Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Maja had both crystals now and knew the next step. She needed to find someone who could teach her how to craft the saber and use it. The design was not up for debate. She wanted a double-bladed weapon – the crystal demanded it.

She knew it had to have an elongated hilt to support the two crystals. The length of the blades was also set in stone – 0.75m. Zannah’s notes were very precise. The shorter blade length would reduce reach and leverage but add considerably to her speed and dexterity. She now knew she was a Vahla and natural power would never be an asset.

And more than anything else, she needed someone she could trust – implicitly. She’d had some fine trainers – but this crystal was a temptation she knew too few could resist. Who could she rely on? Her sister was an obvious choice – but no – she would see her again when she was worthy and not a moment sooner. And then it occurred to her. There could be only one. The woman that discovered her talents, that set her on the path to what she’d become – who understood the value of walking to your own drum-beat and not follow the herd.

It could only be Alexandra. It took a while to track her down but she did. And now Maja sat in her ship, having just landed and about meet the woman she once saw as a mother figure. Perhaps she still did? Regardless, she felt a little apprehensive as she stepped off the ship and gazed upon her benefactor once more. Tears formed in her eyes and she rushed forward to hug her host.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Maja Vern"]

Alex had at the time forgotten and was talking with her son as maja arrived, he having been there with his sister at the time and was now caught in a conversation about something his sister had done... She forgot how a child could be, and thats when the certain Vahla she had long seen gone to the sith barreled into her and she blinked, eyes turning on the woman and blinking. "Uh Varren, go find your sister and play with her, ok?" She waited for him to go before turning her head to face Maja with a widening smile. "Well, i must say miss Vern, you always know how to make an entrance, next thing i know you are going to want to go for a speeder ride once more."
Maja didn’t want to let go. The talk of the speeder and her proximity to Alexandra brought all those old memories flooding back. That one, perfect day that would never be recreated. Her exploits cooking and sleeping in a bed for the first time. Never to be repeated experiences.

But Maja was a girl then and a woman now. And Alexandra was… “You’re a mum, right? And a boy and a girl?” She smiled warmly and her amber eyes sparkled. “I remember saying you’d make a great parent and I suspect I’m right, yes?”

Part of her wanted to reminisce but the other part felt it necessary to get down to the matter in hand. “I really appreciate you seeing me. You see…” She shook her head, words wouldn’t do. So she reached into the bag resting on her hip and pulled out a black velvet draw-string bag. Opening it, she drew out a red, starburst shaped carmine crystal. "I couldn’t trust anyone else to help me. I have another that I got from a kinrath’s egg – but this is the real deal. It’s Bane’s Heart.”

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Maja Vern"]

Alexandra smiled as she mentioned her being a mother now, and to be honest Alex was proud of that fact beyond anything else.... then something even more interesting came up as she raised a brow and looked at the crystal that was presented to her and her eyes went wide out of interest in the crystal's being here infront of her. "Wait really, this is the real thing... you aren't playing a trick on me right now right?" She looked down at it again and then up at Maja for confirmation... she was a woman who obsessed over the history of the past, it was too easy for her to lose her mind over a tiny stone.
Maja nodded. She produced the documents that she'd been carrying around from the Invisible Market transactions from the moment it was taken from Kashyyk to the present day.

"It's previous owner is alive and well by the way - but had no idea what he had. He just bought some information and stole it, not realising what it actually was. In truth it's a good idea I found him and not anyone else."

"It's been a kind of pilgrimage. I followed Rain, or rather Darth Zannah's footsteps. I feel there is something of a connection. Both went by a false name, both discovered to be Force Sensitive later in life, both discovered by someone wise. And so I know exactly what I want to construct - but I need your help. And...I need someone to train me to use it too."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Maja Vern"]

"I see... well then i hope you brought the parts necessary and the materials you specifically wanted as well as other various things like the powercells?" She looked at the face of the girl and wondered how much preparation this girl had fully gone into, considering she had taken the time to look for the crystal that had been held before her she had a good feeling it was no simple see and snatch sort of deal. It was good to hear she didn't kill the man though, senseless murder would have been disappointing.
Maja showed Alexandra the drawing she had for the design. "I have all the necessary parts, the power cell, the pommel cap, focusing lenses, power insulator, emitter get the idea, I've got it all."

"My journey to find the crystal was a long one - but it was worth it I believe. But I don't know exactly how to put it all together. Do I need to be somewhere special for example?"

