Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private What to do when home isn't home

Location: Zelos II | Nul
Tags: Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn

“This planet needs a change of personality that hasn’t come in centuries,” Vyxxen said with a smirk. “Or I certainly am not the person to be leading them. Maybe I can get in the ear of the next ruler and start changing things, but I’m not going to marry some slughead for that to happen. Thank you for being supportive. Most people hear that I am running away from what amounts to being a queen and think I’m crazy.” Vyxxen blushed a little when Neryn suggested how she could continue to tour the galaxy. “I’ve not been very good at independence. Mom sends me my allowance in secret. But other than that I’m totally on my own right now. What do you do for work? Doesn’t seem to get in the way of your travel.”

Vyxxen started showing Neryn the exhibits until Neryn called out for her to come over and take a picture with her. Vyxxen quickly moved to Neryn’s side. “How do you want to pose? Just like casual tourists? I’ll make sure to give you the place to send the pictures. I definitely want something to remember you. Though the way things are going now. I’m not sure that this will be the only time we see each other. Making friends I’m good at. Romance. Eh. It seems like I’m always moving too fast for that.”
The art of dancing in the light
"You can speculate a little about the two scenarios where you either become the wife of some insane ruler or take up the position yourself. In the first scenario you will not have the best position, as it is likely that besides the fact that you will have to be constantly alone, as the husband will constantly fly on important matters on different planets, as it was with my father, listening to all sorts of censure from the close governesses, when you have a baby, how to dress him properly, feed him, probably added to this almost complete lack of personal free time, which means no dancing, meetings with girls like me and in general the most tedious closed aristocratic life style possible. In the second story you will be able to influence the fate of your people and the planet much more substantially, but you still have to act, whether you like it or not by the code of your family dynasty, and changing the customs and the model of governance of the planet is a long process, but if you are ready for long and tiring work and are able to keep a spark of madness that you have now, you will definitely change this wonderful world of dancing and ghost walkers!" Said Neryn, trying to strike a proper pose as a common tourist and continuing to answer Vyxxen's question, "I've been doing quite well combining travel with work, I've been doing a couple of field placements at any local educational institution where I come and give lectures with open discussion opportunities, the money drips in, I learn a new culture, life is good and beautiful! Because I have developed social communication skills with everyone! Or at least I aspire to. By pose, let's have the usual tourists who are here for the first time and are amazed at everything! I'll never forget you either and I'm sure we'll see each other more than once! If not here then somewhere else for sure!"

Vyxxen Vyxxen
Location: Zelos II | Nul
Tags: Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn

“I care about my planet,” Vyxxen admitted with a sigh. “But I don’t really care who leads it out of this all to long lasting era of militarism. It’s not like my family has always ruled Zelos, why is it that I have to take on something that I don’t really want? I mean the servants and the big house would be nice, but all the responsibility. I’m not sure that’s something I’ll ever be ready for. And I certainly wasn’t ready when Dad tried to thrust it upon me. Maybe deep down I am a Vyx and I will become a staunch military leader. But I can’t deal with that now. Dad’s still young. He's not going anywhere. I need to just have fun.” Vyxxen gave a smile to Neryn, “I certainly can’t give up on dancing and meeting new people. Especially not girls like you.”

