Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Watchwrath Salvage.

Corporation name: Watchwrath Salvage.

Headquarters: A very small warehouse in Correlia.

Locations: Only that warehouse.

Operations: Wathwrath Salvage constantly searches the galaxy, attempting to discover something to scrap, Scrap trading.

Rationale: He inherited the family business.

Tier: Tier 1

Description: Watchwrath Salvage is a very small company with no more than eight employees. The go to each inhabited planet they can find, search for valuable metals and then grind it up. Once they receive the metals, they take it back to their base in Correlia and either trade the scrap or build something out of it. They mostly use public transports to reach their desired destination, as they do not yet possess too many credits. The company is rarely heard of, talked about, or anything, really. It would be a stretch if they happened to make 100 credits every two days. It is a VERY small company.

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