Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What's yours is Mines (Black Sun vs OS)

Cadan look to the cigar that Flannigan dangled infront of him, had a quick draw then looked to Thraxis and nodded. The pirate then drew out a small needle and rammed it into a vein in his arm. Cadan felt the chemical take over. His blood began to boil and anger rose from within him. Now he looked for his enemies. Flannigan had said something about slaves, Cadan loved slaves...

Cadan took long strides, his fingers running along the hilt of his DL-18. "Alrighty then! Which one of you karks is gonna be me new play toy!" Cadan shouted. Cadan saw a man running from the factory and slung out his DL-18 in what looked to be a well rehersed move and filled the civilians chest with plasma. "Still got plenty of shots left!"

[member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Vaulkhar"] [member="Abelain Narv'uk"] [member="Drogh"] [member="Xis"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
Standing opposite from the sith Xis started to grow bored no longer even looking at her or focusing on the woman. It all seemed pointless, how long had it been since the Falleen had picked up his saber. Carved the flesh from another being and left them nothing more than a mess on the floor for someone to clean? Too long, but for some reason the Falleen didn’t feel the need to draw the weapon during this duel it was like facing a child and there was no point in demonstrating his own proficiency with the blade till absolutely necessary.

Feet shoulders width apart the Fallen simply let the Sith approach, she hadn’t even chosen to use the force to amplify her speed. Not the best option when facing a foe that was from a species far greater than a baseline human. Not only were Falleen reflexes head over heels above a human’s but they also had greater strength and speed among other things. A slight bend added to his knees Xis let the Sith get closer the saber activated his own still upon his hip. Instead Xis let his will extend out through the force touching the electronics that the Sith had come into battle wearing as though it would protect her.

In an instant Xis was able to identify the gear she was using, a shield that would serve as decent protection in the short term but would serve no point in a duel of this magnitude. The armor was equipped with many electronic features not more than the Falleen’s but easily on par. After what felt like an eternity Darth Banshee reached him and the Falleen bent lightly at the knees leaping three meters into the air carrying him over her and continued into a flip.

Landing on the balls of his feet the falleen added a cartwheel to the to put a bit more distance between them. All without relying on the force. “Oh come now child I’ve met padawans that do better.” A smile touched the Falleen’s lips this wouldn’t sate his lust for battle but would do for now.

NPC Forces: 30 wardroids, 4 engineers

Continuing through the halls as ordered the engineers and droids moved together the engineers at the core of the formation to keep them protected. The Kuat employees were smart enough to not stop the droids nor would they have been given any mercy if they had. The droids and engineers had their job and they would complete it at all costs. The wardroids released the cries they had been programmed with to scare off the stragglers and surprise what few Sith had been aboard the station.

The droids had been equipped with sonic shotguns for a reason. They would easily shred anything in their way without a proper defense for sonic weaponry. The Sith troopers felt this first hand as sonic waves impacted their bodies destroying organs and even leaving streaks of bloody pulp in their wake. They would be reaching the dry docks soon for the ships that weren’t fully operational. Many would’ve expected the BS to go for fully functioning ships but all they needed were ones with working navigation systems.

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Vaulkhar"]
Enemy: [member="Xis"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Vaulkhar"] [member="Drogh"] @Thraxis
Allies: [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Abelain Narv'uk"]
Equipment: War Armour, Banshee Saberstaff, Sith Amulet and personal shield
Location: Space shipyard

The reptilian was jumped away from her, it mattered not. Her attack was never planned to do anything, he insulted her, stupid move to insult a sith. She was not going to show her hand so soon, she then used the force as there was a bit of distance between them. She was going to use anything too powerful, as she did not want her opponent to know her true strength. She used force pull on him, she gathered her strength, pushed using the force on his back. She was aiming him straight for blade, she was also keeping ready force barrier, so he would slam into it. He would not even get close to her blade, as the shield would be in the way first......
The slaughter and destruction left within Vaulkhar's path could be felt by anyone sensitive within the force. The amount of death that seeped outwards from the city was obnoxiously powerful. Moving through the streets anything that came within his path was cut down as if they were animals. Women, men, children, beasts. Nothing was safe from the wrath of the man once known as Avarice. The dark side burst out around him, his eyes glowed a powerful orange as the warmth within the air seemingly dispersed and instead was replaced with a chilling cold that grasped at anything nearby.

