Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where The Dark Demons Play

I'd gotten up and headed to the kitchen after my meditation. I felt....uncertainty from Qa....perhaps about the dress and heels. I thought she'd look amazing though....I sensed her approach and heard her heels clicking against the floor. As she came into the kitchen I looked up, breathing in I saw the Echani Silk clinging to her curves....the heels added to her height lean and beautiful. Like a crimson goddess. I saw the lightsaber hilt against her toned thigh barely peeking from under the dress. Her shoulders bared and a generous amount of skin showing on her back as well....

I hadn't realized I needed to breathe until just now, exhaling I said low in Sith "You look....incredible Qaheesh....I hope you like it...." As it was thus far her ambition had pleased me, her skill as a bladeswoman even more so. The dress and heels were her reward for such. I moved and then grabbed a pair of wine glasses from a rack, setting one glass in front of my apprentice I said "Would you care for some wine Qaheesh?" I had pulled a bottle of wine from my personal collection. A deep, rich maroon wine bottled years ago and that I'd found in Sith ruins. A Telosian red... I uncorked the bottle and poured her glass first before pouring my own.

While I waited for any questions from her I pulled a loaf of fresh bread from the oven. Laying it upon the counter I pulled a knife and sliced the bread in one smooth motion, then I lifted the bread slice with The Force and placed it on a plate. Offering the plate to Qa I pulled a stick of fresh made salt butter from the fridge and set it on a dish with a knife for Qa. Taking a slice myself and buttering the bread I bit into it and let out a soft moan while making eye contact with my apprentice. After swallowing my bite of food I looked at Qa and said in Sith "Tell me my the moment what are you most interested to explore in your training? That will give me a better idea of how to guide your growth."

I did hope she said saber and physical training, however she had the potential to be very good at Sith Alchemy and Sorceries. As it was I had an idea of what certain experiments I could run with her especially after my meditation and reading. I flicked my gaze over her form, her curves....Those long, toned legs and crimson skin. My eyes flicked to hers, blazing a deep, sultry purple with savage flecks of crimson and gold. I'm sure she could sense my interest. I noticed her looking as I'd trained with my saber. I had definitely enjoyed her eyes on me.....

[member="Qaheesh the Scorned"]
Qaheesh turned at the sound of her master's voice, her cheeks flushing red at the compliment. Her head dipped, forming a slight bow, before she raised her head and smiles at Celiana. "Thank you, but it's not... Necessary to dress me, Master," she says softly in that chilly tone of hers. "But wine would be nice, yes." She takes the glass that is poured, sipping at the drink and tasting the richness and flavour of the alcohol. Her lips parts into a smile, showing those sharp teeth and her mind wanders once more. Perhaps more drinking will lead to more of the same kisses she encountered with her master earlier... But her thoughts betrayed her and Qaheesh sat up quickly, trying no to look too guilty and put a shield up in her mind, willing the thoughts away. No, not yet.

Her golden eyes turned, watching Celiana make the food now, even when the moan emitted from her mouth at the taste of bread and fresh butter and she cannot help but laugh softly. She took takes a bite and then, the same noise emits from her throat. It was excellent. At the question, she chewed and swallowed, grinning at the woman opposite her. She was become more and more comfortable now, able to relax a little. Did she still fear for her life? Absolutely. But was she the threat? No. A protector, a mentor... Perhaps even a lover?

"Well..." Qaheesh starts, leaning back on her chair and tucking one of her legs across her knee, as gracefully as she could at least, and gazed at Celiana. "Obviously, I adore a fight. To clash blades and to spill blood is... Addicting." That smirk returns to her lips and she laughs, long and hard. "But I know little else. The whispers of the power of Alchemy had reached my ears once a long time ago... And I admit I turned it away. I would like to learn it, however... If you know of it, that is."

