Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private What Is Love?


"A little, for sure."

She snickered, just a little. She wasn't going to be able to keep this up for long, or hold this over Valery for long anyway. Maybe. She probably could if she thought harder about it all. But, as fun as it was, it wasn't a goal to continue to make fun of her. Maybe.

"Oh. Huh. I've been on a couple then. .. Huh." If that was the basis of a date, wasn't that just hanging out with people in general? She hung out with a lot of people now that she thought about it.

"There were no feelings, though."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Coruscant | Apartment
Tag | @Iris

"Well..." Valery began with a slight tilt of her head, "If they really were date dates, you probably would have known that already? Just getting with a close friend isn't exactly the same." She wasn't sure if Iris had really tried to go far beyond that with someone, but she seemed confused enough about the concept of dating, that it was possible they hadn't really been dates.

"The feelings that develop during them is what it's all about. Although, a date can also go horrible or you just realize that it's not going to work. Then you have to be honest with your date and move on." Not that she believed Iris would lead people on, but it was for the best that she remained thorough about it all.

"A good way to start is by actively socializing where most people do it in their free time. Clubs and cantinas aren't for everybody, but it's easier to meet people there. Then if you click with someone, you can decide to meet more often. Of course, you'll also meet people through your duties but be willing to try a few things."




"Go dancing in clubs? That could be fun, yeah. Yeah! I dunno if that's how I'll meet someone or anything, but it does sound fun." She hummed a little at that before taking another sip of her tea. Had she ever actually been out partying? And like that her expression soured. The only time she was going to was pretty swiftly interrupted by a head bashing assault. Grant it that was a Gala and not a club, but still.

".. Hopefully it'll go well this time."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Coruscant | Apartment
Tag | @Iris

"Even if you don't meet someone for something more serious, you might make friends or connections that will help you be more exposed to more people. You're young, so don't be afraid to socialize a little," Valery said with a warm, encouraging smile. It wasn't something she had actually done herself when she was younger, but that was because of her traditional Jedi upbringing. Everything was very different these days, and she had to change to accommodate it all.

"I hope so too, but don't give up if a night out doesn't turn out amazing. Dates can turn into nightmares too sometimes, but you just move on and try again."

Valery then paused and blinked, "Oh, and uh, be careful with drunk people." A very important thing to add, especially because Iris probably hadn't dealt with that many in actual social situations. Perhaps her time on Denon had involved dealing with them, but those were more likely the aggressive types.



Outfit | XoXo
Location | Coruscant | Apartment
Tag | @Iris

"As you should," Valery said with a big nod. She wasn't really one to condone violence, but people getting touchy or pushing boundaries was a problem, especially if they got a little too aggressive as well. Sometimes the best way to correct them was to whack them, as she experienced herself when she slapped a Jedi Master for making inappropriate comments during a meeting.

"I know you will be, but I'm still going to worry a little," she said with an almost motherly smirk. "Keep me updated on how it all goes though. I am quite curious."



Outfit | XoXo
Location | Coruscant | Apartment
Tag | @Iris

Valery let out a soft, and totally fake gasp, "I'd never tease you," she said with a faint smirk tugging on her lips. "But whoever you bring home, they better be ready to meet me as well." Of course, she'd always be happy for Iris if she found someone who was genuinely good for her. But if some nerf-herder tried anything stupid, she'd send them to the shadow realm.

Not that Iris needed such protection anymore, but Valery couldn't shake those motherly instincts, and Iris knew that as well.

"I'll at least tell you if something special happens."

"Good, I really hope something special does happen. Until then, maybe shop for some nice clothes or get some good perfume. Smelling bad is worse than not having the best look. But if you smell great, it just makes the whole package even better~"




"I thought Shadows were supposed to be good at lying?"

She snickered all over again, though cut it off quick with another sip of her tea. Shook her head. Ah yeah, they'd have to meet Valery. That was gonna be panic. For them, mostly. Iris doubted Valery would actually hurt them or anything. But, well. Valery certainly was intimidating when she wanted to be. Iris was spared a lot of that intimidation simply because she could see the true intent in the colors.

A lot, but not all.

