Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Watery Grave

The Endor system... Kyrel had recalled this time exploring the forest moon at least several times. His first time was as a Cyborg than a Disciple of Ren. He had faced the might of the Gorax and recovered the likes of Vader's remains, or at least what was left by time. Now here he had come as the last of the Ren, for all he knew he was slipping into enemy territory unnoticed. He wasn't here for the forest moon this time, but the oddity that was the forest's moon own moon. Something that had drawn Kyrel here. Something that he had wanted to see for a long time. Upon the moon known as Kef Bir was the ruins of what was the second Death Star. As his TIE Silencer drew to the atmosphere across space. A blue sky was overhead, a few clouds in the sky as the fighter screamed it's way to the world.

What he saw was a large chunk of the structure that was there had remained. A few of what looked to be turbolaser towers remained, although rusted and corroded due to the endless crashing waves of the sea, it looked as if what remained on the surface was an entire rustic small continent. Corroded, the same turbolasers long guns bent and far beyond any use. With water ever-rising, a flock of birds flying in the distance, the local sea life jumping through the water. The Master of Ren looked, eyeing around the ruins with both awe and wonder. He had been expecting more but given the time that it had been here at the mercy of the elements. He is amazed a massive portion of it defied the waves.

The TIE finding a sizeable spot to land in, hoping that it would not get swept by the unpredictable tides. The man emerged from the cockpit, jumping down onto the eroded dominium surface. Looking around, he himself had sought what was here. What pieces of the past remained here. Before he could even move, the Force swirled around him, as if he could sense it before. Back on Mustafar, and Exegol the same. He had only heard stories of what occurred before the dark ages, before the gulag plague. How Vader and Kylo met both of their ends here. Even feeling it, he could feel the immense tug of war between dark and light still being fought here. As if faint waves passing through time itself. The conflict between dark and light was eternal in this place. Neither side was willing to capitulate. It was everlasting here and for all time.

The Master of Ren stood amongst history itself, and even he wondered if he would find something of power. Something that would further his study into the dark side, and the mysteries it held. He knew he would have to travel lower into the depths of it all to find. In the end it was an amazing discovery that even now he thought he heard voices of the past whisper to him. As if the Force spoke to him. And while he would burn this down, the damage was already being done by nature. Soon it would sink to it's depths and soon long forgotten. "Rust and Ghosts." He said under his mask as he soon started the careful walk to finding an entryway into the depths of once a great marvel of the Empire.

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