Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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War for the Planet of the Sneks (ORC Dominion of Sluis Van)

Frielle Kinniak

"Not sure drunken growling counts as sluissie," Frielle muttered over comms as she held her blaster low - barrel angled at the floor. Old man actual called for an end to the violence, a pity really. She was just starting to enjoy herself. It was then that the spacer felt her jaw, one of the Ruuks hit her hard it would definitely leave a mark. The train was moving along, and in soon enough time they would be making an unscheduled departure but by this point, if anyone thought they were going to make their destination on time had seen way too many holofilms. Charges were to be set now and for Frielle it meant finding her pack of explosives, which slid around the car while the fight had ensued.

Thankfully one of the dead Ruuks happened to be slumped around it, "if I could just ... uh, get, this from you."

Frielle rolled the body over and grabbed her pack.

Kneeling down, she like the others began to set charges.

"Thanks for the dance, but I feel as though we're not really compatible, like maybe we should see other people," Frielle spoke to the dead Ruuk, mostly to keep her mind occupied as she worked the charges. It wouldn't be too long now, their mission was nearly complete. Nearly. It was times like this she really wished she hadn't lost her favorite flask in a five-card stud match with that blasted Duros. Because if anyone could use a drink right now, it was Frielle - and then maybe she might be able to pull off a Ruuk impression.

[member="Rayf Vigil"] | [member="Loske Matson"] | [member="Cuan Kunn"]
Approaching Shipyards
Nemo’s Revenge Flank
Command Bridge, Mistress of Coins -

[member="Mazik Stazi"]
[member="Robogeber"] [member="Vonnegut Pyre"] [member="Pravina Venkatappa"]

The Mistress of Coins shadowed Nemo's Revenge as the two vessels attempted to create a buffer zone between the shipyards and the First Order ships. Well, Stazi was. They had the soaking damage cruiser. While Nemo's Revenge did that, Rohak gave order to overcharge the Ion Drives.

Heavy vibrations followed implying the necessity of future repairs before the power from the maneuver thrusters was shifted to the engines. The frigate darted like a serpent from the Nemo's Revenge's flank at the First Order ship. An eerie charging sound rang across the bridge before a beam of pure energy was released continuously upon the First Order vessel like a dragon's breath aiming to rip its hull open.

Rayf Vigil

Rayf could feel the tension in the air as their commandeered train pulled up to the entechment facility perimeter. A security checkpoint loomed before them, massive gates towering behind a shimmering deflector screen. He could feel the engines begin to slow automatically and the shield blocking their passage evaporated to allow them safe passage. This was a scheduled cargo delivery, Ssi-ruuk sentinels would be already be expecting them. Talking their way past any questions would be the real challenge.

Or so Wraith Leader thought.

A wash of unnatural light flowed over the forward car. It nearly blinded the rebel commando with its intensity but otherwise he was unharmed. Cold fear washed over him anyway. Adrenaline was already kicking in. The inexplicable probe could only mean one thing, an additional layer of security that they had not anticipated. Their stolen train had just been scanned for life forms.

"We're blown," he cursed, fumbling at the controls with a desperate gleam in his eye, "Time for plan besh. Everyone hold on!"

Alert klaxons sounded, but Rayf had already seized manual control back from the train's automated systems. Ramping its speed up to max, he braced himself as retrothrusters on the caboose kicked them back into furious acceleration. They slammed through the perimeter gate, and Vigil was jarred loose from his grip and sent tumbling across the car. Thrown off course by rending bulkheads, they jumped the track and he heard the shriek of metal grinding against earth.

"Everyone alright?" Rayf commed the others. Already he could hear thumping outside. Someone tried to override the door locks, "Prepare to repel boarders."

This was as close as they were going to get. He set the EMP countdown timer, and hoped that his team could hold out long enough to accomplish their mission.

[member="Loske Matson"] | [member="Frielle Kinniak"] | [member="Cuan Kunn"]​

Jaius Sovv

Location: Denab System -> Hyperspace
Objective: Oversee the Campaign
Military Liasion: [member="Coren Starchaser"]
"I am afraid we are going to have to accelerate our timetable," Sovv confided in his most trusted commander, "The Revenge has gone silent."

Infrequent communication was to be expected with the Alliance flagship for as long as it was conducting advanced reconnaissance. However they had established a protocol of check ins via courier and Fleet Admiral Stazi had missed their last appointment. Now there were reports coming in from the Pathfinder teams on site of weapons fire near orbit. Something had gone wrong, but they didn't have all the pieces of the puzzle. These next steps could lead them to their finest hour or a tragic end to the entire endeavor.

"The Fleet will be jumping shortly. Maybe it is folly. Treading softly has served us well until now, but I will not sacrifice good lives upon the altar of our triumph."

Jaius felt tired now. Time was running out for him, he knew that the time was quickly approaching when he would longer be able to press on through his exhaustion. He appreciated Coren's concern for his well being nonetheless. Not for the first time he felt guilty about deceiving his comrade by withholding the true nature of his condition. Starchaser would put it together on his own soon enough. The Jedi Master had lost too many friends already. Sovv wanted to spare him the pain of another for as long as possible.

