Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wanna have dinner with me?[Eryn]

Erich Lor

A call had gone out, a call from one of the royal palace's within the city of Theed upon Naboo. Someone was sick within a noble family, the daughter of Naboo's minister of finance had become ill, although with what could not have been determined. So knowing their doctors were not enough the family called out tot he galaxy, requesting that any doctors with skill in medicine come and fix their daughter. They offered money, titles, and anything else a doctor could ever want.

Several doctors had already taken up the offer, a few had fixed the girl for a week or so curing the girl and having her feel better only for a week later for her to fall ill again. No one knew what was wrong, no one could pinpoint what was happening. The call for Doctors went out again and again, until finally all messages stopped.

From the palace within Theed nothing was heard for almost three days. No call for doctors, no one asking for food or help. No servants from the palace were seen, and the Minister of Finance had not appeared in quite a while. No one knew why suddenly they did not talk. It was assumed that the daughter had died, and no one wanted to bother the assumabley grieving family. So for three days no one went to the Palace within Theed.

No one went in, and no one came out. Until a young Doctor appeared, a woman interested with curing the girl. When she arrived however, she would receive quite the surprise.

Eryn Xaltyr

I Want to Do Real Bad Things With You
Dressed in a simple summer dress, the young Garhoon made her way into the home of the Minister of Finance, after gaining permission from the local authorities. At first gaining entry to the Minister's home had been a bit tricky simply because it was believed that the girl she was there to help was dead, thus the local authorities didn't see why they should permit her entry. However, after some well made points on her part they allowed her to enter, though, it was odd that no one at the house responded when a message was sent that she was on her way.

Bag in hand she stepped up to the front entrance, only to find it slightly ajar. Frowning, she pushed lightly on the door and it swung inward silently. Something is wrong... Cool blue eyes peered into the darkness that seemed to move just inside the entrance, her eyes narrowing slowly as a faint stench caused her to wrinkle her nose. Baring her fangs for a moment, she stepped into the eerily silent house, softly closing the door behind her. The house was dark, to dark for the time of day, but as she moved slowly further into the house she saw that all of the curtains were drawn.

Slowly she moved about the house, the click of her heels echoing as she tried to find any of the inhabitants. "Hello?" Her voice echoed off the walls, but there was no response and she didn't hear anything out of the ordinary, however, the stench from before was growing stronger. She moved from room to room, stopping suddenly as a sudden shift in the stagnant air brought the strong odor of old blood to her sensitive nose. Her fangs throbbed and with sure steps she followed her nose, which lead her to the stairs. Staring upward she slowly started up them, the smell of old blood growing stronger with each step.

Erich Lor

At the top of the stairs stood a figure, a silhouetted figure shrouded in pure blackness. He smelled of blood and death, a red pool followed his footsteps and one could see they led to various bedrooms within the hall. The figure wore armor, a flak jacket and a heavy pair of cargo pants tucked neatly into a pair of boots. Overall however one could tell the figure was young, and as Eryn approached she would be able to see his face.

The lower half of his jaw was entirely covered in blood, his mouth was hanging open dripping the substance onto the floor below. His mouth was lined with sharp fangs each tooth stretching out into a razor sharp edge. Blood covered every single one of his teeth, as if he had just been eating a purely raw steak. The figured panted softly blood spewing from his lips each time he did. The figure of course was Erich Lorr, another Garhoon. The man smiled as Eryn approached him on the stairwell, he could see quite well their species increased Nightvision helped quite a bit. His smile turned into a grin as he caught her scent.

He could smell it on her, her lust for blood, her want to kill, she was like him...or well not exactly like him. She was a Garhoon, he caught it almost immediately. His grin widened as he squatted down to be more at her level. The blood still dripped from his mouth as he looked at her, she was a doctor...or a mortician, something along those lines. He let out a soft chuckle.

“Bit too late doc.” His voice rang out in the entirely empty house, it resounded and echoed throughout the building. His grin turned into a laugh, he was high...or at least that was the equivalent to it. He had eaten and consumed the Ministers entire family, blood, marrow, and bones. Most of them were just in bits and pieces now, all that remained was the daughter, and she was barely alive.

The Garhoon stopped laughing, and returned to his grin. He looked at the doctor expectantly.

Eryn Xaltyr

I Want to Do Real Bad Things With You
Cool blue eyes darkened as she stopped halfway up the stairs, staring in disgust at the creature before her. "I knew I smelled something foul..." Hissing she bared her fangs, fine muscles flexing as her instincts flared. The man that stood before her was of her kind, but he was an abnormality. She'd never met one of his kind before, but she knew enough about them that she planned on staying well out of his reach. Inhaling deeply she wrinkled her nose once more, a disgusted sound escaping her throat.

