Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vortex of Terror (RED DEVIL CARTEL / OPEN)

Ex-Solider | Ex-Spy | Doctor
OOC: The following Red Devil Cartel members are invited to participate in the operation.

[member="Hala Jast"] - [member="Andorreth Vikar"] - [member="Andre Correb"] - [member="Arlo Jast"] - [member="Ash"] - @B'kik - [member="Darth Abyss"] - [member="Hala Jast"] - [member="Halifax Fett"] - [member="Kitty"] - [member="Mala Ciava"] - [member="Marcus Collier"] - [member="Seraya Whisperwind"] - [member="Tiberius Onar"] - [member="Tsido Edwi"] - [member="Valkren Calderon"] - [member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]

However, the thread is open, so anyone may join.

Zai took a deep breath. He smoothed down and donned his black vest as he walked through the door. A large hall opened before him, packed to the brim with the hardest criminal scum of the galaxy. He smiled, despite the situation. The Red Devils were expanding constantly, soon they would need a bigger hall. He cleared his throat.

"I've been cleared to give the next operation. As you know we have only been running small operations as of late, taking businesses and pushing small territories. That changes today."

"Most of you have run into the Vortex gang before. They are the second largest gang in this sector of Nar Shaddaa, and have been a thorn in our side ever since the Red Devils were formed. Since our retaliation after they hit the Red Draft, they have resorted to hit and run tactics, hitting small outposts at the edge of our territory. The Originals have discussed this at length and we have reached a decision. The Vortex gang need to go."

He pulled up a board showing a large building complex:


(Image source:

"This is the Vortex stronghold, it is located on the intersection of Silka way and Rum street. The building is a small manor, reinforced to protect against attack. It was originally owned by a wealthy merchant, who was tied with the Vortex gang. When he eventually became bankrupt, Vortex took the building off his hands and dumped his body in the depths of the city."

He gestured towards different points of the map as he continued:

"There are four entry points labelled A, B, C and D. Entry A is the main throroughfare, while entry D is the delivery entrance. The other two entrances are mostly unused. The majority of the Red Devils will be split between 3 attack groups. Alpha Team will attack via entrance A, while Beta Team attack via entrance D. Both group's aim is to distract the gang and push them deeper into the building. Meanwhile, Gamma Team will flank and push through the B and C entrances to catch any fleeing members. We have also spotted snipers in the building, so be wary on approach. Their approximate locations are marked with an 'X' on the map."

He paused for a moment to catch his breath.

"There are only two objectives: Eliminate all Vortex members and find their hidden safe within the stronghold. I want this operation to be clean and efficient, with no hiccups. The Pres and the originals will be watching closely, so this is a chance for new members to prove themselves."

"I need at least one member per team for the initial scout, once this is filled we will start and others will join the teams as the battle progresses. Do I have any volunteers?"


тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
​Sitting in the back with his helmet resting on the floor next to him, Halifax was twirling one of his pistols listening intently on the outlining plan. This was not his first rodeo. Recently he had been associated with the Black Tie Syndicate, but had recently found himself wearing the colors of the Red Devil Cartel. From what he heard through his varying drinking holes he frequented, they were a ruthless lot; and he himself was extremely ruthless. He was a killer, there was no doubt about that. Sith, Jedi, contracted individuals, and even annoying drunks all found themselves staring down the barrels of his twin blasters. Killing was a profitable business, if you knew the right contacts; but killing for credits was a dangerous job, so he even took less payable jobs to off balance his lifestyle.

​Looking at map, he found this to be acceptable. Planned attacks, despite the times they could go off the beaten path, was a sure fire way to get the job done. He hated those impromptu missions. To many negative variables outweighed the positive ones; and usually those type of missions got your friends killed. Though he didn't have any friends. At the conclusion of the meeting, he holstered his weapon and produced a cigar; lighting it methodically before taking a long drag from the sweet smelling bundle of joy.

​"I'll settle for entrance point D. In fact, I'll volunteer myself to scout that entry point myself. No offense to anyone sitting here, but I trust myself more than I trust another's word."

Taking a second drag, he let the smoke roll slowly out his mouth. ​"When shall I leave?"

