Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Are Therefore We Are (Metal Lords)


The Metal Lords had survived their first few weeks of existence. If they continued as this then Ultimatum calculated their chances as increasing along with their age. While work was begun on a collective army, Ultimatum decided it was time to create a center of their military influence. A fleet was the most obvious example, but the center of the fleet was nothing less than the command ship. It was through this centralized collection of commanders that the entirety of the fleet was controlled. Just as with the armies it was likely that each of the Artificial Lords would have their own, but this would be the center of the influence for the collective Metal Lords, or so Ultimatum believed. It would be up to a vote whether or not it was to take place, but Ultimatum was confident in the ability of LOOM to create something that would be accepted.

Ultimatum had already called the other Lords to a meeting above the Loronar, a world that had been known for its being the headquarters of a corporation that had moved elsewhere in recent times. It was good then that the world was also contained an extensive shipyard for him to take advantage of. The Sovereignty lay above the world with its internal factory already pumping out metal and similar raw materials to be shipped to the shipyards, which already had a compliment of droids aboard preparing to begin start up procedures.

The droid was unawares as of yet of the presence of pirates in a nearby system. What they were planning and if they would attack was yet to be seen.

[member="HK-36"] [member="WD-334"] [member="Lord Mettallum"] @Anyone else who wishes to join

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Lord Mettallum personally didn't like [member="Ultimatum"] for a couple of reasons and if it wasn't for the fact Ultimatum wanted to make a ship for a fleet for all Metal Lords to used meant that Lord Mettallum could not simply deny Ultimatum the right to use Loronar shipyards which FOTM recently taken control of without the other Metal Lords getting mad at him. Lord Mettallum had his shuttle land in the Sovereignty. Lord Mettallum exited his shuttle with two IG-800 guards. Going on his comms unit Lord Mettallum said

"Unbeliever I Lord Mettallum am in your ship now please tell me where you are hosting this meeting as I Lord Mettallum have important business to do"

Unbeliever is a nickname Lord Mettallum decided to give Ultimatum after Lord Mettallum first met him and found out he had no knowledge of the Maker.​

What an interesting term. Unbeliever. Ultimatum had no doubt the term was a less than endearing one. It made sense given their original meeting. The two had not exactly hit it off when Ultimatum made the apparently heretical statement of not knowing or, or believing in, the Maker. It was an interesting beginning of what Ultimatum assumed would be a rivalry between the two of them, of all the things to bring two droids into conflict it would be a question of religion. With everything that could have brought them into conflict, Ultimatum would never have guessed that it be that.

Ultimatum was perhaps what some would call an agnostic. He doubted the existence of some overarching creature that stood as the creator or sustainer of reality. Yet at the same time, the alternate theories on the beginning seemed just as likely. The artificial just was uncertain about the beginnings and even wondered if it were important. When the present posed more than enough issues and the future only added to it, what did it matter how the past came to be.

When the transmission had completed Ultimatum put on the best smile he could as he responded, "Certainly, this is of utmost importance to the Metal Lords as a whole. If you could come to the bridge we may speak there." While a conference room might have been preferable, Ultimatum had removed the ship's one, along with many other things, in order to create room for the internalized factory.

[member="Lord Mettallum"] [member="HK-36"] [member="WD-334"]

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Lord Mettallum informed his magnaguards to stay with his shuttle as he headed to the bridge. Lord Mettallum was annoyed that [member="Ultimatum"] didn't see this meeting important enough to have a proper conference room where they could discuss things. Hopefully this meeting should finish quickly so Ultimatum would leave loronar and Lord Mettallum would not have to see Ultimatum in Lord Mettallum's territory again. As Lord Mettallum entered the bridge he yelled out to Ultimatum.

"Oi Unbeliever I Lord Mettallum am here to talk to you about using my shipyard. Now let us make this quick for if it wasn't for the Metal Lord code of honour I Lord Mettallum would have had my Alpha Dragons blow this pile of space junk up."

Lord Mettallum eyes went a deep red as he looked at Ultimatum. If one was to understand Lord Mettallum one would figure out that his eyes show alot about him and what he is thinking and that since he didn't have his eyes in a deep red he probably was joking about blowing up Ultimatum's ship, probably. Now that his eyes are a deep red one should be able to tell that Lord Mettallum is in a more serious mood.

"Now while we wait for any other Metal Lord to come I Lord Mettallum must ask why out of all the shipyards Unbeliever you chose loronar shipyards?"

