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Private When am I?

When am I?
Coruscant, Level 3022
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Oni knew what his objective was. When the Infinite Empire came to the doorstep of his order, he resolved to return the favor. The swordsman should have never done this. He wasn't out of training, let alone strong enough to face an evil like the Rakata on his own. Had he told any other Je'daii, Oni would've not only been advised not to, they would've surely expelled him. Maybe they should have. After attempting to fly one of the Infinate Empire's vessels, Oni hound himself lost in the void. It was a place devoid of life, with streaking lights his eyes couldn't follow. Had he been in that space for any longer, he feared his sanity would slip away. When his ship emerged, it crashed on a wasted world. Barren, war torn, filled with towns cobbled together from scrap and cloth. It was horrific. When Oni asked them what this place was called, the locals referred to it as Tython. This was his home. The Je'daii must have fallen to the Infinite Empire. What else could leave such destruction in it's wake?

He couldn't remain on Tython. Oni wouldn't have been able to handle it had he stumbled upon the ruins of his home. Instead, he set off, stowing away on a vessel bound for a world called Coruscant. For weeks, the Je'daii learner huddled away in the darkness, sleeping amongst the ship's luggage. When it finally landed and the swordsman emerged, he found himself in a city reaching into the heavens, filled with bright lights and alien folks he had never seen before. In a daze, Oni wandered the streets of this place on edge. Most confusingly, there was not a Rakata in sight. Was this an entirely different civilization that had been spared from their conquest? He didn't know for sure. All those he spoke to acted as though he was insane.

Eventually, exhaustion started to kick in. Oni hadn't eaten since departing from the shuttle that had brought him to this "Coruscant," and he hadn't slept for days. The young Je'daii collapsed, sprawling out on the ground of a back alley. Hard as it was, his back seemed to sink into the floor. Oni fought back against the sensation of comfort, keeping his mind awake, but eventually he would need food.

How was he supposed to do that in a world he could barely understand?


The colors of Coruscant were some of the ones Iris knew the best. Even with the sheer number of people, she learned a lot on how to look through them. See the people around her, see how they were feeling. At times it really helped her find people who might actually need her help. They were tricks she learned on Denon, anyway. It was in her wandering that one set of colors actually stood out.

Lost, hungry, alone, afraid.

She took off, immediately jumping towards a nearby balcony to get to the roofs. Anywhere she could run without needing to worry about people. Down, farther down, until finally-

"There you are. .. You hungry?" Iris dropped down beside Oni, offering the boy a simple, brief smile. She knew what it was like to feel like that. Not just hungry, but everything else in a city like this. It was lucky she was close by, huh?

Shem Spinner Shem Spinner
Coruscant, Level 3022
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"There you are. .. You hungry?"

The sudden appearance of a young girl startled Oni. The young swordsman shot up off the ground, quickly sitting a crisscross position. Had she said "There you are?" It seemed to imply that the girl was looking for him, and furthermore she seemed to know more about his state of mind than she should. Of course, Oni was to exhausted to question any of this. This was the first time someone had seemed to approach him in good faith on this planet. He could ask questions later.

"I am," he responded with a frown, keeping his composure. "I haven't had a meal in a week, I think."

Oni sighed, taking a moment to reflect on his surroundings. Hungry wasn't the only thing he was. Lost, confused, tired... guilty. There was a lot on his mind, things that his generally stoic nature couldn't simply keep down. But, he was talking to a stranger. As trustworthy as this individual seemed, he wanted to keep his situation close to his chest... at least until he felt something peculiar. This girl wasn't like the other strange beings of this planet. She was like those of his order. How? Last he had seen, Tython was in ruin.

"You..." he began in a quieter tone, his eyes focusing on the girl's scarred face. "You're like me..."

A force sensitive, and a trained one at that. Given her calming aura, she couldn't be aligned with the the Infinite Empire. She had to be from his order. The Je'daii weren't gone. Still, he couldn't be too sure how many were left.

