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What is Found in a Tomb, Should Really Stay There

Otium Mentis

The rising sun shone on the red sands of Korriban, the piercing rays glinting off the ground and the tall red cliffs that surrounded the Valley of the Dark Lords. It was here that many of the most powerful Sith in history, Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, and others were entombed. However, entombed doesn't always mean completely trapped, as many unfortunate souls who got a little too close to the dark spirits of Korriban would tell you, if they were sane enough to make a complete sentence that is. Entering the tombs of Korriban could mean unfathomable riches, or certain death or insanity. For one particular acolyte, it had meant both.

In his heart, Otium Mentis was not a bad person. When he had first come to Korriban, an orphan from somewhere he couldn't remember, he had been what many considered to be a nerd. While other aspirants had begged their trainers to give them lessons on battle training and deadly Force powers, Otium had been content to stay in the library, reading ancient histories of the Sith and philosophies of the Sith Code. Many had thought he would never survive Korriban, but Otium proved to be tougher than many thought. Unfortunately, not even he was tough enough to resist the spirits of the tombs.

It wouldn't have been that bad if he had just stayed at the training facility, but Otium had a fatal flaw: he loved knowledge too much. He wasn't content with simply reading about the tombs, he had to go there and see them himself. And so he had, sometimes spending hours in the tombs, reading glyphs and studying statues. The spirits hold on him had been weak at first, nothing but indiscernible whispered words once a week or so. But as he spent more and more time in the tombs, the voices had gotten stronger, and stronger, and stronger. The quest for knowledge had ceased to be a simple hobby, and had become an obsession. No matter what he tried, Otium could not resist the pull of the tombs. Like a spice addict, he kept coming back for more.

Now, the man that had come to Korriban at fourteen had changed dramatically. The body that climbed out of a tomb entrance and basked in the sunlight was leaner, from missed meals, but stronger too, from many a day moving rubble to reveal yet another nugget of knowledge. The skin was pale from lack of sunlight and the power of the dark side, the eyes a blazing yellow and, if you looked closely, filled with the madness of one driven past the brink and into the abyss, with an anchor wrapped around their neck.

"Such a beautiful day, isn't it?" he said to the three people that emerged from the tomb behind him. To Otium they were true flesh and blood, though in reality there was no one for miles. Inside his mind, voices that always mumbled indistinctly began to rise in response. There were two or so that were stronger, their words more discernible, and these were the voices of the three who now stood with him. They were from the tombs of Korriban, and were some of the first he had begun to hear, and eventually see, though Otium wondered why no one else ever saw them. He didn't know who they were, so he had given them names himself. They didn't seem to mind.

Who cares? said the voice of the one Otium called Rage. Rage was an ancient Sith warrior, wearing battle armor and carrying a blade identical to one Otium had once found in the tombs. Otium liked Rage the most. I hate this peace and quiet. We should blow something up, or find a kor'slug to kill. That would spice things up a bit.

Such wanton violence is worthless, said the voice of Peace, a young human woman wearing robes and carrying a lightsaber. Peace was the one Otium liked the least. She never wanted to have any fun. All she wanted to do was sit in their chambers and read. She always yelled at him when he attacked the tomb robbers they found on their adventures, and tried to run over and save them when they were dying. She gave him a headache. He didn't listen to her opinions very often.

Its too quiet, said Fear, a Sith slave. He was wringing his hands, looking around them with fear in his eyes. Otium hated Fear almost as much as he hated Peace. Fear always wanted to run, to show weakness. Otium never listened to him.

Otium began walking towards the training facility, his three companions bickering amongst themselves and him. Otium began to get disturbed. He wished they wouldn't argue so much. Why couldn't they ever agree on something? As he walked, a large red kor'slug walked across his path and roared at him with a mouth full of fangs.

It dares! said Rage, Kill it!

Spare it! said Peace, It is just an animal!

Run away! said Fear.

"Silence!" Otium yelled out loud. His eyes filled with rage and he screamed, sending a torrent of lightning at the offending kor'slug. Thousands of volts of electricity struck his target, and within seconds it was fried to a crisp.

"Mmmmm, smells good," Otium said, his aggression gone in an instant to be replaced by crazy-eyed happiness as he kicked the almost-pile of ashes that had once been a kor'slug, "Not quite right though. A little over done." The three voices continued to voice their own particular opinions, but Otium had ceased listening. He started whistling and headed back towards the training facility.
"Hmm." Edward watch what he assumed was a Sith bicker amongst himself. He had come to Korriban to investigate the old remnants of the Sith Empire during the Cold War. If he could perhaps find Lightside Sith, still possessing their tombs. Then maybe he could further his aims in the use of this side of the force for power. He was never one to be emotional for things. Edward had always adopted an apathetic attitude. There was no need for such emotions, they could risk concentration and the Sith knew this. He watch the strange Sith shoot torrents of lightning. He sighed. They were truly, a typical Darkside Sith. It shouldn't be surprising to Edward. He knew this. But even so... it always seemed disappointing to understand the rarity of his practice.

