Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vote to go Minor

Should Darkwire go leave the map game and go minor?

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Alright Darkwire, realtalk time.

I love this faction, and I love what we've accomplished as a Major Faction on Chaos. Practically speaking, I think one of those things is coming to an end.

I'm asking you, honestly, should we continue to remain a Major Faction or continue on as a Minor Faction?

Why? I think our activity speaks for itself. We still have a great setting, awesome writers, and more stories to tell. But Chaos has high activity standards for its major factions, and right now the kind of stories that are generating activity aren't the stories we're telling here.

I think that's okay. Don't be afraid, I'm not talking about our end here at all.

We still have more stories to tell, about what the Corpos will do now that we've taken down one of their highest officials, about eventually establishing the Denon Flux State, and politics aside, just about about what happens to individual characters in a cyberpunk setting. There's tons to explore, and I don't intend to stop.

I want to give us room to breathe and tell stories at our pace. Stepping back from major status will give us that, and the dignity to do so without waiting for a recall. I intend to continue making this faction a chill place to tell punky stories, even if we're not on the map.

Just to reiterate, I don't intend to go anywhere. This is not the end of Darkwire so long as people still want to write cyberpunk.

If you have strong feelings either way, I'd love to hear from you in the comments here.
I cast my vote. Now for my reasons and yes there is more than one. As a writer, I don't usually find a "home" in major factions. There is too much push to remain on the map. "We have to do this to stay alive!!! AHHHH!" And that puts a lot of stress on me. There have been a handful of majors I have totally enjoyed my time with. The Metal Lords was my first love and they have been gone for over three years. Commenor was another and they voted to go minor.

Every faction has a lifespan as a major and I feel honestly that Darkwire has accomplished about as much as we can right now. I vote to go minor, keep writing the stories we want without the threat dangling over our heads to stay on the map.

Yes, I have found a home in Darkwire and don't plan to go anywhere.

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