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Approved Species Weethrak

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Name: Weethrak
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Retalik
Language: Telepathy, Mental Imagry
Average height of adults: 99.06 meters
Skin color: Varying shades of brown, sometimes green from mosses or plants growing on them.
Hair color: No hair
Breathes: Type 1
+ Appearance: Their massive size and satire can throw some off, as most would not want to mess with such a beast. Just the sheer size of this beast is daunting and is considered a very deadly creature to hunt.
+ Physical strength: Weethraks have unparalleled strength in just their feet alone. One stomp can leave craters in the ground. However, this strength is rarely used. Eating soil and rocks helps strengthen this armor, as it is converted into vital nutrients that enhance the durability greatly. Even more so, if enraged the beast can act like a Rhino and charge their own kind if provoked.
+ Mental strength: Weethraks are completely immune to mental attacks and control, much like epicanthix. In fact, their minds are powerful enough to ward off attempts from multiple entities at a time. However, they never use their own power for aggressiveness unless they feel they are seriously threatened. Their emphatic abilities allow them to communicate with multiple entities at a time, or a single one if they so choose. In this, they send ideas, feelings, and images to get their message across.
+ Natural armoring: Strong, earthen pillars and plates protrude from their backs. These are especially strong, rating a 9 on the armor scale. It is almost completely impenetrable to energy weapons and the like, as it is in fact much denser than normal rock. If fired upon from orbit, it will take quite a bit of firepower, even from turbolasers, to penetrate the armor.
+ Force powers: While the Weethrak have force powers, there is not much to be spoken of these powers. Consisting of a natural sense of Telepathy in the form of words or images (images for children who do not know languages) Interpreting many languages through thoughts. The extent of these powers can range for about a thousand kilometers(give or take). The farther out they go, the weaker the ability for them to actively use the force. For this reason, the ability is only used over long distances to other Weethrak. If they use mental images or telepathy on other being it is through touch of those brave enough to get close to the giant. While they have the ability to go into the presence of a beings mind and speak to them, they can't attack or cause pain through thoughts as how a mentalist could. They have found that through the mind is easiest to speak as the mind has all one language. Thoughts. While the Weethrak will not remain in constant connection to each other they will communicate telepathically quite frequently.
- Speed: Weethraks are incredibly slow. Though this is not a big issue for them in general, as they have very long strides. Even with their slow movement, they are considerably faster than most other creatures by the only fact of their stride. possible hunters could use this to their advantage.
- Weak spot: To those that take interest in killing Weekthraks, almost their entire underside is vulnerable between rocky plates. The plates rate a 7, while the hide underneath is a measly 4 on the armor rating scale. These plates do also not cover the underside of the neck, between the toes, or near the eyes.
- Top heavy: While not the easiest creature to knock over, due to the large jagged mountains and rocks on its back if knocked over on to it side or back the Weethrak would take longer to upright itself than other creatures. Falling on it's side also better exposes the creatures vulnerable underside.
- Docile: Since they will not attack unless threatened, this give poachers a chance to set up and launch a surprise attack before alarming the creature.
Distinctions: Massive size, curved beaks, rocky appearance.
Average Lifespan: 1,500 standard years
Races: None
Diet: Trees and other vegetation, Rocks are also eaten to help with the digestion of plants. (rocks to them but boulders to humans)
Communication: Mental imagery, Telepathy
Culture: There are only 4 Weethrak at the most on Retalik at any given time. For this reason, they are often referred to by the native Theowei and Theowen as the 4 great mountains, one designated for each direction: North, South, East and West. It was originally believed that, the Weethrak were hermaphrodites. Each one having both genders. Recent studies over the years have shown that those designated as North and South are male where East and West are females.They control their genders based on where the egg of a Weethrak is placed.

When one of the four dies or is near death the rest know by telepathy and proceed to replace the lost member of the species. The birth of a new Weethrak takes place much like how a Fish reproduces. A female will lay, or in this case, regurgitate an egg a fifth her size into a lake. Placing the egg in a lake closer to the equator meant the warmer water would hatch a female. An egg placed in a lake closer to the poles meant the Weethrak born would be male. The female doesn't wait for the male to arrive and instead leaves and returns to her natural behavior. The male will then find the egg and fertilize it by regurgitating his sperm cells.

