Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When My Wrath is Done


here for your dad
Lightning flashed across the skies and for the briefest moment it illuminating the small shuttle that was taking off into the skies above.

I can't.

Naturally the weather would suit match the overall tone of the scene. A few solemn tears slowly crawled down the sharp cheeks of the Silent Sister. Sopher Jakobs would be off of Panatha soon. He would be safe. Sure, he sat on the brink between life and death, his wounds terrible, the torture had been horrific but he was away from her Master's hand and that, that was better than nothing. Unfortunately Evelynn was not making her way alongside the blonde Jedi, for she could not.

Forget me.

It had taken all the mental strength she could muster to betray Kaine even this far, but to actively leave and try to escape with Sopher? No, the brainwashing would have never allowed for that.

Forgive me.

However there was no time to sit around and make tragic farewells in her own mind. No, no. The girl had to make a scene, make it look like Jakobs had inexplicably escaped. Would he believe it? Perhaps one of the guards had been lax, or perhaps he managed to trick a slave, yes, yes that could work. If Kaine knew what she had done. Oh no. It did not even bear thinking about.

The rain lashed against her face camouflaging those tears as the girl turned on her heel and began to walk away from the landing pad.
From a high alcove, a figure watched through a pair of electrobinoculars as Evelynn led the battered and beaten Sopher to one of the castle shuttles. He watched the ship fly away from the castle and towards the heavens above, and then watched as Evelynn turned back to reenter the castle. A crooked grin spread across the figure's face, a wheezed laugh blowing through the gaps in his smile where teeth used to be. This was his chance to prove himself worthy of his master's affection, and perhaps rise higher and closer to his side. Placing the pair of electrobinoculars in the pouch at his side, the being formally known as Khristof Dorn scurried away like the rat he was to inform his master of Evelynn's betrayal.

Meanwhile; Kaine Zambrano was relaxing inside of his personal chambers, his eyes scanning one of the new tomes his servants had acquired for him. It was another piece of literature detailing a section of history long before the Gulag Plague, and thus shed some insight onto what happened in the galaxy before most of the records detailing them were lost forever. This particular piece was about the Brotherhood of Darkness, and it's rival, the Army of Light. Another prelude to the rise of the legendary Darth Bane, who created the Rule of Two after he had destroyed the aforementioned Brotherhood of Darkness, and changed the future of the Sith for all time.

It was ironic now that the Sith were once again legion, and had faced another crippling defeat at the hands of the Jedi and the Republic. But, the One Sith were on the rise once more, and Kaine would help them restore Order to a galaxy fragmented by war, starting with destroying the Galactic Republic. However; before Kaine could expand upon that thought, he was distracted by a rather persistent knocking at his bedroom door.


In came the worthless rat known as Khristof G̷ro̷t̷thu͘ scurried in, and prostrated himself before the King of Panatha. After watching his servant grovel for a few moments, he allowed him speak. "Milord, I have most troubling news. Your apprentice, Lady Evelynn, has committed heinous treason, milord." Kaine was now interesting in what he had to say, and was at first completely sure his servant was lying about his dearest Evelynn. She would never betray him, "You dare not speak lies about Evelynn, Khristof. Less I rip the flesh from your bones on the spot, now tell me... What treason do you think Evelynn has committed?"

Khristof went into detail about what he had witnessed outside, but Kaine did not believe him. He was about to punish Khristof for his lies, when suddenly a guard burst in and spoke loudly, "Milord! The prisoner is gone! Sopher Jakobs is no longer in his cell!" Kaine just stood there for a minute, staring blankly at the guard as his mind processed the enormity of what his apprentice had just done. Finally, he spoke.

"Guardsman, scour the castle... Find Evelynn and bring her to me, at once!"

The guard obeyed, and began to radio in to his fellow guards as he rushed out of the door to fulfill his master's wishes. Soon enough guards had begun to search high and low for Evelynn, armed with basic body armor, a stun rifle, and a energy shield. Soon enough they would find her, and would take her to Lord Kaine whether she wanted to or not.