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]


Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Maja Vern"]

"Putting together a saber is alot of work and focus and i can't really teach you more past the proper set up for the saber though the design you propose i am not overly familiar with but there does come the point of my interest in why this design if you don't mind my asking Maja." She rubbed her chin and inspected the pieces as she lined them out infront of herself and then looked at the crystal in the hand of Maja Vern with a raised brow. To Alex just seeing the crystal was the chance of a life time because of the history it held inside its crystalline confines but she returned her eyes to the saber pieces as she moved her hand over them. "I assume you looked over the designs several times already? If so we can begin and i can lead you through the process once before you do it. There is no room for error in making a saber though Maja, if you fail in its construction you could cause it to explode in your hand or shut off during combat."
Maja nodded. She trusted Alexandra but she also trusted Zannah - although she knew she couldn't really explain this to her host. "I have spent two years working on this." She took the other crystal out of a small pouch - the one she'd taken from the kinrath egg. "I have researched the construction and this particular design, including the specific blade length."

She then checked off the parts she had in front of her on the ground. "I have the two crystals, a blade-emitter matrix, various dials, a blade length adjuster, a lens assembly, a hand grip, an activation stud, a power conduit, a belt ring, a safety switch, a recharge socket, casing, a sensor array, a blade lock and a beckon call."

"As to why this design - I think the best way to describe it is to say that the crystal demands it. I suspect, no - I know that, for some reason, the crystal will only operate in a design like this. It's based on an old saber and one the crystal is used to. It seems when it was stolen, it was chemically treated in some way but now it is back to how it was before - and can be imbued with the Force." She looked up at Maja, her amber eyes dancing with excitement. "I have learned patience along the way - but even the new Maja cannot wait to see how it will perform. But I am ready for the work and I guess need a watchful eye to make sure I don't do anything rash. But trust me - I shall not fail."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Maja Vern"]

"Well, if you are so confident then Maja, who am i to stop you." She waved her hand and smiled at the woman before her with her brow raised as she waved to the pieces which lay between them as she spoke one last time. "Remember, the force will want to guide you in creation of this blade. It is a part of you and you must do what feels right and connect yourself to your blade. I cannot tell you how past the physical structure of the blade but you seem to know that well enough. I wish you luck Maja and i will be right here to offer you support but this is something you must do on your own once you are ready. First you will connected with the crystals, then bind the parts of the saber around it with nothing but your connection to the force. Are you sure you are ready?"
Maja had heard of people going to special or significant places to build their saber. In truth she had nowhere particular to go, so her was as good a place as any.

So she offered a simple, “I am ready,” to Alexandra and promptly sat cross-legged on the ground. She had read all she could about Zannah’s saber and trusted she would be told if she made a significant mistake.

As she wriggled to find the most comfortable spot, she listed the items in her head one more time and checked them off from the components laid out in front of her. The Bane’s Heart crystal, the kinrath crystal, a blade-emitter matrix, various dials, a blade length adjuster, a lens assembly, a hand grip, an activation stud, a power conduit, a belt ring, a safety switch, a recharge socket, casing, a sensor array, a blade lock and a beckon call.

But first she knew she had to imbue the crystals with the Force. Nervously she closed her eyes, held both crystals in her open hands and recited a variation of the only code she’d read on the subject. Beneath her closed lids, her eyes turned slowly yellow and the circumference of her irises went red and then crimson. She drew on that reservoir of emotions she had locked away – the hatred towards her parents for abandoning her, the years of having nothing and the envy it generated, those that had tried and failed to take from her – including her dignity, but above all the love for her sister [member="Silara"], the most powerful emotion she had to draw on:

“The crystal is the heart of the blade
Bane’s Heart is the crystal of my blade
I am the crystal of the Force
The Force is the blade of the heart
All are intertwined
The crystal, the blade, me
We are one”

She repeated this over and over. On occasions she was so at one with the Force that she lost track of time. But she knew that the crystals were ready. And so very slowly, carefully and methodically she began to assemble the saber. With her eyes still closed, she used her Telekinetic powers to lift all of the components into the air. She detached one half of the hilt and attached the power conduit. Then she connected the recharge socket to the power conduit. Then she connected the emitter matrix to the power conduit and then attach an activation stud to the emitter matrix and slotted it under the casing. Next she added tow blade length adjusters to the emitter matrix.

The schematics then called for her to place the lens assembly with both of the crystals in between the emitter matrix and power conduit before adding the safety switch and two blade dials. Finally she added the sensor array and the remaining parts. She then sealed the lightsaber and attached the belt ring.