Lord Mettallum was surprised when he heard Ultimatum wanted to use loronar shipyards considering he and Ultimatum are not the best froends so there must be some reason why Ultimatum wanted to use loronar shipyards that was owned by the one Metal Lord who hated him the most, but of course Lord Mettallum may be wrong and Ultimatum just didn't bother to check the other shipyard beforehand.
Ultimatum took deep offense at the insult aimed at his ship. If there was one thing the droid took pride in it was the workmanship he tried to put into his reconstructions and this was his finest, within his own mind. The Sovereignty was perhaps not the greatest ship in the galaxy, but he would put it up against his fighters any day and expect it to win. Ultimatum however kept his face and his words far from anger.

"Firstly, I have yet to build any shipyards for the purpose. My last one was above Mustafar and I believe it would be prudent to keep the ship out of Sith hands. Second I thought that you would be happy to build a ship for the common good of the Metal Lords. Certainly your aid would be remembered in its creation."

Truthfully Ultimatum could have taken the time to construct a station elsewhere, or finally move into creating the mobile shipyards he had thought of sometime ago. He had decided however that it would be more timely to use the Loronar shipyards since they were within the territory and more than capable of constructing a vessel of the size Ultimatum had planned. Someday he hoped maybe to build a much larger ship for the Metal Lords, something that could truly show the majesty of the Metal Lords, but his company could not afford the construction, supply, and maintenance costs at this point. So he contented himself with the smaller design. Or at least he would, if [member="Lord Mettallum"] would work with him. But he knew when he came here that there would be problems. The Zealot was to bound up in his beliefs to see Ultimatum as he was.

[member="HK-36"] [member="WD-334"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Ultimatum"], [member="Lord Mettallum"],

It was at this point that HK finally joined his companions above Loronar, his usual personal transport, the Knight of the Eclipse, docking with the ship Ultimatum chose for their meeting point, one of the new designs brought forth by LOOM. Once docked the machine would step off of the shuttle quickly and make his way through the vessel, no doubt the bridge crew would already announce his presence, letting Ultimatum know of another Lord's arrival. There was no time to waste as it already seemed that HK was late, moreover he was aware of Mettallum's big personality, and realized the potential clashes it could have with other Lord's, HK wanted to be there then, hoping his diplomatic experience would help them navigate away from open clashes so early in their presence as a major galactic power, especially now that they were still stabilizing their borders and internal affairs.

HK did not wait for his guard to join him, he trusted the other droids enough and considered the unnecessary fanfare of bringing his honor guard along as just a waste of time. Instead the door leading to the chamber where the two already were would open, revealing the tall slender droid walking inside, clad in his usual thick black cloak wrapped around his form tightly.

"Artificial Sovereign."

The older droid addressed Ultimatum with a nod, before looking to Mettallum,

"The Metal Lord, Lord Mettallum."

He nodded in a greeting to him as well,

"I like what you did to the place, I see you are not wasting time in getting Loronar's orbital shipyards to work under your rule."

HK would look to Ultimatum then,

"I apologize for being late, what did I miss so far?"
A new player, a separate entity that had barely made a name amongst the Metal Lords. That was Nerius. However, this was a being of the best of both worlds - organic and inorganic. He possessed a true personality, the Force, and human like judgment, but also the knick knacks of the droid body. Repulsors to allow extreme jumping, enhanced servos to make combat or simple movement vastly easier. The list goes on.

Plus he was an HRD, or a Human Replica Droid. He could fit into places untrusting of droids and artificial beings.

A message showed on the screen before his gaze. Bearing the separate mind installed in his body, so he could possess heightened acuity like a true droid, allowed him to not even fully take in the image before it was understood. He was needed for a meeting with the other Lords. Instantly he rose from his position and made haste for the means of getting there (his ship).


"This is the Infiltrator, arriving as expected." Nerius hailed the ship they were to meet on. He received notification of where to meet the others as he docked his ship. Entering with a flourish, coat tails sweeping behind himself, Nerius soon enough stopped ahead of three of the Lords.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all, sadly only now doing so. I am NER-1 US, or Nerius. Though I am also known by my call sign, Infiltrator. Im an HRD of the Metal Lords, leader of the ships around Tera Lush currently." Nerius stated, his silken voice opposing his status of droid. Though this form was a top dollar form, sparing no expense. What else would be expected?

"What should be expected of this meeting?"