"I bathe, I'll have you know. All on my own now, for that matter. .. I don't think perfume is really.. Me."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Coruscant | Apartment
Tag | @Iris

"Only when we want to be," Valery said with a chuckle. Of course, she was definitely going to tease Iris about it, but she mostly wanted to be updated so she could scare make sure her romantic interest wasn't a complete idiot. Not that she thought Iris would end up with someone like that, but she had to be sure.

At the comment about bathing, Valery just raised an eyebrow, "Yeah... I know. You literally crawl through my windows to enter my apartment and shower there." That was probably going to have to stop soon too if she planned on taking Aldric to her place for some alone time. Iris didn't need those mental scars.

"But you don't need perfume to smell good," she added. "But you're right, don't do anything that doesn't feel like you, just to try and win someone over. Be yourself and have a good time. You deserve it," she said with a less teasing and playful tone, but one of genuine care and kindness for the woman she basically considered a daughter.




"Force of habit. I don't have a key. And I like your shower." The habit being from Denon, not that she was going to mention it by name. Not after being dragged off of there with the threat of expulsion. Though the colors hinted that there was a different reason why Valery might not want her to keep doing that. "You have sex in that shower, don't you?"

"I'll just go back to painting then. See if I paint the apartment of someone cute."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Coruscant | Apartment
Tag | Iris Arani Iris Arani

"What's wrong with your own?" Valery asked with a roll of her eyes. It wasn't too much of a problem that Iris just came and went whenever she wanted to take a shower or relax. Vera loved it too because Iris always took the time to mess around with her a little when she could. But with her plans to bring-

"You have sex in that shower, don't you?"

Valery was lucky she hadn't been drinking anything this time, or she would have choked on it again. Her eyes widened, her face reddened just a little and she was at an actual loss for words. "Iris," she said, clearly a bit shocked. "But uhhh, no. Aldric hasn't been at my apartment yet, so I've not done anything like that in there." She was, of course, not going to deny that something could happen, but her excuse made playing innocent through silence a lot easier. "But painting for them could be fun, or just bring them along for something you like to do."

Topic shifts also worked wonders.


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Outfit | XoXo
Location | Coruscant | Apartment
Tag | Iris Arani Iris Arani

When Iris just burst out in laughter, Valery watched her with a deadpan glare and grumbled a little. "You just caught me off-guard a little... it's the first time you ever brought up the subject like that." She shook her head and raised a hand up through her hair while she took a deep breath. Iris wasn't wrong about her being a little different when it came to Aldric and relationships in general, but it wasn't that bad.

"Anyway, enough about me - we were here to talk about you," she said with a genuine smile. "Is there anything else still on your mind?"




"I live with Bri, most of the time. And I spent months on Denon. Do I strike you as naive?" Iris tilted her head to the sime. A genuine question while also having her smirk all too wide. She knew a lot more than people cave her credit for. Though the smile faltered a little bit. Anything else?

"Only one, though.. It's a different kind of relationship." She took another sip of her tea before turning her gaze to her former master.

"Am I supposed to have a Padawan?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Coruscant | Apartment
Tag | Iris Arani Iris Arani

"No, I'm not surprised that you noticed or know about it. Just... that you decided to talk about it," she said with a faint smirk. Especially with their relationship to be like a mother and daughter, it was unexpected to her. But then again, Iris was a little different in that way, so perhaps she should have expected it.

With a small shake of her head, she moved on from the topic and focused on Iris' question instead.

"A Padawan, hm?" she asked, clearly a little excited at the idea of her former Padawan training someone else. But this wasn't about her, so she continued seriously. "Well, I believe a good Jedi should strive to be a good teacher, so eventually, I would highly recommend it."

"Right now, though? Perhaps be open to the idea and go for it if you find a student you believe you can help, and who also has that trust in you. But you can first gain some more experience, perhaps by teaching classes to groups or offering private lessons to Padawans who aren't your own."

"It can help you feel more prepared for it."




"Why not? Well, I guess why not is cause everyone seems to react like you did. Sex isn't something to get all gushy over, y'know." Well, not technically. Which was the only side Iris had really seen. How else were babies made, short of cloning vats? She shrugged though, far more interested in what Valery had to say still about the padawan. Her own Padawan. Yeah. That made sense. Work with some Padawan's to get a feel for it.

Get ready.

And that still brought a frown to her face.

"A lot of the Padawan's around are still the same ones I worked alongside. It feels.. Weird. I know I'm supposed to take charge now, but they're still my friends."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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