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Private Welcome Home and Where's Dad

Alora/Brinna Mission


Location: Valehaven, Lastwall
Objective: Start search for Brinna’s Dad
Tags: Alora Kamari Alora Kamari

Brinna couldn’t believe her luck when Sorr Kortu Sorr Kortu introduced a new member to the crew and it just so happened that she was from Lastwall. Lastwall was the most recent puzzle piece that Brinna had learned about the life of her father. It had been a long time since Brinna had been able to find a new bread crumb of what had happened to her father the last time he left their family on Courscant and took to space. To the job he loved, the same one that Brinna had ultimately ended up in. Smuggling. What his crew was doing on Lastwall was a complete mystery to Brinna, but now that she had a guide for the planet Brinna was determined to search out whatever answers were there.

Even from orbit Brinna knew that Lastwall would be a different animal from any planet that she had searched on before. Nar Shaddaa, Denon, Lianna, and Coruscant were all incredibly urban. From orbit Brinna couldn’t even differentiate a city from the rest of the surface. As the transport she was in broke the atmosphere the sights that Brinna saw were even more foreign to her. As the transport touched down, Brinna collected all her things and quickly made for the exit. She hoped that Alora would be there ahead for her, but she knew that Sorr had met Alora when she was a slave, so Brinna wasn’t sure if Alora was completely up to date with the local happenings.

Once out of the ship, Brinna was welcomed to Lastwall by one of the crew. “Thank you. I’m meeting a friend here. Is there a good place for such a thing in the spaceport?” The crew member nodded and pointed towards a central courtyard with many people in it. Brinna smiled her thanks and rushed off towards the courtyard.

There were many people in the courtyard, but Brinna was good at looking over faces and eventually she was able to find Alora and hurried to the young woman’s side. “Thank you for joining me. I know we don’t know each other well yet, but I have been looking for news on my dad for a while now. This is the first thing I’ve uncovered in a while. And I will be happy to have a familiar face to guide me around. I know Sorr really likes the crew to get to know each other too. So it will be a good chance for us to do that.” Brinna pulled a datapad from her hip and handed it over to Alora. “This is the info that I got. I know it’s sorta vague, but at least there are some locales to start from. Hopefully they are places you have some familiarity with.”

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