[member="Evelynn Zambrano"]


here for your dad
I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for that meddling Grotthu.

The girl made her way, traversing the corridors of the castle with silent steps, an unease sat at the pit of her stomach telling her that she would never get away with this, that she shouldn't have disobeyed her Master but she managed to push it down, barely. The sound of radio chatter from around the corner made her head perk up, as her hand instinctively moved towards her belt.

She stopped, holding her breath and sliding against the wall. She heard her name. Did they know? Had she been spotted? There was a choice to be made. Fight or lie. Of course then came the question of could she even lie directly to the face of Kaine Zambrano?


The moment his form appeared from around the corner Evelynn leapt out and in one swift movement ignited her lightsaber and bisected the poor man, cutting him off mid-word. The lightsaber of the former Emperor Moridin made short work as the orange blade cleaved through him from the groin and upwards.

Unfortunately his radio communicated what had just occurred, as they had heard that oh-so-familiar snap-hiss and whoosh of the iconic blade.

They would be coming.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Indeed they would.

Word of the attack would spread quickly between the guards, and they would form up in groups and move to pinpoint the traitor's location within the castle. Along with the guards were vornskrs augmented with cybernetics to be obedient to their handlers, who held them by a thick leash as they led them down the halls. They had been given Evelynn's scent, but besides following that they sought her out through the Force as well. She couldn't hide forever, one way or another they would eventually find or stumble upon her. Detaining her was a completely other issue, but the guards were equipped with the right tools needed to take down a force user. Stun rifles, and force containment collars would be the preferred method.

Finally, one of the search teams would eventually come across Evelynn as she tried to make her escape. "Halt! In the name of the King I command you to halt!" The guards released their cybernetic vornskr upon Evelynn, letting it charge at her recklessly while they remained at the back, preparing to move in to try and detain her.

[member="Evelynn Zambrano"]


here for your dad
Where could she go?

Run? With her tail between her legs after releasing his prisoner and now killing one of his guards? No, Nemene may have shaken the foundations of her twisted loyalty but she was not so craven that she would flee. Hide? What hide from Kaine Zambrano within his own castle? I can't fault it for ingenuity but it would never work. She would be found, and then what punishment would await those who scurry off and hide in the walls like rats? No.

She had to fight.

The Silent Sister kept her saber in hand, her face becoming the perfect blend of rage and fear. The beast backed into the corner would always fight until the very end.

With the aid of the vornskrs she was tracked down with relative ease, heavy boots thundering down the corridors with growling cybernetic monsters in tow. She hated those vornskr, their artificial nature kept them beyond her touch and that infuriated her, there was no skill to it, no talent!

I'm sorry.

The creatures charged, and like canine baseballs she sliced through them, their dying yelps ringing out around her. There were too many, too fast. Teeth closed in around her left leg, ripping at that sickly flesh. The guards had been waiting for that moment, the take down. Stun rifles primed and aiming at her. No. Not like this. Not this easily. She felt the sting of the vornskr's tail as it lashed against the back of her neck. No!

As her small frame was dragged down by the beast a scream ripped out of her, now naturally, given how dearest Evelynn was a mute this could only have been a scream of one kind. Of the force, sending out a shockwave of destruction and malevolence that devastated all that stood too close, ripping up the floors and crumbling the walls around them. The vornskr that had been attached to her leg was far too close, actively exploding into a cloud of red mist.

It was too late however, for the tail of a vornskr is venomous.

Evelynn returned to her feet, taking great dramatic limps on her shredded ankle. A stagger. No. This was not enough fight. Evelynn slumped against the partially destroyed wall as the venom coursed through her veins. She could have done more. The guards who stood outside of her scream's death range recovered and a flurry of stun blasts rocked her very form.


[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Soon after word of Evelynn's detainment came up to Lord Kaine, the evidence of her treachery was presented before him as well. Security footage marked the mute and her lover fleeing through the corridors towards the landing bay, and an exterior shot revealed that she had not even tried to go with him. Perhaps there was something redeemable in that reluctance, but redemption was the farthest thing from Kaine's mind at this moment. He was furious at what Evelynn had done, but more than that he was disappointed that she would do something like this to him. He had done everything for her, given her a new life and made her strong, and she had spat in his face like an ungrateful rat.