[member="Zai Avery"]
Vokun studied the map with a keen eye. This was his primary means of attack, the in and out undetected. Stepping forward he gestured at the X's, "Snipers can be a problem. Give me an extra thirty seconds, per entry, and I will clear the way for each team, one by one. This firstly prevents their striking us as we enter, alerting the inside to our approach, and allows a clean escape should we need it.

"Also, one by one gives the image that we have insurmountable numbers." When the man spoke of entering D, Vokun nodded from beneath his hood, "I can start there. Strike here," He made a gesture to the sniper perch to the left of D, "-followed by this one here by C, moving around next toward B, ending on A, where in I will lead a squadron myself."

From beneath his hood, where only the lowest portions of his face could be seen, Zaiden - now taking the moniker Vokun - was already predicting the upcoming battle. He was pretty sure none of the others presently employed by the Cartel were Force adept. This made things difficult. Hence him taking what would likely be the largest front. He may not be the Master he was once upon a time, but even without his Force abilities, this was a man with a three thousand successive kill streak. Undetected, unstopped, absolute.

His abilities just accentuated that point, having multiplied it nearly a million fold.

[member="Halifax Fett"] [member="Zai Avery"]


Dead Men End All Tales.
[member="Zai Avery"] [member="Halifax Fett"]

Ash seemed almost chipper as the details were discussed. The Vortex were a bunch of fething idiots. He'd dealt with them before. Not much in the way of professionalism or technique, and even less finesse. Lots of crooks would go on about their plans and their dreams, but all the scheming in the world didn't mean a damp pile of bantha fodder if you couldn't back it up with some decent planning and some actual skills. Still, his present company was still here on a trail basis as much as he was. He'd had a few met ups with these Red Devils, and it was obvious they wanted the whole planet, and probably the whole damn sector, under their thumb. Frankly, he could use a semi-legitimate government to make his semi-legitimate mercs look better and better. And he needed to know if this cartel was actually up to snuff.

He nodded a hologram coming out of his own tablet and syncing with the one already present, showing a few red lines overlaid on the map. "I'll be happy to handle point B, both with recon and the first charge. It's been a while since I've done my own wet work, but frankly, this feels like a good way to get back into it," the droid said with a tone that managed to simultaneously seem menacing and cheerful, like a butcher happily talking about gutting livestock. "If we need the man-power, I can bring in a few of my crew to assist as well. However, they should stick with me. They don't know most of you yet, after all," the droid said dryly. He then nodded to the smoker with the beard. "No offense taken. There's always soemthing to be said in finding your own path. Just remember: We've got more men, so don't hesitate to call in some extra guns if it gets hot, yeah?"

He looked at the other. Hood, flair for the dramatic, definitely a forcer. He nodded. "Yeah, rooftops are a definite priority," he pointed to a spot on the hologram. "That point across the street on top of the Razza nightclub, my boy Cobra will take it, keep a scope on the east side. He's a good shot with a sniper rifle, although hes' more find of stabbing," he said with a chuckle. "Anyhow, he can nest up there, save you one spot on your little tour. The more eyes we have up top, the better we can keep our friends form escaping. After all, this is meant to be a total purge, we'll want a few guns outside in case any manage to bail. However, if we time this right, they'll retreat in instead of out," he said with a wave of his hand.

"That being said, the bigger issue is our safe. I can think of at least a dozen places it could be hiding, and frankly, given who used to own this place, there's likely some good info in there. Even if they've burned all the money, there's likely financials on half of this sector of the planet--no way that crooked hotshot wasn't keeping some insurance. We get our hands on those, your men can run a wider racket on this planet," he said thoughtfully.

Ash considered this, tugging at his gloves. If they could pull this little heist off, Avery would have one hell of a trophy to take back to the president. And frankly, this little "audition" was definitely a test of the full tactical skills on display. If they didn't screw this up, it was one hell of a step into the big leagues. He nodded, a spark coming from his gloves. "If hoodie here takes to the rooftops, me and the big guy with the beard can probably run our respective plays on the ground pretty readily. So, who else have we got on the streets? And do any of them want to join me on Gamma Team?" A simple question, but an important one. After all, he needed to know just how big a mess to prep for.


