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Private Watching Your Six

Fondor System, Colonies
5th Fleet, Battle Group Kenobi
Revenant Squadron attached to ANS Ouroboros

Kelly T. Perris

<< Revenant Eight you are cleared to land on vector two-two-one. Follow the beacon in. >>

<< Copy that, Ouroboros Control. Rev Eight on final approach, >> Addy keyed back over the comm unit, then she feathered her X-wing's flight controls and set course for the Startide-class Star Defender's main hangar.

A series of exaggerated beeps in the vein of "Look at the size of that thing," erupted from the flight officer's blue and silver R9 unit that was positioned directly behind the advanced T-85's cockpit. It made a big grin form on the Taanbanian's face that was obscured by the yellow visor of her pilot helmet worn followed by a chuckle that reverberated deep in her rather dry throat.

"I know, Gizz... The Ouroboros is a big mama for sure, but oh so beautiful, hmm? Glad the ol' girl is on our side, and she's our home for now so be respectable, 'kay?"
she replied to the astromech droid and received an immediate response back that was interrupted as, "Who me... Like always, duh?!"

Addison just shrugged as she knew it to be not true of her domed companion, then she readied herself for the tractor beam to take over her fighter's controls as the capital ship's mag-con was dead ahead. Just as Tinks was going through the barrier, two more X-wings launched most likely going out on CAP duty, something she'd probably get put in the rotation for if the squadron didn't catch a mission.

Once inside the enormous hangar, the snubfighter was guided to the assigned bay where Revenant Squadron was berthed. Addison used the repulsors to set down her craft onto the designated landing pad with well-practiced ease, then cut the engines and activated the transparisteel canopy to open up.

A hangar tech quickly attached the ladder to the side of the fuselage while she was doing her post-flight checklist, then he moved on to his next task just as efficiently to retrieve Gizmo from his socket. Addison left the datapad with the completed list on the pilot couch for further review, then exited the cockpit and descended the ladder to the hangar deck.

The brunette stretched for a moment after her hyperspace journey from Coruscant to Fondor where the 5th Fleet or more so Battle Group Kenobi was taking on supplies and having any last-minute maintenance done at the shipyards before the two-front war was upon them after the Empire made their position totally clear on Ilum. The Alliance would be fighting both the Mawites and the Imperials it seemed, and nothing good could come from that.

Force be with us...

Addison stepped over to the nose of the X-wing and retrieved her pilot bag from the small storage compartment within, then removed her helmet and racked her gloved fingers through her dark chestnut tresses that had spilled out from underneath in a matted-down mess. She slung the duffle over her shoulder, then tucked the helmet under that arm and began walking across the busy bay in her rebel orange flight suit towards the turbolift; lightsaber attached to the left side of the utility belt worn as well as her pilot sidearm holstered off her shapely right hip and tied off on her tone thigh.

All the young Jedi pilot could think about was getting some caf and a shower in after her long flight, but the sight of a particular B-wing heavy fighter caught her eye and without much thought her booted feet veered over in its direction practically on their own.

The memory of the encounter with her wingman at Ilum was still lingering in her mind. Addy was both embarrassed and excited about the events of her rescue by him after the crashlanding of her snowspeeder into the snowbank of the icy tundra. The whole situation was funny yet not. A bit of cockiness probably got the rookie into trouble in the first place, but that lesson was learned and would not be repeated. Well, that was the hope and plan anyway going forward.

The Porte twin stood before the elongated bomber and fixed her hazel brown gaze on it. She just shook her head as gauntlet gloves were pulled off and subsequently stuffed inside the helmet. Addy could never get her mind wrapped around flying one of these contraptions with all the gyro business going on. A Y-wing or A, yes, but this... No thanks. It just wasn't her cup of tea, though the tall drink of Corellian water that flew the ship...

Addy licked her dry lips remembering she still needed to rehydrate.

