtuor ng r'luh ahagl ah uh'eor n'gha. War wtsia diâ midwan irsir ros kûts.

She began to say what young people could expect today. Hyrva was pleased to note that everyone wanted to learn. However, not everyone was fit to be a sorcerer or an alchemist, and it turns out if the two rookies are fit for all that. Fortunately, it was very easy to figure this out. Patience was the key to everything; at least in most cases.

Nallll kadishtuor ng r'luh ahagl ah uh'eor n'gha. War wtsia diâ midwan irsir ros kûts.

"This is an area like everything else; not everyone is suitable as a sorcerer and alchemist. This requires much more patience and concentration than normal Force using. And for alchemy, later, there are even different sciences, especially if one wants to create different species or individuals. I assume doctrines in this direction can also be listened to and learned at the academy. But now I’ll test your patience and concentration…"

Nallll kadishtuor ng r'luh ahagl ah uh'eor n'gha. War wtsia diâ midwan irsir ros kûts.

Hyrva turned back for a moment toward the altar there, on which were various objects. With telekinetics, she floated three smaller metal boxes to the hands of the three young men. Simple, unadorned, gray boxes; they are hollow in weight, but there was no opening structure on them, nor was there any trace of where they could be opened or where there is perforation on them.

Nallll kadishtuor ng r'luh ahagl ah uh'eor n'gha. War wtsia diâ midwan irsir ros kûts.

"The first task is to open the crates!"

C' ephaimgr'luh! Mis waria ziji!



Quintus Varro

He looked at the crate without even the slightest attempt to mask his confusion and curiosity. He glanced sideways at Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn who he knew was much more knowledgeable about these things then he was. Stopping himself though he focused on the box, he knew Thesh would tell him if he just asked. Or rather at least he'd tell him what he did know, but he needed to take an honest moment first and try to understand the problem before him.

The box had no discernable latch, or opening that he could see. In fact it appeared as if it was one solid item, not even a box. Was there a chance she was trying to test them on something? Opening himself up to the force he grasped his chains and wrapped the box with them, uniting them with the chains already around the box. He sought any opening, but still he found nothing in his bumbling. There had to be something though, maybe he just needed to be patient and think this whole thing through.

As he poked through the force he could hear the whispers again, badgering his attention away from his thoughts. Like an annoying fly he brushed at the distraction trying to maintain his focus. The words meant nothing to him, but the tone was soft and warm. Music like in nature now that he thought about it. In fact that longer he focused on it the clearer it all was though he couldn't understand the words. Slowly his focus moved more and more towards the whispering and less to his task as it beckoned to him.

His eyes were still on the box, and yet he could feel himself father and farther away as the words continued onwards. That was the thought that pulled him back, the idea of some whispers taking control of him put him into a defensive mind and refocused him on the box. Yet the whispers seemed to understand, they'd just been as interested in him as he was in them. Right? Blinking he realized he didn't even know what the whispers were, nor why they seemed so natural. Glancing at the others he looked to see if they were as distracted as he felt by all of this.

Celeste Demici Celeste Demici
Open a box eh? Flipping it over in his hand he looked for the point at which it separated quite a bit curious at the object itself. Over and over he searched, but to no avail as his curiosity simply increased. He too heard the voices, but unlike the others he seemed to pay them no mind. Like an annoying buzzing of a fly he kept his concentration on the prize at hand. Of course what the prize was he still wasn't sure.

The Cragmoliods ability to sense through the force was notably low, and as he reached out to search the surfaces with that he still found nothing much to his mounting frustrations. Without finding anything he slowly began to squeeze on it amplifying his already immense strength with the force as he waited to see if it gave an inch. Grunting as the imprint into his hand began to bruise he pulled out his greatsaber and ignited it.

He slowly, and very carefully ran it over one of the surfaces as he looked for any reaction from the heat and pressure. Seeing nothing he switched it off and waited a moment before gingerly touching one of the sides to test it's heat. Nothing. Now with a look of honest confusion he looked over to Celeste Demici Celeste Demici hoping for some kind of hint, because he was just lost.

Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn
The boy glanced at that which appeared to be little more than a cube, and tilted his head ever so slightly to the left in a ponderous manner.
Once, a very long time ago, Darth Maliphant had placed a very similar item in front of him. A box... that's all it had been. Simple enough, though opening it was no easy feat. Inside there had been, well, nothing. The prize had not been its contents, but unlocking it. And since then, he'd taken to using it to store things in, things he didn't wish others to find.
It had taken him a long time to open that box. Each day when he trained with Odona, or learned from Maliphant, he would return to it and try again. After his private studies, again. When he first woke up, again. Right before bed, again...
His head tilted the other way.
Then he closed his eyes.
The boy reached through the Force and brought the item toward him, though he did not actually touch it. Instead he allowed it to levitate before him, as he sunk into a twisted form of moving meditation. The darkside began to seep around him as he sank deeper still, seething and succumbing to the intoxicating presence of the Force. As he did so, he sought the very foundation which made up the box, Not for a seal on the exterior, but for a point on the interior which might prove to be its undoing.
He did not rush the process, however. He did not push or pry faster or harder than was necessary. In his inability to make the cube itself open in those initial moments of his meditation, a second item seemed to lift up and hover around him too: his lightsaber. Utilized now as a further focus for his attempts, the hilt of the blade began to come apart in pieces, disassembling before their eyes. Or not, if they were invested in the task at hand. Each piece levitated alongside the box, providing further fuel to the fire in his mind.
All around him, though likely unheard by the others, that same deep sinister song continued to sound out. Its melody was haunting, alluring, and together with the objects it formed a pinpoint focus upon the box itself.
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Hyrva Vh'akli
Truthspeaker, The Prophet, Lady of Throdog N'ghftor, Witch Elder
Location: Valley of the Kings, Korriban
Equipment: Shield talisman || Empyrean gland
Tag: Quintus Varro | Grundark Grundark | Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn | Open

R'luh, kadishtuor, ah'gotha, ah'mglw'nafh, ah'lw'nafh! Midwan, wtsia, sari, drarina, ruai!

Hyrva watched the young people as they progressed by opening the box. As expected, only the young man who had already said he had experience in this made progress. She nodded contentedly at the result, though the boy probably didn't see it amidst the enormous concentration. The other two tried everything they could think of, which included physical strength and a lightsaber. But the boxes were made with alchemy, so it wasn’t that easy to break or destroy. The other two young men could see and experience this. Not wanting to disturb Thesh, the Truthspeaker telepathically sent a message to the other two.

R'luh, kadishtuor, ah'gotha, ah'mglw'nafh, ah'lw'nafh! Midwan, wtsia, sari, drarina, ruai!

~ You need to exclude everything from your mind and try to concentrate as if you were the box or part of it. Now these are calm conditions, but on the battlefield they must be implemented in such a way that your life is in danger. Use the power of the Dark Side, but find the golden mean where the Magic… the Force does not rule over you, but you use it. Become one with the box, let it be part of your mind and find the solution! ~

R'luh, kadishtuor, ah'gotha, ah'mglw'nafh, ah'lw'nafh! Midwan, wtsia, sari, drarina, ruai!

After that, her tentacles moved by making an encouraging move in the direction of the two men to try what she had previously suggested to them. She then turned back to Thesh to see how he was doing. She smiled for a moment, then spoke softly so as not to bother the young boy much.

R'luh, kadishtuor, ah'gotha, ah'mglw'nafh, ah'lw'nafh! Midwan, wtsia, sari, drarina, ruai!

"No need to complicate. Try to see the whole thing big, don’t look for the details, try to feel it. You're doing well, but there's an easier way than that. Act out of instinct! How would you solve it if your life depended on opening it in half a minute?"

C' ephaimgr'luh! Mis waria ziji!


Focus like we he was one with the object, ok he could do that. Focusing on the box he tried to work it all out in his mind, as he pulled it into himself, or together with him? As he focused it began to slowly come together, but there was something else he could something familiar. Pushing everything away from his thoughts he opened his mind to it feeling it crawl closer as the dark rage began to settle within.

It was the dark rage, and he knew that portion of the dark side. It was powerful and seductive, but it was also destructive. It took as much as it gave, sometimes more. Releasing it all he pushed that part away and set the box down. Looking up he gave an apologetic half smile. "Apologies, I'm grateful for the lesson, but sometimes the price of power isn't worth the cost. I would rather remain lesser and whole. Forgive me for wasting your time."

Celeste Demici Celeste Demici

Quintus Varro

With a blink Quintus stared in near shock as the Cragmoloid ended his training. It was something one didn't see often if ever among the Sith, who rejected the power to break chains here? Moving his attention back to the box he shook his head as he forced the idea out of his head and brought his attention to the whispers once more. Become part of the box, well the chains were attached were they not?