The cutest capitalist thief you will ever see
"M'bwa un A'raak wezza be in po of the buildings across the road from point A. A'raak wezza usabia a Nightstinger sporting blaster rifle over his cycler rifle to easily take out high profile targets such as Vortex Sentries. Ikee weeza A'raak's spotter un wezza keeping a lookout un possible vortex reinforcements"
B'kik's main reason being here was nyeta un loot in the vortex hideout but was because B'kik wanted to see people in action especially [member="Ash"] due to rumours that a powerful crimelord was coming to get rid of beton gangs in Nar Shaddaa un that required B'kik to beef up defences un Security.

Ooc: had to do a big edit since silly me misread the posts and accidentally did a big timeskip

[member="Zai Avery"] [member="Halifax Fett"] [member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]
Ex-Solider | Ex-Spy | Doctor
"Excellent, this is how the operation will start. @B'kik will scout point A, [member="Halifax Fett"] will cover D and [member="Ash"] will take B. I'll take a team and cover C. I'll need everyone to be wary of the snipers and to avoid triggering the alarm before the attack is launched. The rest of the crew need to gear up and get ready for the siege."

He assigned leaders to the assault teams and sent the levies off to the barracks. This was his strength, not firing a blaster, but organisation and planning. He grinned and gathered the scouts, team leaders and elite cartel members around him.

"[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"] will initiate the assault, using his skills to scatter and confuse the enemy. The teams will then push along the east, west and south as is detailed on the map." Zai turned the Zaiden. 'Do what you think is necessary, but don't over-extend yourself or compromise the other teams."

He pointed to several nearby streets, indicating each route the teams would take from Devil's territory to the Vortex Stronghold.

"I want a quick push. We suspect the Vortex safe most likely has documents, not money. In them could be details on Vortex safehouses, outpost locations, even possibly undercover gang members. The longer we take to get in, the longer they get to burn the documents, so it is vital that there are no complications. That also means: no bombs, no fire or any major damage to the building."

He folded up the map but handed out small holo-units, that would project a smaller version of the map, to each elite.

"Keep me and other squad leaders updated over the comms. Try to hold on your own, but don't hesitate to call if you need reinforcements."

He slung a blaster rifle around his shoulders and looked each member in the eye.

"You have your orders, now move out!" he paused for a moment, then added: "I know that no one here trusts each other, but try to have a little faith. It's hard to shoot straight when you are looking over your shoulder."

Zai had moved slowly with a group of hardened Devils until he was near point C. He hoped the team worked together, he knew it was hard taking orders from someone so young. But most of the members knew Zai well, and that he looked out for their interests. His team was sheltered in an alley while he observed the entrance. After he had gotten a good view of the defences, he backed up into the alley and fired up the comms.

"This is Zai, I'm in position"
Vokun nodded when all was said and done, turning on his heel to exit the room. They had precious little time, and he needed to prepare. Once in his craft Zaiden was quick to don an ultra lightweight durasteel vest, not designed to stop lightsabers, but by some magical chance he was spotted, a slug wouldn't simply slip through his body like a hot knife with butter. Next he let out a low ear splitting whistle, which resulted in a nearby rustling as his Amphistaff, Pollip, and its Tsaisi brother, Petal. Both of which he made sure to hook to his belt.

Slipping his hood back into place, Zaiden buttoned his jacket back together, the last just above his waist before it split and drifted out until it reached his ankles. His coat was a sign of his new moniker, his new choices in life. No longer would he be Ashin's man, nor any one else's. He was his own. Now with the establishment of his new self, he would move forward.

Zaiden, Vokun, thought back to his most recent epiphany. It had been when he had sent for a meeting with Ashin. It had been about... Well, nothing really. It was because as always his broken psyche had decided he needed another dose of her assuirty. Then, like that, it was as if he was empowered. He didn't need her. He didn't need anyone. This was the man that had once upon a time taken on half the galaxy, having a billion and a half Undead army, and more.

Penumbra, Tenebrae, Darth Zados. He was a man whom never needed anyone. This wouldn't change.

When it came time, Zaiden did not even wait long enough to hear all of the call ins. Instead he simply lunged at a nearby wall, kicking off of it with the gusto of a Vampirika. New to the abilities of such, Zaiden soared high and hard, nearly slamming into the wall opposite himself. Yet at the last moment he rotated, kicked again, this time off of the secondary. Like a bullet Vokun arced over the ledge of the ceiling, landing in a combat roll that ended in a crouch.