The Zabark leant forward on her chair, letting her elbows touch the table and tilts her head, finding her eyes upon her master's once more. A tension was there, growing and threatening to snap if she even thought about looking away. Another small smile and the Sith chuckles deep. "I'm sure you do, Master. For you as knowledgeable and powerful as you are beautiful. What can you teach me, hm?"

Smiling as she said it wasn't necessary to dress her I said in Sith "Perhaps not, however I felt it necessary to reward your ambition and skill." Having already poured her a glass of Telosian wine. I caught a snippet of thought regarding the wine and what it could lead to. Then she shielded her thoughts...hmmm she was learning....good.

She chuckled and I watched her tuck her leg across her lap. Her crimson skin seemed to call to me....As she spoke of what her preferences were in training and how she longed to clash blades and spill blood a savage grin crossed my face. She spoke of knowing little else though she'd heard whispers of Sith Alchemy but that she'd turned away from it then. I could understand that....Sith Alchemy and sorcery wasn't something you could have a divided mind about.

​She spoke of wishing to learn of it if I knew the abilities. Smirking I said "I do know of the abilities...however you cannot have a split decision regarding alchemy and sorcery of The Sith. If you do...the consequences would be.....severe. The Dark Side will demand it."

​Then she complemented me and I smirked. She leaned forward and I saw her chest press against the maroon dress. How appealing.... I drank in the sight of her and the smell of roasting Bantha steaks. "I am...practiced in alchemy Qa, more so than with Sith Sorcery. The Jedi weren't exactly thrilled when I became their main way of creating alchemical swords and weapons....Though now they'll have to find someone new to forge weapons and armor....As it is I destroyed any and all designs for more before I deserted. "

I could sense her....thirst for more knowledge and power. Weighing the possibility of practicing Sith Sorceries with her I said in Sith "My orders as your Master are as follows....under no circumstances are you to practice Sith Sorcery without me present. The toll it takes if done incorrectly is quite often fatal. I do not want to search for another apprentice Qaheesh.... That in mind....." I slid over my data pad showed her what I planned on practicing.....

"I will be present when we practice this. They are known as ink walkers, infusing ink with Sith Lightning and a desire to hunt. Predatory in nature but loyal to those who create them. I will share my personal journal of Sith and Force Alchemy with you though Qa, it will give you something to study so that when you do spill the blood of those who enslaved or degraded you you'll have the theory of how to forge your own Sith blade."

Looking at her with smoldering eyes I devoured the sight of her in that dress and heels....I very much wanted to peel her out of them later.....for now though I'd let my lust smolder and waited for her response....

[member="Qaheesh the Scorned"]
Examining the data-pad, Qaheesh's eyes lit up with glee at the sight of the creations. But the warning caught her ears and she lifted her gaze to Celiana, nodding once at the words spoken. Her first order from her Mistress, it seems, and one she would listen to with vigor. This was dangerous, more dangerous then she could imagine and the bile rose in her throat. Her inner fire surged, demanding that she accomplish this task with honor and vigor, but a simple shift of Qaheesh's body showed a reluctant acceptance. "I understand... Master..." she growls out in that cold voice of hers, reluctance lacing every word in the sentence. Obedience was never her strong suit, after all.

The smell of the steaks caught her attention and her head turned, inhaling deep. A smile came and she nodded to Celiana. "Do not worry about overcooking, I prefer meat rare," Qaheesh comments, a seductive edge to her voice as she smirks, showing the sharpened teeth. These drag along her lower lip, before the tips of her ears flick lightly. "Remind me of our destination... What can we expect to see? Any resistance or trouble?" The thought of spilling blood made her hearts thud with anticipation, her core almost quake with desire. But she stayed her feelings, focusing on her master.

But that brought new thoughts and Qa swallowed, trying to keep her head level. The eyes, the skin, the power... Her hearts skipped another beat and she put her eyes to the floor. "Apologies, my thoughts are... Chaotic..."

Celiana Celiana
Looking carefully at her I said "I hope so....the last person I tried teaching this art to lost their limb when The Dark Side rotted it in front of her and me. They have a prosthetic now..... I am serious on this Qaheesh. Defy me at your own risk. There will be a time I will allow you to experiment on your own. You certainly have the ambition...."