He started his focus on the chain first attaching his essence to the box, and followed it into the box one unbroken existence. The whisper rose as a dark song around him, a seductive woman's voice echoing in his ears. He pulled her to him as he felt the box wrapping the chains around it that spun from his body. He'd moved not an inch but he could feel it closer as he tried to think of it differently. Not opening the box, but opening himself up.

Find the solution, was it this simple just open himself and open it? Soaking in the dark side of the force he could feel emotions and sensations he normally controlled tightly. Closing his eyes he let it flow through him as he tried to find that point inside of it where he could control it. The seductive song never quieted or stalled as it sang out it's dark rythm.

Celeste Demici Celeste Demici Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn
Thesh was unaware of the cragmoloid's decision to end his part of the training.
Thesh was unaware of anything much, aside from the box and their instructor's voice. That and the haunting melody which drifted ever around him in response to his usage of the Force. It had come to him first on the edge of the Galaxy, where time was distorted and every minute of every day had been a fight for survival. It had reached its apex during the ritual, where he'd forced the heavens into motion and conjured up a storm to breathe life back into the barren grounds. He'd broken a drought that day, but the price had been far more than days of roiling meditation and unsounded words on moving lips.
He could still hear them now, those baying creatures in the night who had torn one another asunder in response to his meddling. Predator, prey, it had not mattered, all had fallen to the beat and all had fought until one remained. There was as much blood in the ground as rain by the end, he reckoned. Yes... Everything came with a price. Too often it simply wasn't known until after the fact.
The boy drew his focus back out slightly, no longer so precise it sought control over the entirety of the box instead. He willed it apart, lips moving soundlessly once more as a vessel through which to channel it all. If this had been life or death he would simply make it so, bend the Force to his will and see it done. So he did.
Hyrva Vh'akli
Truthspeaker, The Prophet, Lady of Throdog N'ghftor, Witch Elder
Location: Valley of the Kings, Korriban
Equipment: Shield talisman || Empyrean gland
Tag: Quintus Varro | Grundark Grundark | Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn | Open

Ahnah ah'gotha n'gha! NaIIII nnnf'hup ymg''re soth! Zûtawohni tsrizûtairiki kûts! War zo durja j'us tuti raria!

After the words, she watched the young people silently again as they progressed; meanwhile she turned her gaze and all five of his eyes to the Cragmoloid as the young man gave up the rehearsal, that is, the practice because he thought this is not going to work for him. The Truthspeaker believed that the young man may have an entirely warrior mentality, but a complete lack of concentration and attention, a lack of perseverance, could be dangerous even for them. So, she meant a word or two for him as a farewell.

Ahnah ah'gotha n'gha! NaIIII nnnf'hup ymg''re soth! Zûtawohni tsrizûtairiki kûts! War zo durja j'us tuti raria!

"Patience and perseverance are important. If you are not persistent in gaining knowledge and power, other Sith will cruelly trample you and you will not be long-lived. Be sure to keep this in mind for your future career. Good luck in your life, child!"

Ahnah ah'gotha n'gha! NaIIII nnnf'hup ymg''re soth! Zûtawohni tsrizûtairiki kûts! War zo durja j'us tuti raria!

She turned back to the other two young people, who were still trying. Apparently the help came in handy because Quintus also found the path that led him to create an actual spell as well. And Thesh was still doing very well. Watched them contentedly, then floated a dagger to herself and picked up the Cragmoloid box from the ground with telekinetics. She didn't bother the young men now, he only spoke again when they finally both successfully opened their own boxes, which were really empty inside.

Ahnah ah'gotha n'gha! NaIIII nnnf'hup ymg''re soth! Zûtawohni tsrizûtairiki kûts! War zo durja j'us tuti raria!

"You're great, you're good! Now close it back, I’ll teach you an easier way on how to open such structures. A Magic User… Force User's biggest weapon is itself. This can be taken literally, the Force is within us, it is ourselves and it can be used. Blood magic is one of our strongest branches of magic. The blood of a Force User has tremendous power, it can also be used for magic or for various artefacts."

Ahnah ah'gotha n'gha! NaIIII nnnf'hup ymg''re soth! Zûtawohni tsrizûtairiki kûts! War zo durja j'us tuti raria!

With the knife in her hand, cut her finger, then dripped a few drops of blood onto the box, concentrated, and then made a gesture with her hand as if she were about to open a door. Moments later, even uttered a word "Mgahnnn!". And the box opened the next moment, and the blood literally swallowed itself, disappearing as if it weren't even there.

