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Approved Tech WC-2

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WC-2: Wrist comm and wrist computer



Intent: James Justice needs a personal computer/comm unit/control to access to his technology, ship, as well as an interface for his HUD contacts that he won't lose cause he's forgetful.

Development Thread: if necessary
Manufacturer: james justice
Model: N/A
Affiliation: james Justice
Modularity: yes
Production: Unique

Material: plasteele, computer parts, holographic projector, comm unit, transparasteel, LED notification lights, microscopic solar panels, LED battery

Description: these plasteel gauntlets have a small set of keys placed on each of them. The left gauntlet had a holographic projector that can communicate or double as a display with interactive technology. Microscpic solar panels line the entire two bracelets supplying suplimental power to the computers and maintaining the battery's charge. Both have the computing capacity of a standard datapad, as well as the ability to make calls and form a network for all of James' gear. While built to last and they can take a significant amount of every day wear and tear, they would easily be fried by a blaster shot or a lightsaber's blow.

Primary Source

Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review

Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review

Pending initial review

Pending Initial review

Pending Inital review

Ugh, I am so sorry, I will just stick with the first one, so they both look the same if that is ok. i took the second link out. Very sorry about all that. Thank you for your patience. :)
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