It was good of Khristof to report this heinous crime to Kaine, and for that he was promoted to his lord's personal servant, and given a chamber far superior to his old hobble down in the servant quarters. He was groomed and cleaned up, had his missing teeth replaced and made to look extremely proper. In the weeks to come, Khristof would forever be secretly dubbed "Kaine's pet rat" by those servants who envied him, or by guards who despised him. However; the pet rat had assured his survival in Kaine's domain, and that was all that mattered to the former patriarch of the Dorn family of Lianna. Evelynn, however; was roughed up by the guards as they transported her unconscious form to the dungeons, slapped a force containment collar on her, and left her alone to wake up in the dirtiest dungeon the castle had.

A pair of guardsman would of course be stationed outside of the cell, but they would neither talk nor look at the prisoner. To pass the time, they had settled on playing a rousing game of pazaak. The taller guard, a man with obvious experience in the game, was rightly whomping the younger guard. In a fit of rage the younger guard kicked a stone at the wall next to Evelynn's cell, "This game is rigged, you son of a kath hound! How do you do it?!" They would be conversing like this when young Evelynn awoke.

[member="Evelynn Zambrano"]


here for your dad
Everything was dull.

The aches within her body, the voices that seemed to swim in the air around her, in fact all of her senses seemed to be significantly less sharp. There was an awful taste in her mouth, a mingling of blood and filth as she had been left face down upon the dungeon floor. Goodness knows what kind of filth it was, it was best not to think about it.

She rolled onto her back, noting that her wounds had not been tended as that shredded ankle screeched out with a stinging cry. I don't know why it was worth noting? Why would have have cleaned up her wounds? If anything they seemed to cause more while she was unconscious.

Her fingers snaked to towards the collar that sat around her neck, something that truly rendered her mute.

Once more Evelynn moved, this time onto her side with her back turned to the guards, knees clutched up towards her meagre chest. This was the calm before the storm. Presumably Kaine wouldn't be leaving her here? No. No. Surely not.

But what if he did? What if her fate was to rot here?

No. Dispel those thoughts, young lady, that's a good way to send yourself crazy. Oh. Wait.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
For almost an entire week Evelynn languished in those black cells deep beneath Vain Hallow, withering away slowly as she was deprived of food and water. The pair of guards would always interchange every day and night, and it would never be the same guard twice, always different people with different faces and voices. Then, at last, he came down from the upper levels to grace Evelynn with a visit. He did not come alone either, he brought his new pet, Khristof, and a gaggle of hooded servants from the apothecarium. They were surgeons and torturers, and they had come with their Lord to aid him in his punishment on Evelynn. The Lord of the Castle turned his hard gaze on the weakened Evelynn within the cell, and although his facial expression remained horribly impassive, his eyes betrayed the disappointment and underlying rage he truly felt.

He lightly tossed a skin of stale water into Evelynn's cell, the skin slightly opening and leaking the water onto the filthy floor slowly. "Drag her to the examination chamber, that's where we will begin." The guards on duty unlocked the cell door, and moved to roughly yank Evelynn up after she had drank her water, and began to drag her out from the cell and down the hall. Within the examination table was a metal slab, and rows upon rows of surgical tools and other grisly instruments, and Evelynn could probably guess what lied in store for her now. The guards would haul Evleynn up onto the slab, where the hooded servants would try and restrain her, but with her weak from neglect she probably couldn't put up much of a fight.

Then they would remove the collar, allowing her to speak to her Lord if she wished.

[member="Evelynn Zambrano"]


here for your dad
A week was a long time to be left alone with your thoughts.

The only indication that time had passed was that the guards would change, and who knew what intervals they changed at? Certainly not Evelynn. Every time they changed the guard she had the hope that it was Kaine, she would lift her head and look out of her cell with an inch of hope, hope that it was him and that he would let her explain why she let Sopher go, of course that explanation would be peppered heavily with grovelling apologies but what are you going to do.

