Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private When Democracy Fails


It hadn't worked. They weren't ready, they didn't have the information they needed, but the case wasn't even made by them. Another person brought it before the Senate, showing just how much Denon needed help. And they voted against it. It wasn't anything crazy. It wasn't anything cruel. Look into the DireX, see if there's any claim to the atrocities they're committing. And the Senate decided it wasn't worth their time, or their care, or just didn't think it mattered at all.

Democracy failed.

Did that mean Corin Trenor Corin Trenor was right? That all of this she was doing was just.. Pointless? It certainly felt like it. Iris couldn't sit. She paced around the office, still glancing up to the news real that played the outcome. Motion denied, then on to the next news. Something about the Empire. Something about the Maw. It was easier to keep people focused on external threats than what was happening on their neighboring planets. Did this mean she couldn't even continue her own investigations?

Did this mean Valery Noble Valery Noble was wrong?

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Alicio had dared to be optimistic.

He had joined the Senate, knowing full well that it was an imperfect system. That there were self-interested parties, corporatists, senators too afraid to take a stand for them. Even so, he'd had more faith in the system. He thought even they wouldn't be able to stop the approval of an investigation into Denon's leadership.

Not even a decision. Just an investigation.

Alicio walked into his office with the bearing of a vengeful shadow, past Iris, and placed the datapad she had passed him on his desk. It was obvious he was furious, seething under a mask of chilled calm, his dark vestments and cloak seeming to billow like smoke around him.

"Do you..." Alicio croaked out, before clearing his throat, finally turning to face the Jedi. "Do you want tea, Iris?"

The senator certainly didn't right now, but it was impolite not to ask.

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -


He was just as angry as her.

Iris couldn't tell if that made her feel better or worse.

".. Yes. What happens now, Alicio?" Tea was a good idea, but Iris couldn't bring herself to just ignore the elephant in the room. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, glancing to him, then out the window, then back. She was terrified of his answer. Terrified that everything she'd put her conviction behind was just.. Pointless. She even pushed Corin away trying to show him this was the right way.

But it wasn't.

".. I don't know what to do now."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

With her affirmation, Alicio walked over to the corner he kept his compact burner and kettle, and began pouring water into it. She asked the all-important question. What now?

There was a moment of pause. "I don't know." He focused on getting the tea started, instead of whatever thunderstorm was behind his eyes. "The motion's been voted on, it's done. We can always try to push it through again, revealing what we have," he said, flicking his eyes to the datapad, "but evidence was even submitted during the senate meeting, and they denied an investigation."

"The only detractor to speak was Senator Vexx, everyone else seemed content to sit back. Which means they either already knew they had the majority, or they were bribed, or something."
There was a new, unfamiliar venom in Alicio's words. Even if Braxton Holst Braxton Holst wasn't to be trusted, no one with good intentions for the Alliance could be okay with what was happening on Denon. Which meant...

The majority of senators didn't have good intentions for the Alliance.

Alicio burnt his finger on the side of the kettle. He winced, pulling it away.

"The way I see it, we have two options. Either we bring what we have to someone in the SIA, have them start their own investigation, or... I leak it. Put my stamp of approval on it so it gains traction."

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -


A flash of pain brought her to her feet. She stepped over, gently setting a hand on his to start healing it. Bit by bit, at least to lessen that pain. The only thing she could do right now. She frowned deeper, closing her eyes as she bit back the resentment she did feel. Just so much resentment. Anger. Frustration. Hate. That was the worse part of all. She felt actual hate for the Senators who just.. Allowed this.

"If you leak it, you put a target on your head. .. The SIA might be the best bet, honestly."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

The Count watched as Iris rested a healing hand on his, and the sting of the burn swiftly evaporated. It gave him a moment to clear his head. He wasn't thinking straight. He tried to calm himself a bit, but was surprised by the taste of Iris' anger. She felt it, just as strongly as he did.

"If you leak it, you put a target on your head."

Alicio frowned. Some twisted part of him almost wanted to be a martyr. Put himself in peril for the cause, to prove he cared, to maybe get other people to care, too. But he couldn't do that. He loved his life, Amani, too much to chance throwing it all away.

"Yeah," Alicio finally admitted, pulling away his hand to hide it in the folds of his cloak. "You're right. But... I don't have any connections to Intelligence. Who's to say they won't just sweep this under the rug, too?"

"Unless you know anyone you can trust in the SIA?"
Alicio sighed, staring glumly out the window.

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -


"I don't. But I know someone who does. I can work with them." Valery Noble Valery Noble , actually. Given Alicio didn't suggest it, she figured that meant he didn't know about Valery's past as a Shadow. And, well, Iris didn't give out secrets. Not even to her closest friends and allies. But it was a direction. A path. Something, other than sitting here in anger. She frowned deeper as she settled on healing the wound. Trying to, anyway. Getting angry actually made it hard to do.

