Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What was lost is found (Open to all)


The ship flew through space at the speed of light. Going along the trade lines and highways to get to whatever planet the pilot wanted. The freighter however rather new seemed to be older than it should. The sleek pain had long splintered off and was left with the metal grey exterior. The lights of stars zoomed by in an instant as the Galaxy seemed to be filled with balls of burning gas. The stars all looked white to me as the lines of light and darkness came and went. Never the matter, Running a hand through my cropped hair, I felt lost for a long time. I had left my brethren and sisters because of my selfish reasons. I was a fake.

I will earn it back. But first I had to get there.

Adjusting the few settings on the dash of the pilot's seat, I stood as it was still in autopilot. Moving to the back room, I went to put on my armor. Pulling on the body glove, I shook my head. Having to wear it, I felt like I was lying to others. I needed to. I had to. If I wanted to earn my way back into life, I needed to start from the bottom. I would fabricate myself into someone new.

I wasn't the man that [member="Verz Horak"] knew back then. I was not the man that anybody expected me to be. I closed my eyes. Breathing in as I calmed myself down. I continued once again to put on my armor. Sliding on the Crushgaunts over my hands, I flexed my hands. The stretching of the gloves came to my perfect ears. Reaching over, I looked down at the helmet. A simple wide visor for easier vision purposes.

I looked down at it, and tried my best to hold myself together. From behind me, I could hear foot steps. I stopped myself as the head popped around. A woman who I had taken in. Who I had brought with me for a single purpose. To have a companion. Living alone is not a good thing. It killed those who needed life. I wanted someone. And we clicked. She wasn't a love interest, but she was a good friend of mine. Former Mando as well.

"Is something wrong Jo-"
"Don't say that name..... please."
"It's fine. Just don't let it slip."
"Anything I can do?"
"Get ready Alex. Soon we will be home. But first we need to make a stop on Tatooine."
"Yes Sir."

Walking away before I could tell her that I didn't like to be called sir. I guess it came with the fact that I haven't been using my old name. My birth name for a while now. I wouldn't accept my past. I had to move on. I breathed in and accepted that I won't ever look back. Pulling on the helmet, the HUD activated in it's soft blue glow. Speaking to myself, I walked out of the room heavier than before.

"Time I get back to the Galaxy."

"Keep the ship aligned, and slowly ease down on the thrust..... there ya go.... Good job."

Clapping onto the shoulder of the female, Alexandria, or Alex, she smiled at me. Landing the ship down. She was slowly learning how to fly a larger vessel like this. She was a fast learner. Reminding me of myself when I was a kid. Despite that, I tapped the top of her head. Without a word from either of us, she nodded and rolled her eyes. Putting on her own helmet. I stood up as the armor and weapons I carried jostled around. The Beskad on my back accompanied by the Rifle that was slung over. On my thigh was a revolver, and connected to my belt on my right hip was a Trench Knife.

That was all that I would be carrying today. Even as much as that may be, Alex carried the same rifle, and same pistol, only she had twin vibroblades on her hips. We left the ship and walked down the ramp into the Tatooine Spaceport. The Cloak around me already blowing as I pulled up the hood. Alex followed suit to keep the sand out of our armor. Walking forward, We were here to meet someone who I haven't seen in years. Sadly for them, it was not going to be a nice visit.

Tatooine, the armpit of the galaxy in Jasters mind. The planet was full of some of Jasters worse memories, but he just kept coming back. If it wasn't for secreat meet up with benefactors he would much rather never step foot on this planet. The supplies that were given to him were of high grade so he couldn't turn them down.

Jaster took his ships transport to the surface to retrieve the supplies and pay the man providing it. He didn't know who the man was but he was informed that he would be wearing a rob and under a hood. As the ship landed in the spaceport, Jaster took 4 of his best Mandilorian marines with him. As they exited the craft Jaster noticed a very unsettling fact. Everyone on this planet wear a cloak and hood, grunting he became very adamant about strangling the seller when he found him.

"Men split up, keep eyes peeled, on this planet you'd get mugged just for looking cleaner then the guy next to you." Jaster instructed his men. This planet would other be the death of him or he would be the death of the planet. In his head he hopped the latter.

The ship that landed next to him was of interesting design, none that he had seen before. Even the occupants seemed new to him, the armor seemed the same concept as his Mandilorian Neo-Crusader Feild Marshal Armor, but very much newer in his mind. He didn't pay much attention, his mind was getting his medical supplies and leaving the planet before something bad got him involved like the last 35 times he had been to this planet.
Walking on, my rather heavy form, as well as Alex's seemed to sound like thunder as we walked down the ramp. Out of the freighter I turned my head around to see the likes of a Mandalorian. Other Vod came out to help the man. Each seemingly carrying a package or a weapon with them. I brought up my hand and gave them a salute before continuing. However, I stopped as Alex's voice came out. Clearly having a smile on her face as she spoke. I listened as her option was great to me.

"Why don't we help them? Isn't it our duty as Vod to help our brothren?"

I stopped and shook my head. Half tempted to just continue walking on. However, seeing as how he at least looked to be Mandalorian, I could have some kind of contact with this man. I looked over to Alex. The hood of the cloak swaying. Reaching up, I removed the hood and began to walk towards the group. Alex dropping down from the side of the ramp with a thump as she trotted after me. She knew I didn't like to do it before hand, but she did know that I liked to help others. Even if it were to cost something to me.

Offering a hand in the air as a sign that I was not here to attack, I spoke,

"Anything we can do to help vod?"

I took a few steps forward but stopped. Watching as some of the men with weapons started to point them at me. Seeing the weapons I carried, I brought my left hand out to show them I was not carrying anything in my hands.

"Just offering a hand."

