Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Warrior-Born [Coci]

The Eyrie of Fridheim, Midvinter

"There we are," Thurion stepped back to admire his work. "A proper saddle fit for the noblest of steeds. How do you like it?" The 'steed' in question turned its head to look over its shoulder to find the leather saddle strapped to its back, and with a curious tilt of its head a soft squeak left its sharp beak. "Yeah, it might feel a bit funny at first. You'll get used to the straps in no time, I reckon," he replied, having learned by now the many mannerisms of his gryphon friend and his kin. Since the great Eyrie of Fridheim finished construction and Skywalker and his family relocated themselves there, Thurion would spend a few hours of his time there every day to get to know these amazing creatures better, even jotting down his discoveries in a leather-bound book so that the knowledge of their existence will never again be forgotten or fall into myth.

"Mind you, I've no desire to fall off a second time we go for our flights. Last time was bad enough, I knew that loop-the-loop was mistake before we even made the attempt. There's only so much security in clinging to feather and fur without proper restraints." Skywalker gave him a nudge with his large head as a deep-sounding pur rumbled, prompting Thurion to embrace his animal companion. "I know, buddy. Thank you for saving my life. If you hadn't caught me mid-air I'd be a pancake on the cobbled streets of Fridheim now."

"Now then," he then said and clapped his hands twice as he stepped further back, signalling Skywalker to rise from where he lay in the hay. "Let's try it out, shall we?"

Thurion had only just gotten his foot into the first stirrup and was about to mount him when they were interrupted by a voice, along with footsteps climbing the stairs leading up the tall tower. "My lord, are you up here?" A guardsman peeked his head over the top of the revolving staircase to see his lord and the creature interact. "I'm here," Thurion replied somewhat begrudgingly, before turning to face the man seemingly hiding from view. "Why don't you come out where I can see you?" The guard's wide eyes shifted between his lord and the gryphon at his side as he slowly made it up the last few steps.

"Forgive me, Lord Heavenshield," his gaze lingered at Skywalker who stared back at him, prompting an audible *gulp* from the man. "It's just, uh... It's about your son, Thirdas. He, uh..." Thurion's expression shifted to that of a father's worry. "What about Thirdas? Speak up, man!" The guard returned his focus to his lord and liege and stood straight as discipline kicked in. "There's been a fight, with one of the other lads. Nearly took us three grown men to separate the two, they were going at it so." Thurion sighed and turned to Skywalker. "Wait here, I will be back soon, my friend. I'll bring you a treat from the kitchen for the trouble, yeah?"

Skywalker purred some more even as Thurion descended down the hole in the floor, but had time to give the poor guard a stern gaze that nearly had him tumble down the stairs, his legs quivered so. Still, it was far better to follow his lord down the stairs rather than remain in the company of such a ferocious-looking beast. "Damn it, not again..."

The Eyrie was located on a cliff overlooking the vast ocean known to all as the Great Maw, and although well within city limits the walk down to the city itself took a good ten minutes. By the time he'd arrived at the scene of the crime, Coci was already present along with a bloody-nosed Thirdas looking rather resentful of his mother cleaning his face from the blood. When Thurion approached them he said nothing, knowing his wife would have already lectured their youngest. Instead he stood there with his arms crossed, looking far from impressed at his son's latest antics. But when Thirdas noticed his father standing over him, his expression changed to that of someone ashamed of what they'd done.

"H-hello, papa..."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
"Thirdas as if I don't have enough to worry about with your father near killing himself falling from the back of Skywalker, and now this!", her stern words spoken softly while she wiped away the blood from around his nose and mouth. "I don't know what this fight was about, this time. Who started it?", she looked into his black eyes mirroring her very own. "He did!", her son proclaimed with just as much determination as his mother's. "He took my fighters, the one Toe gave me and he wouldn't give it back". She stood up and let out a long sigh as she watch Thirdas shift and shuffle is feet in the dirt.

