Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where the Kath Hounds Roam (Primeval Dominion of Dantooine)

Dantooine. A world of oceans and grasslands, plains and forest groves, it's a peaceful planet. Formerly a territory of the Mandalorians, this remote world is now left defenseless and uneventful. So why would The Primeval even take it? Rumors, whispers of powerful locations exist across the galaxy; and several of them link back here. The Host Lord has ordered a full investigation of the world below. Nothing but a few Mandalorian outposts and a primitive race of humanoids is said to make their home there, once upon a time -- not their knowledge -- a Jedi Enclave once laid claim to the planet below.

"Your Worship, we've arrived over Dantooine.", an officer said over the intercom.

Order's End, a Deliverance-class cruiser with a fleet of warships en tow found their way out of hyperspace over the world. Anja Aj'Rou had been meditating in her personal chambers and soon made her way to the command deck where she was able to see Dantooine through the viewports, "Prepare our forces.", she ordered. The Captain nodded and began relaying details to the transports in their fleet.

Only a few objectives existed...

A.) Eliminate the primitive locals. (Purge)
B.) Investigate the Crystal cave.
C.) Capture and defend the ruined base from any resistance.
Cryax normally would have Holocalled, but some meetings required face-to-face interaction. Case in point, the Red Ravens' President's meeting with [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] on Dantooine. Anja and her armies were the allies of the One Sith, and therefore, by proxy, were also Red Raven allies. It was high time for a meeting between the two leaders, however awkward it may be. It wasn't too long ago that the Primeval were Cryax's mortal enemies. Anja's operatives had nabbed [member="Keira Ticon"] right under the Red Ravens' nose on Antecedent, and had tortured her until she was finally rescued. The vendetta had run deep, but not as deep as the will of Darth Vornskr who in essence controlled the Chiss for now. At Kaine's request, the Chiss kiss and make up with Anja so to speak, or else face serious and painful consequences. Keira would be told about this meeting eventually, but at this point, it was better for her to be in the dark about some things. He cared for his friend dearly, but these were simply the tough calls he had to make as a leader.

As a show of good faith, Cryax had already sent Red Ravens soldiers and droids to the surface of Dantooine to help the Primeval armies eliminate the primitive locals from the planet. As his Galaxy One luxury transport vessel docked at the Garang Spaceport, the Chiss' glowing red eyes scanned his Browncoat Datalogger. He double-checked the coordinates that Anja's people had sent him, and had his assistant send her a message that he had arrived.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
OOC/ This appearance cleared with [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]



Being Housemaster, on your average day, meant seeing to clogged 'freshers and mislabeled records and crowds of teenage Padawans. It meant walking into town to use the nearest holocomm when the other enclaves needed to talk. It meant a whole lot of trivia.

Today, being Housemaster of the Dantooine Jedi Enclave meant being the last one out.

Evacuation ships -- quick freighters escorted by old E-25 snubfighters -- began lifting off, carrying children, Jal Shey, records and suchlike things. The Dantooine enclave was small enough that three freighters would do. Two got airborne relatively quickly, aiming to get the younglings out of the system before the Primeval fleet solidified its control over local space. Four ships remained in the docking bay: one small transport, its two snubfighter escorts, and a third E-25 that Shule hoped to use for his own exit. Jedi Knights and Jal Shey Advisors -- the Knight-equivalents of their order -- continued loading the academy's essentials into the remaining transport. Those essentials included a communally potted grove of bafforr trees, a sentient being and not one that they could leave behind.

Shule stood on the front patio, a flat stretch of cobblestone between the northeast and southeast doors. The northeast led downstairs, the southeast upstairs. They were separated by about thirty-five metres -- the Dantooine enclave was not large.

He stood there alone and waited for company of the unfriendly variety. If he could buy even five or ten extra minutes, the final evacuation ship could get airborne. He stood there with a curved lightsabre in his hand, but not ignited. Too recent were his memories of Chaos, and the violence he'd inflicted on a virtual innocent by mistake. Too recent were his memories of thousands of Vong dying by his hand, falling into oblivion. So he stood there alone, because this was what he deserved, it was the least he could do, and he was the only one who could do it.
On board the C-9979 Landing Craft, ISS Swarm Nest, Kitsune gazed at the various products of Colicoid Creation Nest. The company had been long gone since the collapse of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, but the technical specifications were obtained by Kitsune in some illicit manner. The ISS Swarm Nest was retrofitted to launch Hunter-Seeker Droids in lieu of Platoon Attack Craft and Armored Assault Tanks, greatly reducing the ground forces provided in return for massive swarms of air superiority. In addition, the Multi-Troop Transports were equipped with a variety of Droidekas rather than standard battle droids at higher cost, but obviously much greater efficacy.

