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Private What are brothers for? (Aston)

"Dear brother," he started before shaking his head. "No, that doesn't sound right. Brothers though we are, we have only conversed the one time and I do not wish to address him in a way that will offend him. Dear Aston sounds better."

He finished writing the letter on Flimsi, addressing it to his brother Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs , and then handed it to the droid that was waiting for it.

"I think you might find him on Nar Shaddaa or with the Witches."

"Yes, Master Siegfried."

The droid quickly left and Barrien sighed. It had been too long since he'd seen his brother. In fact, it hadn't been since they had gone together to help rescue their sister from the One Sith. That had been years and years ago when they were both much younger than they now were. Since then, he'd had a run-in with their sister in which she'd tried to kill him, and threatened him, and accused him of things he hadn't been involved in. So much time had passed since then that he figured it was time to be the one to make the effort since neither of the other two seemed to be, and Aston had been more receptive to him before than Spencer, so it made sense to start with him. Besides, he and Spencer were twins so if someone could help him figure out what to do it was him.

"I hope you are well, Aston, and are willing to come to Silver Rest."
Figaro Favoura VII

"From who?" Aston said as his brow furrowed. It was more of a declaration of surprise than a question. Aston's eyes narrowed as he read the message as he stood inside his room on the planet of Fiagaro VII. Aston took a seat at the edge of the bed and looked over the letter before he placed it to the side. Aston's hand raised to his bearded chin and he rubbed it slightly. He hadn't seen Barrien in many years. And while he had held no ill will towards the man at all. He glanced to the side as he heard the soft tone of Katrine and her daughter. Laughter filled the hallway and he smiled slightly. Aston felt he could afford to leave for a few days. If he was to see his brother, he'd best go and get this reunion started.

Aston noted the frequency location from where the letter came from as he replied with a holographic message to Barrien.

"Greetings Barrien. I hope this message finds you well. I have received your message and I will be arriving on Kashyyyk within the next day. I can honestly say it will do some good to see you. May the force be with you, Allya as well."

The message ended and Aston packed his things and took a starfigher out as transport to Kashyyyk.

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
It was a bit of a surprise to see the holographic image of his brother. Certainly he had grown accustomed to the technology of the wider galaxy since his escape from Oaken Dawn, but it always fascinated him that something was able to capture the essence of a person and transmit it across the galaxy to be viewed by another person. Furthermore, he was slightly surprised that Aston was willing to come all the way to Kashyyyk. It wasn't as if the twonof them were close the way siblings should be.

But that is part of why I invited him, he reminded himself.

Family had always been important to him. In truth, it was a small part of why he had left in the first place. He wanted to find his father. Now, after years of trying, he resigned himself to the knowledge that he would likely never know the man who sired him. After looking more into him he wasn't sure he wanted to. The amount of violence in Kamon's past frankly scared him a bit. He couldnt help but wonder if it was a familial trait, especially given his own outburst before he had left. What if that had only been the beginning?

But it had been years since then and he had barely raised a weapon toward anyone and then only in self-defense or the defense of another. Getting help for Oaken Dawn was still important to him, but so was the family he had learned of when he left. Aston and Spencer he had met, but there was still his niece to meet somewhere out there. Hopefully Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs could help him.

He had asked to be notified when Aston radioed for clearance, so when his brothers fighter decended, Barrien was already there, waiting to greet him.

"Hello, Aston. It has been too long," he said offering out his hand. "Was the flight pleasant?"
Aston was greeted as he entered Kashyyyk space. He assumed Barrien informed them about his arrival. Aston docked at the landing pad and he hopped out of the fighter and he could see his brother in the distance. Aston didn't know him very well at all, however he couldn't help but smirk as he approached him.

"Barrien, your looking well. Thank you for the invitation. And the flight wasn't so bad. There could've been a better holo film during the flight." Aston joked slightly as he extended his hand out to shake his brothers.

Aston glanced around slightly with a intriguing expression on his face. "How are things faring with the Silvers?"

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
Holodramas. He didn't know what made them good or bad so he just shrugged.

"The Silvers appear to fare well. I have only just arrived myself so I cannot say for certain, but I do not see the drawn faces I did back in the Republic."

He motioned for Aston to walk with him and started to head back towards the temple. It was interesting seeing his brother in this way. Under normal circumstances siblings grew up together and knew eacb other in ways that only a sibling could. He did not have that luxury and it pained him that he knew next to nothing about his siblings other than the fact they had what he wished he had.

"What of yourself? Have you been well since we helped to rescue Spencer? It has been much too long since we talked. I hope that does not become normal. I should have talked to you sooner."

Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs
"That's good to hear." Aston said with a smile as he walked along the path with his brother. They were in close proximity to each other but they seemed so far away. Aston knew that it was time to fix that. If in the very least bridge a connection. They were family after all. Aston chuckled when he mentioned the Republic. That was a long time ago. Aston thought as he looked back to his youthful years with the Galactic Republic. Most of it good, the rest was missing his home and his mother.

"Oh man, that was ages ago it seems like." Aston said as he looked over to Barrien with a nod of his head. Mentioning the rescue of Spencer that seemed like another lifetime. "I've some dark places. And then I've seen some of the most beautiful places you can imagine." Aston realized he was being very vague with his words. But he wasn't so sure how to say them or if he even wanted to talk about them.

"Family shouldn't go so long without speaking. It's just hard sometimes. We are all leading different lives, and sometimes that can lead us to not speaking for some time." Aston never took offense to Spencer when she departed with Ashin. In fact he encouraged it more than anything. She was following her own path and who was he to persuade her otherwise. He hadn't seen or spoken to Spencer in years it seems like. But if she ever did call him, he would come no questions asked.

Just like he did today, for another.

"I'm glad you called, brother." Aston said with a small smile as he looked ahead of him at what was Silvers Rest.

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
Dark places. That was vague but he didn't sense any major negative impact on his brother. Well, not that was readily noticed. As he understood it they were both part Echani and mentalism was very difficult to use upon that species. Their minds were naturally defended from intrusion.

"Yes, life takes us many places and does make it hard to stay in touch."

He steered them towards the gardens. It was his favorite place at Silver Rest because it was the closest to what he had known on the world he came from. There was a little area with seeting and he led them there, taking a seat on one of the benches and motioning for Aston to do the same. It was unlikely they would be disturbed there, which meant they could talk without reservation. This was what he wanted. He wanted to be able to talk with his brother freely.

"I ran into Spencer after we rescued her. It was on Roche right after a member of the Republic spaced a bunch of people. She tried to kill me when she saw me. I didn't figbt back as she hit me, of course, I didn't want to hurt her. I don't think she likes me and I don't know why."

He shrugged.

"I want to spend time with you both and get to know you. Whether we like it or not we are family and I place a great deal of value on family."

Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs
Aston took a seat on the bench and he listened to what Barrien said about that day and what Spencer had done upon seeing him. Aston could briefly recall a few things on the day. He remembered the particular event but much else seemed to be lost on him. He wondered what would've gave Spencer cause to attack Barrien.

Aston shrugged shoulders slightly as he looked at Barrien with a bemused look on his face. "I'm not sure what could've caused her to do that. However, I do know she must have had a very good reason for doing so."

As he stated his intention to get to know them better, Aston couldn't help but agree with him. While he had his own opinions on the nature of family, he had to agree with Barrien about the first portion of what he said.

"And we have that chance now. Spencer will take some persuading, if she comes around at all." Aston said with a small jerk of his head as he around at the gardens, not giving it a good look over when he first sat down.

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
"I don't even know how to reach out to her. I was hoping you could help me with that since you are twins. She might listen to you."

Might was the operative word. The only thing he knew about her was that she was stubborn. The only thing he really know about Aston was that he cared about Spencer more than anything. Their family was disjointed because their father hadn't been a good one. He chalked it up to the man habing been vusy with his work, but that wasn't the only reason as he could tell. The more he had learned of the man, the more his desire to meet him had dwindled. No longer did he want to.

"But I didn't want to just talk about her. I want to get to know you and my niece as well, though I haven't been able to find her or learn much about her. You are the only one I could locate."

The galaxy was so vast. Finding a single person was often like finding a needle in a haystack. It was a wonder he had even been able to keep track of Aston after they had rescued Spencer.

"Tell me more about you and your family? I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have about me."

Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs
"I could talk with her, I'm not saying she's gonna listen to me. But I can do that for you." Aston said with a small smile. Aston could see Barrien's side of things, more so than his sister. Obviously why he was reaching out to Aston first. He knew he could do this for Barrien, however he wondered if Spencer would hurt him just for being the messenger. Aston smirked slightly as he thought about that for a moment.

It was then that Barrien had inquired about his family.

"My family, truth be told I haven't seen much of them in a long time. I've been travelling a lot and sorta of doing my own thing. I actually feel really guilty about that." Aston said as he rubbed his chin slightly. "My mother is still on Dathomir as well as the father that raised me. Last I heard they were doing well. I don't have any actually family of my own such as a wife or kids or anything. I do have a really good friend. Who is the most important person in my life right now. Her name is Katrine Van-Derveld Katrine Van-Derveld . She and I are really close."

Aston cleared his throat as he nodded to Barrien. "What about you?"

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
Barrien looked slightly relieved when Aston said he would talk to Spencer on his behalf. That was all he could ask for given that he couldn't talk to her without her trying to kill him, it seemed.