"And what do you think Theo would say if he was here and finding you all messed up and fighting, getting injured and worrying both your father and myself?". Thirdas grinned at the thoughts of his older brothers words and well that was probably a bad example, "Well Nina then.. she would not be impressed now would she". ... "No mother", and he went back to staring at the ground before him, hoping it would open up to swallow him, cause he knew his father would be along any moment.

"Your father will be here very shortly but before he gets here ... tell me", she grinned and winked, "Did you hit him hard? always make sure they look worse than you do". Boys will be boys, either a barrel load of trouble getting up to no good like Theo or fighters like her youngest. She sensed Thurion's approach, and the look on Thirdas' face confirmed it.

And now the real chastisement was about to being. Coci turned around to greet her husband not with a smile nor a hug nor a kiss but a raised eyebrow as her arms slowly crossed over her chest. Her face stoic in unimpressive countenance. She had all but died when watching her beloved Thurion fall from the Skywalker's back and plummet to the ground, she was too far away to have been help to him and if Skywalker had not saved come just in time...

"You have faced the most powerful enemies in battle, countless times .. and survived beyond great odds. Gone through so much in the years as leader of the Jedi, and much more .. What .. was in your mind when you tried that?", she unfolded her arms pointing to the skies. The fear that she had felt was something she never wanted to experience again .. the thought of loosing him was 'death' to her.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Watching mother and son interact in such a human fashion was strangely heartwarming; despite everything going on in the galaxy, there still existed such simple, ordinary things such as a loving mother scolding her son for getting into trouble. Once Coci had finished her lecturing of their boy, Thurion expected it to be his turn. But then suddenly his wife turned to him with just as much ferocity, if not more.

Her berating him for the stunt he and Skywalker pulled the other day came as a surprise to him, and he was caught completely off-guard. "Wha-... I... We just..." His hands moved about on their own as he tried his damndest to explain himself. "We were out practising aerial maneuvers and we tried doing an inside loop and then we did but as we were upside down I couldn't hold on so I fell but then Skywalker swooped in and saved me before I hit the ground so now everything is fine," came his flimsy and somewhat nervous explanation, like that of a school boy speaking to his teacher.

Once the initial shock of her berating him passed Thurion regained his composure, collecting his thoughts. "Look, things got out of hand, alright? We got overconfident, is all." He reached for her hand for a reassuring squeeze. "It won't happen again, I promise. I am sorry for frightening you, sweetie." His other hand was placed underneath her chin for a gentle caress before pulling her in for a close embrace.

As moods were softened and thoughts calmed Thurion turned to their boy, his face now cleaned of the blood. He bent the knee to look Thirdas over, his disappointment turned into concern. "We've talked about this, Thirdas - you can't start a fight with someone simply because they wronged you. It's true he shouldn't have taken your toy without asking, but that's no reason to resort to violence. Violence solves nothing." Thirdas looked into his father's eyes, knowing he was right.

"I know, Papa," he replied softly. "I told him to give it back, but he just wouldn't. I just... got so angry, I couldn't help it." His dark eyes turned to the ground because he didn't want his father to see him cry. "Papa, is there something wrong with me?" Thurion's heart broke and he pulled him into a hug. "Oh, no no no, my sweet boy! There is nothing wrong with getting angry, it's perfectly normal - especially for someone your age." When he rose to his feet Thirdas clinged to him as he was lifted off the ground, nuzzling his father's chest and the warm fur of his cloak.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
She stood defiant as Thurion explained what had occurred. She hated this, she hated the anger but it was the part were he nearly hitting the ground that made her catch her breath once more, at the memory of it. She was too far away and she watched on helplessly. But Thurion has always had a way with her, to claim her after her blood is up and sooth her soul. I don't want to loose you, she spoke into his mind as they embraced and the warmth of his body reassured her. She had kept it bottled up inside her and now with Thirdas getting into trouble the emotions had come flooding out. I was so scared.