Vyxxen moved close to Neryn to pose for the picture. She placed one arm around Neryn’s waist and the other pointed to a large fish swimming around the tank that they stood in front of. After the picture was taken Vyxxen laughed. “I’m glad I made an impression on you that you won’t forget. And so far we’ve only danced and seen the local aquarium. There’s still a whole night at least to go through. I’ll warn you I slept a lot on the flight to Zelos II and I’m quite used to being up during the nighttime hours despite the traditions here. So I may not sleep a lot. How do you like to spend your time with friends when you aren’t able to have loud music for dancing? When the rest of a world is asleep, what would you do?”
The art of dancing in the light
"On the subject of the blood that flows in our veins and through which we usually find our place in life I have a lot of experience and I can share it with you sometimes if you don't mind the views from a girl who has been single most of her life and only recently started learning about family life, but even so that fact has not changed my pattern of wandering and finding new kinds of entertainment much! And it certainly won't change even in a year's time. So, listen carefully, I have rather unusual blood. My father is a brilliant businessman, head of a dynasty and a very busy man, and my mother is an academic and a very scientific, sensual-hearted woman, plus add to that my personal self - a crazy little girl who has gone through such lessons in survival from reality that now, at the very edge of the abyss, she can build herself a house, start a school and still manage to find time to dance. Blood doesn't always decide who we are and what we're capable of. You don't have to know how to do everything yourself, you just have to know how to use the resources that are around you and combine them with the skills that you have and develop gradually! " Neryn tried to roughly describe her theory of independence and thinking about a possible continuation of the evening asked "Is the underground still running? We can ride it for a while and then just go to your place and on the way to come up with something fun to do, so as not to wake anyone and that no law enforcement did not come to us, otherwise they will come and little that will remain of me, and I have not lived even a hald of my life yet, not to mention how little I have seen everything! If you have thoughts and ideas, you can suggest them too, and we'll think about them together and find a quick solution!

Vyxxen Vyxxen
Location: Zelos II | Nul
Tags: Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn

Vyxxen listened intently to the advice that Neryn was giving. She hadn’t met another person of higher birth that was philosophically on a different stage than their family. Sure Vyxxen had met the rebellious noble youths on the party scene, but they were just too rich with too much freedom. In the end they would line up with their families and they would keep that political machine moving. Neryn’s situation seemed very different than Vyxxen’s, but there were some similarities that could be taken from. And Vyxxen took the advice with a smile.

“You are a bit crazy,” Vyxxen said with a smirk. “We all are, I think. My parents are very different as well. That’s why I’m able to keep in contact with home. Mom is spunky and full of life. Dad is more like a robot, she says he was different when they were younger. Before he was in charge. I don’t want to change. Another reason not to be the leader. For now. I’m just going to be me. Maybe I’ll figure out how to get back home and do my part for my people. Now I need to stick to the shadows when I’m here.”

Neryn asked about the underground and I checked the nearby chrono. “They run for two hours after dusk. Work on a solar sensor and let’s you know when the last stop will be. We can ride that for a while if you’d like to see our old train system. There shouldn’t be very many people aboard. Do you like games? I haven’t sat and just played a game with a friend in a long time. Trying to remember what we used to play.”
The art of dancing in the light
"I guess this is one of those areas of life that I rarely touched simply because I was a mad lover of knowledge, so I'd be very interested to know what games you like and what you played as a child, and so being able to keep you company on the underground would be even cooler! I didn't have much of an underground back home, except for the networks in the capital and a couple of large cities, so it was all about walking, light and heavy traffic and small speeders, which you could build if you had some talent or were taught about engineering stuff. I can also tell you what the capital of my planet looked like and what kind of views it would have if you imagined we would be riding there. By the way, do you like drawing or art in general? I am pretty good at drawing and can see and understand the beauty in sculptures and other elements of cultures of different planets. And about adults I can only say that it's good when you have a mix of different blood, no one looks like anyone else, everyone is different and everyone listens and acts in their own way, thank you nature for that! " Neryn finished her speech and with a smile Vyxxen took her hand and headed for the underground, on the way asking questions about how long ago it was founded, how much money was spent and many other details that Neryn was very interested in as she had a "I want to know everything" expression on her face . "May I also ask, you said you see your life as a party, do you prefer to live alone or surrounded by friends and confidants? I'm trying to understand how you see your home and the big world around you and me."

Vyxxen Vyxxen
Location: Zelos II | Nul
Tags: Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn

“Hopefully my old games are still in the room. My mother lent me the old spot we used to visit for the festival when I was growing up,” Vyxxen said with a smile. “Dad never came with. I’m not even sure he knows the room exists, but he surely won’t know who is there and what we’re doing. I’m glad you are interested in games of my childhood, but I’m pretty sure that we have a sabaac set there too. I’m not very good at strategic games despite all the training they tried to drill into me. But I like to gamble. So maybe after the kids games we can move on to something more adult.”

Neryn expressed that she didn’t have much experience with the underground on her home. Vyxxen gave some of the boring facts that she knew about the creation of the underground system. “Most people here walk as much as possible. There aren’t a lot of stops because of that. It is more a means of transporting larger goods. But it is a fun ride when there isn’t a specific location you are looking to get to. And I would love to hear about the beauty of your home.”