"This is why I hate politics."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Alicio nodded once, even as his eyes remained stormy. Do, despite his bruised hope, there was a chance. It was a good thing Iris was so well connected. It was a skill that Alicio had yet to really grow.

"Politics can't be the issue," Alicio barked, almost immediately regretting his sharp tone. He took a deep breath. "Sorry, I didn't mean... Politics is just what we call the leaders of a group of people working together. There isn't inherently anything wrong with that." The Count massaged the bridge of his nose.

"I... I knew the Senate was corrupt when I joined. But... shooting down a credible investigation without a significant debate... It's... tyrannical." His faith in the system had been shaken before. Now, it was hanging by threads.

"I have to believe it can change. I have to believe that everything we've worked for wasn't for nothing." That his entire career field wasn't pointless. Because if it was... where did that leave him?

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -


"Yeah, well. The Senators would just call it politics if they were asked why they turned down the motion. Whatever it was originally, it's not that anymore. It's an excuse to oppress." She sighed, closing her eyes. Taking a sip of her tea ever so gently. To calm the nerves, as much as she could before she dipped too far into frustration and anger. Alicio felt much fo the same. They were working towards the same goal. Together, in different ways.

But it still felt useless.

"We'll.. Figure it out. Something out. We're not the only ones who want change. I'll talk to my contact. You, see what senators can and will stand with you. I refuse to believe that everyone who voted against it voted against it with malicious intent. .. I imagine some were bought, too. We'll sort through it."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"I don't..." Alicio turned away from the Jedi again, pouring his own tea. "I don't disagree."

There was a pregnant pause, as Alicio listened to Iris. He took a sip of his tea, glaring into the liquid as he pulled it away from his lips. "House Organa has always had a strong relationship with hope," the Count began, his eyes boring through open space. "There have always been hardships, will always be hardships, that will face us. But I heard growing up, over and over again, that we must hold out hope, because as long as there's hope, we have a chance."

"I'm trying to hold onto hope. I really am. But I don't know if I can do this."
His vicious rage turned inwards, tearing at his already-fragile self-worth. "I'm not a good enough statesman. I can't convince corrupt people to be better."

"What good will trying do?"

Alicio suddenly shook his head. This wasn't him. "Sorry, I'm not thinking straight. I... I don't mean that. There's still hope. We'll... we'll sort it out."

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -
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For all the anger she felt herself, she couldn't see it. Not her own emotions, never her own. The colors were reserved for those around her. Like Alicio. And to see his colors dulled her own anger and heartache. She reached out, setting a hand on his shoulder. Squeezing, not so gently, to pull him out of his self flagellation. "Not everyone is corrupt. You're not. You can't think everyone else is too. There was no real discussion, and we both know the one who brought the proposal wasn't exactly.. Trustworthy. Find the Senators that voted against it because they feared a hidden agenda from Holst. Find the ones who voted against it because they feared it set a dangerous precedent. Find out why. So when we gather up our case again, there will be no doubt in the minds of those who weren't bought."

There was still hope, so long as someone didn't give up. She could do this. Find more information, find more secrets. Help make a case, even if the Senate didn't allow her to.

"We will sort this out."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Alicio would always have that unshakeable feeling that he could have, should have done something more. Maybe if he hadn't missed the signs that Holst was making his move, maybe if he had organized everything just a little quicker, maybe if he'd dropped the datapad's information to every senator in that room, things could have been different.

But Iris' stalwart insistence brought him out of that downspiral. Bitter hindsight wouldn't help the people of Denon. Action would. Picking themselves up would. Persistence would.

"Okay." The Count nodded appreciatively, his shoulder relaxing under Iris' touch.

Alicio smiled suddenly, some hidden memory bubbling to the surface. "You know, when we met, you didn't give off a very good first impression." He chuckled. "Painting as Valery and I were planning relief missions to Tython... I thought you didn't care. But I've learned otherwise since then."

"Iris... You're one of the best people I know, and certainly one of the finest Jedi there is."
He inclined his head respectfully to her, grey eyes dancing with gratitude. He scooped up his datapad, slowly setting his own tea on the table.

"Now, unless there's anything else, we've got a fire to jump into."

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -


"I'm pretty terrible at first impressions, I've learned." She snickered a little, shaking her head. That wasn't one of her finest memories, but at least it wasn't all bad. The picture did turn out good. And, well. Smiled. Sheepishly, at that. Iris couldn't say if she was a good Jedi or not, but she tried. And she always would.

"Mm. Let's go try not to burn up."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

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