Coci stepped aside as Thurion approached Thirdas who looked just as his father did moments ago. And she grinned despite herself but her heart broke too at his sorrow for what had happened. As his father pulled him off the ground into his arms, Coci moved to embrace them both placing a gentle kiss on Thirdas' head to reassure him neither was angry with him and in time the young boy will learn the lesson of his father. She looked into Thurion's eyes and nodded her head toward the street, "I know a place we can go to ease hearts and souls", and she smiled a little more.

At the end of the cobbled street, on the edge of Fridheim was the Smör factory, Eva and her husband had come to the village to set up their trade in more peaceful surroundings. A woman of many talents, Eva had learned to turn cream not only into butter but into ices with flavours Coci had never tasted before, all natural from the berries and plants of Midvinter. And next door to the factory her husband laboured in the wee hours of the morning baking breads and bickies and cakes all manner of delights for the taste buds of a sweet tooth. It is one of Coci's favourite places.

She waved them both through the front door, which always stood open and the smell from both factories lingered down the street. As Coci entered, "Mornin Lady Aven Shield .. you arfter your usual? me usband don't ave cake today mi'lady, but I do av a fresh batch of ices". Upon seeing Thurion and Thirdas come through the door, Eva bowed as best she could all excited, "Oh! mi'lord! its Mi'lord iself! .. ARROLD COME SEE MI'LORD .. ", she yelled over her shoulder while wiping her hands on her dress, and with the thickest accent Coci could not place. " 'is jist out back, e wont wanna miss seen you mi'lord been wantin to meet you for soo long .. AROLD! .. deff as a post e'is ... 'e says 'e say 'them Aven Shields are a blessin they are' .. ".

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
With Thirdas upon his arm his free hand held onto Coci's as she took the lead, guiding them down the street to the recently opened Smör factory. Eva always struck him as an... eccentric individual, especially by Valkyri standards, but she was also inventive and highly progressive. Her husband meanwhile was as laid back and unassuming as could be, making for an odd but effective couple. Thurion had never been to the factory himself as Coci would often stop by to order cakes and sweets for the household, and he was immediately reminded why he steered clear of the place.

The shrieking voice of Eva was like nails on a chalkboard, without melody or even tone. She also had one of the worst southern Midvinter accents he'd ever had the misfortune to hear. It wasn't often he found such superficial characteristics to get annoyed at, but this sure was one of them. But, the woman made damn good ice cream, no denying that! And she was a staunch supporter of House Heavenshield, eagerly and aggressively shoving their accolades in people's faces almost as if they were her own.

"Afternoon, Eva," Thurion put Thirdas down on his feet as they stepped through the door, trying to mask his ears' suffering. Thirdas made no effort to mask his discomfort at all, covering his ears with the palms of his hands which prompted a chuckle from his father. "Oh please, there is no need, I assure you," he told her, trying in vain to stop her from screaming her husband's name. He sidled up to Coci and wrapped his arm around her waist, keeping up appearances with a fake grin while speaking out the side of his mouth.

"This your way of getting back at me?"

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
She turned her head to the side and nuzzled her nose into Thurion cheek as he held close. "Oh absolutely", she whispered back before stealing a kiss and her grin was genuine.

"There's the little Lord hiself. Such a fine little Lord too. Come make you choosen from any of the ices young man". And without any further encouragement Thirdas leaned over the large wooden crate to look at all the flavours and from the start it was difficult for him to decide. Eva went about preparing a cup for Coci, knowing exactly which one her lady would wish for, but her Lord? "Mi'Lord? I got a new flavour that might take ya fancy .. got a erb innit what will keep ya blood strong and ya you what even stronger .. but seems like ya don't need me 'elp in that .. such a fine young man is Little Lord". It was too much for Coci and had to turn in Thurion's arms and bury her laugh in his shoulder. Arrold had more sense and stayed well back in his bakery and did not bother with the Aven Shields.