"Vokun, moving in." He murmured, his voice silenced by command, yet carried by the Force to the ears of the other squad leaders. Quickly activating his Force Cloak, one of the most dangerous assassins of all time moved in for the kill. Drawing Petal from his belt, he held it loose in his right hand as he took a deep breath. Like a bullet from a slugthrower, Vokun was quickly on his first target. The cutting ability of the Tsaisi allowed the weapon to slip into the man's stomach from behind, ignoring armor.

A quick jerk to the side removed the weapon, ending the snipers existence.

"D, go!" Vokun moved along the rooftop, silent and invisible. Before long he was also on the the C sniper, "C, you're up!" He paused at this, allowing time for the others to move in.

[member="Zai Avery"] @B'kik [member="Ash"] [member="Halifax Fett"]


Dead Men End All Tales.
[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"] [member="Halifax Fett"] [member="Zai Avery"] @b'kik

Ash smirked as he approached the door. He switched to thermal read-outs. Four in the dining room, sitting and playing sabacc. Normal heart-rates. No guard outside the door, but one guy in the room facing the door, with a rifle at his hip. Probably an underslung shot-gun. That'd slow him down. The others looked like they might be holstering, but nothing too serious. Blasters wouldn't be enough to slow down a laminanium nightmare. The stealth-coated android adjusted his tie and waited across the street. After his friend on the roof, gave the signal, he'd make his play. He checked his gear mentally, inventorying his tools. Blade, blaster, slice wire, shock gloves. Should be enough. The droid returned a small comm signal, sticking to encrypted communications.

"Gamma is in position. Entrance is relatively unguarded. Awaiting signal."

Simple, easy and ready to please. This would work like a charm.


The cutest capitalist thief you will ever see
B'kik got into position with A'raak. Surveying the vortex base from afar B'kik already spotted some high value targets that needed to be taken down as soon as the attack started. B'kik marked the targets sending their locations to A'raak's hud. "Sniper team ready. Dyo targets already spotted. Ready to shootogawa on baa command [member="Zai Avery"] ." Once the command is given A'raak wezza shootogawa the high valued targets then B'kik weeza order a group of red devils to enter via A Route.
Ex-Solider | Ex-Spy | Doctor
Each team called in one by one, ready to launch their attack. Zai took a deep breath. He hadn't heard any sounds from the building but hopefully Zaiden had taken out a few of the snipers.

"You are all clear to launch on my mark". He paused for a minute to allow the teams (including his own) to finish getting into positions. He took anther deep breath and held it.


Zaiden had done his job well; Zai's team recieved no sniper fire as he crossed the street to point C. As planned, two of his team provided suppressing fire through the porch and nook windows, while Zai and 2 others reached the door. It was heavily barricaded, but with wood not metal. It was likely an oversight from on of the lazy Vortex members and was the main reason Zai had chosen this entrance. He slung his blaster over his back and readied an axe. Another teammate did the same, while the last watched their backs. Zai hacked at the door in an effort to break it down.

It had taken precious minutes to work down the door. He'd underestimated Vortex, it was well barricaded on the inside as well. Zai grinned as a huge chunk of the door came away, revealing the interior. His grin didn't last long, there were 3 Vortex members on the other side. They opened fire when they saw Zai's face through the gap and only his quick reflexes had saved him from losing his head. The rest of his team had regrouped and were firing through gaps in the door , but it was slow progress. He hoped the others were doing well.

[member="Halifax Fett"] - [member="Zaiden James-Greyson"] - [member="Ash"] - @B'kik -


тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
​With the mission to get underway soon, Halifax crouched atop an adjoining building scoping out his objective. Position D held little to none in the way of traffic; only a couple of the enemy had emerged from this part never to return. The team that would break down D's doors where poised to strike; everyone waiting for the signal.

​Halifax continued to watch for enemy movement, whilst another member led the team across the rooftops behind him. Drawing his two pistols, he checked the ammo capacity, then stood up whilst his T-visor's HUD went to work. He wasn't one to lead teams, opting to work solo and in this case he would provide cover as needed whilst moving into the building.

​Through the helmet's amplified speakers, he heard the single word; prompting all gathered to engage. Firing up his jetpack, he flew above the street aiming his guns to his left and right; targeting the door for any individual to mistakenly use it. And someone did. The second the Vortex gangbanger stepped out Halifax fired one single shot into the man's head; dropping him like a bad habit.