As of yet, nothing overtly powerful had made it's way towards Vaulkhar. A few unlucky Acolytes had wandered before his path and were cut down, as did some troopers. But aside from the minor annoyances, the bloodletting that was occurring had yet to reach a crescendo. Only one battle, one death would bring this battle to a climactic conclusion. That of Abyss. As he felt the presence of what was becoming somewhat of a frequently occurring presence within his life.

[member="Darth Abyss"]
Abyss could feel that the climax of this battle was close, or at least the event that would mark his personal climax. His anger was burning brighter than ever before as he anticipated the moment he and his enemy would cross blades again. This time he would bring him to his knees and then watch as he would crumble in dust before him.
The path of his enemy was marked by the deaths of those in his path. Surprisingly heartless for a sith imposter like him.

As he walked upon another corpse Abyss could see the bright light of a lightsaber as it fell down on to take another live. In a fluid motion his red lightsaber came to live in his right as he stepped towards this adversary of his past.

"So our parts cross again sith imposter. I hope you have made your peace with being dead tormow. If not this might will be rather ... depressing for you."

As he was speaking he pulled out the pin of one the smoke grenades hidden under his robe on his back. The second his last word left his mouth was the second the grenade was cooked and ready to be served. In a fluid motion his left extend from his back, throwing the grenade in the space between the two man.



Coughing as he awoke from the ash pile, smoke risng form the ruined ship as he opended his bloody eyes to stare. He felt the heat burning close to him, a deep pain that was like a blanket over his body. The pain did not fuel his hate or anger, it was just pain simple pain. His mind were thick clouds as he struggled to his feat, standing up looking around him to see nothing more but torn corpses and mournful cries and tears of those whom had died. It was a shame, truely to see so many dead for little reason then volience within it's self. Apprently as a dark side user such emotions as compassion and empathy were weak, indeed he felt sorry for them but he held no sorrow for them.

Besides, his own life was more important, he could see a trail of broken machines and guts spilling on the hard blood spilled ground to know what his 'master' had done. He heard faint callings out, mixed with the countless cries of pain, rage and revenge had dimmed all sounds far away. Drogh was paid little attention it would seem, no one began firing at him, no one shocked or surprised that he had survived. Yet he could not see his 'master' no matter were he looked all he saw was death and despair which at this point were noises to Drogh.

To his mild disgust he saw a long and wide trail of corpses follow his masters trail, still coming too he followed the trail, not competely standing nor walking with out a wabble and having to stop to regain his balance. Perhaps the bloody path would only lead to more bloodshed, perhaps it's at a end but where ever his master was going, he wanted to get there quickly.

He would not be a target for any sinper to shoot down or those whom began to notice his apprence a bit more, instead he began to do what came natural to him, the alleyways, sweeping in and out of the shadows, following the path closer and closer to his master.
The path left behind by Vaulkhar cut through the city in an obvious line of destruction. It moved through streets, alleyways, and homes. Bodies of both humanoids and droids alike littered the streets. Fire and corpses marred his path, so Drogh would likely have no problem finding his way to Vaulkhar through the city. But that was not his concern.

As Vaulkhar's blade sliced through the neck of some unnamed Mon Calamari, the head fell from it's shoulders with a wet thud on the street below. The sound and sight of a crimson lightsaber igniting took Vaulkhar's attention away from the slaughter he had brought forth upon this city. His main concern was bringing out as many One Sith sympathizers as possible and it seemed one of the few remaining of their zealots had arrived. He could feel the presence of Abyss across the city and now that it was before him, he grinned.

"Peace is a lie, boy."

