Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What happened to Divided?


Disney's Princess
Good question? I think it died Sunday and was unresolved.

I'm just going to go with post #3 where Xhinx drops the ancient Space Station on the planet and kills everyone. ...Call it The JSC Canon. :D

Ava Solborne

I really would've liked it, if it would've been more active. I mean, Dominator became officially crazy there... :D
Great question. I kinda fell off in my posting due to some IRL commitments, perhaps we should follow it up again... maybe in a real role-play, instead of something a bit more time-constrained.


Disney's Princess
Daxton Bane said:
What ancient space station? I thought it got blown up, the week prior to divided.
Nah man. Xhinx drove it all the way from the Outer Rim to Rhommamool and then planned to fly the whole thing into the planet's dual atmospheres. Crashing it into the surface and destroying two planets and one space station in a single kinetic eruption. Thus ending the entire thread at post #3.

And I'm sad he never posted after that... :p
Tef, I would love to continue it. Shall we say on the open boards?

Dominator - keep up the good work. I always look forward to reading what's going on with the my second favorite Jedi. (Sorry Ben is my favorite because he is out for my blood :) )

Ava Solborne

I agree, the event should be continued...

Daxton - Of course... Ben is a great Jedi. He's one of my favourites too.

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