"One dead body at D, and the way is now open," ​Halifax spoke as he landed on the street; exchanging his pistols for his shotgun. He loved his pistols, but he required more firepower right now. Shouldering his way through the door, he squeezed the trigger killing another Vortex member as he stepped around a corner. Footfalls could be heard rushing toward him from cornered off hallway; and Halifax removed a couple of grenades from his utility belt hurling them at the corner. The explosions shook the section of the building, silencing the footfalls.

[member="Zai Avery"] [member="Ash"] [member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]
Mala Ciava, Enigma, Open Source Queen- the Chiss slicer had gained, and made up various aliases during her time in the underworld. Ever since she was considered dead to the entire galaxy, she saw this as an opportunity to reinvent herself. No longer would she be bound by the ideals of factions, and so forth. The Chiss would use her talents to suit her own purposes, such as helping the Red Devils Cartel.

The upstart Cartel had been making a name for itself throughout Nar Shadaa. Ciava was known to everyone was a gunslinger, assassin, using the Chiss streotypes that were so popular in all corners of the galaxy. Secretly, she was a slicer, a well known one on her own right. Known as Enigma, she had created a variety of devices that were free, including a programming language that was widely renowned throughout the galaxy.

And now, here she was. The Chiss, under an alias, had been paid extremely handsomely by the Red Devils Cartel to hack Vortex's systems to get all the data she could. It had taken her some time, but she had gotten everything she need. While [member="Zai Avery"] lead an assault somewhere else, the young Chiss would use her own skills she had gained to infiltrate the complex, and prove herself to be the best slicer in the entire sector, and perhaps, in Nar Shadaa.
Ex-Solider | Ex-Spy | Doctor
The door was almost busted down, but things were looking pretty grim. In a way, the Vortex members had helped the Devils break the door. After they realised the Devils were coming from the kitchen exit, they started shooting at the door, hoping it would go through and kill some of Zai's team. He had relied on the door for cover early on, but now there wasn't much left of the door. A team member recieved a blaster bolt to the face, slumped down and lay still. Zai cursed. His team was getting picked apart, and if there was no reinforcements coming up behind Vortex, then all the teams were having trouble. Zai grunted as he heaved his pack over his head and rummaged through it. He brought out a few custom-made grenades and a couple of gas masks. Time for plan B.

He fired up the comms. "This is Zai Avery. We are using gas at point C, so the kitchen is a no-go unless you have gas masks." He turned off the comms unit and started pass gas masks to his team, showing them how to strap them on properly. He then got he team to provide covering fire while he slipped two of the grenades into the kitchen. The small round devices exploded into a cloud of green-yellow gas. Suprised, the first instinct of the Vortex gang members was to breath in. As soon as they did they started coughing and retching. Zai and his team took advantage and pushed into the kitchen. There was little resistance, and all 5 vortex members were soon on the floor. Zai felt sick, but not from the gas. He was breathing fine.

"Kitchen is secure"

[member="Halifax Fett"] - [member="Vokun"] - [member="Ash"] - @B'kik - [member="Mala Ciava"]
Ooc: Sorry, completely spaced on this.

Vokun moved with the trained killing prowess one would expect of the levels he claimed to have once achieved. At the last opponent, near his entrance, Vokun raced to him from behind, leaped forward as if to sail off the building, but reached his arm out as he did so. Plucking the man from his position, both fell to the ground below swiftly. His life was ended with a kick to the neck, snapping his spine. Tapping a button on his communicator, it would send a message to his apprentice ([member="Koda Berus"]) - she would come to his position, so that they might work together toward her learning all he had to teach.

This was a perfect place for such.

"All teams, move in." Vokun called over the intercom, and immediately climbed the balcony stairs, moving toward the door. Pausing at its entrance, he noted a card scanner, and retinal as well. From there he moved back to the man from before, and began patting down his person. Inside of his vest he noticed an ID card, which he pulled free. Next he hefted the weight of the man onto his back and carried him to the scanners. Once both were completed, Vokun opened the door and moved in.

From under his Shadow Coat, he drew dual hand cannons found inside of a safe in Pikiran's old office. They were writ as Lust and Sin, beautifully crafted, clearly someone powerful had owned and made them. But they had perished, and Pikiran was his, so what had been his was now Zaiden's. Both were equipped with .75 caliber sniper rounds, as well as gave off a powerful presence in the Force - a dark one. Yet this was Zaiden, a Master of the Dark, and now a reformed individual. He fought the presence with every cell of his body.