"You've made a fine mess of things..."

As she stared the man down, her sensitive ears picked up an insanely weak heartbeat and saliva filled her mouth. Swallowing she studied the creature before her, allowing her bag to fall to her feet which resulted in it tumbling down the stairs. "Leave've had your fill." Her voice was deep and husky as a low growl rumbled within her chest. Shifting her stance upon the stairs, her muscles rippled as she readied herself in case he thought to attack.

Erich Lor

Erich laughed once again and his grin only grew wider. Of course she was one of those. Garhoons were stuck up creatures by nature, they were arrogant as an organic could be. This was mostly because they were Predators by nature, killers. They looked down on others because to them others were food, even amongst themselves they had rivalries, although Garhoon to Garhoon there was always a certain level of...respect. With Erich that was entirely different however. He was a unique pearl among the predators that made up his species.

Erich was a mutant, a sub-species of Garhoon. Where as the regular baseline of his race consumed nothing but the blood and life force of their victims The Omega Pyre Mercenary was entirely different, along with blood he needed the marrow of living creatures. He needed to eat the bones and flesh of a victim, not just the blood. This made his unique, but it also made him appear to be far more...savage. The others of their species looked down upon him for this.

To them he was a monster among monsters, he ripped and tore into flesh instead of slowly caressing it with fangs and of course what no one liked to mention was that Erich's kind, could eat regular Garhoons. Normally Garhoon's would become sick when feasting upon one another, Erich however was different.

“Whats the matter? Want the rest for yourself?” Erich spoke, still squatted down. He carried no weapons oddly enough, although truthfully he hardly needed them. He was stronger and faster then most Organics, which included other Garhoons.

Because of this Erich was more than calm...that and he was still on a blood high. He had only just began his meal, he had held the family for a few days, waiting for them all to assemble. Then he had slaughtered and consumed them all, except for the girl of course. He grinned at the thought of it, though his eyes stared directly at Eryn apparently sizing her up.

Eryn Xaltyr

I Want to Do Real Bad Things With You
"Something like that."

Eyes narrowed, she shifted upon the staircase as she studied the man. She couldn't fully gauge his age, but he looked younger than her which gave her the advantage. However, a difference in age wouldn't do her much good against him since he had recently fed. She did have on trump card, but she would keep what little talent with the Force she possessed under wraps until absolutely necessary. Snorting in disgust she tilted her head back just a bit, fangs bared in warning.

"Move aside beast..."

Erich Lor

Erich simply blinked in answer to her, clearly he didn't plan on moving any time soon unless she decided to move him. The younger Garhoon had never really been good at telling other peoples ages, but he could tell that the woman before him was at least his age, if not a bit older. He could also tell by her scent and the way she showed off her fangs that she was definitely not one of his kind, she was a regular Garhoon with only two upper fangs and no more, this also meant she was likely young. Lady Silencia had had four fangs, although he didn't know her genetic particulars just that she was of the royals even among the Garhoons.

As she barred her fangs Erich's grinned widened even further. It was now at a disturbing length, she thought to frighten him...or intimidate him. Neither really worked of course, he was far too confident in himself for that sort of things. He looked at her, and then finally drew back his lips revealing his own fangs directly at her. Every single tooth within his mouth was razor sharp and dipped in red blood. It was quite a fearsome sight, and an oddity even among Garhoons.

“Make me.” It was a childish things to say, but then again among their species he really was still a child. Most Garhoon lived to be hundreds of years old, he was in his early twenty's. To most of the older blood he was not only a Monster, but a very young one at that.

That low age however didn't change what he was, he was a predator, the apex of predators in fact. Erich was designed to kill the killers, and he was quite good at it. Of course the last time he had killed a Garhoon was two years ago, but they all had the same tactics. They were used to being the stronger creatures, used to easily being able to over power their foes. Erich was betting that this doctor was much the same as any Garhoon, she had never fought one of her own kind, much less one of his.

He knew this in his mind whether it was the truth or not, so he barred his teeth in a Cheshire grin and looked at the girl, daring her to make a move.

Eryn Xaltyr

I Want to Do Real Bad Things With You

She snorted in aggravation, rolling her eyes, and darted forward, raising her left arm as she as about to collide with the beast. Her plan was to knock the wind from his lungs and then toss him aside, hoping that she was indeed stronger and faster than him given her age. A rough growl passed her lips as she rocketed up the remaining stairs, closing the distance between them. She braced for the impact, teeth clenched as she bared her fangs.

