Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well how about that

So now that Vengeance has taken an Indefinite LOA I need someone to help me move Adi along. She was his slave and now that he is gone she is sitting with nothing to do, maybe I could get her into some trouble or find a relationship for her

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
I could help to free you as well, I've got an entire Venator-class Star Destroyer and military walker battalion behind my back. :cool: If Herr wants to come for you he'd have to get past me and my men, as well as the entire Galactic Republic military. ;)

[member="Gna Grimwasp"] [member="Adi Rost"] [member="Jesse Organa"] [member="Herr Vanderhing"]

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