As she mentioned leaving her steak rare I smiled at her seductive voice and showing her teeth. She asked about our destination and what to expect... "Our destination is an abandoned space station in the Unknown Regions. The station is designated Hades Station, and is still largely unexplored. When I sent probes out here they discovered bodies in corridors though cause of death was unclear, there were bite marks on them. So expect to shed blood once we board, there's not much on logs that I've been able to recover as of yet because the logs were encrypted in a dialect of Sith I'm not familiar with. I have my library computer deciphering the logs now."

I felt her eyes return to my body and then her gaze directly at the floor. Apologizing....Smiling I moved, heels clicking against the onyx floor and said softly behind her "As are mine Qa, I enjoy basking in the chaos much more fun that way don't you agree?" Walking over to the oven I bent over giving my apprentice a nice, open view of my peachy arse and pulled her and my steak from the oven.

Setting hers on a plate I slid it towards her and conjuring Force Fire in my left hand I finished cooking my own steak before extinguishing my indigo fire in my hand. Picking up a fork and knife I cut into my steak, took a bite and moaned lustfully.

Qaheesh the Scorned Qaheesh the Scorned
A warning came from Celiana's lips and the Zabrak felt her blood run cold at the words she spoke. The woman nodded, understanding what her Master was warding her against and cradled her arms against herself. How would she cope without a limb? To be unable to fight as she did now? She would lose everything she believed herself to be. But then she shook her head and let her mind wander, thinking of all the great things they could achieve...

No, what she'd achieve.

Qa turned her head, tilting it slightly as the mission was reminded to her. "Unknown Regions... Hm. Interesting to think a station out there would come under attack, although not unheard of," she comments lightly, almost in a musing and amused tone, as if talking about a pet or the weather. "Whatever is there, we shall find it and slay, bathing in the blood. You have my word, Master."

As her head dipped, Qa heard the sound of heels against the floor and she turned her head, catching quite the view. A smirk came across her lips and she lifted a hand, the Force reaching for what looked to be a wooden spoon, before she sent it flying toward the arse to give it a firm smack! The Zabrak, as angry as was, could not help but roar with immature laughter before taking the steak. |

Despite the fact it was cooked, she still dug in, her teeth cutting through the flesh easily. To consume uncooked meat was not an unusual occurrence for the Zabrak, she had tasted sentient flesh before, after all. She swallowed chunks of the meat, causing steak juice to drip down and onto her plump lips, before she realized she was not alone. A sheepish smile came to her face before she became more polite, cutting smaller slivers. "This is good... Thank you, Celiana," she comments. She eats quietly after this, before leaning back on the chair with her belly full of food. "I should rest. It has been a long day. Unless... You have desert planned?"

Golden eyes sparkle with a flirtatious nature, her words seductive and sweet as she leaned forward, ruby-flesh now finding itself to be more flushed. A wink comes and Qaheesh finds herself staring at her Mistress...

Celiana Celiana
I felt a snack against my arse from the spoon and moaned. I LOVED rough....As Qa ate and complimented my cooking I walked behind her. Heels clicking on the floor.... She mentioned dessert and wrapping one hand on her shoulder I hooked my fingers on her horns and pulled back gently.

Her head tilted up to look at me and I savagely kissed her. Biting her bottom lip firmly I spoke to her mind with mine. "I'm your dessert and you're mine Qaheesh."

Pulling away I undid my Echani silk belt and snapped it around her wrist pulling firmly. Looking at her I said "Don't you want dessert Qa? I promise.... It's very sweet...." With a sultry wink I waited...

Qaheesh the Scorned Qaheesh the Scorned
All that comes from the Zabrak's lips is a little meep. Her eyes are suddenly nervous, but she nods. In passion, we gain strenght, she thought to herself.

"Yes..." she murmurs, before being led off by her Master.

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