At the moment her fingers flicked the switch to ignite her lightsaber for the first time; she had never felt as close to the Force. Tiredness and stiffness were ignored. She opened her eyes and stared at it. It was beautiful and it was hers. She stood and, slowly at first, twirled and twisted it. Sometimes with both hands and at others with her favoured left hand.

Slowly her eyes returned to their natural amber and she beamed at Alexandra. And she was – for possibly the first time ever – speechless.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Maja Vern"]

Alexandra laughed as she stared at the speechless form that was her old student and leaned forward with one hand on her chin and studied Maja's thoughts and feelings for a few long moments as well as touching the inside of the saber and studying it to see how well she put it together. Really there was only one way to test it though and she was curious how much her student had improved but for now she spoke, curious about the words that she had said. "Where had you learned those words Maja, i had never heard them in the creation of a saber, Jedi or Sith teachings included."
Maja was pulled from her reverie by Alexandra’s words. Funny how she’d known her for only a few days but she was possibly her closest friend. For no sooner had they met than Maja's sister had connected with her and taken her away. Before she had the chance to receive any training. Since the days she’d been discovered, her sister had spent scant time with her despite the promises and she’d been forced to travel the galaxy alone, pickling up training wherever she could find it. It had been a slow process and had the offer to be her Master been genuine, Maja felt her sister could have developed her to at least a Sith Knight by now.

But instead she’d been little more than a toy, a pet. She loved her sister – that could never change. But right now she didn’t like her.

So Alexandra’s words took a few seconds to permeate her consciousness. “I read them somewhere. Jedi maybe? But I adapted them for me, for her, for the crystal.” She didn’t elaborate on who the her was.

“I’d be wary of touching it,” Maja said. “I read it discharges electricity to anyone who tries to hold it. Like Force Lightning I believe. She’s allowed me to attune myself to her crystal and I’m its rightful owner now.”

Maja started to twirl the saber in her hands, feeling the weight of it. Finally she pressed both activation buttons and the twin crimson blades ignited with a buzzing hum rather than the usual snap hiss. The blades were shorter than usual, which would allow Maja to spin the saber faster and therefore generate greater speed and more kinetic energy.

She twirled the blade carefully at first before picking up speed. Finally she deactivated the blades and the saber made a mild thrum as it powered down. She looked up at Alexandra. "Perfect."

[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Maja Vern"]

"Hmm.... thats not what i meant Maja. I have a question for you and i ask for a truthful answer, you are with the sith now no? Well then you will need to do the one thing that most Sith can do without hesitation and please to stick with me here when i say this but... i want you to attack me and try to kill me. Don't worry, im confident ill survive but i need to see what they taught you so far so that i can instruct you in ways that my older teachings might have left you soft."

She started to stand and dusted herself off as she removed her cloak and more cumbersome robes until she was in a grey tunic with her head rolling on her shoulders. "You see, i still very much so believe in a majority of the Sith's teachings, there are some like the use of the Darkside i don't follow even if it is a stronger path but to me it is too risky one to take. As i was saying though Maja, you need to steel your feelings for people and i have a feeling you might hesitate to attack people close to you if you have too... which is why i am asking you to attack me with the intent to kill, no hesitation, no holding back."

She stood there, smiling, like she hadn't just asked for her old student and the girl that she even cared about herself on a level. To attack and attempt to kill her, to get rid of a bond that Alexandra half hoped the girl had developed.
Maja cocked her head to one side, clearly surprised at the line of questioning. “I am not with the Sith, no. I am not with anyone. I left the Order of the Grey's Temple with my sister but I have hardly seen her since. What little training I have received I have picked up here and there as I travelled the galaxy looking for this,” she held up her saber by way of an explanation.

“I have been taught nothing of saber combat, what I know I have read and…listened to advice.” She sounded coy at this response, but entirely truthful. "And I think age may have played tricks on you. You never taught me anything. We had two conversations in all the time we knew each other. The first lasted almost a full day and gave me insight on the Force. The second was when I told you my sister was coming for me.”

She smiled. “So I’ve learned nothing from you or the Sith. I learned some things from some Witches and..I stand corrected, a Sith taught me this,” Maja called on the Force and blue Lightning coalesced around her right hand and arced from her fingers to the ground.

“But if you wish me to attack you, I can do that. If you are worthy, you shall live - if not you will die.” She grinned wickedly. “I have a good teacher.” So she stood on the balls of her feet and held the saber in front of her, waist high, both hands on the hilt which was held horizontally to the ground.

“I am ready...”

[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

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