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Kelly T. Perris




Addison Porte Addison Porte

He’d arrived from Corellia a few days prior, and had been filling the time as best he could. Working out, catching time in the sims, watching the X-Wing pilots fly out on CAP duty… until today. Some of the X-Wing jocks had gotten themselves into an inter-squadon scrap the night prior, and he’d offered himself to stand in for one of the guys that’d ended up a little worse for wear, who had CAP duty the following day, rather than any of the other snub jocks pulling extra duty.

He wanted the flight time, and a little non-strenuous time in the cockpit. They wanted to beer him later for it. Win-win.

First time in an X-Wing since the academy and unlike his usual ride, the snubfighter didn’t need quite so much coaxing - just like he remembered - so CAP flew by without much thought. It was this he was coming off of, shortly after the replacements went out, not quite on the tail of a lone T-85. Setting the X-wing down where it had been when he’d climbed into it earlier, he went through post-flight checks and made sure to leave the cockpit as he’d found it… including the couch, which usually sat a shorter pilot.

Kelly slipped out of the cockpit, dropped the ‘pad on the couch, and slid down the ladder like he’d done innumerable times over the past handful of years at the academy, and the months with Revenant. No time was wasted in wresting the helmet from his head, nor pulling the gloves away from his fingers with his teeth, and pulling them off the rest of the way with his hands, all as he put distance between himself and his temporary steed. Raking a hand through the helmet-head to disperse it.

Just to head across the hangar to where Revenant Squadron’s complement of fighters lived, say hello to his big, stubborn girl, and maybe apologise for being unfaithful. Or he would, but as her wide and ungainly form revealed itself from behind the line of other fighters, so too did a much smaller, much more nicely proportioned…

He paused in his long paces and wiped off the idiot grin that was taking over his face because of the memory of that little cockpit, her in his lap… really, a fine test of his ability to focus. He softly cleared his throat and resumed his stroll at a much slower speed, shoving his gloves into his helmet.

“Nadine’s shy,” he quipped once he got close enough, “and a little stubborn,” Kelly walked up alongside the Tanaabian, slipped her a faint smile, then looked up at his girl, the B-Wing, “but she doesn’t bite.”

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Fondor System, Colonies
5th Fleet, Battle Group Kenobi
Revenant Squadron attached to ANS Ouroboros

Kelly T. Perris

Addy had sensed the young Corellian's presence walking up behind her. How could she not after sharing the intimacy of the cockpit together? The memory of that situation on Ilum still made her stomach feel as if there were butterflies fluttering about in there, but it was something the Jedi pilot would not let consume her.. well not for very long if she could help it. Which was hard... just saying as the tall drink offered to quench her thirst once again as he came to a stop beside her.

Dangit... There they go again?! Breathe in, breathe out.

"For some reason, I doubt Nadine is that shy as I've seen her take an enemy out in one nicely placed chop, but I get it. She needs a lot of TLC. Many ships do to get them to purr," Addison reciprocated the smile, then thumbed her hand back over her shoulder towards where the ancillary starfighters were berthed.

"Was that you that came in behind me? They must be desperate for able-body pilots to put you out there on CAP. And two-timing on your girl, were you in an X-wing no less? tsk tsk. Admit it though, you truly missed being in one every day. They can be a dream to fly with the ease of their responsiveness to your touch and every command. Well, mine is anyway," the brunette conveyed with a soft knowing chuckle. Gizmo might disagree with that assessment, but she was the pilot and he was just along for the ride so there!

I mean X's were just plain sexy and further just a well-balanced snubfighter all around. Who could desire anything more to fly really? Everything was at your fingertips control-wise and produced more bang for your cred as the saying goes. Well, in her humble opinion.

Addy tilted her dark head in a subtle gesture towards the turbolift; the direction she had been headed in before her little detour to the dark side.

"So how have you been, Kels? Want to catch a cup of joe after I drop off my bag... By the way, where are the squadron's quarters this time? But more so, who drew the short stick to room with me? I swear if I get the same bunkmate as before, I'll push myself out of the airlock... Their snoring should be labeled as a secret weapon in itself," the Taanabian quipped with a humorous roll of her brown hazel eyes as the lift doors opened up to give the duo a ride.

It was good to be back!

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