It did seem people still practiced on Korriban. What kind of faction had the power where they would do such a thing? Either way, it meant Edward wasn't in neutral territory. It belonged to someone. Certainly not the One Sith. He knew through his old allegiance most of the training there was done on Coruscant. Someone else was teaching Sith. Maybe it was just simply a One Sith offshoot. Either way, he couldn't simply be welcomed as a 'tourist'. Saying he had a master would surely bring questions. Perhaps if he just manipulated himself of being a Sith at this academy for a while, to take some knowledge of the place from that Sith. Then maybe, he could get into the academy itself and see if there was even a slither of information on Lightside Sith. Or at least gain access to enter the tombs of the Sith here. He was sure his mediation skills would keep his mind sane enough to learn anything inside of them.

With that though, Edward lept down, using his force speed as he met the individual head on. "Hey you," His imperial accent was truly thick. "I'm a new acolyte here. I'm confused with where I should go. Is there a chance you could lead me?" Edward couldn't help being so straight forward, he was never one to have the grandest of social skills in the first place. His time in the One Sith's Navy shaped him that way.

[member="Otium Mentis"]

Otium Mentis

[member="Edwin Setyl"]
Otium sensed the approach of someone and looked up to see a man dressed strangely approaching him. He looked at the man with his crazed eyes, looking him up and down.

Kill him! said Rage.

Help him! said Peace.

Run away! said Fear.

"Would you dry up!" Otium said to the three people standing beside him. He turned back to the man and smiled like a loon.

"My apologies for my companions," he said, "They have no manners at all." Otium walked up a little closer and stared at the man, his own nose only a couple inches from the man's.

"You don't feel like a Sith," he said. He thought of saying something witty, but the voices in his head made it impossible for him to form a coherent thought and he just blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "You must be the bantha steak delivery boy!"
Edwin stared at the fellow Sith with annoyance. What part of him made him look like a bantha steak delivery boy? Sure, he looked quite young for a 59 year old. But that was only natural for his species. Wait... why is he thinking this? This fool shouldn't even be able to see his face! Not even a single shed of skin was present among his pilot outfit. Edwin decided to ignore this man's comment. What was now confirmed was that this man was talking to himself. Not a huge detail, but, something to keep in mind about their character no doubt.

"It's because I'm new here!" Edwin chirped through his teeth. The One Sith always had liars, that kind of typicality shaped Edwin this way. Edwin thanked he wasn't darkside, his energies might've come off too powerful. The Sith had been researching through forbidden lightside Sith techniques all this time after all. "Now is there a chance you could show me around?" Edwin didn't like having his time wasted, and he knew anyways, that there was more than one way to persuade even the most foolish of people. Threats rarely had their weight.

[member="Otium Mentis"]

Otium Mentis

[member="Edwin Setyl"]
He lies, was the singular thought that came to Otium's mind. It was very rare that the voices ever agreed on anything, but one thing was clear. This man was lying.

"You are no Sith," Otium said, taking a few steps back. His eyes began to slowly and ominously turn an even darker yellow, then orange, then red, the madness behind them increasing. His whole face darkened, and he began to circle the other man with all the peace of a manka cat ready to spring. He had no weapon, as he very seldom needed one thanks to his power over the dark side, but his eyes stared daggers that, if looks could kill, would have torn the other man to shreds.

"I've seen acolytes come through the training center," he said, the voices in his head solidifying his words, "They all have one thing in common. They have no control over their emotions. They roll off of them in waves." Otium smiled a little here. It was a smile not of happiness, but of pure madness.

"I sense nothing from you, so you are obviously not new," Otium said, continuing to circle his target, "You have been trained at least slightly to control your emotions. Also, I sense no darkness in you. You are no Sith." Otium's face was a mask of pure rage.

"And most important of all," he said, "You have no bantha steak. I really wanted a sandwich." The last line would probably have been hilarious if he did not say it with venom practically dripping from his mouth. He stopped circling and faced his target again.

"And that means..." he started, moving to be face to face with the man again. He let the suspense build, then suddenly burst out laughing, stumbling back a few steps as his body shook with mad laughter.