With the arrival of the smoke grenade his grin widened. Taking a deep breath he began to focus as to aid in his breathing, utilizing the force to keep away any deadly toxins from his lungs as he moved through the glowing cloud of smoke. For Vaulkhar, a man who had been blind from birth and had seen through the force his whole life, he was not slowed. Not in the slightest. With a sudden rush, Vaulkhar leaped through a particularly thick cloud of smoke with his lightsaber held high, slamming down at Abyss. He could tell his power had grown since their last duel, but was it enough to take on the seasoned warrior? A man who had fought on much more dangerous and bloody battlefield such as this? We shall see.

[member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Drogh"]
Abyss made no attempt to raise his weapon it the air to block or deflect the incoming strike. Instead his left grabbed the cortosis knife also hidden on his back, bringing the blade between himself and his opponent. He was mildly surprised that the man had been not affected by the grenade at all, but after he had resented his mental attack on mindabaal he consider that he had quiet a lot of tricks up his selve.

The knife had been forged in a direct reaction to his defeat by the man, as was the cybernetic leg that had replaced the one that was cut of. Still his enemy had surprised him so far, the fact that he had seemingly dedicated himself to the dark side showed him that there was more to him than he had initially thought.

Followed by the rasing of his knife was a stab into the air with his lightsaber aimed at the chest of the man. As much as he wanted to enjoy the fight he needed to end it as soon as possible. The planet was still under attack and Abyss wanted to retake command of the defense befor all would be lost.

Position: Sith Head Quarterd
Allies: Black Sun Syndicate, [member="Xis"]
Foe: One Sith

It had been an hour or so since [member="Darth Abyss"] left a Sith officer in command of leading the attack. He was directing the movements to the troops on the ground and Civilian Ships to the skies. The Sith really didn't want anything to be left, and this was just a raid. The HQ was wild with officers and intelligence soldiers running around in their military uniforms. A man with black slicked hair under his One Sith Officers Cap had his Silver eyes looking over the HQ staff, "Too many." The man thought to himself. The ghost silver eyes darted to the doors leading to the barraks and then the armory. Dressed in One Sith Intelligence Officers uniform, the man walked over to the door holding a data pad in one hand. In all the rushing he was unnoticed as he left the Center of the military planning.

Once outside he walked to the armory, but as he walked by a trooper stopped him. "You there, where are you goin?" The man turned to see three One Sith Troopers standing in the hallway just outside the barracks corridor.

The man spoke in a normal tone, "I'm checking the armory, grabbing the manifest and bringing it to the Commander." He turned to walk away when the soldier pointed their weapon at him. "Kark me." He thought to himself. He dropped the data pad and pulled out his Vibrodagger, then ducked and charged the troopers. Before the first one got the chance to pull the trigger, the man jammed the dagger under the troopers jaw and into his lower neck. The other two troopers looked for a good shot before shooting. This gave the man to pull a second dagger from his belt and throw it to hit the other trooper in the faceplate helmet, penetrating and dropping the man.

The final trooper decided to call out instead of firing, "Intruder in level-" a Vibrodagger was sticking out of the soldiers neck between his helmet and his chest plate. The man held it there from behind the man. "Bad choice brotha"

6 weeks, it took 6 weeks to build a cover as an Intelegence officer here from central command. 6 weeks and it was destroyed in seconds because of bad luck. Tydus took off his Officers hat and started to run to the armory. Placing a Voice Modifier on his throat, then opened an Encrypted Communicator. "This is Tydus, I'm about to place the beacons for the weapons pick up, I'll get the one for the Motor Pool after that. He hopped someone in the Black Suns Ranks would get that.


Drogh had followed the bloody brick road, trails of the dead and dying crieds that echoed out the empty streets. It wans't the nicest of sights but those cries of pain was leading him to those two. As he got closer, the streets becoming more grim, shouts becoming more faint and distance he saw two men, poweful darkside users fight it out. However his vision was clouded by smoke, yet the winds were passing it. Still his vision was blurred and blocked.