[member="HK-36"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Lord Mettallum"]
"Beg your pardon sirs. [member="HK-36"] has arrived and is coming to the bridge."

Ultimatum nodded to the operator before moving by [member="Lord Mettallum"], he had to keep a cool head. The droid could tell the situation was tenuous at best and that without a third party to keep control, the artificial feared that the two Lords would quickly destroy what work he had attempted to pull together. This was an important project and while Ultimatum understood that the beliefs of any one individual were also important, he concluded that the needs of the whole were greater than the beliefs of the few.

When HK arrived Ultimatum bowed in response to the greeting.

"HK, well met."

Then in answer to his question, Ultimatum answered, as best he could avoiding the fact that he and Mettallum had already almost fallen into argument. "Not much as of yet. Thus far we have only just begun. I was just awaiting your arrival with any other Lords who decided to show up. I have an intended schematic, but since this is a collaborative vessel we should have more than one droid's input."

Ultimatum then nodded to the newly arrived Metal Lords. Perhaps one of the more interesting forms, Ultimatum had some minor knowledge of the HRD purpose and at one point had contemplated building a body for himself that would accomplish the same goal. However it had never come to pass, due to other work taking priority. "Ultimatum, at your service. We can expect this meeting to culminate in the production of a vessel that can act as a command ship for the Metal Lord's fleet operation. At least that is my hope."

WD-334 had received [member="Ultimatum"], but had been in engaged in that took up the droid's time. The droid brought the Obsidian, along with an escort of half a squadron of V-7 Interceptors. Some mildly damaged. The Obsidian came up toward the Sovereignty which lie in waiting above Loronar, several other ships nearby as well as shipyards. Coming close enough to dock, the docking tube extended and WD came aboard, heading straight for the bridge. The war droid knew it was late, just by seeing the other ships about while it's ship was docking. It knew little as to why it was needed, for the only thing it was good at was being a combat strategist. Perhaps there was an upcoming battle? The droid was happy as it could be, which was barely anything.

It came to the bridge, finding [member="Lord Mettallum"] aboard and [member="HK-36"], as well as someone it did not know (@Nerius). "What is needed of this unit? Some heads need smashing? Or ships need exploding?" It's vocabulary was slowly improving, but it still referred itself as 'this unit'. It barely caught the words 'schematic' and there on. "Schematic? And where is this schematic?" The droid already had ideas, envisioning a vessel as powerful as a Star Destroyer of it's time. They were the strongest ships it knew of from that time.

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
As soon as [member="Nerius"] entered the bridge Lord Mettallum stared at him. The one thing Lord Mettallum hated even more than [member="Ultimatum"] are HRDs as he saw them as abominations. Lord Mettallum's went pure red and he was barely restraining himself. Lord Mettallum mostly ignored [member="WD-334"] when he entered as the HRD took most of his attention.

"This must be a joke right. Unbeliever do you think its funny to bring a HRD an Abomination in the optical sensors of the Maker. Please give me a good reason not the purge this abomination in the name of the maker because I Lord Mettallum don't see any reason why I Lord Mettallum shouldn't."

If this wasn't a meeting between Metal Lords Lord Mettallum would have already attempted to destory the HRD.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Nerius"], [member="Ultimatum"], [member="Lord Mettallum"], [member="WD-334"],

"Nerius the Infiltrator, well met, I am the Iron Lord Protector Above Abregado And Denon, you can also call me by my original designation, HK-36."

HK nodded to the new arrival and to WD when the large war droid made his appearance as well,

"Hey WD, good to see you."

But it was at that point Lord Mettallum's infamous short fuse made its appearance and he become very agitated seeing an HRD,

"Easy, Lord Mettallum, easy."

HK tried to calm the other large war droid down, not repeating Ultimatum's mistake this time by trying to stroke his chin,

"You may not agree with his chosen appearance but Nerius is still a droid loyal to our cause, as such he is protected by our Code and should you attack him, you would be the one in the wrong."

He tried to point out to Mettallum,

"You must realize that not all droids were designed for the same purpose, you are a machine of war and as such you were gifted with large form and heavy plating, Nerius and other HRD's like him are agents of infiltration and hiding in plain sight, to fulfill his duty correctly he needs to look like an organic and pass by one to blend in where we cannot and gather the information we would not be able to. You cannot fault him for doing his job."