Of course eventually hunger struck with his buddy thirst along for the ride too.

At first it had been that hollow empty feeling in her stomach that niggled at her, the constant growling and even the occasional gurgle in her throat as her body ached for nourishment, but after a few days hunger was overtaken by thirst. Dehydration struck hard and fast, thoughtfully coming in combination with her now infected leg. It became swollen, it throbbed, oozing fluids that couldn't have meant good things for the limb. Cracked lips silently mouthed pointless mantras over and over again.

I'm not afraid.

I'm sorry.

I love him.

Death is not the end.

He wasn't coming. She had been left to die, to literally rot.

Eventually she no longer had the strength to roll over and check if her Master was coming for her. So imagine her surprise when a flurry of footsteps descended to the dungeon and there he was, and in all his benevolence Kaine Zambrano came bearing water. The decrepit girl snatched at the skin and began to drink greedily, as if it were the very nectar of life itself and when she had finished that the mute had no qualms with licking up the liquid that had spilled onto the disgusting ground.

Like a child she was pulled to her feet (her leg she no longer dared to glance at, but if smells were any indication then the verdict wasn't good) and dragged away, remaining limp the entire time. If she still held any shred of true awareness Evelynn would have noted that the last time hooded men restrained her upon Panatha she had lost her voice. The collar came off, and she sang as it had been predicted by almost everyone, ever.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Kaine cared not for her words, pleading though they were, but he did spare the mute a glance before turning towards his chief doctor. The man had examined Evelynn's body, and had come to a conclusion about her festering leg. "The wound has become infested, sire. We can save the leg if we hur-" He was cut off by a hard glare from the Lord, who turned to regard Evelynn's ruined leg with a look of disgust upon his face. "It is useless. Remove it." The doctor opened his mouth as if to begin to argue, but remembered himself and merely bowed and moved to Evelynn's side. His assistant was right beside him, quickly moving machinery and trays of tools as quick as he could for the doctor, and Kaine stood there impassively as he did, until the doctor was preparing to use anesthesia on the mute.

"That will not be required, doctor. Operate without it."

The doctor sighed, defeated by the commands of his lord, and moved to commence the amputation. After he had sterilized himself, he picked up a shiny laser bone saw, and powered it on. No doubt the sound of a device that could cut easily through flesh and bone powering on would cause anyone discomfort, let alone knowing that said device was going to be used to hack off one of their limbs without anesthesia. Then, albeit reluctantly, the doctor began to slowly and methodically saw off Evelynn's infected leg at the upper thigh. Luckily for the doctor, and for Evelynn, that all of her limbs had been restrained and her strength and resolve weakened by neglect.

[member="Evelynn Zambrano"]


here for your dad
He didn't respond.

The rejection strung hard, yes, Evelynn had released his prized prisoner but she herself had stayed, for him and only for him. The chance was there to leave with the love of her life, and she had stayed.

Wait. Rewind. Remove it? The leg? Drawing from the very bottom of the barrel that was her strength reserves the girl lifted her head as much as possible only to catch sight of the bone saw being turned on. Panic filled her. Not so much at the concept of the pain but at the thought of the mutilation. By the end of her time here was she bound to be left as a torso? Deaf, blind and mute? She tried to struggle but it was absolutely futile, she had no strength to fight those who restrained her.

….no, please...

...I'll make it up to you!


Through a wombo-combo of his rejection, the anguish and the mutilation that had just taken place the girl released a blood-curdling screech, that would echo throughout the minds of those gathered around the table. Through flesh, muscle and bone. Her hands seized into panic fists that shook violently as the doctor went about the extremely grim task.


Too late.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Kaine watched silently as the doctor began to amputate Evelynn's infected leg, the laser bone saw easily cutting through flesh and bone with little difficulty. However; it was not the sight of Evelynn's leg being hacked off at the thigh, but rather her pleas for mercy and her screams of anguish. It was sweet to Kaine's ears, and he relished in her agony for betraying him so. However; he was not even close to being done with her just yet, he had other punishments in store for her, each one more horrible than the last. But they would get to those when it was time, and for now Kaine was content watching Evelynn's leg finally being hacked off.