Neryn asked about art and Vyxxen gave a hum. “Art is a large area. I enjoy art very much. Looking at it, discussing it and such. The only mediums I’m actually good at are dancing and music. I would love to see you draw though. Do you do portraits?”

Vyxxen considered the last question that Neryn asked. “Well. I’m not sure if my life is a party. But a good portion of my energy is spent finding a quality party. If I had access to all my family’s credits I would buy a penthouse apartment on Spira and it would be open for all my friends to come and go. I am not a fan of being alone. Unfortunately I think that has led to a situation of more friends as opposed to good friends. But that’s something I can continue to work on. Right?”
The art of dancing in the light
"Gambling is an amateur enterprise, of course if you find yourself in a precarious financial hole and need at least some way to survive, it may be your only chance to regain your honour and ability to exist materially and only afterwards spiritually in a world of constant events and circles of ideas and words. So of course it can be useful for let's say some darker moments of life, which I had as a child in a sense, but it is for those who are ready to risk their happy life and all other dreams and savings. I could go on and on about Brentaal IV for days, my planet has a rich history going back thousands of years, but I can only mention that at the moment things are more or less peaceful and I'll probably have to visit my home in a couple of days to see how it looks these days as I haven't been there for a while, and about the portrait I can tell you positively right away! I adore painting all kinds of personalities so if you want to be one of the inspirations for my future paintings, you can do different poses or try on different clothes at home and then I can definitely paint you by using oil paint, charcoal or whatever you want, I'm a pretty versatile artist. Penthouse is also a great way to make friends and don't worry about finding the most trustworthy, the most important thing is to create a good image in the minds of other beings and let that image develop into a certain behaviour around you and then gradually those who are ready for more, trust, openness, honesty and so on will appear. Not everything you wish for, but the maximum will gradually be possible in relationships with real friends let's say. I don't quite consider myself an honest friend of yours yet myself, but we'll see, time will tell!" Neryn replied, smiling sweetly at Vyxxen and waiting for the train, studying all the aesthetics around them.

Vyxxen Vyxxen
Location: Zelos II | Nul
Tags: Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn

“Of course I’m not a professional gambler. It is just for fun, with credits I can afford to lose,” Vyxxen said with a giggle. “But what fun is sabacc with nothing on the line? It could be credits, or tasks delivered to the winner. I’ve even played in a game where the loser had to give the winner clothing. That was quite fun…of course I won and the group I was playing with was a bunch of hot partiers.”

Neryn mentioned that her planet was currently in a time of peace. “Zelos II has been a place of peace for some time. Though you wouldn’t know it by the way the rulers have treated the people and the tone they have put out. Every child must spend some time as a soldier or enter into an academy to become an officer in the future. No one has tried to put boots to Zelosian soil in hostility in centuries, yet we’re prepared as if the Empire is still occupying the Valley of Umbra. Palpatine’s Empire mind you, not the new one.”

Neryn confirmed that she did portraits and Vyxxen swooned with a sound louder than she should have made at this time of day in the city. “Oh I will show you so many poses and you can tell me which ones you like the best. You can use whatever media you think will make the best picture. All I have of myself is holo-selfies, a fancy portrait would be so awesome.”