"What is this place?" he asked, his mannerisms remaining respectful, but clearly worried. "Are there more of us?"


Like him?

Iris glanced him over. Nothing at all stood out on what made them similar. Maybe- Oh. Her lightsaber! So he was a Jedi? Was he lost, then? For a week? She smiled. No, that wasn't good at all. But he seemed warry. "Yeah, we just rebuilt the temple after everything that happened on Tython. Come, I'll show the way. Get you some food. A week.. I'm sorry no one at the temple noticed you hadn't arrived."

That was a whole different thing she'd have to talk about with her Master. How many others like them were lost and unsure where to go? Jedi never had money, and weren't thieves. The fact he didn't seem like he was going to keep over was the only reason she wasn't freaking out herself.

".. Oh! I'm Iris. Padawan."

Shem Spinner Shem Spinner
Coruscant, Level 3022
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"Yeah, we just rebuilt the temple after everything that happened on Tython. Come, I'll show the way. Get you some food. A week.. I'm sorry no one at the temple noticed you hadn't arrived."

All Oni could do was stare blankly at the girl. What she was saying made very little sense to him. Something happening on Tython? Rebuilding a temple? When had all of this taken place? Furthermore, how did the Je'daii find this Coruscant place so quickly? Before he could answer, the girl gave her name. Iris Padawan is what she said, but he couldn't tell if that was really her last name. The pause between the two was longer than you would expect for an introduction. A clan perhaps? For now, simply calling the girl Iris would suffice.

"My name is Oni," the Pantoran began, scratching the back of his head. "A-apologies, but I seem to have missed a few things. When did the Je'daii establish a Temple on another world?"

He paused, recalling the scene he had been greeted with upon his return to the world he was told was Tython, or what was left of it. The expression on his face became grim. The timeline of events simply wasn't adding up.

"What happened on Tython?"
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"Je'daii? They haven't been on Tython in.. Thousands of years. At least with a temple? There's a group that has a space station in neutral space, but- Yeah." She paused. Stared at him. Then blinked. Rapidly. Little things suddenly clicking together all at once, more about his questions than anything else. And the colors. He seemed lost, yeah, but now that she actually looked he seemed lost. Not just on the planet, but completely.

Out of time? Her own Master was from the distant past, but if he was talking about the Je'daii on Tython, then-

"I'm sorry, Oni. I- I think you're in the future."

Shem Spinner Shem Spinner
Coruscant, Level 3022
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Oni lingered on Iris's words for a moment. The future... How had he not seen it before? The advances in technology, the strange new species, access to planets outside Tython's space without any outside travel past the arrival of Tho Yor. Of course everything was different. This wasn't his time, not as he understood it. The young swordsman promptly fell backwards, laying on the ground once again. This time, it was not out of exhaustion. Instead, it was prompted by a wave of shock. Everything he had ever known was gone, reduced to dust by time. Only he remained, all because he got lost in that... void place.

"I..." Oni began, struggling to find the words to say. "I think I understand. Th-there was a ship I stole. I tried to follow the Rakata back to their empire... It just brought me to a strange place beyond the light of stars. I didn't know how to get out."

Whatever this other plain was, it had unusual properties, one that were looser than the reality in which they stood in. Was that how the Rakata outran light? It was ingenious. Terrifying, even. It didn't matter anymore. The Infinite Empire was gone. Somehow, the people of this galaxy managed to overcome them. Still, Tython lay in ruins. There must still be a threat to the balance of life preying on these people. Maybe the Force had guided him to this time for another reason. Oni stood, brushing the dirt off himself and recomposing his thoughts.

"Your order was on Tython," Oni reasoned from what Iris had said previously. "Then you're the successors of my order. I'd like to see them."

