Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Which Game Console is the Master Race?

Nuff Said.​
Just kidding, I do play on consoles, but I do prefer the PC for the larger communities you can connect to, easy mods, console commands, etcetera. I play the PS4, Xbox 360, and PC.​
I will always love playing mario kart with my cousins on my n64, or sonic with my uncle on the genesis, but for now I'll have to settle for the PC, even if it was horrible back when I was a kid.


Active Member
play consoles for some games but I LOVE my gaming rig for other games. had to pick between consoles or building new PC due to need and versatility I built a 1200 dollar gaming rig.
Depending on the game to be honest. PS4 When I wanna play some single player, or sometimes multiplayer like Battlefield 4, Assassins Creed, Unity, Dying light and such. I prefer PC for a more community / communicant type gameplay like Arma 3, and such.
Val Artis said:
Depending on the game to be honest. PS4 When I wanna play some single player, or sometimes multiplayer like Battlefield 4, Assassins Creed, Unity, Dying light and such. I prefer PC for a more community / communicant type gameplay like Arma 3, and such.
You have a point there too.

I tried playing FIFA on the PC...I tried..

Awful experience for sure.

[member="Val Artis"]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Back in my day we didn't need no darn gaming consoles! I have the best gaming console you'll ever see right here ya' young hoodlums!​
The Nintendo Gameboy Color (Not to be confused with the original)
The best freakin' gaming device ever made, you can go anywhere with it, THE BEST GRAPHICS EVER, and it didn't need to *pfft* "Recharge" you just put two more AA batteries in it. And the music, oh the music, it can get better than this.

*This reply was sent in the upmost seriousness, it is not to be considered a comedic post*


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