Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcoming the Senate (The Republic, The Jedi, The Senate.)


Thalia watched as the news came to her of the Republic changing their centralization to her home, the planet of her mothers and the new home of her father's. She was more than happy to finally see something not as secluded and after being able to calm herself more so thanks to the limited teachings of her rather hidden master [member="Vulpesen"] she was less prone to fainting on a dime if she got too excited. It was hard though, as she had to keep focused on her heart at all times, always be aware to make sure it does not speed up behind her control.

But today her parents had decided to welcome the new guests of the planet with a ball for both Jedi and Senate each, even soldiers. Her hands ran over her hair as she pulled it back and tied it back before closing the chain of a simple necklace around her neck as well. Lastly though, her hands ran over the window seal, looking down and watching as those who came would start towards the gates. Her parents had left this in her hands this time and now she had to go down and great these people, show them who she was... but hesitation found her and for now, no guest would see her.
No guest but perhaps a very important one.

Dressed in ceremonial garb - something far less menacing and savage than her normal attire - the Beastia had arrived early. At her side the man who spoke for her: [member="Volden"], one who the young Princess would be plenty familiar with. As the Ambassador for the people beyond the wall, he spent plenty of time within the city of Iziz, keeping diplomacy alive.

Diplomacy was important - for despite being on the same planet, the kingdom beyond the kingdom was like an entirely different world.

Volden, fashioned in dress robes of black and dark evergreen, baring the insignia of the Beastia, made to announce their presence through a herald to the Princess [member="Thalia Rist"].

Thalia heard the announcement of the woman's presence and immediately blinked as she heard it. This woman she had never had the chance to meet, not even once and yet she had heard things about this woman that made her almost jump at the prospect of meeting what to her at this point had been nothing more than a legend. With a final pull on the fabric of her dress she pulled a cloak around her shoulders to simply stay a bit warmer as she made her way through the halls and too the main room in which Quietus would be. It was to her a meeting that would come to mark her thoughts about what she wanted to be and took everything to keep her heart from speeding up to the point of passing out.
Leering green eyes took in the frail Princess as she arrived to the grand foyer where, up until recently, all had been quiet. There were murmurs and echoes of arriving peoples, a sound that set the Beastia prickling. She stood unmoving as a statue, coiled brawn littered with tribal tattoos and scars evident beneath the sheer fabric of her garments. Her gaze hardened and followed [member="Thalia Rist"] as she moved towards them.

"Princess Thalia," Volden stepped forward and greeted her with a sharp grin, golden eyes gleaming as he bowed and moved to take her hand for a gentleman's kiss, "lovely, stately, groomed for this very day. I would expect nothing less."

A gentle pat to her hand as the man then steered her attention directly to the matriarch, "I apologize that we gave no warning, but given the circumstances and recent events the Beastia felt strongly about having this little ... chat. So it is without further ado that I present to you Beastia Blackthorne of the Beast Tribes. Beastia, the Princess Thalia."

Gaze unwavering, Quietus offered to Thalia a short bow of respect, distinct in its silent nature.

Thalia smiled as she herself gave a slight bow to Volden and to Beastia, her eyes blinking as she took in the words nad tried to show she was out of breath from having had rush to the room. None the less she smiled and after the bow she spoke in return as a ting of excitement escaped into her voice. "Thank you for the compliments, you are too kind... as for your arrival i am even more excited then you can know. Lady Blackthorne i must say it is... breathtaking to finally get to meet you. I was only ever given second hand knowledge and thank you for attending none the less." She smiled, this woman she had never seen but heard of for years, it was beyond meeting a hero for her. This woman was a legend to Thalia.
"The Beastia is pleased to meet you as well," Volden responded in kind, his own smirk making up for the lack of delighted expression on the Beastia's face, "for it has been a great deal of time since she had held a direct audience with the Royalty of Iziz." He did not state how long, but given that she had never met Thalia's parents face to face, it was left to the young Princess' mind to guess that it had likely been well over 30 years.

"She wants you to know that she is encouraged by what you have done with your rule thus far in your first days of leaving the nest. The City People and the Beast Tribes have known peace for a long time now, which has in turn allowed the Tribes to grow and flourish. It has been a time of good fortune and plenty for all."

At this, the Beastia's expression softened somewhat and she gave a nod in accordance to her speaker's words.

"She understands that the arrival of the Senate and the evolution into the new Capital for the Galactic Republic is a grand thing, for this she congratulates you and wishes you well on this harrowing journey into politics. She hopes that despite all these new distractions, you will not forget of the laws established between the Tribes and the City to maintain this peace, and that you make Onderon's new citizens and guests aware of the ...rules."

[member="Thalia Rist"]

She blinked and nodded as she heard the man talk, a description was indeed something she had never talked of and her mind hadn't been on politics as she looked off the the side a bit unnerved at the thought now. "Well, its not my rule, my parents are still the rulers after all. Im just a representative? I guess that would be the word." In an instant the excitement turned to nervousness over the thoughts of running such a job and trying to keep the peace, realizing too that such a thing would come sooner or later and she couldn't help but worry about it all in her mind. "Uh Lady Blackthorne.. Representative Volden. Im sorry i uh get a bit unnerved at the thoughts of such a position... and its embarrassing but is it possible you could tell me about the laws more indepth from the perspective of the Beast Tribes after this night. I want to make sure i understand the viewpoint of both sides if i am to have such a future of mediation."
Volden offered a sanguine smile and gave the Princess' shoulder a squeeze, "The Republic is at war, dear Princess, and your home has become the new Capital. It is only a matter of time before that war reaches your doorstep... sooner than you are likely prepared for."

His saffron gaze left her and moved to settle upon his liege, "The Beastia has partaken in many wars in her lifetime, some more successful than others. As the saying goes, you cannot win them all, but you can survive them if you know how. There are tough times ahead, Princess, rest assured while peace maintains between our nations we will be here to help."

The Beastia lifted her hands and gestured to Volden several hand signals - sign language. The legend was true, she was a mute. In return he nodded, "The Beastia agrees to a formal, private meeting after the feast and celebration. For now, you must enjoy yourself while you still can, yes? We cannot allow your efforts of beauty to go unseen by the people."

[member="Thalia Rist"]

Thalia smiled and nodded as she turned to look at the rest of the souls in the room, remembering to also keep a check on her mind so it didn't wander and start catching the emotions of others. That was the last thing she needed was either of those two things messing up where her empathy or heart got out of control and screwed up this. None the less she breathed in and smiled as she bowed to Beastia and Volden again. "I hope to see you both again, and thank you again lady blackthorne, your being here is more than appreciated." She turned and moved to see whom else had come to this place this night.

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