Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Warlord Campaign

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
When the Galactic Empire fell Warlords fled to their own personal corners of the Galaxy, causing massive headaches for years after the Rebellion reformed as the New Republic. The most powerful of these warlords had been granted SSDs and used them to hold and take territory from the Nacent New Republic. Why don't we bring that kind of narrative here? Every faction has a shelf life and when our times come most of our resources fall to the wayside rather than fostering the next generation of factions. My proposal is if a Major Faction has 3 or more SSDs, IF their faction falls into Recall where their territory is open to rebellion from minor factions, add a new rule that allows both major and minor factions to start a Warlord thread [name tbd] where for minors it counts as a rebellion so they get the hex and one of the faction's SSDs; and for majors they neutralize the hex and claim an SSD.

This was an afternoon shower beer/quarantine idea brought to you by the "Share Your Stuff and Expand The Galaxy" committee of me.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Darth Metus Darth Metus someone mentioned that to me before too. I wouldn't be opposed to it if that's what it ended up being, I just prefer the idea of continuing and intermingling continuities of the board which is why I went with the actual submission, also because once an SSD is subbed, even if the author leaves the site or leaves the faction over bad blood they can't have the submission archived because it is the faction's/the site's at the point so I don't think submitters should be so attached to their submissions.

That said, I understand why people wouldn't be happy about a submission they worked on being in someone else's hands, but that is the risk factor I was looking for, to get Majors involved since once majors hit recall they so often just let anyone and everyone walk over them if they've really given up.

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