As he peered closer, and the sight of the lightsaber, the orange one like a sun in fog was waving about. He wasn't sure what to expect. however his master had no bothered to aid him or the others in the crash, he certinally wasn't going to risk his own flesh in helping his master, unless victory was certain. So he watched and waited.
The shadowy form of Vaulkhar burst out from the smoke and came face to face with the current scene of Abyss with a dagger raised high in defense and a lightsaber being pushed towards his chest. He raised an arm quickly and from it burst a stream of lightning, the silvery tendrils of electrical energy immediately moving towards the dagger, where it would strike the metal and move upward the arm. Other sparks flew off in the direction of Abyss' leg. As the lightning burst out, Vaulkhar twisted his arm around him and batted away the lightsaber before making impact upon the floor. As his feet hit the dirt he immediately jumped back and put several feet between himself and Abyss.

"That was close, Acolyte."

Abyss had clearly prepared himself for the onslaught that was Vaulkhar's offense and he greatly approved of it. He couldn't be sure what the dagger was made of, but considering he put it up in defense, it was likely lightsaber resistant, possibly more. The paranoia burned through Vaulkhar's mind as he studied his situation. From the showing so far, Abyss was not yet on par with his level of dueling, or at least he believed so. Reverting to the smoke trick he used on Korriban along with a defensive stance was intelligent, but not requiring of skill. And considering the years of experience Vaulkhar had, it was unlikely the man could match his dueling abilities.

Moving forward once more, Vaulkhar launched into a series of thrusts and slashes with both hands upon his blade, aimed to gauge the Acolyte's skill since he last witnessed it on Korriban. Each blow came with the strength of both arms behind them, even more than that, the force itself aided Vaulkhar as the crysal within his saber aided in channeling force strength.

[member="Drogh"] | [member="Darth Abyss"]
Abyss could feel as the bright blue energy danced over his knife and into his body. Dropping the new weapon on the ground, while smoke was ascending from his left arm, Abyss made a step back, using his lightsaber to block the part of the lighting that would've fried his cybernetic leg. He could feel the energy that had been pumped through his body, fighting against sickness and nausea from the electric impulse that flowed through his nervous system.

As the next round of attacks began, Abyss pushed his blade in the air, once again barley keeping up with the superior skill of the other duelist. Yet he had prepared himself for a situation like this, not only with his knife but with a handful trick and gadgets chosen to because of their effectiveness to break the flow of an adversaries swordplay. He had researched serval individuals that managed to keep up and even kill force users without being sensitive to it themselves.

As a strike moved down on the acolyte his lightsaber slashed into the air with both of his hands, hovering diagonally in the air and meeting the other blade as close to the hilt as possible, using what strength he had to block the blade. He knew that the other man had more muscles and was overall in a better physical condition than him, so keeping him locked like this wasn't an option. Instead he turned of his lightsaber, while making a quarter spin to his right to let the blade cut the air besides him. He hoped the move would at least give him some level of surprise, as he continued the movement, trying to push the metal hilt of his weapon into the mans face with his right hand.

The duel had yet to truly begin in Xis’ eyes, this had just become a tedious gesture in order to buy his droids and people time. There was no true threat to him here. The Falleen looked at the back of his armored hand as one would do when ensuring that they hadn’t broken a nail. “Come now, what happened to that threat earlier? Seems like you don’t even have the skill nor power to even make me sweat. My exercises are more tiring than this.” He threw out the insults with little mind for how the Sith felt about them. Whether it angered her or not was of no consequence. She was beneath him. “I thought the sith were of a higher caliber than this? OR did that loss to the Galactic Alliance also destroy your stronger combatants?”

Feeling the push of the force on his back Xis wouldn’t budge. There were exactly two abilities in the force that he had delved into to the nth degree and that was Telekinesis and the more obscure skill of mechu-deru. The push did nothing and was more like a light breeze to the Falleen as it brushed against a barrier created through nothing other than telekinesis. Invisible to the human eye and a common skill taught to the most basic of padawans. The distance still between them. “So uncoordinated.” A quick glance beneath his helmet and he looked at the wall panels that lined the hall. There was the racous sound of metal screaming as three panels were pried free of their places misshapen their edges sharp. Hovering in the air between Xis and the Sith the Falleen simply shrugged.