With a final movement of the laser saw, Evelynn's leg was hacked clean off, leaving a perfectly cauterized wound where it once was. The leg was then carried off to be incinerated, leaving a maimed Evelynn to squirm in agony on the operation table. Kaine approached her, and lightly picked up a serrated blade from one of the tool trays, and brandished it before Evelynn's eyes. "You disappoint me, Evelynn. I had such high hopes for you, and you were proving yourself so worthy, but I was blind to the traitor hidden within you. I know I should not fault you, you only betrayed me because of the blood that runs through your veins. Traitorous Dorn blood, but I will help you to remove the remaining impurities within you."

Suddenly Evelynn was set upon by his hooded servants, who tore the remaining clothing from her body, leaving her naked and vulnerable upon the slab. Kaine gently set the blade down upon her bare flesh, "I will bleed the impurities from you." The blade began to drag across Evelynn's skin, blood beginning to leak from where the blade rent flesh, and he did this over and over again across her body. He was literally bleeding her as a form of torture, and soon enough the slab and the floor beneath it would begin to pool with blood. The servants would always bring her back from the brink of death by sealing the wounds and replacing the blood lost with manufactured blood compatible with her blood type. Then Kaine would begin again in new locations, turning Evelynn's body into a canvas of scars and blood stains.

[member="Evelynn Zambrano"]


here for your dad
Much to her horror the girl tried to move her amputated leg, she tried to wiggle her toes or bend her knee. The brain sent the signals, but there was nowhere to go. Her head lifted slightly and the mute caught a glimpse of what was once her left leg. Oh god. Don't puke, Evelynn, for the love of the Force you've got to stop vomiting when bad things happen, it's unbecoming.

Kaine voiced his disappointment causing the girl's head to loll from side-to-side in denial.! I...I stayed!

Again the prospect of pain did not truly frighten her. Evelynn cut as a hobby, a past time, it was foreplay in the bedroom and outside of it. Pain is pleasure. That was the mantra. However Kaine Zambrano's end goal wouldn't be to get his apprentice off, no, she had betrayed him and she would have to learn.

The serrated blade kissed her flesh like an old friend, sending her into a world of shuddering gasps as that red, red kroovy left her veins and was sent flowing onto the slab and the floor below.

...I stayed...

Eventually her head began to swim, eyes barely able to keep themselves open. Consciousness fading, sleep would come and then death would follow. Except it wouldn't. Kaine never intended to kill her oh no, that would be too easy, that would be a kindness. As soon as her breathing reached that shallow point of almost nothingness they would begin. Wounds being closed and the process of blood transfusions beginning. So it could all begin again.

Over, and over, and over...

...I stayed...

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
"You stayed, but you let him go! He was the only Jedi to discover my bastion of power, and you let him leave with that knowledge! He was destined to die down here, but now that he is gone, you will take his place!" Four or five times he ritualistically carved Evelynn's flesh with his grisly tool, and after each time her wounds were shut and her blood replenished. Her body would be forever scarred by the remnants of her betrayal, a constant reminder of what happens to those who betray the Lord of Vain Hallow. Strangely enough, however; Kaine left the entirety of Evelynn's left forearm void of scars or any form of torture up to this point. He returned his bloody instrument back to the tray, and picked up an item that resembled a scarab larger than Evelynn's forearm, before placing it gently down on top of her left forearm.

The device whirred to life, standing up a series of long metallic legs, and positioned itself precisely above her forearm. From it's underbelly opened a compartment of tools, and out from it came six extra legs all fashioned with a sharp hook on each end, and in between them all came forth a leg armed with a gleaming scalpel. The scalpel would angle downwards against Evelynn's skin at the wrist, and would drag the blade in a straight line from wrist to the end of the forearm at the elbow. Then the six hooked legs would move into action, sinking their hooks right into the edges of the cut flesh, and peeling back the skin to reveal the shiny muscle beneath. The scalpel retracted back into the device, and a device with a shock node at the tip moved to replace it, and began to lightly tap the exposed muscle in certain places to torture the nerves.

