Not Ordo
Just under the upper hand.
[member="Amarant"] [member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Airal Thamne"]
[member="Strider Garon"] @Any other mandos and suns feel free to gamble drink talk whatever.
The wheel was the kinda place you only went to if you knew you were ready to get your hands dirty. He sat at a back booth in the reserved section of the "back room". The smell of stale booze, cigarra smoke and vomit not nearly as strong as the other less savoury areas of the place. The music was quieter here but in no way did that make it a better performance.
Dancers walked about the room offering dances and who knows what else to the "high rollers" in the area. Kyr was used to this. He had been a criminal for just as long as he had been a Mandalorian and to him the two usually went hand in hand. He had heard rumors, stories that the Suns were getting it raw from some unpleasant fellows and Strider had given the go ahead to invite some nice folks to see if maybe there could be some assistance tjat could be given. That was why Kyr sat nursing a glass of whiskey and waiting for his guests to arrive.
[member="Strider Garon"] @Any other mandos and suns feel free to gamble drink talk whatever.
The wheel was the kinda place you only went to if you knew you were ready to get your hands dirty. He sat at a back booth in the reserved section of the "back room". The smell of stale booze, cigarra smoke and vomit not nearly as strong as the other less savoury areas of the place. The music was quieter here but in no way did that make it a better performance.
Dancers walked about the room offering dances and who knows what else to the "high rollers" in the area. Kyr was used to this. He had been a criminal for just as long as he had been a Mandalorian and to him the two usually went hand in hand. He had heard rumors, stories that the Suns were getting it raw from some unpleasant fellows and Strider had given the go ahead to invite some nice folks to see if maybe there could be some assistance tjat could be given. That was why Kyr sat nursing a glass of whiskey and waiting for his guests to arrive.