Vyxxen looked out over the tracks in the direction she knew that train would be coming from. “Weird. Seems like the train is running behind. That isn’t supposed to happen. But with the festival in town this week I guess it might be the transit people are running a bit behind.”
The art of dancing in the light
"My dad used to tell me that public administration and participation in it, and I will remind you that the management and administration of my planet's resources was handled by a couple of dozen ancient trading dynasties and families, is a very complex, risky and unbearable form of brain and physical activity for the common mind. So he said, if I wanted to launch a political career when I grew up, I would need to have a good level of emotional intelligence with a cold calculating mind to understand not only what people of different backgrounds, genes and histories are thinking, wishing and feeling, but also to find a consensus between the elite, the heart, my personal vision and millions of souls, no less unique, but who simply have no means to express their voice. Our alliance of noble houses has almost never had any conflicts with the empire or any other galactic geopolitical powers, at least not in my lifetime, but of course every once in a while a figure would appear to talk about the need to spend a few percent of the planetary budget on the defense and other security and health protection agencies, regardless of their social and financial capabilities to ensure their existence in critical and dangerous times. My opinion is simple, as it was and still is, the army should always be ready, as well as the educated elite, for drastic reforms and a transition to wartime industry. Even in theory, it is impossible to survive wars and major conflicts without it. And as for paintings in your flat on the balcony or in the morning I am ready to depict you in various poses as your imagination desires." Neryn replied, also watching carefully for any movement of public transport, hoping to remember its appearance for herself should she visit this planet again , and Vyxxen beside her would not suggest the way as she might be away at some other place. "Fear not, even in this wait there is romance and beauty to it all!" Neryn sweetly smiled at Vyxxen with her optimistic tone being showed in the voice.

Vyxxen Vyxxen
Location: Zelos II | Nul
Tags: Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn

Vyxxen listened carefully to the words Neryn had to say about politics. Neryn’s home of Brentaal IV seemed a much better place in the political realm than Zelos II did. If the talk was about budgets and discussing their place in the galaxy and how they would interact with galactic powers, or if they should interact at all, that would be something Vyxxen probably could have gotten on board with. To be Queen or Empress or whatever title was put to the supreme leader of a culture would have been much preferred to become the Mandated Commander of the People of Zelo, that title made Vyxxen’s skin crawl. “Your planet sounds much better than here. Seems like the Mandated Commander’s only job is to keep things exactly the same and strike down any threat to the contrary. Mom says Dad was different when they were younger, but now he’s the same as Grandpa was and I’m assuming all the other Mandated Commanders since Galleros Nul.”

Vyxxen blushed mightily as Neryn suggested that she could be painted in a variety of poses and settings. “As her imagination desires.” Vyxxen was quite imaginative and she wondered what Neryn would think of her posing in a more risque pose. No she shouldn’t do that. Should she? Neryn seemed quite outgoing and casual, but… “We’ll see where inspiration takes us as far as a portrait goes right? I’m a pretty informal girl, I’m looking for something better than a holo pic, but not sure I want something to hang over the mantle in the family manner.” Vyxxen gave a bit of a giggle.

“So, are you looking for romance? Or perhaps just expect that it will find you in all situations?” Vyxxen asked with a wink. It was a bit of a dangerous game as Neryn had already expressed her preference of women, but Vyxxen wasn’t against having a good time. She didn’t expect anything to last very long. She always was on the move. “As to beauty. You must be a very special girl to find beauty in an underground train.”

Finally the train arrived at the station. When it stopped there were very few people inside and one rushed out and bumped into Neryn first and then Vyxxen in their rush. The person was more of a rainbow blur than anything else and was gone before either Neryn or Vyxxen could ask a question. “Weird,” Vyxxen commented with a shrug. “Thought that we gave plenty of room for someone to get by…” Vyxxen shrugged again. “The train won’t wait long. Especially since it was behind schedule. After you,” she said with a wave of her hand. As they entered the train they would notice lights and hear shouting from down the tunnel in the direction the train had come from.
The art of dancing in the light
"Probably for some people it is useful to argue about advantages, disadvantages, problems of internal and foreign policy, problems of religious and spiritual spheres of life of different governments and look at those samples, which can be more or less deployed at home, attracting a certain amount of intellectual and material resources in order to change the indigenous and other elements of the way of planetary or national societies. In my personal opinion, even if some people around you have better economic and political stability than your own planet, you should keep your own traditions and learn a simple lesson, to protect your historical roots and be very careful in the application of other ways to improve the growth of power, harmony and cultural development of the state, which are alien to the liking of your people. Regarding the possible romance and the painting, I tell you right away, I would not mind spending one night with you, but I can tell from afar that you are straight, and no girls, much less crazy lesbians like me, can follow only as a development and expansion of knowledge about the world and the types of its inhabitants, but not the object of your strong feelings, and even less spiritual connection, because the spiritual connection can be established without any intimate forms of contact attached, this is for your future party moves. A picture I will draw it as you wish, I will not make strong recommendations in advance, just spend a couple of minutes to imagine what you personally want to see in yourself in the picture and then tell me, and I will try to translate your plans into practice as realistically as possible. "Neryn replied, completely ignoring the person who pushed her and quietly sitting down she threw her head back and said sweetly smiling "The world is beautiful and wonderful, so it should not be surprising that aesthetic beauty can be seen even here in the vault of the past memories of this city and the creatures that live in it."