Lining up a shot, as none had noticed his presence quite yet, he let fly a round. The concussive force of the shot... Well everyone noticed. Not too mention the explosion of the aimed at body. One moment it was whole, next... Not.

[member="Andorreth Vikar"] - [member="Andre Correb"] - [member="Arlo Jast"] - [member="Ash"] - @B'kik - [member="Darth Abyss"] - [member="Hala Jast"] - [member="Halifax Fett"] - [member="Kitty"] - [member="Mala Ciava"] - [member="Marcus Collier"] - [member="Seraya Whisperwind"] - [member="Tiberius Onar"] - [member="Tsido Edwi"] - [member="Valkren Calderon"]
Koda had come along with her master, [member="Vokun"], who told her he had some arrands to run with a few people. Accepting that fact, she stayed with the ship and waited for his return. She cleaned her area up and so far was having an ok day, but it honestly could have been better. She sensed that something was going to happen though. She didn't know why or what, but she knew that there was going to be something.

While walking through the hall, it startled her slightly, but she heard the beeping of her comm in the room ahead. Walking faster, she ran into the room and grabbed her communicator and saw that there was a message from her master. She knew what this meant. Attaching her comm to her wrist band, she then ran to her room and got ready before she headed out to find him. She put her lightsabers on her belt after putting on her usual outfit and then strapped her holsters to her thighs before grabbing her WESTAR-35s and slinging them into the holsters.

With that, she made her way out of the ship, securing it and on her way, threw her hair up into a ponytail making double time when she heard his voice over her comm for all parties to move in. She came onto his position and then made her way towards him once she saw him. As he turned one way, a weird looking dude had come up behind him to attack. Koda gasped as she instinctively called out to her master.

"Master!! Duck!!"

She exclaimed. If he did, she would shoot her hand out and ice that shot from her hand like bullets formed into sharp knife like objects, racing towards the man behind Vokun. He would be impaled and Koda would then make the rest of the way up to him to see what he would need her assistance on.
Vokun ducked beneath a shot that was fired his way, then spun around on one knee, loosing another round, then turning again to take out a man trying to flee past too the outside. The bullet went clean through his torso, ripping out half of his body with it. These criminals were of the worst ilk, slaving, drug sales, and the like. He held no qualms erasing them from existence.

Hearing the tinkle of rain that was his apprentice's dainty warning, he spun while ducking real low. The dagger like icicles slammed into the man's chest, while Vokun moved the barrel of Lust to the chin, firing before lining another shot. Now the compounds innards were barreling toward them from within. Dozens of men would be aiming down sights about now, so Vokun executed an elegant backflip combination that left him behind a wall, where he gestured to Koda, "Sorry love, didn't wanna bother you. But as soon as I got in, I knew it would be perfect for you're lessons. Reach out in the Force, tell me, how many men are on the other side of this wall?"

[member="Koda Berus"]
Koda watched him as he spun and shot a few men all the while getting shot in the process. Koda gasped as she then eyed the man who shot her master and took out her blasters, measuring the time carefully and she then hit him perfectly in each eye taking him down immediately.

As he heard her voice, her blasters slung into her holsters making perfect timing as she then sent the icicles racing towards a man behind him. He was surely impaled and now was looking like a hedgehog. She then raced off to her master following him behind the wall he had beckoned her to.

"No it's fine.. I had a feeling you would be needing me."

She responded. He then told her to reach out with the force to tell how many men were behind the wall. She looked to where he had been shot before nodding and doing so. She was worried for him. She knew he could take care of himself, but she wasn't going to lose him this early on. She touched the wall with her hand and then reached out through the force to sense how many life signatures were behind the wall. A few seconds later, she had the number.

"Hmm.. Twenty."

She may have sounded unsure, but she was sure. Very sure.

~ [member="Vokun"] ~


Dead Men End All Tales.
[member="Zai Avery"] [member="Koda Berus"] @Vokun@Mala Ciava[member="Halifax Fett"]@B'kik

As the others made their moves, Ash smirked and, waited, and chuckled. "En route to point B," his comm link chirped as he approached the door, huming some old song as he pulled out a heavy blaster pistol. "17 degrees," the android mutter as he kicked in the door, shooting the lights as the men inside, playign cards, reached for their guns. One shotgun, one heavy blaster rifle, and one guy with a pistol.