With a thought all three were propelled at her with speeds rivaling slugthrower rounds. Slowly shifting positions in the air one panel flew at her waist and the other two shifted to the right and left to circle around. One would be aimed at the back of her knees a weak spot in just about every armor as one had to allow for mobility. The final simed for the spot between the base of her neck and shoulder.

NPC Forces: 30 wardroids, 4 engineers

Running into the dry docks the droids and engineers were welcomed to the site of half functioning Sith ships, all ready for the taking of course they didn’t have the numbers to pilot the vessels away from the shipyards that’s why the engineers had come with the datachips. The virus they held was created by Xis with his skills in mechu-deru. The engineers of course knew what it did, but no one else. Not even the closest advisors of the Falleen. Moving over to the manifest one of the engineers began to scroll through it. On the list only four of the vessels were capable of flight the rest were still out of commission. Even the ones capable of flight lacked any weapon systems. That could always be repaired later.

“Alright go after the Long Nine’s assault cruiser!” The head engineer ordered pointing at one of the other engineers and the group of seven assigned to him. The job was never easy for one working with the Black sun and this engineer knew it. He had been working alongside Xis for years. His name was Tivor yet another Falleen but not one of the nobles. He’d been taken in by house Sammun as a child and raised alongside Xis like a brother. “I’ll be taking the Vanguard-class. You two go across the dry docks and secure the Wyrrlock class.” The orders had been issued out and they were all moving to complete them. It would still take some time before they could leave but this was the first step.

[member="Tydus Wryeens"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Vaulkhar"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]
When the two blade's lock, Vaulkhar pushed forward slightly with the minor advantage he had. The sudden turn of Abyss put him back onto his heels, sending him backward as he simply stepped away. The move was quick but not quick enough, as his very own master, the first one who taught him Makashi, used the same move to best him the day before Vaulkhar was knighted. The memory was a good one, a rather odd one to have in the middle of a battle such as this, but it was a good one nonetheless. He raised his lightsaber defensively and entered into the most basic of Soresu defensive stances, watching Abyss. He looked over the man, getting a feel for everything he had on that was directly visible to Vaulkhar. Weapons, armors, gadgets, anything he could see.

"You've gotten better. Not amazing, but better. Why don't you leave the One Sith, boy. Why don't you come to the Black Empire where we can turn you into a proper Sith? Where you can serve the new Dark Lord and stand against the onslaught of the light side."

His words were neither laced with the force or any apparent lies, the questions were genuine, the points honest.

"Killing you would be the same as destroying a relic. The time of the One Sith is gone, evolve with the Sith, become strong with the dark side. Join what will make you more powerful so you will never be hurt again."

Vaulkhar nodded to the cybernetic leg as he awaited a response of any sort from Abyss, his eyes carefully watching the man's every breath and movement. What Vaulkhar offered was genuine, but he was still a paranoid Sith. He still was careful and desired nothing more than the perfect move at each turn. He was not going to be caught off balance again, that was his goal.

[member="Darth Abyss"]
"You really do not know, do you? The one sith are dead and we all know it, not only you and your dark lord."

Abyss spit the words out like he had just chewed on something utterly disgusting. The man was a strong worrier, far above himself, but it seemed like his mind was weak, lacking the ability to see behind the schemes that brought Abyss here.

"I do not stand here today because I believe I can resurrect the broken and crippled corpse of the empire, I am here because I want to use what is left to clear the path for what will come next. Look around you imposter, Kuat burns, like the rest of the core will burn. Soon there will no one left to defend the planet and that day not your beloved Black empire will stand at kuats doorstep to take over but the crusade or the alliance. And when they do I want them to only find the ashes of what they hoped for."

It was the truth. He had no illusions that he could return the one sith to their former glory, but as long he still had the option he would make the path for those after them as stoney and rough as he could. Without further words he himself took on a comvat stance, that of form two, but his lightsaber was still resting in his hand without being activated. He would give the other sith a chance to listen to reason before he would make his next attack. Not any fight had to be fought with a lightsaber.