Oni paused, his stomach gargling in an uncomfortable manner. He had almost forgotten that he was on the verge of starvation. Given the strange situation the swordsman had found himself in, it was understandable why it had slipped his mind.

"A-after I get some food, that is."


Oh, good. He understood. Iris let out a sigh of relief that immediately turned to panic as he just collapsed. Without food for a week- Oh god was he going to die? The human body could only go that long before it'd start to shut down. He wasn't human, but did that mean he was fine? Did that mean it was worse? Medic training galore kicked in as she crouched beside him and went to check his vitals.

And he was fine. She blinked rapidly as he just stood up. Oh.

Okay so surprise.

She stood herself, nodding. And laughing a little. "We have food at the temple. Think you can survive a ten or so minute walk?"

Shem Spinner Shem Spinner
Coruscant, Level 3022
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Only a ten minute walk? That was incredibly relieving to hear, especially given Oni’s current state. He could do it, sure. The swordsman was nothing if not stubborn, but his body would shut down eventually. It was nice to know that there was a location in sight, and one that wasn’t too far at that.

“I can do that,” Oni assured. “It’s better than wandering aimlessly…”

Hopefully, his questions could be answered when he got to this Temple. Where he had gone to bring him to this time, what had destroyed Tython, and what he was supposed to do next were chief amongst them. For now, he just needed to focus on getting there and getting actual food in his system.


"I imagine so."

She gave as kind of a smile as she could before leading him back towards the temple. As she said, it wasn't far at all. The large, rebuilt Jedi temple loomed above in all it's glory. Iris just.. Smiled. Honestly seeing the temple like was a welcome sight. Better than the ruins it'd been. Ah, man, it'd be crazy if it Oni came by just a couple months ago. There wouldn't be a temple for him to come eat at.

Iris paused for a moment, glancing his way.

"You have anything specific you want to eat, by chance?"

Shem Spinner Shem Spinner
Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani

As the Temple came into view, Oni couldn’t help but gawk at the sight of it. It was the single largest structure he had ever seen in his life, minus the entire planet of Coruscant being a city. The temples of his time were grandiose, but they were nothing when compared to the temple of Iris’s order. It was daunting, in a way, thinking about the near thousands of force users who dwelled within, all training in the ways of peace, balance, and philosophy.

"You have anything specific you want to eat, by chance?"

“I’ll eat anything,” Oni admitted, slightly embarrassed. He was much hungrier than he had realized. “I’m not exactly sure if the food from my time still exists now that I think about it…”

If Oni really had leapt thousands of years into the future as Iris had suggested, he doubted there was much left from his time.


Anything huh?

Iris nodded and guided them right to the kitchen. And immediately went to work actually cooking herself. Something simple, easy. Eggs. Spicy eggs. Absolutely spicy eggs. It wasn't good if it wasn't hot. She hummed softly, beating up something to scramble before making the sauce needed and, well. Everything else that needed to get done. Eggs were quick, too. Wasn't long at all before she had a couple plates and handed some to him.

Then took a bite of her own with a smile.

"Here. Eat your fill. If you want more I'll get you more."

Shem Spinner Shem Spinner
Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani

It took very little time for Oni to inhale all of the eggs that had been placed in front of him. He seemed to not even notice that they were spicy, even after his plates were clean. Even eating at an unusually fast speed, the swordsman had excellent table manners, keeping his elbows off the table, stacking the plates when he finished, and never once making a mess of any kind.

“Thank you,” he said with a half bow. “It was very good…”

Oni hadn’t been expecting so much hospitality. It was jarring, going from being lost in the streets to this. The swordsman couldn’t help but feel comforted by it all. The force worked in mysterious ways, even thousands of years in the future. Unfortunately, Oni didn’t know what that entailed, at least not yet.

“I don’t know where to go next,” the young swordsman sighed. “Everything I know is gone…” Suddenly, a thought came to his head. If this order truly was the successor of the Je’daii, perhaps he could join them in facing whatever threat this future galaxy had. It was the least he could do for the hospitality. “If I went to your leaders, do you think they’d accept me into your order?”