Once Thurion made his choice, and Coci handed over a pouch she had to trade for the ices filled with herbs and plants from Eirin's Reach gardens. They left Eva shouting her farewell from the door of her Smör factory. Thirdas ran ahead of them both, very happy the whole event was behind him for now, and he delighted in his ice cream, the world was a great place once more. Coci walked with Thurion, enjoying his company as she always does and the ice cream too. They made for the Eyrie, walking the dirt pathway winding up the hill.

"So what have you been doing up there today my love?", she asked as the Eyrie came into view and from there she could see several cubs looking out of the windows down the path toward them. Several screeches cut the air as the three approached.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
As Coci nuzzled into his cheek he in turn looked down into her eyes just after her stolen kiss, and in that moment the well-meaning but altogether unpleasant voice of Eva was silenced, turned into blurred background noise as she blathered on. Thurion was so smitten by the woman in his arms that the world around them fell into obscurity, and for the moment he was well content to remain there with her as his only light. His smile was everlasting, even as he leaned forward a bit to place a kiss upon the tip of her nose. Though time might have marched on, to him Coci looked as young and beautiful as the first time he laid eyes on her. Even as their hair turns to gray and their bodies wither, she will always be beautiful to him.

It wasn't until Eva made mention of how to spice up their lovelife prompted a laugh from Coci that Thurion returned to the world around him, looking confused as he had no clue what she had just said. Instead he let out an awkward chuckle, trying to make it seem like he'd heard every bit of it. "I'll just, uh... have what the boy's having."

As the trio returned to the eyrie, wandering up the hill to the cliff facing the sea, Thurion kept his arm around his lady while licking his ice cream. "Mm, Thirdas has good taste. Never had peach-flavoured before." Reaching the stairs, Thirdas ran ahead as he had befriended the many cubs and always looked forward to playing with them. "I've been working on a proper saddle for Skywalker, using old designs recovered from Tháinbroek. Thyrian sent them over via raven. I had Mycah look over the design and manufacture one for me, he's the best leathersmith in town. I was just about to give it a try when... this whole situation reached me," he nodded towards their son paying no attention to them.

"He's too brave for his own good," he then said for her ears only. "He throws himself into fights without second thought, thinking he can beat any odds. One day he won't. He's getting more and more reckless." A father's concern for his youngest. As they were about to head inside the eyrie, Thurion stopped and sighed in defeat. "The boy needs to learn how to fight if he's gonna keep beating the odds. I can think of none better than someone else we know who spends his time beating the odds."

A smirk found his lips. "I'll contact him in the morning, in the meantime..." he looked down at his ice cream in his hand, suddenly looking mournful. "I did promise Skywalker a treat when I'd get back to him. Hope he likes peach..."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
And Coci had ice cream flavoured with the essence from an unknown pod and with a hint of mint, wherever Eva had got this from mattered little as it was so refreshing to her mouth. "How is Thyrian? we have not seen him in some time", she inquired after her beloved brother. They crossed the threshold of the eyrie when Thurion spoke of his saddle, part of her was glad for the more safe procedure for flying, another dreaded it because it was yet to be tested it seemed.

Well, at least if Thurion was about to attempt that now, she would be close at hand if something was to go wrong. "This time I shall go up with you on Cloudancer, so if ..", she grinned remembering only recently having been scared and mad at him all at once, "I will be there to catch you".

Coci just caught a glimpse of Thirdas' feet turning the corner of the stone steps upward to the top of the eyrie to visit the cubs. The sound of them all chattering floated down to them but the conversation turned to their son. Théo was Thurion's answer to 'the problem', and the memories of their first born and the mischief he had gotten into made her wonder if her husband had lost his mind. Yet Théo never got into fights, in the way Thirdas does, destroyed things yes but .. well it was worth a try. "Alright Théo might be able to talk to him".