"Your drop just became the speartip of our invasion," he wheezed at the crusader, "Go with the Force."

Mazik Stazi

Location: Approaching Shipyards
Objective: Damage Soak
Area of Operations: [member="Rohak Vizsla"], [member="Robogeber"], [member="Vonnegut Pyre"], [member="Mythos"], [member="Pravina Venkatappa"]

Sparks flew from bridge consoles. Fires still raged while damage control teams struggled to keep them contained. They were wounded, but they were not defeated. Somehow the battlecruiser's deflector screens held. Their integrity was unstable, shots were beginning to pierce that aetheric veil and penetrate bulkheads. Then the Mistress of Coins maneuvered ahead at speed. Fleet Admiral Stazi saw that she was beginning her attack run and a feral grin spread across his sunken lips.

"Intensify starboard deflectors," he snapped, and the crew around him that remained healthy enough to keep their posts leapt to comply.

Rohak would keep the Imperials occupied for now. One contemptuous look at the badly damaged shipyards was enough to tell the duros that it wasn't in any position to pose a threat. That just left the remaining Ssi-ruuvi forces, of which there were far too many. Mazik was used to impossible odds, he had survived imprisonment by the One Sith and Grand Marshal Raaf's betrayal at Fondor. He would survive Sluis Van.

"New contacts!"

A sensor officer informed his executive officer of incoming ships on long range sensors, and Commander Bashir relayed that information to him. He considered this new intel. Their bearing lined up with the Core Fleet, but it was a dangerous assumption to make. Still, reinforcements could be their only chance. Mazik scowled in frustration because he knew that meant he would have to do something he hated. It was time to fight...defensively.

"Adjust heading, take bring us alongside the yards."

His instincts told him to lead the Imperium away, hoping that between their efforts both ships could draw enough focus away from the unprotected yards. But the Revenge had one last trick up her sleeve. This was the kind of no win scenario that she was built for. Nodding wordlessly to his mon cal first officer, both men marched over to the AIAS Array and pulled out matching tumbler keys. After accepting their authorization codes the safety casing hissed open and they turned both locks underneath simultaneously.

"Cut main engines," he gestured when they drifted at last into position, "Reroute all power to the array."

A glance at their deflector readouts told him that their shield integrity was fully restored and all screens were running at far beyond maximum capacity. The AIAS deflector bubble erupted into life around them, bathing not just Mazik's flagship but the Sluis Van shipyards in their protective glow. Forced to pull back lest they be caught on the wrong side and destroyed, his move had bought them some respite against both the Imperium and First Order.

Now it was up to Starchaser.


If there was one thing that he knew about war, it was that if something could possibly go wrong, it would in the worst way possible. It was what had delayed the Huntsmen team scouts from reaching their objective on time. Comms were down and there was no sign of their local resistance allies. Hopefully the Wraiths had better luck, or this entire mission would be a disaster, if it wasn't already.

"Hostile ahead," his forward scout breathed through the comms and they all dropped to a knee, letting the Reflec mask their presence. "Two more. Enemy patrol."

"Confirmed," Kiyron agreed. "Sight targets. On my shot." He flipped the safety off his carbine, double checking the supporessor was intact, and then sighted on the rearmost member of the patrol. Beside him, he could sense the others moving into position more than see them. He waited until they stilled and then squeezed the trigger.

A short pfft, followed by three more, and the sound of the slugs hammering into the enemy Ruuks, punching through the armor, and hitting the ground.

"Clear. Let's keep going. See if you can get in touch with the Wraiths."

Comms static and whispered codes through the comms, he knew, but Kiyron pushed forward, moving slowly as he kept an eye out for more enemies. They knew roughly where they were, and where in relation to the targets, but nothing about other friendlies. Last thing they needed was to take a long-distance shot at someone only to learn it was a friendly. It made Kiyron ill just thinking of it.

"Hunt Lead to Wraith Lead," Kiyron finally murmured into the comms. "Do you read? Comms to command busted. No sign of rebel forces. Moving towards target. What's your status? Hunt Lead Over. "

[member="Frielle Kinniak"] [member="Cuan Kunn"] [member="Loske Matson"] [member="Rayf Vigil"]

Rayf Vigil

Rayf jabbed his carbine overhead and fired blindly from cover. Ssi-ruuk paddle beams crashed against the train car, compressing its frame in slow motion and filling the interior with a deadly light show. They wouldn't last long like this Wraith Leader knew. But their enemy was overconfident and when he watched the last few seconds tick down on his EMP device he realized that there just might be a way for them to survive this after all. Three, two, one...