Erich Lor

(If you want me to edit this I can just text me about it :p)

Erich reacted immediately. After drooling more and more blood onto the floor The Garhoon responded. The girl moved at him, though at the speed she was moving it was almost laughable. Erich could tell she hadn't fed in her while, the stench of hunger lingered around her and she was slow...far too slow for being his age or older. It wouldn't have been hard to counter her even if he had been a normal Garhoon, but since he was himself...and he had just had a three day long blood orgy...well things were going to go well.

In an instant with both of them moving at an almost unseen speed Erich grabbed Eryn's arm. With a harsh lurch he yanked at her, and then moved to try and throw her into the thick concrete wall that sat on one side of the stairs.

Eryn Xaltyr

I Want to Do Real Bad Things With You
Snarling, she lashed out as he grabbed a hold of her arm, grabbing his in response. Perfectly manicured nails dug into the material of his jacket as he moved to throw her and as she was launched into the wall behind him, she dragged him along for the ride. Her back connected with the wall and she hissed in pain, her vision going white for just a moment as his body collided into her own. Then she was on the attack once more, raising her free hand, nails extended like claws to rake across his face.

Erich Lor

Erich flew with her, an unexpected happening. He was pulled in along with her and crashed into her body, his much heavier form slamming directly into her and pinning her already fragile form directly to the wall. Her hand came up to scratch his face, and she succeeded. Her nails dug into his face for a good long inch leaving four deep scratches on the side of his cheek. He scowled and then reached up with his other arm. He grabbed the arm that was clawing his face and slammed it and the connecting arm into the wall above the girl.

Erich then did the same with the arm he was already holding, Then he launched his foot against both of her legs pinning her against the wall and making her hopefully unable to move.

Eryn Xaltyr

I Want to Do Real Bad Things With You
A horrendous snarl passed her lips, spit flying, as she lunged forward as best she could, teeth snapping a hair's width from his face. Her eyes were dark as she struggled against the abomination, trying to twist one of her limbs free of his hold. Since she was a natural predator she was not accustomed to being restrained in such a fashion and it showed as her cool blue eyes slowly turned black. Her rational mind receded as her inner beast took complete control, her rage twisting in her gut as she used what little mastery of the Force she possessed to call it to her aid.

Seething, she screamed, a wave of dark energy erupting from her body in defense. Hopefully it was enough to dislodge the beast atop her and allow her time to regain some semblance of control.

Erich Lor

Erich pressed the woman against the wall for a few more seconds, he grinned as he did so all the while. Suddenly something struck out from her. He could see a blackness in her eyes, a darkness that he had seen before in someone else. The force was coming, he knew it almost instantly and he knew to be afraid. He let his body go loose, and then the wave of blackness struck him.

In an instant he was flung back entirely from the girl. He tumbled through the air and struck the bannister behind him. The hard wood was immediately smashed into a thousand pieces and Erich was flung into the far wall. He struck the wall, and then fell to the ground almost twenty feet below him. He landed with a loud thud, and then almost immediately rose once again. He cursed himself for relaxing, of course she was a force user, that was just his luck.

“That wasn't very nice now was it kitten?” Erich said as he brushed himself off and plucked a thick splinter of wood from his already torn jacket. This was going to be a bit harder than he had originally thought.

Eryn Xaltyr

I Want to Do Real Bad Things With You
Pushing off from the wall, a smirk firmly in place upon her lips, Eryn was unable to hold back a short bark of laughter. "I never claimed to be." The darkness in her eyes had receded a bit as she reigned in her inner beast; the blue of her iris were now ringed in black. Running a hand through her tangled hair, she took a few slow and calculated steps toward the creature, smiling darkly.

"Still want to play?"

Erich Lor

Erich dusted himself off even more and picked off thick splinters of wood. Before he answered the other Garhoon he began to yawn and finish cleaning himself off. Then he took off his ruined jacket and dumped it on the floor. The coat of course was actually very expensive and entirely ruined, he would have to buy a new one now which was not at all a pleasant thing. In fact he was down right pissed off, that was his favorite jacket! It was water proof, blood proof, and blaster proof! Damn this gypsy Garhoon!

“More than ever Kitten.” Erich said as his amused grin grew into a dark and fierce one. In an instant The younger Garhoon became a monster, his fangs grew to an enormous size and his eyes shifted to become entirely red. As his transformation happened Erich bounded forward.