[member="Evelynn Zambrano"]


here for your dad
That was a very good point, actually.

So clouded by love was her judgement that she not actually considered the real consequences of letting Sopher Jakobs go. Evelynn did not think, she acted so rashly upon impulse and emotion and now she had so thoughtfully stayed behind for the fallout. Here, do you like the taste of consequences? Would you like a scalding bowl of consequence soup seasoned with pain and suffering? Well too bad, that's what you get.

...I couldn't...let...him....die...

She felt the peculiar device upon her forearm, much too weak now to even attempt lifting her own head. What was that? Likely it wasn't going to be an ice cream and hugs dispenser. knew...I lov-

The sting of the scalpel slicing down that pallid flesh grabbed her attention, what was he doing? There was something about the technique that felt so familiar and yet. Then it hit her, like a truck making deer marmalade. This, this was a favoured technique of Nemene Talith. As soon as the skin was peeled back she knew it for a fact. The nerves.

The nerves howled, white hot suffering spread through her very being. This is how her sister broke people. Evelynn gasped, even this was beginning to tip over the scales in her threshold for enjoyment.

Stop. Please! Stop!

Her teeth clenched together as if it would offer the girl some form of relief. It did not.


[member="Darth Vornskr"]
The machine began to die down, it's torturous shocks grinding to a halt as it retracted it's appendages and began to sew the skin back up as if nothing had happened. The machine then powered off completely, and was removed by some of the servants and put back on the tray. Kaine stood there like a statue, silently mulling over what Evelynn had said to him in her moments of extreme agony. "Love... What a humorous concept. Love doesn't exist, Evelynn, it never did. You may pretend to love, but it's only a diluted form of lust, and over time you begin to realize that. You will soon realize that yourself, and to help you understand I had a special chamber made just for you." The servants activated the slab's repulsors, and followed Kaine as he lead them out of the examination chamber.

Kaine led them deeper into the dungeons, until they reached a newly built room that featured a small ante chamber, and a room that resembled one of the isolation chambers commonly found in asylums. The servants moved Evelynn's slab into the chamber, and unstrapped her from her bonds, and then proceeded to unceremoniously dump her onto the metal floor without compassion. They then retreated out from the room to join Kaine in the antechamber. The doors sealed behind them, and Evelynn was left alone until Kaine's voice resounded over the intercom. "This is the isolation chamber, a room specifically built to strip a person of their senses and leave them in torment. I had it built specifically for you. Let's see how you like it." Kaine activated the chamber, and Evelynn would now begin to feel the horrendous effects of the chamber take hold.

This would be worse than any physical torture for the mute.

[member="Evelynn Zambrano"]


here for your dad
The stupid girl thankfully did not respond to his theories regarding love and lust, firmly knowing that what she felt for Jakobs was more than just lust. Far beyond the primal confines of desire. The proof was in the pudding, what kind of fool would put themselves into this situation? A fool in love.

Wait, special chamber?

Now that was a concern. Epiphanies from Kaine usually didn't come by pleasant means and as she was taken through the dungeons the mute threw more futile words at her Master.

...forgive me...

Discarded onto the floor like human trash the girl was left in the extremely empty room. It was like a padded cell, meant only for the most insane guests of the asylum. Initially it had her confused, but then Kaine's voice emerged all around her explaining what exactly her special little chamber was for and then, then there was nothing.

The lights went out, and there was nothing.

Rather gingerly her hands traveled down her own body, trembling slightly as they moved to feel the extent of the damage. Feeling is believing. A gasp and a wince as those bony fingers came across the very tender cauterised stump. The bile rose if her throat once more and Evelynn physically gagged, managing to keep down the extreme lack of contents within her stomach.

The Silent Sister lay there in the nothingness, unsure of which way time was moving. The girl too weak from hunger, thirst and pain could barely shift herself, she couldn't even cry.

Then it crept in.