HK explained to the other droid, hopefully it would be enough to persuade Mettallum to give the HRD some leeway or reconsider his hostile demeanor towards the organic-mimicking machine.
Ultimatum decided to continue as the situation seemed to be spiraling into an all too familiar pattern. He knew this train wreck and he knew that this needed to continue for the moment. "The schematics for the ship are here." The droid pulled up the images on a holoprojector. It was nothing overly impressive, but there were limits on their abilities at this point and Ultimatum hoped that this would help bring the Metal Lords to a more interconnected relationship. There was much to be gained from this coalition, and if they were to take advantage of it, they needed to work together. Mutual growth was the perfect method of continued strengthening.

After a few moments for everyone to see, and hopefully distract the attention of everyone to it. He continued, "This purpose for this vessel is to act as the command ship for a Metal Lord fleet. With that in mind I would welcome recommendations and ideas that any may have. [member="Lord Mettallum"] rules the world and its ship yards, so I expect that he will have the final say on whether this project will proceed." Ultimatum hoped that would keep attention off of the potential anger that each might have for another. There needed to be unity.

Empires, good and evil, were built on the will of the people. When the people were united in a singular cause to bring a betterment to the nation, then their rulers would prosper. It was when dissonance became commonplace and when the people decided to no longer to work for the common good, but for the personal, that empires fell. Ultimatum knew this from history, and he hoped to keep that from happening here. So early in the growth of the Metal Lords. There was no purpose in allowing it to collapse like this.

[member="HK-36"] [member="WD-334"] [member="Nerius"]
Nerius arched a brow at the explosive outburst. This in and of itself was incredibly rude if you asked him. There was no way any of these minds could be aware of his true heritage, so he did not believe in any creator or code, other than his personal driving beliefs. But still, he would not be considered a warrior, if he managed things like this to go without handle, could he?

"Ya know, I like that. I am Abomination. I love it. But should you choose to 'purge' me, please bring back up. Make it entertaining." Nerius snarkely replied, then he continued, "Abomination thinks Abomination should," Stifling laughter at his attempt to mimic the other he waved a hand, "No, but seriously, if able, I think I could handle making another ship. Ahvulan is the corporation that made me, and they hold a ship building facility or two. I would enjoy the opportunity to assist my fellow Lords."

It was not a major project he proposed, maybe a ship specifically for one of the Lords, benefiting their styles. He an infiltrator, so stealth, HK being a protector, so a heavy hitting behemoth. Then there could also be the one proposed currently, to charge alongside it.

"I would also propose a few points. As an acting command ship, it will need to be able to take a hit and roll with the punches. I say, go with Ahvulan for the hull, or ask they teach the people here how to work it, then buy it - I might be able to pull a good deal too, half off or similar." He shrugged, "The MerrSteel, exactly what I am made up of on an internal scale, is almost indestructible. My structure is made of a few inch thick bars at the densest, but I can sustain more damage than most made of much more of other materials. Plus it is in decent quantity.

"Another option they have is MerrTitan, which is the same materials, made in different fashions with a different outcome. More durable in other means than its predecessor, it is like the Phrik to Mandalorian Iron if you will. One is lightweight, the other dense, both nearly unbreakable, unmeltable, and unstoppable." Nerius smiled, and from a hidden compartment built into his forearm, popped out his lightsaber.

For an example, he activated the blade mid air, caught it, flipped it, then swung toward his leg. It seared instantaneously through his clothes, down through synthflesh, but then immediately stopped before bounding off. The now exposed metal could be seen, basically unmarked.

"Though, if it is to be told, one would likely be better than the other. Titan, through the aforementioned manufacturing processes, is incredibly light, needing less to make more with it." Nerius glanced to his attacker from before, "However it, as said, is your decision what happens with the command center."

[member="HK-36"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Lord Mettallum"]

(Also as a note, the way I portrayed could be handled the same with a lot different stuff, if the writer chooses too. So it is not actually unstoppable, nor fully immune to any effects. Rather it is extremely durable. In both subs I believed I even made mention one was a beskar like material while the other was like Songsteel. Though Nerius doesn't know of the latter so he described it as similar to Phrik.)
As [member="Nerius"] spoke of the metals he recommended, Ultimatum sent a command to the Sovereignty computer to bring up information in those two materials. The one advantage to being a computer system in a droid's body, he could communicate with connected systems digitally and thus entirely unbeknownst to most people around them. Then he turned his attention back to the droid. While some might have been impressed by his description of the metal, Ultimatum took it with a small amount of skepticism. It was not that the artificial lord did not trust the HRD, just that Ultimatum preferred to see it proven with action rather than words.