With untold speed Erich bounded forward, running at full sprint forward and then jumping up the height of the stairs. He launched himself towards her, aiming to grab her waist, hold her in place and then bite into her throat with his massive fanged maw.

Eryn Xaltyr

I Want to Do Real Bad Things With You
She growled as the dark energy swirling around her surged forward once more, giving her just enough warning to brace for the man's attack. Perhaps Disciple unlocking my sensitivity to the Force wasn't so bad after all... Fangs bared she caught the man, her hands taking a firm hold of his shoulders while he gripped her waist. Eyes wide as he attempted to tear into her throat she held him back with all her strength; his attack was completely unorthodox and frightened her immensely. A strangled cry passed her lips as she harnessed the Force to augment her strength, eyes slowly turning black as she stared into his own red gaze.

For what felt like an eternity she held him off, but then her arms began to tremble as fatigue and the lack of proper nutrition go the better of her; even the Force couldn't aid her if she was to tired to keep control of it. Panting she screamed at him, shoving against him as he slowly grew closer to her neck. She trembled in his grasp as his hot stinking breath washed over her face and neck, the realization that he was actually going to bite her sinking in.

"Get off me!"

Shrieking one final time she dug her nails into his shoulders and threw her head forward, trying to crack her skull against his own.

Erich Lor

Erich kept on pushing, and pushing using all of his strength against her own and the force. This was completely head on and stupid of course, but he could smell her hunger, he knew that he would win this. Of course that was until her forehead met his face. The snap of bone could be heard as Erich's head rebounded backwards for a few seconds. Blood ran from his own nose down his face, and his grin had grown into a scowl.

As the stench of his blood filled the area around him the monster lashed out in rage. He flung himself and the girl towards the wall behind her, using the remaining bannister as a stepping off point and pressing himself against he chest and ribs. At the same time he reached out again with his mouth, ignoring the pain of his broken nose and using his already strong momentum to try and once again bite into her flesh, this time with the force of his rage behind it.

Eryn Xaltyr

I Want to Do Real Bad Things With You
Her attack had done the trick, though she had only managed to put herself in an even worse position without gaining the opportunity to turn the situation around. Now, with her head throbbing, her concentration slipped and she was unable to hold the man back any longer. Her arms gave out as her back collided with the wall, her breath knocked from her chest. As his teeth bit into her throat, a she screamed soundlessly all while gasping for air.
Thrashing against him, she dug her nails into his shoulder then ripped them downward in an attempt to cut him open. The pain was incredible, but she kept fighting in the hopes of breaking his hold upon her.

Erich Lor

Her claws tore into him, although it no longer mattered. His fangs were deep inside her throat, all thirty six of them were drawing upon her blood in the harshest of manners. As her blood flowed from her body and into his his founds began to heal almost instantaneously. The bone is his nose reset itself, the scratches she had earlier caused grew together. And as she sliced through his skin once again the wounds healed themselves behind her nails as if it were magic.

It wasn't of course, it was simply Erich's overly stimulated body going to work. His kind could not only feed off of the rest of organics in the galaxy, they could feed off of Garhoons as well. When they did their systems became stimulated beyond all belief. They became stronger, faster, and a myriad of other attributes. The extreme downside to this however was that the blood of other Garhoons had a rather...intoxicating effect. Truthfully Erich had only experienced it twice before, both times it had been an...experience.

Even knowing this Erich continued to feed upon her. He drained her completely and almost entirely up to a point where her heart almost ceased beating, then as quickly as it had started. He stopped. The Monster dropped her, letting her skin slide off of his fangs and her body fall to the floor.

“You see Kitten...” As she lay on the floor Erich stood to hill full height above her. He didn't move to wipe his face of her blood, he didn't even acknowledge that it was there. His clothes had been torn to shreds by her, his upper body completely bare now. He looked down at her, blood still dripping from his maw. “A beast is your better.”

He began to laugh, a sickening dark laugh but one of true amusement.

Eryn Xaltyr

I Want to Do Real Bad Things With You
Neck torn asunder she stared up at the beast leering down at her, her vision rimmed with a darkness that was slowly creeping in upon her. The pain in her neck was receding, but she was unable to tell if that was because she was dying or if she was actually healing; she assumed the first was most likely. Breathing shallowly she just stared blankly up at the man, a weak snarl passing her lips as she choked on her own saliva. Her eyes fluttered as she struggled to keep them open, but lack of blood won out.

Her body went limp as she passed out from blood loss, her heart laboring to continue to pump after the trauma she had just endure. Blood slowly leaked from her neck, the flesh paler than usual as she teetered on the brink of death.

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