"You must be the bantha cheese delivery boy!"
[SIZE=10.5pt]Edwin groaned on the inside. Seemed like subtlety wouldn't do. He was finding his patience waning thin with the other acolyte. He noticed powerful, unstable energies coming off of him. No doubt his coordination was off. He wasn't even trying to his his darkside energy. Unlike most Sith like Edwin himself. Either way, it would be better not to get into combat with this acolyte. A scene was far off of what Edwin wanted. He screwed his feet deep into the red dirt, seemed lying wouldn’t work. No matter how good he might’ve been with it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“I am Edwin Setyl, prominent pilot and future lord of the Sith.” Shame he couldn’t cause lightning to crackle, he focused more on using Shien form than the force in the first place. He lowered his voice in a threatening manner, screw Jedi teachings, they were the main reason he wanted to find the lightside Sith teachings of old in the first place. “And you will bring escort me into that academy.” He took out his lightsaber, pointing it towards the academy, it glowed a venomous yellow. A weapon no one would see a new comer use. Didn’t matter if the lightside and darkside always contested with him, not as long as his ambitions were complete. It didn’t matter if people got harm. It was just another reason he didn’t like the Jedi code.[/SIZE]

[member="Otium Mentis"]

Otium Mentis

[member="Edwin Setyl"]
"Ooooo, yippee!" Otium said, "We're gonna have some fun!" He backed up again and settled into a combat crouch, the voices in his head reaching a crescendo as the air around the two acolytes began to crackle with electricity. Say what you want about Otium's sanity, or his coordination, he backed up his madness with a strong Force connection and a heck of a lot of training.

"You know why I'm still here on Korriban?" he said, his eyes and face filling with darkness and madness once more, "Its because they all say I'm too dangerous to become an apprentice. I have no clue why!" With a burst of mad laughter Otium sent a wave of Force energy, one massive Force push, blasting at his opponent. Then, still laughing, he attacked with a surge of Force lightning.
Edwin took on shien form, bracing himself as soon as the crackle of electricity showed itself. He found himself being pushed back, as he quickly gained his balance back, he found himself dodging the other acolyte's burst of energy. Edwin was pretty sure that known Acolyte infighting was restricted. Even so, he wasn't an acolyte at the academy here. A smile crept underneath his mask. That still didn't mean he couldn't try and wear down his foe. Edwin turned his lightsaber horizontally, taking a center of being. This acolyte might've had power, but Edwin certainly assumed he didn't have a strategy to truly make him a deadly warrior. Edwin always had to deal with the countless Masters he had in the past, their aggression, their unforeseen attacks. This would be no different.

Edwin then began sending remarks, things he hoped would bring his adversary off balance. "Shame you can't stop. And to think I was going to bring you bantha steak." The acolyte almost vomited from his statement. It felt so strange to say. Even so the least, he needed to bring an end to this acolyte's attacks.

[member="Otium Mentis"]

Otium Mentis

"I know right?" Otium said, cackling and sending out yet another surge of lightning, "I really wanted that sandwich!" Otium was completely out of it now, if he wasn't before. Any intelligence he might have possessed had been shoved aside by madness and primal rage. He attacked again and again and again, his bolts wild and uncontrolled but deadly nevertheless. Did this man think himself so powerful? Otium was a devotee of the dark side. He had studied every technique available to him in the libraries of the academy, for a day or more each. H had power, and he sure as heck knew how to use it.

With a wave of his hand, Otium attacked his opponent with the Force, his aim to attack his foe's very innards with fever, nausea, and a cold. Then he resumed his lightning barrage.

OOC note: I am going to be giving Otium, because of his training and intelligence, the powers of at least a level 15 SWTOR Sith Inquisitor, Madness spec. If you play the game, I have so far attacked with Overload, Force Lightning, and Affliction.
Edwin prepared himself for these unpredictable attacks thanks to his state of mind, but he felt the will to fight lessen inside him as he jumped back them, finding himself fly across the red sands of Korriban towards a hoard of K'lor'slugs, using cleanse mind to end the force affliction. Edwin then jumped from the carnivores, running towards the other acolyte, shooting a force stun as he ran pass him, hoping it would stun his adversary long enough to feel the numerous might of the K'lor'slugs. Edwin knew the darkside of the force was weak when it came to healing oneself or others. And even if the K'lor'slugs bites didn't injure the other acolyte, the dangerous venom would surely do the trick. That, then, would hopefully get the acolyte to give up and help Edwin.

((ooc: Just don't use every move inquisitor knows, too many of the skills are non-canon. Here's a list of force abilities in Star Wars. I'd recommend you got for intermediate (since your guy is powerful) instead of advance (if the variation exists) as no one, for example, expects an acolyte or even numerous Darths to use force storm. Blast, Palpatine was the only Sith who could even use the ability in the first place. Also don't use dark transfer, that's holocron hunting level stuff. Considering it was a rare and unwritten ability. Especially since you said the majority of things your guy learnt were in books.))