Ahnah ah'gotha n'gha! NaIIII nnnf'hup ymg''re soth! Zûtawohni tsrizûtairiki kûts! War zo durja j'us tuti raria!

"You are use the "Imdniji!" command to try, it means the same as what I said, only it is in ur-Kittât language. If necessary, I will show you the hand gesture again and focus on your blood!"

C' ephaimgr'luh! Mis waria ziji!


With a bow Grundark backed out but glanced more then twice at the two boys left learning. Did the understand the true danger here, how close they were to literally losing who they were? Learn and grow in power until you were consumed from the inside out. So corrupted that your body began to rot around you and only your hate and misery held you together. He never claimed to be a good Sith, but this? This was foolish, and even more so for ones so young.

"Once long ago I knew a beautiful woman. She cheered my every battle, and my every victory. I fought in her name eventually each battle an attempt to outdo the last in order to earn her praise. She loved it and even demanded I stop bathing after victory because the blood excited her so. So I started to make sure there was more, drawing out my opponents pain in the ring. It took far too long before I caught a sight of myself in the mirror, and realized who I was becoming, and then who she really was. Power comes at a price young ones, and this power carries a most terrible price."

Nodding to the teacher he left, and did not look back. The only thing he craved now was a long, hot shower.

Quintus Varro

The leaving of the Cragmoloid was a bare note in the focus of Quintus, but his warning was heard. For just the barest of moments he considered it before looking back at the chains and left it all at the side there. Perhaps it was easy for someone like a Cragmoloid to deny power, perhaps he just felt like he had enough. Perhaps he'd never been hungry at a construction job praying he'd have enough strength to stand back up at meal time to find the next day.

None of that mattered though, because for Quintus the words of the Worm Emperor had run clear and true. No one would control his fate again but him. Pushing it all out of his head he closed his eyes and let the darkness in, it's seductive song like a long lost lover entered his ears as his chains stroked the box. He wasn't opening a box now, he was simply opening himself. Making two one he simply thought it, open, and just like that it did.

Eyes flipped open in surprise as he stared at the empty box his bewildered mind just stumbling over the moment. It couldn't be that simple could it truly? He struggled over it mentally for a moment before he looked to see Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn already completed, though in truth he wasn't even sure how long they'd been there.

He was shocked out of the moments as Celeste Demici Celeste Demici spoke again his eyes glued on her box as she cut herself and opened it with a word. Blood, the essence of the body. He suppose it made sense that it could connect an object to the individual, and while it brought up a half a dozen questions of how it was beyond his educations to answer them, and that may have been a boon indeed. Instead of thinking it over and considering it in depth he merely accepted it all.

Pulling the box back to him he joined it's chains with his own creating one continual object in the force and closed it. Opening his eyes he was shocked for a moment that it didn't work this time. He quickly realized why though as wrapped it inside of his own mind and joined with it. One singular object with chains it seems wasn't quite enough focus. So now he closed himself up into a box, sealed without any sign an opening had ever existed.

Setting it down he brought his finger over the box and slowly cut across it letting the blood fall onto the box and before he spoke he tried to feel it all through the blood. Feel the box inside of himself as his physical essence brought them together as one. Then he whispered not worried about the need for volume, "Imdniji."
How long it had taken them to open the box he did not know, but it was a damn sight faster than it had been the first time, for Thesh at least.
It was a testimony to how far he had come within himself, within the Force, that he did not sit and strain and stew for months over the complexity, the impossibility, of the task he'd been set upon. He had faith in his own abilities now. And of course it helped that their instructor was patient and clear with instructions. Encouraging, but not afraid to push. That was good.​
As soon as it was opened it was time to once again close it. He did so with far more ease than opening it, now that the technique was fresh in his mind, and then he watched as Hyrva revealed to them the next part. It was intriguing to be sure, an aspect of Sorcery he had yet to dip his toes into. Blood magic... Yes, if he could harness that power for himself it would certainly open up many more avenues with his work and research.​
So he watched with full intrigue, taking note of the gestures and the word. He took out his sith dagger, an alchemized blade he had made many years prior under Maliphant's watchful gaze, his first step into alchemy in truth, and delicately cut the tip of his finger until blood welled up. He made the gesture, said the word "Imdniji" with confidence, and watched as his blood dripped onto the surface of the box, the Force flowing keenly around him and thus it.​
His will, over the box. Much in the way they had done previously, only different now. Another route.​

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