The assassin droid flicked out a small laser-knife as swung at the one with the shotgun, just barely beating him to the trigger. One clean swipe to the throat, a small blade glowing in the dark. He grabbed the freshly dead thug and watched as the others fired, letting their friends body soak up the shots as he threw the knife, aiming for the man with the heavy rifle. He could ignore the pistol. Probably.

He frowned as more shots were fired, then heard a yell. "Fether hit me in the shoulder with a knife! ARRRRAGGGGHHH!!!" More fire. Good. Angry spraying fire in a dark room. Great. Looked like a 73-shot model. They were on thirty or so. Couldn't parse out the audio, droid brain or no. He pushed the dead guy off of himself and move his legs up, slightly, silently. 3.....

"Where'd he go! Kill him!"

"Damnit, switch to night-vision!" The began fumbling for their goggles.


"Where are they, damnit."

Another blaster bolt fired, towards the door. These guys were two easy.

1. A loud kick as the pistol-wielder turn on his goggles, to see a flying table aimed at him while Ash lunged towards the idiot with the rifle. Grabbing him by the neck and crushing him. Metal-clad strength quickly crushed the young street tough's windpipe, while the man with the pistol leveled his gun at Ash. "Don't move, I'll shoot."

Ash seemed almost casual as he heard this. His comm link chirped. "Kitchen is not yet secure. Two down, one to go. Stay out of the room for at least two minutes. I've got it under control, just need to take my time," the comm link said, in plain text, no voice. After all, he was a bit busy to talk out loud right now...
As Koda spoke, Vokun sensed impending danger. Moving too the side, he brushed against her, spinning in place just as an explosion ripped through the wall inches from where they had been, his body between her and the danger. Ignoring the shower of debris that assaulted his back, he asked, "Are you ok?" Then he raised Lust, and fires through the hole, never moving his eyes from hers. When the bullets had been spent, Vokun brought the cannon back inside his reach and loaded six more rounds in the blink of an eye.

Glancing down to see he was bleeding in a few places, he reached against the small of his back, beneath his coat, and drew out a small injector. Thinking better of it, he drew a separate as well. One held a green liquid, Bacta, the other a luminous blue, Boost. Both immediately found their needles puncturing his arm, pushing their chemicals into his stream. While the blood carried the healing too his every cell, repairing the wounds, the other went too his brain. It was instantaneous. It was like time slowed.

"Come. Let us handle this." Vokun murmured, his voice deep and warbling, like a video slowed a hundred fold. Spinning in place, he turned then ducked through the hole in the wall both guns raised. Lapus hued eyes moved at light speed around the room, picking targets, where then his enhanced reflexes lined a shot and fired. Like a machine Vokun took head after head.

[member="Koda Berus"]
Koda didn't get very far into their conversation when Vokun then came and stood in front of her quickly. She was slightly confused at first, but then she saw why and as an explosion went off, he was close enough that as she put her face down to prevent debris from getting into her eyes, she put her face into his shoulder until she felt that ashes stopped falling as she then looked up to meet his eyes as he then asked if she was ok.

"Yeah I'm fine.."

She nodded in response to him. Out of the corner of her eye, Koda saw as he raised one of his guns and fired as his gaze never wavered from her own. Koda then looked to see as he loaded a few more rounds and then checked to see where he was bleeding.

"When we get back to the ship, you will be needing to rest."

She said crossing her arms for a second as she then caught motion out of the corner of her eye and she looked to see someone coming on their position and she reached down, grabbed one of her pistols and shot the man square between the eyes. Koda then looked back as he was injecting himself with blue and green liquids. If they weren't in a heavy situation currently, she would ask, but they were a bit busy. He then told her to help him handle the situation on the other side of the wall. It wasn't exactly what he had said, but she knew.

Nodding to him, Koda drew both pistols and immediately like a sniper started taking one man down at a time. It was like a bowling alley. These men were unlucky pins and Koda and Vokun were the bowling balls.

~ [member="Vokun"] ; [member="Ash"] ~
((@everyone else. Idk everybody so I'm just tagging whoever has tagged me))

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