"Is that not what your dark lord wants? To see the enemies of the darkness struggle? Or is your empire so weak that your lord fears the death of the innocent?"

A single dark laugh left his lungs, as he looked at the man, openly showing his disrespect and disdain both with his words and his expression.



Drogh had watched the two fight and finally halt. He heard them bicker about this and that, he found it funny how they had forgotten they were both still in a middle of a battle. It would be lovely if two foes could stand together like cormades and talk, sadly reality does not work in our idealstic bubbles, anyone whom has even had the smallest bit of suffering knows that. Finally seeing the fighting was over, well for now atleast Drogh began to come across, the smoke passed and the bloodshed halting for a time, he would make his advance. Walking over, he came across just behind his master calling out in cold words. "You left me to die master, the others may have perished, for I saw no dog nor girl climb amoung the reckage."

"But perhaps master, we're not here to make freinds, sith are sith and sith die." His voice had no hints of kindness or comradeship in them, in his mind he was going to tell them the simple truth. "You would kill the weak, but spare the strong that are a threat to you?" His voice hinted destain for his master, why would he not strike this man down? "If I must remind you both, this is a battle and if you don't start killing each other some one else will.".

Drogh could easily feel and see their paraonia, what simple strike and either one of them would be dead. Apprently this man here the "Abyss" a silly name; apprently one to be taken seriously. Was some how so important, a relic? He is nothing of the sort, he refers to the 'relic' as a boy? Excuses, excuses to keep this man alive, because for some reason the master that was supposed to be so high and mighty would rather spare the "boy's" life then end it.

"You both know one of you is going to kill each other at some point, stop lying to your self and be done with it already, we have more important things to do surely master?"

Vaulkhar Darth Abyss
Across the floor of the armory were dead One Sith Troopers and Officers, near one of the weapons lockers Tydus still wearing the Intelligence Officer uniform was placing a device on the backside. Fiddling with the buttons and switches he let go of it and pushed the weapons locker back into place. One of the officers growned on the floor holding a cut on his arm, which was bleeding pretty bad. Tydus smiled with the white of his teeth showing, "Well now we can have that talk." With his Voice Modifirer off.

"Go to hell you crimin-" Before he could finish, Tydus threw a throwing knife in the mans leg.

"Now see, I want to have a conversation about those Droid Admin Controls, and I have your code cylinder, and I need to the Admin password now, and I know you have it." he was playing with a Sith Imperial Captains Rank, "Now where were we?"


25 min later

Tydus leaves the armory with two droids guarding the door cleaning his dagger with a torn off part of an officers uniform. Dropping the cloth after he deemed his dagger clean he walked on to the Moyer Pool, placing the Voice Modifier on his neck again and opening a com link to [member="Xis"] and [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], "Beacons set in the Armory, weapons and explosives secure, moving on to Motor Pool then Loading Bay, need escort to get payload off planet."

Tydus turned off the Com Link as too keep his location and cover secure. Moving to the outside where he needed to cross a court yard to get to the motor pool. As he crossed the frame of the door he spotted a group of civilians held hostage by some Sith Troopers. This might have been the civilians [member="Darth Abyss"] ordered to fight against there will. Tydus thought about leaving the men to their fate, but then he noticed the Kaut Shipyard Logo on the sleeve of several of the men. He would have to make a decision.
Cadan looked at the large doors that stood between him and loot. He snared at it and extended his robotic arm, attacthed to his wrist he had a missile launcher. "Finger crossed this don't worker Thraxis, cause then we can use that big ol' walker!" Cadan laughed as he fired the rocket towards the door. With a BANG the doors flew open smoke and dust flying around. "Damn." He muttered to himself. Anyone near the facility doors would be alerted to the loud explosion.

"Shall we 'ave a lo-" Cadan sentence was interupted as a volley of bullets clashed against his armour. "Alright then. Looks like we gots some killin' to do." Cadan charged forward, his guass rifle firing and hitting some of the security task force. Warbeast's and droids began to fire back.