She paused for a moment and turned around, speaking softely. "Another damn invasion."
  • 50 Vidvhansaka: Heading towards Jedi enclave
  • 100 Barabels: Ransacking towns, villages, etc
  • 50 Trandoshans: Ransacking towns, villages, etc
​ "The Host Lord wishes us to raze this planet. Go out, my children, and hunt down any who stand in your way. Barabels! Trandoshans! Make your father proud! Destroy the towns! Eliminate resistance! For the Gods!" Everyn Diaago shouted over the comm, instilling pride into her borrowed soldiers. At the moment 'she' was commanding her boss' warriors. Why? Because Azrael Asura was currently tripping in hell. Literally. At the time that the invasion was starting he was wandering through the Field of Blades. Right as she finished speaking he had caught his foot on a rock and fallen. No joke. He had. It was kind of embarrassing. Perhaps it was a good thing that he wasn't here then? For if he went out to fight people only to trip like that... well... his terrifying reputation would be thoroughly ruined. "Now, Vidvhansaka, my wondrous darlings... you have a very special mission. There is an Enclave not far from here. Perhaps a ten minute walk. We would have landed closer if we could. But the lot of you are to overrun it. Plenty of men and women will want to kill you for it. Expect heavy resistance. Jedi, other forcies, maybe a veteran-soldier-turned-farmer or two. Do not let them stop you. With you will, of course, be our Primeval kin. We will be the first wave. Go with strength, my comrades, and destroy everything in your path!"

With that the reptiles let out a battlecry and rushed forth. [member="Shule Windspeaker"] would have a bit of time before they would arrive. More importantly he'd be able to see (should he pay attention) bits of dust rising in the distance. Eventually the sounds of war-screams would become apparent as well. Meanwhile their HRD commander would be moving towards the supposed crystal caves. Her master could use a new lightsaber...
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
NPCs: Squad of 13 Mirari droids (currently being inserted)


Droids. Funny thing how their soullessness could be exploited. One of the few things that Emeritus had from their past was the Mirari droid. Bodyguard initially, these droids were now being used for everything that one could possibly imagine, ranging from simple labor to, as these droids were soon to experience, combat duty. The droids in question had all been given Kalash K47 rifles, simple and easy to produce as they were, along with a quartet of plasma grenades and a disruptor pistol. The droids wore no armor except for that in their exoskeleton. The craft they were using to infiltrate was, in question, an old Shard-class Pod, expected to be single-use.

Rumors had spread of a crystal cave that had become infested with kinrath. The crystals within were useful, particularly for the construction of lightsabers as a part of one of Jentara's new plans to make up for the lack of skilled troops. The crystals could prove to be useful in mass-produced weapons, in concert with some sort of defensive mechanism that the soldiers utilizing them would have.

Or perhaps she would develop shadowtroopers. Whatever the situation, all of that depended on the success of this mission.

[member="Azrael Asura"] [member="Kitsune"] [member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]


A B1 battle droid stood in the corner of [member="Kitsune"]'s landing craft.

"Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Stayin' Alive, Stayin' Alive," it declared in a monotone.

It was doing the bogey.


Morality Policeman :)
Geronivous arrived over Dantooine in evil procession aboard his evil Deliverance-class capital ship of capital evil. Today was an evil day of practice of evil things, such as evilly raiding a base of good in the name of evil. The kaleesh war chief fingered his gun in the same way that [member="Shule Windspeaker"] might have been grasping his
Shule Windspeaker said:
curved lightsabre
and prepared to debark with evil flair onto his shuttle of evil, bound for his objective of evil intent.

War Chief Ronny was armed today with his E-11 Carbine and his traditional impervium lig sword of evil. He would be personally leading an evil force of evil to overtake the good defenders who dared challenge his mighty evil power of evil. "This will be a day long remembered," he began, evilly commanding evil voice emanating through his mask of evil. "It has seen the end of the Rebellion on Helska Four, and it shall soon witness the end of [insert canon/non-canon Jedi name here]." And so on and so forth he made an excessively evil speech about evil. Evil talks.