Vyxxen Vyxxen
Location: Zelos II | Nul
Tags: Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn

“Traditions can be good and bad,” Vyxxen responded with a smile. “There are things on Zelos that I can’t help but adore and there are things that I would like to see changed. Though I suppose that is true on every planet in the galaxy right?” Vyxxen gave a shrug. Unfortunately the military tradition was not something that she would be able to change easily. And she wasn’t sure if it was even something that should be completely eliminated in the way Vyxxen saw it. She couldn’t implement something planetwide just because she wanted it. That would make her no better than the Mandated Commanders who came before. ”You are right about me making changes without considering the people. That’s why I can’t take my father’s place. I don’t believe in what this planet has accepted as normal. I can’t lead my people, but I will do my best to help them when I can.”

Vyxxen blushed mightily at the mention of spending a night with Neryn. Her cheeks turned bright green as the “blood” rushed to her face. Then Neryn told her that she was straight. Deep down she was pretty sure that was an accurate statement, but her brows furrowed anyhow. “I don’t like when people tell me what I am,” she said in a light but serious tone, she considered walking up to Neryn and giving her a kiss just to prove that she could. “You may be right, but I like to figure things out for myself. I’m not saying anything will happen. You’re a very pretty woman. And you’re obviously pretty free about things. I don’t want to lead you on, but I am not going to shut you down either. We’ll just see how things go. Hopefully whatever happens we’ll end up friends.”

Vyxxen gave a nod to Neryn at the discussion of the portrait. She truly didn’t know what she wanted, but once they made it back to her room there were plenty of options available. Neryn didn’t seem to be very concerned about the person rushing into her, but Vyxxen was still curious. But as she said the train would not wait for long. As they stepped inside the train Vyxxen heard shouting from inside the tunnel in the direction from which the train had entered. She looked carefully and saw the bright lights of several security teams in the tunnel. Before she could question anything however the train door closed and the train started to move. “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder right?” Vyxxen said with a smile. “Without this train commerce would come to a stop. There is certainly beauty in it, even though it doesn’t seem that way to someone looking for the same beauty as a work of art, a lovely song or an attractive being.”
The art of dancing in the light
"Very interesting reflections, among many of them there is a grain of truth, and therefore, even if the truth about life on my home planet and its traditions will depart in understanding from the words you have just said, it does not mean that the absolute value of your words has no right to exist, rather it does than not and now I will explain why. And the question of your sexual orientation and the beauty and ability to carry out any state and planetary decrees without the knowledge of common people and their opinions, you should try to put all your forces on the relativity of everything in the galaxy. Well let's say the government on my planet is a couple dozen powerful trading houses and dynasties, each with at least a hundred years of existence, each with its own interests, practices, views and everything else, and as I said earlier, sometimes the conversations reach very fiery and dangerous topics that could end in a scandal or an early end of another session, so we have this tradition, it may seem unusual and even rather it is a little outdated and old but in terms of psycholology it works fabulously! When the different parties realise that they have reached a certain logical and rational end and an emotional grand epic ensues, they immediately ask their servants to bring to the great hall the tastiest delicacies and food , and here I will add that each dynasty has its own special food and culinary taste, everyone immediately exchanges food, eat and relax for twenty minutes, and after they remember that they are all in the same boat, that they are all part of one planet and one governing body, they become much more humane and they return from hell to the surface of the world and again with a high level of passion and mutual respect continue their conversation. Yes, it may not always work, yes it may be better to just have a revolution and start a new golden era, but the beauty and art of governance lies in the harmony of political hearts and a stomach full of each other's cuisine. Such is the example" Neryn reported happily, looking around and trying to remember every little detail of the clothing of inhabitants of the big city.

Vyxxen Vyxxen

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