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Approved Tech W-1000 Model D Luxury Droid

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Image Source: Here


The W-1000 Model D is intended to provide the galaxy's upper echelon of wealthy individuals with a proper guard dog meant to aid an estate's already established guard to further execute their duty of protecting both the estate and their client.

Development Thread: If Necessary

Manufacturer: Luxuria Creatio

  • W-1000 Model D Luxury Droid

  • Open Market

  • No

  • Mass-Produced

  • Agrinium
  • Plexisteel

  • Fourth Degree

Weight: 34.01 kilograms
Height: 1.37 meters

Movement: Quadrupedal Locomotion

  • Shock Jaws

Misc. Equipment:
  • Photoreceptors
  • Audio receptors
  • Olfactory receptors
  • Navigation Sensor Suite
  • Shock Absorbers
  • IFF (Identify Friend / Foe) Face Recognition Software
  • Alarm System
  • Tracking System


The W-1000 Model D Luxury Droid is designed to appear as a four legged Canine, and developed to work in tandem with an estate's already established security force. Likewise, it is capable of being programmed into two separate varieties, those being the Watch programming, and the 'Pet' programming. The first of the two programs, 'Watch', designates the W-1000 to act in the capacity of a Guard Dog / Attack Dog, utilizing its IFF system to recognize potential dangers to the specific area or individuals that it is protecting. Likewise, the 'Pet' setting lowers its aggressiveness and causes the W-1000 to act as the perfect 'pet' for younger individuals. Its IFF system is still active and is set to protect its charge or owner.

A primary feature, in terms of armament, is its shock jaws. This amounts to the W-1000 being capable of emitting a minor shock when it bites down upon an individual; much in the same means as a stun baton on its lowest setting. This is more to incapacity and prevent an individual from moving, more than to kill. However it is plausible that an individual could over charge or changing the setting to cause the bite to release a more high voltage charge with dire results.

Additional features are a series of shock absorbers, which aid in preventing wear and tear upon the joints and limbs of the W-1000 during the course of strenuous activity such as running. An additional alarm system, which can be set in various features from the body of the W-1000 emitting an alarm, to the more regular barking setting. An additional sensor suite, which includes photo receptors, audio receptors and olfactory receptors aids the W-1000 in the execution of its duties, and allows it to track individuals of interest whom may be attempting to hide from security.
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