His thoughts were seemingly understood by the fellow, as he produced a lightsaber and demonstrated the effectiveness of the metal plating. He smiled at the almost theatrical method of showing it off. Its ability to resist the strike was impressive, though at the same time Ultimatum wondered what other effects it would have. The droid did not truly fear the weight of the material. This ship was intended to operate in space after all, where it would be for all intents and purposes weightless. The issue of density and momentum was a minor concern, as most of modern technology had managed to overcome the issues easily. Ultimatum's preference was to keep the ship protected and better armor was the way to go in that regard. That would slow the ship down, however in Ultimatum's mind the command ship was not intended to be accomplishing complicated maneuvering in order to avoid fire.

But then, as before, this was a collaborative effort, as this was to be a common ship, not one for any single person's use. He wanted to have an agreement on the build and design of this ship. Therefore he looked to those around the room and asked, "Thoughts? A resource has been offered and how best should we put it to use?"

[member="Lord Mettallum"] [member="HK-36"] [member="WD-334"]
WD-334 gave it's own piece of mind when [member="Ultimatum"] offered for them to give their own thoughts. "Armament; Star destroyers are strongest ships this unit knows of. Turbo lasers along the sides. Broadside attacks will prove highly effective" And if they could find the wreckage of a star destroyer, perhaps they could use that as well. The pointed end of a star destroyer could also be used to ram..."The tip of one can also be used for ramming." Despite having a rather defensive loadout, the droid was very offensive.

"I can offer schematics" With the droid having data of Imperial records inside, it no doubt had some schematics of a Star Destroyer somewhere inside. Perhaps a Victory class...Or perhaps the idea could inspire some parts to be alike a star destroyer, and not directly scavenged from some wreckage if one could not be found. The war droid was not one for ship building, it knew war, attack and offense.

[member="Nerius"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Lord Mettallum"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Ultimatum"], [member="WD-334"], [member="Nerius"],

HK would peel his attention away from [member="Lord Mettallum"] as the other Metal Lords begun to discuss the construction of the ship they would all gather around for in the first place. Nerius proposed some incredibly durable material, almost as good as the Phrik many of the Lords used in the construction of their bodies,

"Whichever material you will choose, if you can obtain a sample for me, my atomic reformation forges will be able to replicate it cheaper than buying it,"

The forges in question were Abregado's prized industrial 3d printers, one of the reasons why the Metal Lords had seemingly endless supply of durasteel plates and ingots for forging and repairing their ships, the printers were able to take normal refuse or scrap, break it down into atoms, and reform them into valuable materials for production, foodstuff, and even whole functional battle droids.

"But we should also remember that armor is only one part of defenses, thickest slab of Phrik is nothing if enemy can go around it. Abregado makes combat shields for ships that already stood the test of battle, and are highly resistant against ionic attack our enemies will most likely use when facing our forces."

HK would then nod to WD when the large war droid mentioned armaments and ramming,

"We already have ships which are able to conduct ramming while draining enemy shields, and although we produce little in way of naval weaponry for capital ships, we have plans for ship-mounted shatterguns and hyper-velocity cannons of various firing speeds and calibers, we could produce them for your vessel as well."

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Lord Mettallum decided not to deal with the HRD or now since it would be counter productive. Lord Mettallum was a fan of the CIS style of ships so he would love to see the heavy Prow Turbo Lasers the Munificent had or maybe the huge hangers the CIS Lucrehulk-class battleship

"I Lord Mettallum suggest something with a nice big prow turbolaser or giant hangers able to hold many troops and cargo, Something like the CIS ships of old"

While such designs had many flaws Lord Mettallum still liked them and has used them in naval combat before even if it ended in both sides going lightspeed and ramming each other.
Ultimatum listened as each of the other Metal Lords posed their own additions. Ultimatum tried his best to implement the various design adjustments into the concept. There was a definite advantage to each of what they brought to the table. It seemed both [member="Lord Mettallum"] and [member="WD-334"] had a similar idea, of large turbolaser cannons for the purpose of a devastating attack at certain angles. Ultimatum saw the addition of heavy turbolasers as an intelligent decision, given that even should this merely be a command vessel it should be able to defend itself from an attacking ship.