"Bet cha a round of drinks I can kill more of 'em than you can Thraxis!" Cadan shouted back as he charged throguh the open doors. Ramming the but of his gun into one of the mens jaws, smashing it to pieces before filling him with rounds. Cadan caught a glimpse of the facility they had just breached, and from what he could tell it was a gold mine filled with Sith Technology.

Thraxis after a while of running got tired, his body feeling the pain of trying to run ahead of droids, requiring every single muscle in his body to be pushed constantly, instead he took the lazy route, flipping on his Rockets he slowed himself down, waiting for the prime opportunity before falling back atop one of the Warbeasts, his hand raising high in the air as he imagined himself to be a space cowboy, lowering his body to avoid the wind as the beast continued its march, realizing that even as he ran at his best he could manage, these beasts were running faster then he could have managed. It may very well have been pity on the droids part.

After a while they were met with the pearly gates, they were all that stood between them, and a pile of pirate booty. He snapped to Cadan, a wide grin across his face as he turned, watching as the Walker slowly made its approach, "Well. Looks like someone is in the Walker I suppose... Dunno who." he said with squinted eyes, scratching his head before returning back to him, "Yeah, I got my money on the door." he said as he pulled out a bag of Creds, he worked with the more physical lot, he wasn't into no fancy schmancy digital craps. Time itself almost slowed down, watching as the rocket propelled itself towards the metal, a quiver in his lip as his eyes widened, before a powerful blast swung fourth the door, a few seconds of wonderment as he watched the smoke clear, only to see Cadan win the bet. "Damn it." he sighed as he tossed the bag of credits to Cadan, it wasn't much, only a couple thousand.

As the smoke cleared he heard the ringing of blaster bolts dissipating into nothingness against his armor, "Charge!" he yelled, his arm raised high pointing directly through as the Warbeasts began their pounce, bouncing high and fast the spray of bullets rupturing a through the armor but not before the teeth met with flesh, an easy and quick snap as jaws pulled forth chunks of meat, only to be followed by another round of blaster fire, supporting this time to help tear through the meat of the opposition.
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Tydus Wryeens"]
[member="Xis"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Vaulkhar"] [member="Drogh"]

Tydus looked over to the civilians held hostage by the One Sith Troppers. He took a quick count of the number of soldiers and civilians. By his count there were a squad of 6 troopers, 1 officer, and a little over 40 civilians, half of that being Kaut Shipyard employees. This would be the largest group of enemy he would faced yet. He would have to tap into his Force powers for this combat. It took all his passive concentration to keep up the barrier of Force Serpression. The only way other Force Users couldn't sense him. His cybernetics also made his presence in the force lower then an average human. This however would require all the training he received as a younger kid.

He looked closely at one of the officer in their grey uniforms. Concentrating on the area around the mans neck he squished the mans neck. Using the power of his cybernetic legs and the force to increase his speed, he rushed at the rest of the troopers. Pulling out his blaster pistol in one hand and his Vibrodagger in the other, he took 5 quick shots at the men closest to him. Then stopping at the officers body to use him as a shield. Grabbing the body from behind, the other troopers were unaware the officer was dead. They took a pause to asses the situation, as proper soldiers would. This gave Tydus time to asses as well, out of the 5 troopers he tried to shoot, only 2 were on the floor. It seemed they were only wounded as they were still moving in the floor. Sith Armor was no joke, they took a bolt straight to the chest.

The soldiers decided the officer was irrelevant or noticed he was dead cuz without pause they shot into the mans body. Tydus took cover behind the body for a second then throwing it aside as he shot to the soldiers. He used a technique that a Jedi Healer taught him while with the Healer Guild, something the man called "Steady Hands". He used it to save life's, Tydus would use it to take lives to save others. Using the force he norrowed his vision and slowed time. Pulling the trigger he double tapped each soldier standing before him. This exhauster Tydus as he didn't use the force very often.

To other force users in the area, there would be a wave of Grey Side energy reverberated through the force. Then just as quick as t arrived it would disappear, as Tydus concentrated again to focus the his energy into suppressing his presence in the Force.

He needed time to gather his thoughts, then speak with the Civilians that remained.

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