"I would appreciate the help," he said before sighing. "I am not our father and the only family I have is you two. I can't go back to my homeworld yet and my family there did not like me because I was a bastard child. I just want us to be a family. We aren't our father and we shouldn't trest each other as though we are."

Listening to Aston explain his situation he realized they were quite similar. Their family was extremely disjointed and that was quite disheartening to him. None of them seemed to have a close relationship with each other and that made him sad to think about. At least Aston had a friend in this Katrine woman. Barrien used to have Beth but he hadn't seen or heard from her in a really long time. It was starting to worry him, to be honest. Other than Beth he didn't really have any friends. It was a fairly lonely life that he led aside from teaching with the Silver Jedi.

"I have cousins on Oaken Dawn but they don't like me. There was a young Australis girl thst I used to spend tike with, but I have not seen her in a long time. She was always getting herself into trouble so I hope she hasn't found some she can't handle. I spend most of my time teaching here or helping people."

Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs
"Its not a problem at all. And if it helps Barrien, I can see that." Aston said trying to give him a semblance of encouragement. Aston knew the importance of family, and while he and Spencer weren't as close as they could've been. She still meant the world to him. And there wasn't anything wrong to try and see if that could be mended with another brother added to the fray. "Bastard or not to them, you are still blood." Aston wasn't to savvy when it came to how families dealt with bastards, full bloods or any of that sort. Family was always going to be family, regardless of blood.

"Have you tried to reach out to her. For all you know, she could be just waiting on your call."

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
He shook his head.

"Honestly, last time she mentioned something about me having convinced you but she wasn't so inclined," he said, drumming fingers on his thigh. "I thought it might be best to start with a mediator. I'm not entirely sure she believes we are related despite my resemblance to our father."

Reaching out to her was something he had wanted to do, but he didn't really even know how. Keeping track kf her had proved completely impossible since she stepped down as Queen of Eshan. Where she was he didn't know. But he figured that Aston would know, or would at least know how to reach her thanks to their connection as twins and growing up together.

"I don't even know where she is or how to reach her."

Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs
"Give me a few weeks and I'll have something for you. I'm hoping it will be good." Aston inclined to hope, Spencer hated Kamon that was a big fact. And from what he saw here, Barrien wasn't Kamon, despite the big resemblance. He hoped she would come into this with an open mind unlike last time. But you never know, one could only hope.

"So tell me, how fares your saber technique?" Aston inquired with a small smirk. Aston's was decent, and he was always aiming to improve on things. Since Barrien taught here, there was probably quite a bit he could learn from him.

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
"I appreciate the help even if it does not go well," Barrien said, smiling.

Having a brother who actually cared about you was nice. The only person that had ever really cared about him was his own mother, and she had died several years ago thanks to some illness that the Empire had drug in. Aston was about the only person he had that he could really count on.

When he asked about saber tdchnique it caught him off guard.

"My saber technique? It is fine, I believe. I don't use the traditional saber, as you can see by my lance. I find it more reminscent of home. I practice often with it but I rarely have need of it. Most situations can be solved without violence. Why do you ask?"

Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs
"I'm always in the mood for a friendly duel." Aston said with a small chuckle. "I'm always up for learning something new, be it by the force or with the saber. I'm not above admitting I could use some help from time to time." Aston smiled as he took a deep breath. He still had a lot to learn, technically by those two standards of force and saber. When it came to to just life and being out in the galaxy, he was a well trained veteran at those things.

"I wouldn't mind sticking around for a few days. Maybe my brother can teach me something I don't already know." Aston simply nodded his head. He figured it would be good for them to bond and such. There couldn't be any harm in that.

Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried
"I wouldn't mind a spar, but not until tomorrow. Today has been full enough," he said, shaking his head.

He needed some time to recharge and then the two of them could have a spar when they were both decently rested. It was hard enough to fight when you were tired. He also needed to secure lodging for Aston. He also needed to check in with his students and make sure things were alright. There were a lot of classes going on even though a lot of people were off planet at the moment.

"If that works for you I will get you situated with a room."

Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs
"That sounds pretty good." Aston said as he nodded to his brother and he was checked in and was given a room for the duration of his stay. Aston didn't bother to be in the room for too long, he mainly wanted to explore and familiarize himself with Silvers Rest and to see if there was anyone he missed or hadn't seen in a while and opted to speak with them and see how things were faring in their lives. The archives as well were something that had kept him quite busy ever since he was a young Jedi.

Morning came rather swiftly as he found himself sleeping quite peacefully and just as if he was back on Figaro with Katrine and Larentia. Aston chuckled slightly as he sat up in the bed and swung his feet over to the side edge. It wouldn't be long before he got up to get dressed and meet up with Barrien Siegfried Barrien Siegfried he assumed most likely in the training rooms. Aston was happy that he took the time yesterday to get further acquainted with Silvers rest once again.

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