Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What's a Little Songsteel For a Big Woman?

To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Janick was a little irritated to see someone challenging her to a duel so recklessly for something as trivial
As the Force-alignment difference between two women; [member="Lyth Meran"] might be a little small
But Janick knew better than to underestimate an opponent just because the opponent was a tiny woman.
She lied in wait outside the Victorian mansion on the Fourth Moon of Utapau, not expecting the As-Aki to fight like a cushion
And also wagering nearly all her savings on some songsteel futures, she has to fight
That duel she hoped never to fight. Hopefully she will find someone to buy off the songsteel futures
And reap the profits from a successful large-scale sale of songsteel like selling Force-computers;
Until then, she just has to fight at high noon for what was right.

"Little As-Aki: what are you doing on the Fourth Moon of Utapau?"
Janick asked the little As-Aki on the street corner with a blaster pistol in tow.

Janick didn't even draw the pistol yet, instead waiting to walk five steps
So that she can fight the little As-Aki at high noon, in true Wild Space fashion, without caring about reps
Similar to what she saw in holos set in Wild Space.
With her own mind warming up, she needs to keep up the pace
So that the little As-Aki could be fought without regard to race.
After all, she was at her home base.

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
Lyths mind ran in a cog wheen as her true intentions she would not reveal.
" well to see you in chains." she admitted to her opponent.
fhe braced her self in her cockpit of fer droid as an attack was coming at eany moment.
" to be honest it is over a bar tab. you made 60000 creds in damages and stole the waitresses knickers all 17 waitresses. " she esplained
as they stood appon upatus grassy plaines.[member="Janick Beauchamp"]
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Bar tab? Surely she couldn't think I caused 60,000 credits in damage while stealing 17 barmen's knickers
Back at Avalon on Kal'Shebbol; I would never steal barmen's knickers
While the clients drank alchemized lum, she thought,
While pondering whether she would actually fight the As-Aki for nought.
And then Janick turned to face [member="Lyth Meran"], even though she would think
That the As-Aki actually dueled her over the songsteel futures, rather than over the fallout of drink.
Oh songsteel futures, how profitable are those things compared to a bar tab?
She stood in front of her own home's entrance that was a little drab.

"I think you might be interested in buying my songsteel futures
Over fighting me over a bar tab" she told Lyth in a voice all too pure.

Janick didn't have 60,000 credits to spare at this time;
She would turn back and fire the opening round this time,
In the direction of the little As-Aki, completely oblivious about the alchemized lum
She offered for free to the patrons of Avalon over rum.
She was anxious to see whether she could hit
The little As-Aki's wings, let alone make them split.

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
she wasn't sure if the woman was abut to attack or take flight but still she asked [member="Janick Beauchamp"]
" so we gonna fight or just talk sh*te. "
the bar tab was a ruse a willfull deciet as she had the droid she rode toff a grenade at her feet.
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
When the grenade was thrown towards her, Janick realized
That she had to jump out of the way before the explosion could materialize.
Due to the slowness of the grenade, the time for Janick to engage in trash-talking
Was soon coming to a rather quick ending
Because the grenade's blast narrowly missed her;
It's as if a miracle was to occur
As she shot another blaster shot in [member="Lyth Meran"]'s direction.
Since Lyth dodged the last shot, she had to hide her dissatisfaction
From having missed the last shot.
But she couldn't let her rot!

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
Well things went south the move was made as Lyth had tossed the Stun grenade.
before the thing could make a thump out of the way thr Jedi did jump.
" Back here and let me hit you " she yelled as she maneuvered her droid.
" Dammit get back here. " as she droid dodged the blast she swore this would be [member="Janick Beauchamp"] last.
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Unfortunately it would not prove to be so easy to get rid of Janick;
[member="Lyth Meran"]'s dueling strategy relied on her moving like a brick.
Even so, she realizes that agility was the way to go in this fight
Since she had no way to reflect blaster bolts back right
From where they came.
It was kind of problematic, but it was, to her, fair game
While the droid narrowly missed her by a hair.
She tried to use the Force to roast the droid's crosshairs...

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
" lets see if you can walk wirg out a floor" cried lyth as sge gired at the sond as ehe echo reverved from her blasters sound.
blasts hit her drouds chest. as she jumped out of her cockpit anr flew to [member="Janick Beauchamp"] redt yo hit.