Every window on the train that wasn't already shattered by small arms fire exploded all at once. Commander Vigil could feel a thrumming recede that he had only been subconsciously aware of before. Alert klaxons which still threatened to drown out the sounds of warfare suddenly cut out. He couldn't see it from this vantage point but he knew that the would-be conquerors were losing power all over the facility. Their living batteries would soon begin a desperate revolt in the dim hope of freedom, and it was Wraith Squadron's job to make sure they succeeded.

"...omms to command busted. No sign of rebel forces," his comlink garbled back to life sluggishly with the voice of [member="Kiyron"], "Moving towards target. What's your status? Hunt Lead Over."

"Payload delivered, but we're pinned down over here. Could use an assist."

Overhead he caught a sound that brought a smile to his lips. X-Wings were in the air nearby dropping heavy ordnance. That could only mean one thing: the Core Fleet had arrived. The real battle for Sluis Van had begun in earnest, but with their early response ships out of commission, production and repair yards neutralized, and now their primary entechment facility planetside was about to be in Alliance hands. What had once seemed like an insurmountable enemy was now all but defeated and it was thanks to his team and agents of the Underground just as much as capital ship firepower.

"All Wraiths, this is Lead," he pinged his team, "Friendly reinforcements inbound. Just hold out a little longer and Sluis Van is ours."


[member="Rayf Vigil"]

Payload delivered, but we're pinned down over here. Could use an assist.

Kiyron paused as a blast emanated from somewhere off to his right, and what sounded like beneath them. He frowned as he envisioned the map. They had gotten way off course, but it would do for now. Put them in a good position to cover the Wraiths.

"We read. En route to overwatch."

He nodded to the rest of the team and they moved towards the entechment facility, coming to a stop at the edge of a drop off. Steep enough to give good view, but not steep enough to be dangerous.

"On your six. Stay low and we'll move in from up here."

Kiyron deployed his sniper rifle and set up the bipod, adjusting his helmet's visor to better gauge their locations and capabilities with the other three started making their way down the slope, the sight of them obstructed by the polymer on their armor.

Kiyron adjusted his scope, finding the hostile soldiers and moving between them. Two heartbeats was long enough to sight in and fire, and silently, death streaked through the air in the form of metal pellets catapulted forwarded by magnetic rails. No noise, no blaster bolt. Just death from two kliks away. Ahead, he could trace the path of his team as they flanked around the side of the Ruuks before finding a strong position and sweeping in, guns suppressed as they moved through the yard, clearing corners and trail cars to catch the Ruuks from two different directions.

"How's that Wraiths? Clear enough of 'em out for you?"
He looked to his Chief of State with a bit of disbelief. “Silent?” He knew Stazi, the Admiral had been part of the Alliance ranks for as long as Starchaser had. The pair were part of what was keeping the Alliance moving within the Coalition, but he knew it was for a purpose. Get home, and set up their fortress. The rest would follow. But if contact with the Revenge was lost, that meant something needed to be done. Attacks had to move. And they had to move now.

The last check in was missed, that meant things needed to be fixed.

“We will not sacrifice anyone for the triumph. I can hit the surface and get word out to the Revenge. They have to still be there.” He saluted the Chief.

“May the Force be with you.” The Jedi Master turned, grabbing the rifle from the weapons rack, his lightsaber already on his hip. The armor set him apart from the rest of his squad, but he was still, as always, running for the front line.

[member="Jaius Sovv"]

Jaius Sovv

Location: Sluis System
Objective: Oversee the Campaign
Military Liasion: [member="Coren Starchaser"]
"And with you," Jaius said quietly after Coren had already taken his leave, "Master Jedi."

He was growing tired now, but Chief Sovv made his way up to the transport's observation deck and witnessed their arrival over Sluis Van. He saw Ssi-ruuvi attack ships on fire and a heavily damaged Nemo's Revenge drifting listlessly in empty void. The enemies' remaining destroyers attempted to draw the Core Fleet into a battle at close orbit, only for their lines to disintegrate into anarchy when several of the very surface emplacements they had been relying on for support began firing on their own number indiscriminately. Alliance assault cruisers pressed their advantage, driving those who were left into a near route.

Below if all was according to plan the sullustan knew that coordinated rebel strikes on Imperium outposts would rob their ground to air batteries much of their venom. That was good, it would make General Starchaser's landing all the easier. The Galactic Alliance may have stormed this system while it was at full strength but in their exile they had been forced to remember much of the old ways. Their allies in the Underground had been able teachers in that regard, and Jaius knew that today was just as much a victory for the Coalition as his own people. Both flags would soon proudly fly over the capital.

The Sluissi drive yards on the other hand were in shambles, and that was not so good. It had been one of their main strategic objectives to captured the construction facilities intact but thanks to First Order intervention it would now be many weeks before production could be restored to peacetime levels. Even from the Mist-Beyond their Supreme Leader tasked him. He smiled sadly, wondering what Natasi would think of how very strange this galaxy had grown in the shadow of fallen empires. At least you are avenged, my dear.

With their last remaining stronghold all but broken the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium was no longer so grave a threat. But his work was not yet over. There remained the matter of Eriadu.

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