Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We are merely passing through...

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
The opening posts have been ported from this Dominion
Melori piloted her own ship to the planet's surface. Technically it was owned by the Galactic Republic and only issued to Jedi Masters, but she'd held it for the past six years which - in her eyes - made her the rightful owner. She'd redecorated of course, black was a far more pleasing colour to the eye but many of the features were as practical to her as they would have been to the previous occupant - like the meditation chamber she currently sat in. As she connected with the Force, she reflected on what she knew of the planet and of the former Jedi Academy.

The Republic abandoned the site many years ago. All that would be left was a shell - in one sense a real pity as it was difficult to desecrate that which had already been stripped bare. And also her ability to rebuild was limited - but she was eager and resourceful and assumed this would count for something.

She'd heard the rumours that those not strong with the Force might go mad and as she contemplated this, she had a change of heart. She would not go to Kaleth - to the main Temple, where no doubt most of the Sith would congregate. No, she would go to the Edge Forest, to the old Je'daii temple of Bodhi. The former Temple of the Arts, it was one of nine temples of the old Je'daii Order. If nobody else got there first, she'd have fun reconstructing this as a Sith Temple. The only question was, what should it specialise in?

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Location: Site of the former Temple of the Arts in the Edge Forest

As she sat and looked out of the screen in the cockpit, she was appalled. Even by Jedi standards it was pitiful.


The Jedi spout peace as if it is a righteous goal. Yet peace is simply a myth to appeal to the masses, like equality. Neither exist. The weak were victims and the strong take what they want. The weak vacated this…collection of sheds and the Sith will take it. And smash it. And put something worthy in its place. It was inevitable. Only the strong survive because only the strong deserve to.

Already a purpose for this site was taking shape in her mind. A school for duelling. Every Academy taught saber skills and generic fighting techniques – but what if a Temple could be dedicated to such an endeavour. Not for Padawans to learn, but for the best to learn from the very best – by invitation only. Of course her idea could be overruled or simply ignored. So the very building had to be worthy – glorious in its own right.

As she looked at the landscape, she was aware that the current site needed to be flattened. And the most dominant aspect of the landscape were the trees. In her mind the forest would be landscaped, to become perfectly circular. In the middle would be a lake – also perfectly round. And in the centre of that could be the Temple. A Temple of black-colored obsidian, studded with corusca gems. And the Temple could only be reached on foot by stepping stones, set a few centimetres below the surface of the water, forcing anyone who approached to do so with their heads bowed, so they could ensure sure footing.

Was it an original thought? No, but in Melori’s mind, it was a glorious one. But she’d need men and materials – and the Sith, it seemed, had an endless supply of those.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori was becoming more comfortable in dealing with the minions of the One Sith Empire. Originally she’d held them only in disdain – they were not worthy of her time or attention but the more she understood the Sith way, the easier she found it.

There were those that were worthy and those that were not. Those that were, ruled. Those that weren’t either died or served. But they couldn’t all die – some had to be put to work to achieve things.

So she requested what she needed and hoped by using her Master’s name the request would be expedited. And within a matter of minutes, she’d had confirmation that all she required would be delivered. Having a sister like Darth Arcanix certainly had its merits!

She’d organised the work into three distinct phases. Phase three was building. Phase two was clearing the site. But by far in a way the first phase was the most important. It was very simple too – and Melori always did simple. Yes, phase one was to have fun. No more, no less, just enjoy herself.

She had a couple of days before the first men came, and she intended to use that time fully. Plus, she reasoned, it was good practice too. So she set about levelling each of those obnoxious, bland, offensive buildings by using the Force. She walked over to the the first one and her eyes snapped from blue to a deep yellow immediately, her irises ringed with crimson. Lifting both hands she poured every ounce of energy she had into a Force Push. Firstly she heard the wood creak and bend before one by one planks snapped as she maintained the pressure on the structure. Then, with a mighty crash, the roof came down and she was left with a pile of wood that was once some Je’daii classroom. And what is wood good for?

Connecting to the Force again, blue lightning arced around both hands before she unleashed it on the pyre. There may have been no body, but symbolically the old temple was dead and she was going to cremate it. As the flames licked higher and higher she grinned. And she hoped the men and their machines took their time – phase one needed to be savoured.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
She was tired before she flattened all of the buildings, so she rested. It was a pity there were no people around so she could draw more Force – but she was aware of her sister’s warnings. So she walked around the forest and started to mark trees. Those outside of her design would be burned. It was a rough circle, she knew – but once the men and machines arrived, they would be able to work to her designs.

And once refreshed and after a short sleep, she felt rejuvenated and was able to continue to burn each and every building down until there was nothing left but ash. There was no desecration of the buildings in the end – they were simply empty vessels that she was able to destroy, but the symbolism meant a lot to her. What was once so vital to the Jedi would become something important to the Sith.

