Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"]​


So. A few disclaimers off the bat.

1. We are readily prepping for our T3 Dom of Trenwyth Hex, so no, this is not something that's going to start just yet.

2. I know there's a lot of talk about the GA vs FO, so this is part of the buildup to that.


SO. War with the GA is likely on the horizon. They continue to expand their influence across the galaxy, cutting closer and closer to First Order Space. In fact, they are in the process of performing a Dominion in the adjacent hex (Copperline Hex) to Trenwyth Hex, the one we are planning for this month. I have been thinking about how we could go about war in a manner that makes sense and also won't burn us out, or cause us undue stress if we lose as we are currently mostly untested against PC's (At least recently).

So, I would propose we talk to the GA, OOC and develop some sort of OOC Agreement. It would looks something like this.

We plan 2 invasions, they plan one of ours, we plan one of theirs to invade. At the conclusion of the two invasions we call a ceasefire, this will be agreed upon by both factions OOC and affected IC (call it strategy or a logical choice, w/e). Regardless of the outcome, whether we win both or lose both, a cease fire will be called, that way we have some manner of not burning out, especially with dominions or other threads going on at the same time.

List format would look like this:

1. This will be a limited engagement war lasting no longer than two simultaneous or consecutive Invasions. After that point there will be an agreed upon cease fire for a duration of X months before engaging in open war.

2. Each faction will choose one world of the opposite faction to conduct an invasion on.

3. Regardless of the outcome of the invasions a ceasefire will be agreed upon by both factions. Whether a single faction wins both, or loses both. This will help ensure that writers do not burn out and war does not turn into an all out faction eradication one way or the other.

OOC: I think these could be great opportunities to have some fun PvP and Roleplay/Character Development Opportunities while maintaining some semblance of friendly collaborative writing between opposing factions. Limited engagement means that we will not have the stress of feeling like getting rolled (Either one way or the other) or even wiped out. In addition I think this will help us develop some cool story arcs between two of the larger factions, the GA and the FO.

Ideas are welcome, though I think this is a pretty solid idea that should be acceptable by both factions!

P.S. Again, this is a month, maybe more ahead so no need to worry about getting crazy busy, we all need to focus on the primary T3 coming up shortly!

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