[member="Otium Mentis"]

Otium Mentis

[member="Edwin Setyl"]
If the strange acolyte thought that Otium was ever going to help him, he was sorely mistaken. Otium was insane, but he wasn't a fool, and certainly not powerless either. As the Force stun attacked his mind, trying to disorient him, it was stopped in it's tracks by his sheer force of will and the state of his mind. Otium had lost control of his mind, but not his body. Breaking the stun with sheer force of will, he turned to the kor'slugs and and raised a shield of Force energy, then launched his signature lightning barrage, bolts striking kor'slug after kor'slug and striking them down. The kor'slugs tried to attack, but Otium had dealt with their kind before. His lithe, nimble body, strengthened by years in the tombs, leapt and rolled among the creatures, his Force-enhanced speed and Force shield protecting him from the fangs and poison. When the whole pack was defeated, he stood among the charred bodies and turned to the other acolyte with his insanity-filled eyes. He got ready like he was going to attack, then his mind completely reversed itself, as it often did in his state.

"Catch me if you can, delivery boy!" he said, turning and racing with force-enhanced speed into the tombs. If the other acolyte followed him, it would probably not end well. Otium was insane, but he was no fool, and he knew every nook and cranny of the tombs. His mad laughter echoed from the darkened entrance, taunting his enemy to follow.
Edwin looked back as the Acolyte ran in the tombs. He thought mission was to investigate such places, but run after a Sith? No chance at all. Edwin was even starting to doubt himself that people like the Tulak Hord even had forbidden information on Lightside Sith Techniques. Disregarding the Acolyte who was in the tomb, Edwin headed for Dreshdae, perhaps he could find answers there. Who knows what one could find? Turning off his lightsaber, Edwin began to walk through the desert planet, checking his comms to make sure he was going the right way. The Sun's rays were blinding, if it weren't for the cold, Edwin would certainly never had lived here.

An uneasiness was rising in the Sith, he couldn't understand it himself. Looking forward, he continued to head for the coordinates on his datapad. No matter what, he will find the teachings of Lightside Sith who came before him. No matter how many planets he would have to travel. He certainly had time.

[member="Otium Mentis"]

Otium Mentis

[member="Edwin Setyl"]
Otium ran through several passageways until he realized the man wasn't following him. He looked back, extending his senses, and confirmed his suspicions. The man was gone. Otium reared back his head and filled the hall with mad laughter. What a game this was! The man had given up trying to get things from him, he knew that following him into the tombs meant certain death, and he was too afraid to try! He would go and seek knowledge elsewhere, but he would seek it alone, without the help of a man who had spent four years combing these tombs, grabbing every scrap of knowledge from them.

As Otium began to roam the tombs that were practically a second home to him, he thought about the encounter with the man. Though he was insane, Otium still was remarkably smart, and he could pinpoint every bad decision the man had made in his experiences with him. In the deep recesses of his mind, Otium's surviving intelligence analyzed his encounter. First, the man had lied about his intentions, obviously assuming he had to in order to gain Otium's assistance. That had put him on bad footing right out of the gate, as Otium was smart enough to know the man wasn't a new acolyte. If the man had sought knowledge, and had simply said so, he probably would have gained Otium's help instantly. Otium lived for learning new things, no matter what anyone else thought of them. That's how he was. Then the man had threatened him, a very bad choice. Now, he would never gain anything from Otium.

Eventually, Otium emerged from the tomb again, but from a different entrance he had cleared himself when he original one had been blocked by a now-clear landslide. His eyes, still filled with madness, settled on two small shuttles sitting in a clear patch of rock. Men were scurrying between them, moving crates from one shuttle to another. Otium smiled an insane smile and moved towards them, staying hidden among the rocks. Eventually, he got within earshot.

"Is that the last crate?" one man who appeared the be the leader said as Otium picked up and hefted a large rock and began to move closer. The man he was speaking to started to say something, but then a huge rock came flying out of nowhere, the force-assisted projectile blasting his head clean off. The other man looked in stunned silence at the decapitated corpse, then a shadow fell on him and he stared, eyes and mouth wide. Soon screams echoed through the surrounding area, before falling silent. Then, it was replaced by the sound of a ship blasting off. At the controls of the full shuttle, Otium laughed madly and pressed every button that looked pretty, shooting himself into hyperspace in pursuit of knowledge, his obsession as keen as a spice addict's.

"I can't wait to see it all!" he said as the blue lines of hyperspace appeared.

OOC: Thanks for the RP man, it gave me a real chance to get some experience and flesh my character out. Good luck with your future endeavors!

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