Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wandering though Space

Jaster 2nd Fleet
Diplomatic Mission
Umbrella Interest Relocation Meeting

Jaster was very nervous, his company was on the verge of a massive expansion and then the Techno Union was at their door steps. This meant he needed to relocate his company headquarters to the newly dissolved Fring. This meant his plans for relocation would have to be speed up, his long planned trade lane anchor would need to house them. Though a new development had presented itself as the new lord of the planet was Mandalorian, and Jaster was Dar'Manda, an exile. By Mandalorian law he could be treated a cruelly as the other saw fit, and could complicate.

Jasters Fleet of transport freighters and escort craft entered the system, almost immediately Jaster's fleet was hailed by the ground command. "This is Ground Command, please transfer transportation codes and state reason for visit."

Jaster froze for a second, but moved to the communication terminal, "This is Jaster Awaud, CEO of Umbrella Interest Company, I am being escorted by the Umbrella 2nd Escort Fleet, we are here for a scheduled meeting with Damien Daemon, Leader of the J.A.C."

Jaster stood on the bridge of his Hammerhead Class Cruiser, the "Remanint", awaiting the response of the Ground Command.

[member="Lord Daemos"]


Well-Known Member
Damien reclined in his plush overstuffed office chair, feet propped upon his desk. It had been a great time since he had been home, always choosing to remain on Tera Lush where he had recently given up on moving the HQ of J.A.C to.

Pausing mid thought, he sensed his assistant approaching, when she arrived he cut her off, "They have clearance. Let them land." He then shooed her away.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Lord Daemos"]

Jaster had received clearance and his fleet took position in orbit. Jaster took a shuttle to the surface to meet the man in charge. Jaster felt worried as he came closer to landing.

As his shuttle came closer to the ground and landed. Men came out to escort Jaster the the leaders office where he would meet the man in charge. He walkeed down the long hallway before meeting the large doors he was to open to meet the man named Damien Daemos.


Well-Known Member
"Mr. Daemon, as you requested. He is here." Damien looked up, smiled at his assistant and nodded.

"Thank you." He said, when she left he looked to the man before him, "How may I help you?"

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Lord Daemos"]

Jaster entered the chamber to greet Mr. Daemon. Bowing his head in respects he stated with confidence, "Hello sir, my name is Jaster Awaud, CEO of Umbrella Interest," he recovered from his bow and looked on to the man, "we had spoken earlier about the possiblility of placing our Corperate Headquarters on this wonderful planet, possibly using it as a staging ground for our exploration into the Unknown Region."

He continued to stand until offered to seat himself.
[member="Lord Daemos"]

Jaster took the silence of the man as a slight insult, but Jaster was nothing more then a minor company to the man. He created weapons, ships, objects of war, Jaster just helped the sickly. It was no real buisness, not one that the galaxy at war would ever truly give the light of day. So Jaster needed to impress.

"So sir, as per your suggestion, I have arrived here to meet face to face," Jaster continued to wait for a gesture to sit down, "my company is willing to offer full use of our product as well as exclusive purchase of some of your products, in return though, we at umbrella ask the you support our efforts to set up our new corporate HQ here on this planet."


Well-Known Member
(Wonder why I didn't get those apologies.)

Damien listened with an apt attention, "Very well. You may do as you seek. Just know though that I will watch as you do." Then, on a whim, Damien said in Mandalorian "I don't want to fight anyone on my planet." Then he leaned back, rested his legs once again on his desk.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Lord Daemos"]

Jaster bowed his head in a submissive way, showing that Mr. Daemos was the better stronger individural. He had no intentions of fighting this man, only working with him in furthering Jaster ambitions. Along with the failing threat of the Fringe Confederacy, and Jasters new move, he was in a very beneficial posistion.

He spoke up, "I request no violence either sir," Jaster recovered from his bow, "and as such my company is offering all its products at a reduced price in exchange for your bacta supplies being at our disposal, if for full price, as well as supply of your Phrik ore, my company will agree."


Well-Known Member
Damien thought a moment, then nodded, "Very well. It is agreed. However we have no control over the Ore on planet." With that he pressed a button on his computer which repeated the words spoken between the two, then showed them onscreen, "Sign here and it will be official."

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Lord Daemos"]

Jaster nodded as well and moved forward to sign the contract, "It will be a pleasure to work with you sir."

Jaster read the contract and received a comply for his board members to properly read. Though he had no choice but to sign it and continue his campaign. He pressed his thumb print on the screen and signed next to it with an squiggle "JA".

This would seal his deal with Mr.Daemos, and his men could start contraction of their main building and their space station. Umbrella interest was now working in the Unknown Region.

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