But what is it they say about idle hands? If you do not have a grasp on the safety grips, the landings can be harsh. As soon as the dropship-of-evil's drop door opened and its motion ceased, the evil warlord's body that was the embodiment of evil was launched through inertia--much to his evil chagrin--and flopped onto the ground that would most certainly soon host a evil bastion of evil. His rather motley and disproportionately evil henchmen soon jumped out of the dropship with insufficiently evil style and took a stance signifying their evilness beside the evil Prime-evil leader of evil.

"Everything is fine. I'm fine," the evil war chief of Kalee insisted, his evil not as convincing as usual to those who may have been evil enough to perceive with evil aptitude. Fortunately, however, Geronivous' henchmen were second- and third-rate evil and would not be able to understand his briefest of evil moments lacking of evil. "Situation: normal."

Onward, to the Hidden Jedi Base.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
OPPONENTS - [member="Azrael Asura"]: 50 Vidhvansaka - @Geronivous: personally present, plus one dropship's worth of second-to-third-rate evildoers, presumably Kaleesh​

There'd been a time when he could have put them all to sleep, summoned illusory armies, cloaked the entire Enclave-

Those days were behind him.

When the Vidhvansaka and the Kaleesh raiding party arrived on scene, or if they deployed advance scouts, they would discover only a man wearing Jal Shey gear, a man in dire need of a haircut. The gently curved lightsabre hilt, designed to fit both Makashi and Soresu, snapped to life, casting a washed-out blue glow over the cobblestones. Shule's head tilted as a nonverbal bit of telepathy from the enclave indicated that the Jedi and the Jal Shey were experiencing difficulty in transporting the entire Bafforr grove; to separate the trees was to damage their sentience. Self-awareness, for Baforr, required a quorum of something like seven, if he remembered right. So far as he knew, no Bafforr grove had ever served in the Senate or become especially notable, but sapience was sapience.

The Dantooine enclave had no traps, no automated defenses; he couldn't afford them. Its defenses were comprised of one man in brown robes -- his oft-repaired Robes of Remembrance, useless if no Sithspawn were around -- with Jal Shey light armor underneath, carrying a lightsabre. His eyes were closed; he was expanding his awareness, focusing on intuition, getting a sense of who and what was coming. A large round rock lay by his feet.
Anja stood aboard her command deck as the fleet slowly moved into place. "Your worship.", the captain announced himself and stood beside the Host Lord. Anja's eyes wandered towards the Umbaran officer, it was quite often that such officers were replaced but this particular one had been with her since Bastion, indeed a long career was ahead of them. "We have reports of two starships leaving the System, should we pursue?", he asked of her. Since Helska he no longer had the confidence to question any of her strategies and began to rely on her insight.

The Witch turned her head in his direction, the officer's eyes avoided direct contact. "No, let them go. They are to be unsilenced voices, witnesses to attest to what happened this day; for they will understand despair upon realizing only they survived.", she replied.

"That...That's quite dark, Your Worship.", he let the words slip out but quickly adjusted his posture out of respect.

Truly she had been different since this all started but the Host Lord no longer cared about anonymity. Leaving few survivors in this instance would be more beneficial than leaving none, it would create a reputation that spread in rumors of a fleet conquering worlds in the eastern fringes. The starship received word that someone -- an ally -- was waiting below to meet with Anja, the Host Lord maneuvered to the hanger where a gu-42 dropship took her to the surface below.

[member="Cryax Bane"]

Walking out from the dropship she found herself in a small starport and approached a Chiss who seemed to have been waiting some time for her, Anja was accompanied by two Gulandi Sephi.

Her piercing gaze fixated on the Crime Lord, "And who are you?", she asked.
Kath hounds had been a plague upon the otherwise beautiful world of Dantooine since forever, their population fluctuating as with any predatory species, but they were never truly gone. Many tried — and failed — to cull their kind, from Revan himself to the lowliest farmers armed with gardening tools. The Kath hound persevered.

It was a beautiful day to run with the pack; the sun was shining, not a cloud was in sight, and a giant fleet of merciless invaders was descending upon the planet. All in all, perfect weather for some good ole' purging.