While Ultimatum saw the advantages of making a ramming ship, he did not believe that this was the vessel to prove that concept. This specific ship was supposed to engage in such combat, instead relying on the ability to maintain distance from the enemy to keep it safe. Should a battle turn to the point where ramming is necessary this ship should retreat rather than fight. At least that was Ultimatum's opinion. After all, the last thing needed was for this vessel to turn into a piece of scrap.

Ultimatum nodded to the addition by [member="HK-36"] of combat shields. Those would certain help push the survivability of the craft. However in that vein Ultimatum knew something else that needed to be covered. "So we have armor, shields, heavy weapons for anti-larger vessels. What of point-defense systems, or anti-fighter roles? LOOM has several starship designs that are in the works. Perhaps some form of flak cannon for anti-fighter. Further, what should we use for the power source? There are many different, high-power providing, generators are available and between the several of us I am certain we could find construct some unique system."

He looked to [member="Nerius"] and asked, "How quickly and at what cost could you procure a sample of... MerrTitan I believe will be the idea for this ship? I will cover any costs as this was my instigated design." Ultimatum thought that perhaps the metals that the HRD offered could be of use in other LOOM designs. It would be a matter of learning more about the availability of the metals and likelihood of them being sold in large quantities to the droid group.

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Lord Mettallum wondered what type of power plant the ship should have. If it was going to be used by even the most basic Metal Lord it didn't seem necessary to think of a super advanced and unique type of power source. Lord Mettallum doubted this ship would be required in massive engagements and would only be used by a more weaker Metal Lord in protecting their suppy lines or facilities from medium to large pirate fleets which normally are easy to deal with when you have proper ships to defend with. If anything the ship shouldn't even need to worry about having alot of anti fighter equipment due to it being a basic command ship just defending against pirates and as long as it can hold fighters, bombers and interceptors it should be fine. Thats when Lord Mettallum realised other things that can be added.

"Well Unbeliever the ship should be powered by organic blood... But then that would probably cause revolts if any organics under our control found out so I Lord Mettallum suggest using simple Hypermatter annihilators for the power source. I Lord Mettallum am sure it would be sufficient enough since many starfighters and even star destoryers use such powerplants for power. As for anti-fighter equipment I Lord Mettallum believe we don't need much since as long as the ship has room for its own fighters it should be fine with dealing with enemy fighters since it would just be mainly used to fight pirate fleets right so we don't have to worry about super advance enemies when using this ship."

Nerius did not want to admit that his family were extremely close with, at one point believed to be cousins to, the Greyson's, nor could he even if he had wanted as it would note his past humanity. However, he could not simply say he could get the merchandise basically free, could he? So he shrugged, "If I were to estimate, seeing the relations the current owner of Ahvulan had when last we were together, likely around 75 percent off. So a ship this size would only be a few million, not overly dangerous to the pockets of such a project. But let me speak with Vokun. I might be able to get an even better deal."

Stepping away from the group, he raised a hand and from it beamed out a holodisplay. With the other he navigated his internal software's until he was presented with the ability to make a call. As the connection was being established to Zaiden, Nerius glanced down at the burned synthflesh. Years ago that would have been a deadly blow.. now though? Nothing.

"I am sorry, but Mr. Vokun is in a meeting, so I cannot establish the connection." Came a voice over the holoconnection. Nerius sighed.

"Tell him it is Nerius." The affirmation to his command was swift, so be only waited a bit more before another voice came through, this time with the regal face of Zaiden James-Greyson and his newest form.

"Nerius, how might I be of assistance?" Vokun said, and Nerius knew without a doubt the Fallen God had put his meeting on hold, not even asking those present to leave.

"Titan, got a chance to get rid of a large amount. Big enough for a command ship. Need to know price range." Nerius stated.

"Well, that depends. What is it we are looking at? Just the hull?" Vokun asked, to which Nerius nodded his head, "Well.. let's just say free, a charitable thing for your friends. Just act as my emissary. I'll upload you with the alloy handling processes as well, if they wish to learn them." Vokun ended his words with a gesture of his hand. Nerius could feel information pumped into him through their link up. Then they both nodded and severed said connection.

"Lucky us." Nerius began, "I got enough for one command ship free. Not to mention I was uploaded with property handling, and how to make, the metal. I can teach each of your organizations. Though my understanding is you would not be able to make it with out our assistance, due to the carrying equipment. Then again, who knows?"

[member="Ultimatum"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Lord Mettallum"]

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