( sorry this was my 5th time trying to post. if this takes.)
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
With the droid's crosshairs being roasted,
[member="Lyth Meran"] jumped out of her cockpit, loaded
And ready to hit Janick at a moment's notice.
In Janick's mind, the plains form a big lattice:
Agility was going to be the order of the day here.
With the As-Aki closing in, she has to fire faster than a musketeer;
However, doing so limits her mobility.
She realizes that she is beaten in the arena of agility...

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
sater than arrows and slings Lyth flew out on her cyborg wings.
in a flassh she launched a punch like a hornets sting sje launched a punch well and good on to the side of [member="Janick Beauchamp"]'s left boob.
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
"Ouch!" she let out when [member="Lyth Meran"] hit the side
Of her left boob; she let that slide
When she attempts to freeze the cyborg wings
Using the reverse of the method used to roast these things
Called the droid's crosshairs.
Powered by the pain of the hit, cryokinesis was thus used to freeze wings in dares.
It was hard for Janick to stay focused on the movements
Of the little As-Aki that might be under coolant.

"You better be worth the commercial loans I took out to invest in that songsteel"
Janick uttered, while the pains heal.

Meanwhile, another of the workshop's workers took out
A commercial loan so that the workshop could buy more songsteel out
Of what futures contracts they could buy
And hence attempt to fortify
Their positions on the restricted materials market
So that they could sell those like on a casino's green carpet.

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
wirh a veep veep veep lyth fell to [member="Janick Beauchamp"]'s feet.
" fefffin force yusers. " she grimmbled as her oppontnts seat.
the veeps grew faster as the her plistol charged liting her had now it reavhed its max
soon it would be tine bit she coulgnr be lax
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
That was going to hurt, she thought, while sensing that [member="Lyth Meran"]'s pistol
Was charging much like a pontite crystal
So she sought what cover she could;
Hopefully what cover she could find, would have a good likelihood
Of protecting her body from the pistol's shot;
She had only a split-second to leave that spot
Before the bolt lands; once again, it had narrowly missed her.
With that said, she attempts to make the diminutive pistol burn and purr.

"Like the droid's crosshairs, your pistol will burn" she warned Lyth
While she used pyrokinesis on the pistol as if it was a monolith.

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
with a blast lyth fired fast as the beam barely grazed [member="Janick Beauchamp"]'s face.
as the bilan doged with a speed that could only amaze.
" well i hope that singed yer mustache" rhe fary yelled.
wanting to see the woman in hell.
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
[member="Lyth Meran"] somehow managed to hit Janick's hair;
She might have lost a few locks, but otherwise not that much damage was done to her hair.
Meanwhile, she also missed her pyrokinesis shot,
Resulting in a pocket of air made hot;
Yet her Force-batteries were running short
After using her Force-powered moves of support.
Perhaps she wasn't the most focused in heating up the As-Aki's weapon;
This time around, she will have enough focus to make the fairy's pistol redden.

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
Lyth's wings fluttered and spurted as it sputtered to life.
and then she shot out as a hot knife.
woth a fuzz and ahum ske spann arround and fired 3 shots in to [member="Janick Beauchamp"]'s bum.
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
So [member="Lyth Meran"]'s wings defrosted? Lyth's current armor must have had better thermal conductivity
Than she previously thought. With that said, her opponent's last activity
Proved to be a pain to the butt, due to it having sustained a hit
That penetrated the armorweave dress, which was tightly knit.
Precognition saved the day here, and she was grateful for it
Saving her from more grisly wounds, such as being split.
Her agility wound up taking serious damage,
She was to attempt using Force-lightning to ravage
The pistol's internal circuits. Hopefully the armor's electrical conductivity
Would prove similar to the thermal conductivity...
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
[member="Lyth Meran"] tried to exploit the opening
Left behind by the last volley of blaster-induced totalling;
Even with her agility being severely limited,
She still managed to make a move pivoted;
With that sudden move, the blaster bolt narrowly missed her butt.
Yet her armorweave dress sustained another cut
Due to the blaster hitting between her legs.
To heal her injured butt, she will need a bacta hex...

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
lyth was annoyed she hated fighting the jedi.
the force made her want to sigh.
alas here own connection had been cut off at the same time as her wings were
while she made prosthetic replaced the wings the force was still lost to her.
still with a sigh dhe ducked and dove with a complex strafeind attack she attacked and wove.

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