There was a hound among the many, larger and deadlier than its peers, the proud head graced by a pair of curved tusks. It towered above its brethren, its white fur declaring far and wide that it was far superior to the rest of them. Using xir position as alpha, the disguised shifter rallied the beasts, the baying of hundreds attracting the rest of the creatures from all over the plains. They would attack in droves, trampling settlements and people alike.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Objective: Investigate Crystal Caves
Location: Dantooine
NPC: Kieran "Tag" Merrik / 10 Primeval Troopers
With the landing of the shuttle and everyone pouring out it if a couple miles from the crystal caves she was assigned to investigate, she felt a tremendous sense of despair and hunger hanging over the plains like cloud or haze or something. She had always wanted to come here and search the crystal caves in hopes of finding a rare or unique crystal for her lightsaber but common sense had overruled the idea. First, she was a Vahla. The darkside of the Force coursed through her veins and she didn't want to be mistaken for a Sith on a planet that was rumored to be inhabited by Jedi. She had nothing against the Sith despite spending some time with them, but she viewed them the same way she viewed the Jedi.

The second, she was a former Jedi that had struck down and killed her former Master in blind rage and anger. She hated him then and she still hated him now. However, she believed that if she came across a Jedi they would 'smell' the death of their brethren on her and she would be forced to kill that Jedi as well. So it became her policy to avoid Jedi. Except for now where she seemed to be in their back yard poking her nose about.

"The troops and I are ready, CJ, Tag said to her knowing how she felt about being here. He didn't have the Force but he could sense the nervousness and apprehension of being here radiating off her. "Stop worrying CJ. I won't let those big bad Jedi harm you. Promise."

Mikkel Markov

Exemplar of the Bleeding Sun
Mikkel walked out of the transport close behind [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] carrying his rifle and armed with his lightsaber, slugthrower pistol, and several grenades. He would've rather been a part of an objective that better suited his talents, but he followed Anja for several reasons. One of those reasons walked off the ship close behind Mikkel. Delyna, the woman Mikkel had just recruited for the Bleeding Sun, was interested in viewing the caves of this world, as was he.

"Just stick close to me and you'll be fine," Mikkel said, turning his head to Delyna and simultaneously chambering a round into his slugthrower rifle. Looking forward, Mikkel kept a close eye on the crime lord as he spoke with the Host Lord.

[member="Delyna Karthoys Haymire"]
So maybe he should have Holocalled after all. The fact that Bane came all the way out here to this podunk farm planet to meet with someone who didn’t even know who he fething was, caused an audible grinding of his teeth. Especially since they had met before, very briefly, as he and his droid soldiers fired upon the woman as she engaged with Keira Ticon in the corridor of her battleship.

The Chiss waved a blue-skinned hand at his rather large security detail, made up mainly of droids, signaling to them to give the two galactic luminaries a bit more space. “Greetings, Anja. My name is Cryax Bane, I am the President of the Red Ravens Criminal Syndicate.” He paused dramatically to see how the Primeval leader would react. Nope. Still nothing. “I’m here to discuss our diplomatic relations. As we are both loyal allies of the One Sith, I thought it prudent that we finally meet and discuss the benefits of a partnership.”

Yes, there was still that pesky incident with Keira Ticon on Anja’s ship to address. However, diplomacy was a tricky sport, and Bane thought it best to bring that topic up once the two had more or less agreed to a mutually beneficial arrangement.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

As the heavy mechanical hatch opened and the ramp made a path from the docked ship to the platform besides them, [member="Mikkel Markov"] crossed the ramp. Meanwhile, Delyna looked around at the space dock as she brushed some locks of white hair over her right shoulder, behind her back. Her feet gingerly danced over the cold metal as she tasted the welcoming planet atmosphere. This place was new to her, but she had seen images and pictures of settings quite akin to it. The recently recruited oracle paid little attention to [member="Mikkel Markov"]'s words as she pondered to herself.

Two engineers passed the duo and quickly started tending to the small vehicle, and she spoke, almsot to herself. "What was it I had to do, here? Help look for some subterran mysteries?" She shook her head, brushing the thought aside and decided to let her eyes trail off once again. Not really caring much for their route, she placed a hand on [member="Mikkel Markov"]'s shoulder and let him lead the way.

There were many interesting personas buzzing around the landing site, at least for a person so very used to humans and species very close to humans. Androids was another thing she hadn't seen in person, either. For but a moment she considered the possibilities of experimenting with these artificial beings - This feeling was quickly interrupted as she focused her attention on the presence of the force on the planet.