So she returned to the ship and worked on her plans – calling up images of the building she had remembered as the template for her design. It would never be her building and its purpose would be at best be something she recommended before others made the decision – but visually it was hers. It was her mark on the planet her dear sister probably held close to her heart at one point.

It could have been so much better, so much more personal – but it was a start. She was shaken from her thoughts by the sound of ships approaching. Good, she thought, the work can start in earnest now.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori was pleased that nobody was interfering – yet. She knew it would happen sooner or later, but for now, she had a free hand.

And the workers came in their droves, with machinery and datapads and portable buildings and before long, the place looked like a building site – but then that’s exactly what it was.

The site foreman understood her concept and took her broadly theoretical instructions and like a master linguist translated them into a language the workmen understood. One group worked on the forest, turning a sprawling mass of trees into a perfectly manicured circle – albeit two kilometres in diameter. And again, ensured there was a space at the centre of the circle some two-hundred and fifty metres across, again perfectly circular.

The other team worked on removing all traces of the Jed’aii huts and started work on the foundations to the new Academy whilst simultaneously digging the lake around the structure that was to be built. At present there were three ways to cross the hole that would eventually be filled with water – to allow machinery and men simple access.

Melori’s time was now taken with understanding what the inside of the structure would look like and details such as how many rooms, their function. The fun was definitely waning but the excitement of how it would look when completed was most certainly increasing. At least she wasn’t being shown fabric samples.

Of course, that was when the interior designer entered her ship – armed with fabric samples…

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori worked with the experts. She knew how to visualise the building but needed help on the detail. The exterior was well underway and she already knew the site would be predominantly black obsidian. Expensive? Yes, but fitting. The corusca gems would have to be limited to the exterior apart from a few rooms inside. Their cost was prohibitive but the way the light played on them – making it look as if a furnace was inside kept the imagery or burning alive. This site wasn’t just about the Sith’s presence – it was about an absence of the Jedi – they had been burned from this land – physically and metaphorically.

As well as the structure agreed, she’d allowed the experts to talk her into two statues – one each side of the single entrance. The statues would be kneeling, to represent slaves bearing the weight of the Sith’s power.

But for now she worked on the internal layout. From the entrance there would be a main hall with a small obsidian monument decorated with the faces of the greatest of the Sith’s duellists. At the centre of the hall would be a dual stair case leading to the upper levels. At the sides were staircases leading down to cells as well as chambers for studying, lecturing, meditation and some training.

And there was the floor below the cells - as yet empty. It had been built entirely open plan and deserved a purpose, but Melori could not think of least not yet.

Off the main hall would be a small archive – with information focused on duelling and powers associated with combat. To the back of the main hall was a doorway to the dormitories and the other door led to a canteen, a gym and a grand dining room.

Signing off the design, Melori went to check on progress before discussing what should be situated on the upper levels.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
“This temple might be an archaeological find of great value, a monument to untold wonder, but it’s also a monument to evil.”
– Corran Horn

The ground and lower levels set in her mind, she was at pains to ensure the workmen knew that despite this being freshly created, her expectations were that this place would not be out of place on Korriban. It had to look and feel like a typical Sith Academy, maybe even a tomb.

This was in no way because she lacked imagination or was lazy, but because she revered the history of the Sith. Its rich heritage and periods of glory, none greater than the present day. So a bridge between the two seemed most appropriate, lest they forget where they came from.

So she worked with the architects. The top two floors became one floor – its height reflecting the majesty she aspired to recreate. Stone floors, pillars and the ubiquitous statues. It would be a glorious place for Sith to learn how to duel – affording space as well as an environment to be used where necessary.

Finally the translation was done and the draughtsman showed her his datapad. The image was just as she envisaged. She could hear the snap-hiss of sabers in her mind as the architect tapped the screen and the 2-D image became a 3-D projection in front of her. She imagined prowling around, testing her abilities against the best the Sith had to offer. Of course she was getting ahead of herself, but she never let ambition or arrogance get in the way of a good thought.

“Build it,” was all she said, her eyes sparkling in the dim light of her ship.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Personal interests aside, Melori stood and gazed at the building. It was majestic enough to be considered a fitting temple for the Sith. Clearly styled on another structure, that fact did not diminish its balance of form and function.


Externally it was imposing. She walked across the lake, her feet touching the stones that provided the only access – embedded slightly below the surface of the water. The need for secure footing forcing her to bow slightly to see her way. This was how it was designed.

As she reached the front entrance, her datapad informed her she had two messages. She eagerly opened them and afforded herself a rare smile. Both Sith Lords had accepted the invitation. Although a duellist of sufficient calibre to be named HeadMaster of the Academy had yet to be found who was not otherwise engaged elsewhere, she would be able to confirm that the opening ceremony for this building would be something to be remembered for some time to come.

But for now she she pondered the lower ground floor and the foundations - so much space going to waste. She had at one time considered the Assassins and wondered if they wanted a base here. But in the end she thought much closer to home. The Sisterhood could use the basement floor - the one below the once constructed.

All it needed was to be kitted out.

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