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud "]

Jaster was surprised as the rest of his men, most men offering there assistence were killers or robbers. From the accent Jaster could tell it was Mandalorian. Jester was an exile, he didn't meet very many of his kind without being looked down apon. This is why he hid his mark, the mark of an enemy of the Manda'lor.

He made a handmovement and his men lowered there guns, nodding they walked off. "Sorry for that my friend, this planet isn't known for its,,, kindness." He moved his hands to gesture his slow grasp for words. "You are very kind to offer, but we are just searching for a smuggler, is there something I could help you with my young friend?" He offered.

Jaster had the time to spare, his men were on the search and his Hammerhead class Cruiser was in space using the scanners to search the plannet. Hopefully knowing he was an exile didn't change the kindness in this man.
Yes. Kindness was not always something that was just handed out freely. However, I did so. Even then, I understood the complications. I smiled deeply as he called me young. I may have been young a long time ago. I turned around to look at Alex. Her arms went up and shoulders rose like she didn't know what to do. However, she stayed silent as always. Seeing as how the cloak covered her body, she may have been hidden as a male. And well, females don't get too much of a good rep around here.

Turning back to the men who stood before me, I let my hands drop down to my side. Knowing all too well that the weapons could be back up in less than a second. However, I knew I drew my pistol faster than they ever could. I had trained over years to be fast and to be good. Regardless, Alex would stay quiet, and I would be the only one to speak.

"Looking for a smuggler myself. Name is Jax Durvan. You heard of the name?"

If he did, good, then tell me where he was, if not, then I would move on without him. Seeing as how he kind of shot down my help of an extra two hands. Either way, Alex got what she wanted. Conversation between myself and another person. I reached into my side, pulling from a compartment a small holoprojector. Revealing it, and activating it, the Holo that came up showed an Akanian Offshoot in very smuggler like clothing, and an old blaster on his hip.

"Kind of need to talk to the guy about a contract we had."

Really I was ending the man's life because he had loose strings attached to me and my name. And he would be one of the few who would spill the beans if he found out I was still alive. Hence my need to cut his string of fate a little short.

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud "],

Jaster enjoyed the conversation between kin of his homeworld. Unfortunatly Jaster knew very little about the man he was to meet. Jaster was very pleased that the man had lowered his weapon, keeping his hands level near his pistol. Jaster kept his hands away from any weapons, would get in the way of Jaster ace hand to hand combat. Though out of practice, Jaster was able to beat some of the most slot Mandalorians he trained back when he was still in for Navy. His armor was custom modified to allow better movement while alowing his body to move faster at the lighter armor.

This didn't show a threat to the man, Jaster was done with fighting and killing, all he wanted was the medical and construction supplies the smuggler promised. This holo-picture that the Mando showed did look familiar to him, though the name was foreign.

"The picture I must say does look like Buyer 12, the code name he gave himself, but the name I can't say I know," Jaster looked at the mandalorian behind his new friend. Easily confused to be another man, Jaster could tell it was a Mandalorian female. It had been over 7 cycles since he saw a proper Mandalorian Women in battle armor, this one was a perfect example of proper upbringing as he could tell. "if this man you are looking for happens to be the same man I'm looking for, we could possible help each other out," Jaster didn't like to help others, most likely he would be screwed after. "This man owes me 50,000 credits worth of level 10 pharmaceutical drugs and medical supplies, you can have him to do with."

Jaster figured that by the tone in the Mandalorians voice when he said "friend", this man would kill his seller. To Jaster that was just one less trip to this hell hole of a planet.
Looked familiar, but never heard of the name. Closing up the holoprojector, I put it back into the compartment and closed it up. My attention came back to the man as he suggested that we work together to find this man, but that I would have him. Seeing as how he knew already some about me. I turned my head just a little to speak,

"Alex, take off the hood."

Her sign that we should be okay. However she knew that we would never be taking off the helmet or armor. I looked back at the man and nodded my head. Might as well look for the same person. Walking to him, I offered my hand to show that I was willing to go with the deal that I would have him in the end.

"What did he steal from you?"

Legit question considering he was a smuggler and a thief. I expected that he may have scammed this man for his money. Probably already spent all that he had anyways. So it was likely that this man wanted a little bit of vengeance for his hard earnings. And I wouldn't have blamed him. Some people just deserved to be smacked in the face with a chair made of iron on a bad Monday. He was one of those people. If the man answered my question or not, I decided to continue.

"I know where to meet him considering I asked for us to meet. So you should be able to see him soon. However."

Indicating the men behind and around him, with and open palm, as well as myself and my companion,

"He would run if he saw this many people coming for him. So what I say is you and one of your men plus myself and Alex would be good enough. Don't want to scare off the wanker."

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud "]

Jaster followed, he waved off all his men and they disappeared into the crowds. He brough his best snipers and covert specialist to this operation. Not because he wanted to kill the man, but because it was Tatooine. Following the Mand and his female companion to where ever they had planned there meeting with the shadow figure he was looking for. As they waited Jaster decided to pick up some conversation with his new bussness venture.

"Steal, he hasn't stollen anything from me, I just payed him to steal a ladder shipment of medical supplies from some not so nice rich folk, only problem was the shipment was hit a month ago and I haven't seen my money's worth." Jaster wasn't surprised the man took the infermation given and tried to sell it off himself. On the black market the supplies stolen would fetch at least 100,000 credits, and Jaster was paying half.

He was a bussness man, working on both side the law with no care what happened to the people he worked with after that finished there bussness. He didn't like being scammed, much less used. So if this new venture wished to injure or kill the man, more power to him in Jasters eye. Just let Jaster get his supplies first and the killing could last till the destruction of the galaxy for all he cared.

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