It was clear this situation would gift her with many new impressions, experiences and opportunities.
Marth pointed the barrel of his gun to the ground, looking up to the sky with a curt smile as they exited the dropship. He walked behind Mikkel and Delyna, furrowing his brow at the mission they were participating in. Surely he wasn't the only one who thought that the trio should be on a task that optimized their skills a little more. The Umbaran adjusted the lightsabre clipped to the back of his belt before looking back up to the two.

Marth smiled at the thought of caves. It brought back the memories of home, the dark.. That was gone now though, the Primeval were his new family. He took in a deep breath and carried on following the two others along with Anja. What could these crystals even do, what was so important? Who knew.. That was up to Anja to know, and for the rest to find out.
As soon as the C-9979 Landing Craft landed upon the planet, the 480 Hunter-Seeker Droids within the ship emerged from the specialized launch tubes and began swarming around the C-9979 Landing Craft. Immediately, the twelve Multi-Troop Transports were unloaded and deployed, bringing a total of 240 Droidekas onto the battlefield. Immediately, the Droidekas and the Hunter-Seeker Droids divided into packs of two Hunter-Seeker Droids and one Droidekas. They immediately embarked on their quest of eliminating any organic life forms on the planet, with the Hunter-Seeker Droids also retrieving any corpses and bringing them back to the ISS Swarm Nest for sampling and storage.

Kitsune was more interested in the effects of the darkside on the organic matter here rather than the crystals. The Force was an overrated area of the galaxy; she had no interest in involving herself with the idiotic and self-motivated Sith in this invasion. Best to ignore them.

Walking on the soft soil and amid the darkened vegetation, she uprooted one of the plants and inspected it. Scanning it with her biological scanner, the in-depth scans revealed nothing particular special with the plant minus its exceptional resilience to highly toxic environments. She brushed off the soil and placed the plant into a cryogenic storage unit.


Unit 843 clanked off [member="Kitsune"]'s landing craft and down the boarding ramp. He patted a droideka on the head as he passed by.

"Hello," said 'Sundance' in a monotone.

The Droideka rolled away.

Sundance's shoulders drooped slightly before bland photoreceptors spotted the white haired daimyo. Unit 843 strode over, CC-13 carbine clutched in both hands.

"Your orders, ma'am?"
Objective 2: Protect the Crystal Caves.

Sitting within a dark cave, a lone figure sat. Constructing a lightsaber over and over again with his prowess in telekinesis. The small pieces were being taken apart and put back together. The double bladed hilt made out of electrum and durasteel. Gold colored lights reflected off of the saber hilt. Playing along the walls in the cavern. It was when the pieces were finally put together, the person reached out and grabbed a hold of the saber hilt.

My hands tightening enough to have a firm grip as the twin blades activated with a snap. Echoing within the chambers of the crystal caves came the iconic hum of the saber. In the brilliance of light that illuminated the chamber, I smiled as the blades were turned off. Hilt clipped onto the small of my back. Standing up, I wore simple armorweave gear. Durasteel bracers and calfs. My hair clearly messed up as though I had lived in here without a good bath in a long time.

I reached out with my hand. Slowly as though I might wake a great and terrible beast. With a small pull of the force, A deep whistle sound could be heard as a hammer known only as Dawnstar flew into my hand. Gripping it, I looked to the face of the hammer. Worn, but not beaten, I smiled as I turned to face the entrance of the Crystal caves from within.

"Come thy oppressors, let me show you the wrath that which you stir."

[member="Delyna Karthoys Haymire"], [member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Ciara Jevnaker"],

(OOC: This is Nick's Alt providing Opposition for you guys.)
Anja listened to the Chiss, "Cryax Bane, I don't take to formalities when making such arrangements. You wouldn't come all the way out here to make our 'Alliance' official. What do you want? What deal do you desire?", she asked. After dealing with who are now her Warlords, the Host Lord wasn't unfamiliar with how such politics worked and preferred to have negotiations as straight-forward as possible. There's no room for formalities now, and she was almost certain the Chiss had the same idea.

Of course she still knew very little about the Red Ravens and a once incident no longer crossed her mind, the several escorts with her probably had no idea either.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Marth "][member="Mikkel Markov"] [member="Delyna Karthoys Haymire"]

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