Iris gladly made as much as she could eat. She didn't get a chance to cook as much as she really should've. Her smile softened though as she watched the colors around him. To be lost, out of time. She only knew of her Master.

"I think they'll probably test you, ask you questions. But.. I don't see why they wouldn't. You're bright." In the colors she could see in the Force, anyway. The smile took an encouraging angle as she nodded her head.

"Yeah, they'd accept you."

Shem Spinner Shem Spinner
Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"Yeah, they'd accept you."

That was reassuring to hear. Oni still had purpose, it seemed. The Je'daii were gone, but he wasn't. Clearly, he must have some greater reason to be sent to this time. It was by the will of the Force that he had come here, even if the swordsman had not planned to.

"Thank you," he nodded. "I... landed on Tython when I emerged from that place. I'm guessing you're aware of it's current state..." Oni's voice became solemn, racked by guilt. "Tython was the only home that I've ever known. A thousand years doesn't change that. I don't know what caused such... annihilation, but I want to be there to stop such a thing from ever happening again."

Determination filled Oni's eyes. He had a goal now, one which would change the course of his life going forward. If he was going to join this new order and fight back against the darkness, he had a lot he needed to learn.

"Who should I speak to?"
Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Valery Noble Valery Noble

Oni held his tongue when Iris said she had been there on Tython when... whatever calamity befell it. A wave of respect for the padawan washed over him. It comforted him that she had been willing to protect Tython. War was a terrible thing. The Rakata had taught him that. It took great courage to place one's self on a battlefield, even if they themselves didn't recognize it. She mentioned an individual afterwards. "Master Noble." He was perplexed to hear that she had come from a different time as well. Judging by the phrasing, not Oni's time, but from the past nonetheless.

"Where can I find this Master?" he asked.

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Coruscant Temple
Tag | Iris Arani Iris Arani Shem Spinner Shem Spinner

Valery was up in the Council Chambers, attending a holo-meeting with representatives of an Alliance world when she received the message from Iris. So it took a little bit of time before she finished up and was able to look at it, but the moment she read it, Valery got up and moved towards the elevator. It wasn't unheard of to find people completely out of time, but it was rare enough to where it sparked her curiosity.

If her own experience was anything to go by, this Je'daii could likely use some help. For her, it had been extremely difficult to not only learn that everybody she once knew was dead but to also find the remnants of her old Temple. It was only because of the help of one man that she got through it the way she did.

She was proud and happy to call him her husband now.

"Iris?" Valery finally asked when she entered the mess hall and approached her Padawan. She spotted the Je'daii as well, and dipped her head to him, "Apologies it took a moment, but I came as quickly as I could. Who is your new friend here?" she asked with a soft smile, hoping he'd introduce himself and explain a little more about his situation.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Apologies it took a moment, but I came as quickly as I could. Who is your new friend here?"

Oni was still trying to process how this Master Noble had gotten word so fast. He was sure it had to do with the strange glowing device that Iris had in her possession, but he didn't exactly understand how such a thing worked. Regardless, he was now in front of the person he needed to speak to.

"Oni Manrok," the swordsman introduced, bowing respectfully. "I wish to become a student of your order. I don't understand how it is I got here or why, but I know that there's something dark out there. If this is truly the successor of my order, I wish to continue my training under your tutelage."

Hopefully he wasn't coming off as too brash. It was just that after seeing Tython, he had an innate sense of duty to face whatever had done such a thing, just as he had a duty to face the Rakata and their Infinite Empire. But, if he was to do such a thing, Oni needed to learn. He would need an order to teach him.

"I... I know I may come off as rash," Oni continued, "And that I know nothing about the future... but I saw my home in ruins. There were people there mourning... charred earth for miles. I can't leave anyone to be condemned to that fate."

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