When the new Weethrak hatches, it appears as if it is made mostly of clay and mud. It develops its mountainous size and shape as it ages. It begins with eating the water vegetation and algae then eventually graduates to softer vegetation before eating the twigs and larger rocks. The newborn will live in the lake for a year to two years until it develops the hardy outer armor to be protected from the elements. They start out roughly a fifth to a fourth the size of an adult and continue to grow the more they eat until they reach their maximum size. From birth the new Weethrak is connected to the other older Weethrak through telepathy. This is also a reason for their strong minds and immense knowledge, the newborn is immediately fed the knowledge from its older counterparts. The knowledge passed down from the very first Weethrak to the Weethrak currently residing on Retalik.

When a weethrak dies, it fades back into the planet, and becomes little more than scenery. They will look for an area that is rather flat or has a wide valley for them to lay down in. By the use of their long limbs they will cover themselves with the surrounding area and literally form a mountain out of their body. many thousands of years will pass by and unlike other creatures bones, the Weethrak's bones dissolve to dust and with the filling of dirt will create a literally mountain out of their armored plates.
Technology level: None
General behavior: Though they may look threatening at first, weethraks are in fact very docile. If one is found, there is a great chance it will be sleeping. These rests can last anywhere from 50-150 years. When they are awake, they spend their days eating. The Weethrak will not hurt or kill any other creature unless they feel threatened. They will even establish a telepathic connection with other being to determine whether or not to fear them. If threatened, they will use their feet to create tremors in the earth in an attempt to scare off any potential predator. If an innocent creature or being gets under foot the creature will place its feet down gently so that it doesn't accidently squash anything under it.
History: Weethraks are almost as old as Retalik itself, some even going as far to say that they are the living embodiment of the planet. Even visitors look to them for wisdom, and lessons in patience. Since the age of the planet is yet unknown, nobody is sure how long these magnificent creatures have existed. For centuries, the natives of the planet believed them to immortal since two were never seen together and the newborn Weethrak spent most of its time hidden away in the lakes. The exact reason for only four Weethrak is unknown, but the number has stayed the same since the beginning. The natives simple accept the designated number.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To create a NPC species that will commonly roam Retalik.

Permision granted from [member="Valiens Nantaris"] to re-imagine the creature. Original can be found at:
Uri Aureleos said:
The extent of these powers can range for about a thousand kilometers
The range seems a bit much to me. Needs to be reduced.

Uri Aureleos said:
Weethraks are completely immune to mental attacks and control
What's the reasoning for complete immunity?

The two weaknesses you have, aren't quite enough to balance everything out. Would like to see at least one more, if not two. On that note I'd reason to believe these are similar to turtles. Should you manage to knock one on its side or back, it would be incredibly difficult for it to get back on it's feet. They just seem to be top heavy with the way they appear. It'd make a good additional weakness.

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
Quoting HK-36 from the original thread in regards to the range of telepathy:

Looking good, I settled that you can indeed keep the range of their telepathy as it is, while it does seems large and a bit excessive, telepathy has been used in canon over larger distances, and since these creatures are few and scarce, they would indeed need to communicate over such large distances as 1,000 km to get in touch with one another.
Quoting Gherron Vael from the original thread in regards to the immunity of mental control:

Edited, comparing them to the epicanthix. The only reason i'm trying to make them completely immune is because I don't want some dude going to Retalik just to control a weethrak and bend it to his/her will.
[member="Coryth Elaris"] I also added two more weaknesses.
I have already read through the previous thread. Asking here, so its all posted here and others will not have to bounce between two threads to find the needed answers. Even if it may rehash a few things.

Now ... At the very least at that kind of range their ability needs to be limited to only each other, and not more than that at that range. Secondly I also don't really like the speaking with multiple beings at that kind of range either. Outside of their own race, given the complexity of other minds and how they function I'd imagine it would be an incredible strain to do so with more than one maybe two beings. So really two things need to happen. One being the range 1000 km being limited to just their race only. Two, being outside of their race there needs to be a hard number on how far they can communicate and 1000km is too much on that end.

Beyond this I see no other major issues with the species. The weaknesses look good now.

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
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