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Wages of Sin (Fringe)


[member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Lucianus Adair"] [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Alen Na'Varro"] [member="RC 212 "][member="Hannibal Oryen"] [member="Anders Sivas"]

A tiny figure in a loincloth stood outside the Fringe's capital building. He awaited an audience with the High Council. It had come to the Ewok's attention that the war criminal known as RC 212 had implanted himself within the Fringe command structure. Yub Yub, acting as an ambassador for the Ewoks, was here to bring charges against the man who had slain hundreds of his kin.

An avenging fire burned in his wee, dark eyes. A strange cap sat atop his head. A cap of human flesh. Circe Savann's scalp. She had paid her dues in full. But Yub Yub would not stand for half measures of justice. He would see the Deathwatch commando tried, not only for his crimes against the Ewoks. There was a laundry list that stretched as long as Yub Yub was tall. And he was gonna read it aaaaall, baby.
It was not the High Council that met with the bold Ewok warrior, as this was one of the few cases in which they could not get involved. However, Arbiter Alen Na'Varro had taken some time out of his busy schedule to meet with the Vengeful ... it was his responsibility to mediate between important Fringe citizens when they came to disagreements. With his involvement, situations like the Penumbra clustercuss were meant to be avoided. Na'Varro was here to avoid the ravaging of the Fringe by nuclear undead at any cost.

Seeing the small, loincloth-clothed figure waiting at the steps, the Dark Jedi walked down to meet him, holding his hand out to shake. He wasn't sure what was a customary greeting for an Ewok, so he went for the universal standard. Diplomacy was a B.

"YubYub the Vengeful? I am Arbiter Alen Na'Varro." The man motioned for the Ewok to walk with him, taking care to step slowly. "State your case and speak plainly. If you're in the right of this, I will do my best to help you."

[member="YubYub the Vengeful"]


The tiny warrior peered up at the bearded human. Hand shaking wasn't a customary Ewok greeting. They liked hugs. However, Yub Yub had been among humans enough to know their customs. He stuck out his teensy, furry hand. The Bearded One's hand swallowed his own. Yub Yub shook ferociously.

"Ee choya!" he squeaked. "Chok, chok. Yuzz harborin' a fethin' criminal. RC 212!" A fire leapt up in the Ewok's big, round eyes. "He was commander of the Deathwatch at the Battle of Mandalore. Used a nuke on a city. Some of us ewok commandos hijacked his ship lookin' to obtain the Mando bounty on their heads. The banthafether got revenge by goin' down to Endor an' slaughterin' my people! Hundreds of my kin, dead! Not just dead, flayed! He took the skins. Graks! All of my na-chin, dead!"

Yub Yub's body quivered with rage. "After, teh Protectorate tried to get him, but he escaped on Fondor, took a bunch of hostages. Blew up part of the city. He's a kriffin', graks! A graks!"

[member="Alen Na'Varro"]

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