Slowly but surely the void smothered her. Her ears, seeking sound to hear began to pick up upon ever mechanism of her body, at first it was just the weakened thumps of her heart, but then there was more, every beat of heavy eyelids, she could hear the very blood flow around her veins. The ragged breathes that she took became hurricanes and at some point she tried to stop herself from breathing just because the sheer volume of it was giving her a headache. She curled further and further into a human ball, silently begging for it all to stop.

Nothing really in comparison to the hallucinations.

Flashes in the darkness, at first incomprehensible and unclear leaving her asking if she had seen anything at all, but eventually they became more. With absolutely nothing providing her brain with stimulus the twisted mind that she held made its own entertainment. Demonic faces peered through the darkness, staring, judging. She could hear them and their accusations that she was still weak and pathetic, that she would never amount to anything. All the mute was good for was being used.

Used and abused.

The girl couldn't dispel the visions, so disoriented in the devouring blackness that she could no longer tell if her eyes were open or closed.

Ask her to pinpoint when she started to drag her feeble form across the cold metal floor and she wouldn't have been able to tell you. Eventually Evelynn found herself dishevelled and manic, dragging her nails down the padded walls like a zombie trying to claw its way into the mall.

Madness was settling.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
How long has she languished in that chamber? Minutes, hours, days? If it was the former, than this torture was truly designed to be the most brutal of them all. However; the time that had passed was irrelevant when suddenly, the chamber shut down and the lights came flooding back on. The sudden return of senses would no doubt cause some sort of distress to the mute cripple, although the severity of it was yet to be seen. The chamber door slide open with a hiss, and a team of surgeons and doctors came in to drag Evelynn from the chamber, and strap her to another gurney. The movement was so fast it would've seemed like a blur to the deprived senses of the girl, but she would have been able to perceive them working around her stump. Then, suddenly; a sharp pain would envelopes Evelynn's stump as the surgeons began to surgically attach a vong-formed leg in place of her lost leg.

Enter the Dark King~

Kaine had once again shown up just as Evelynn's operation to replace her leg was finishing up. He stood beside the gurney she was attached to, and stared down at his tortured apprentice. "Quite a magnificent room, wasn't it? Tell me though, do you love Sopher Jakobs?" He asked inquisitively, his face betraying nothing except for the intense gaze he cast down upon the mangled mute.

[member="Evelynn Zambrano"]


here for your dad
She was found shivering in the fetal position silently mouthing incomprehensible gibberish.

So frightened was our poor Evelynn that she had managed to scrape impossible strength from somewhere, uselessly beating her fists again those padded walls for what seemed like an eternity. Thankfully the nature of the room and the fact that with only one leg she remained on the ground meant that she did no damage to herself. Eventually she tired out, leading her to the state she was found in now.

The lights burst on, blinding the mute as she was completely manhandled, and strapped onto a gurney.

With her senses completely overwhelmed she simply lay prone, head drunkenly lolling from side-to-side. She was aware of pain. She was aware of her leg. However no reaction came. Nothing. Hey, look on the bright side, there was no complications for the surgeons. I mean, who was there to think of the surgeons?

Kaine came, and the Silent Sister instantly began to shake her head, beginning to silently mutter once again. Then he posed the question. Such a grand question. She knew what he wanted to hear. Her voice chimed in, tainted with terror.

But it was a lie. Would he see through it?

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Kaine stood there for a moment, looking over Evelynn's body as he internally debated with himself on what to do with her from here. He seemed to finally come to a conclusion with his current train of thought, and gently placed his right hand on her left as if to comfort her. Then he said the words, "You make it worse for yourself by lying, Evelynn. Remember now, that all that happens to you is because of Sopher Jakobs. Remember that." Kaine slowly removed his hand from her arm, and turned back to his servants. "Put her back in the chamber, maybe this time she will learn the error of her ways, and the hopelessness of love." Then he left, leaving Evelynn alone with the servants who began to wheel her back to the chamber, and would proceed to dump her back into that accursed room.

Then it would begin again.

[member="Evelynn Zambrano"]

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