Thirdas was probably more Corellian than Théo, although they both bared Valkyri blood their first born was more a chip off the old grandpapa's block than the three of them. "Never tell a Corellian the odds", she smiled at the old saying. Thurion's face turned forlorn as he gazed at his ice cream ready to give it up to a promise.

"You can share mine", she smiled and presented it for him to taste.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
"He is well," he spoke as they began climbing the stairs, only for his voice to become somber as he continued. "Kära has departed for Aurum in hopes of restoring the hopes of its people. She took little Theryn with her, but Thrand remains in Tháinbroek at his father's side." Thurion shared his brother's pain, knowing well the terrible feeling of being parted from his beloved. He stopped briefly and looked her in the eye. "I'm worried about him. Father shouldered the burden of kingship all on his own, always keeping up appearances that all was well despite his broken heart. I won't have Thyrian do the same, not when he has family to surround himself with."

He nodded to himself as his expression softened up. "I think we should go see him. Him and Thrand. If only to keep his mind off running the kingdom." His eyes subconsciously pleaded with her to agree to his proposal. If there was one soul in this world he valued as highly as his family, it was his brother. His King.

Once it was decided and they resumed their ascension to the upper floor where the nest was located, Thurion gratefully accepted her gift in the form of her ice cream and took a small lick from it as she presented it. "Thank you," he offered her like a child would his mother, savouring the taste on his tongue.

By the time him and Coci appeared before the family of gryphons Thirdas was already rolling around in the hay with a few of the cubs, with Skywalker and Cloudancer keeping vigil together side by side. When Skywalker saw Thurion he immediately called him over with a soft chirp, still sporting the custom-made saddle. "Hey, buddy," he approached him with a pet on his strong beak. "Sorry it took so long. Here, I brought you a treat..." Holding out his peach ice cream, Skywalker wasted little time in licking the cold treat from his hand while being petted. "Yeah, I know it tastes great," Thurion begrudgingly added as the ice didn't last for long. "Hope you appreciate it, you have no idea what I had to suffer through to get this..."

Thurion then climbed up Skywalker's side and seated himself securely in the leather saddle, perfectly fitted to mount as well as rider. "See, it comes with these straps," he showed Coci while strapping himself in, "which secure your legs to the saddle, making it impossible to simply fall off. Mycah made sure they could not come undone on their own." He looked down into Coci's dark eyes with a warm smile, before leaning down to place a loving kiss upon her lips. "Everything will be fine, I promise."

Once she too was seated upon Cloudancer, off the edge they leapt as wings spread and took them to the skies...

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
"Thyrian need not be alone in this, not when we are here to help him .. even if it is to take his mind off things for a short time, it all helps", she agreed with her husband and they need not waste time about it either. "Your father carried the burden alone for the most part, we did what we could between the Silver Order and the here but that does not happen again". There was more to all this from Thurion's part and she knew it, the history of the two brothers she knew well and Coci could only hope that history would not repeat itself. Once she had reassured Thurion that they would do all they could for Thyrian, he softened with relief.

Skywalker was not the only one to have scored a treat as Coci gave up her ice cream to Cloudancer and her cubs to share which only lasted minutes and she wished she had more. A little bit of sweetening in the diet of the cubs sent them into a burst of energy and soon they pounced on Thirdas once more rolling around play fighting among the hay and twigs that was their nest. Quickly the brood which included Thirdas was a mess which Coci could only laugh at.

Reassured by Thurion that his new saddle would work, they both mounted their respective rides and took to the air. The cubs and Thirdas to start with would watch from the large window of the eyrie. She had his last words ringing in her eyes, "Everything better be fine", she teased him back as their lips parted from their kiss.

High in the skies of Midvinter, Coci decided to position her and Cloudancer below Thurion and Skywalker, just in case those straps did not hold, they would be there to catch him if the worse was to occur .. again. Cloudancer circled remaining in position as Coci's gaze remained focused and fixed on Thurion. The force pulled to her in readiness strengthening her limbs and manifesting with power in the palms of her hands. Ready when you are my love.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

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