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Vorn Salis

S u p e r i o r

Name | Vorn Salis
Aliases | Scourge of the Outer Rim
Age | 38
Gender | Male

Species | Thyrsian
Force Sensitivity | Yes
Vocal Sample | Spawn


Eye Color | Pale Gray
Hair Color | N/A
Skin Color | Brown

Height | 6'1"
Weight | 190 lbs
Notable Features |

Vorn possesses a number of scars that decorate his body, one of the most prominent being the ones across his shaved head. Another characteristic about him are his eyes, that glow and enable him to see in the dark, making most believe that they are cybernetic. He has a relatively well muscled body that has a number of tattoos along his skin, mostly as insignias of a pirate.


Sexuality | Heterosexual
Relationship Status | Single
Personality |

Unstable | Independent | Deceitful | Creative | Untrustworthy

Vorn is a pirate before he is anything else. He does what is in his best interest, and has a particular hatred for anyone who wishes to try and impose their ideals or restraints on him. He loves his freedom and life more than he cares for anyone else, so the quickest way to piss him off and get on his list of people to kill would be to try and take those from him. He will gladly look you in the eye with a smile, extend a hand of peace with a knife behind his back. He is untrustworthy to the core for those who are not of his crew or gained his respect. However, once you gain his respect, he will treat you as his equal and can be fiercely loyal to those who manage to be called his friends.


+Improved Strength+
Vorn after having been subject to a number of tests and experimentations have resulted in him possessing improved strength compared to a typical adult Thyrsian male. His muscle density was improved, allowing him to be stronger whilst also being able to take a beating from opponents, a beating he often endures past his opponents in a simple slugfest.

-Mentally Unstable-
Vorn also as a result of being experimented on has had a number of side effects produced as a result. His mental sanity is on a very fine line that can easily be tipped. One surefire way to make him a complete psychotic mess is the presence of blood, and much like a shark, puts Vorn into a bloodthirsty frenzy.

+Stab and Shoot+
Vorn is something of an artisan when it comes to using a knife, being able to wield it expertly enough to incapacitate without killing someone, though it usually ends up in a big bloody mess. His experience with using blasters, particularly of single handed ones is enough to put a soldier to shame as well, especially in the heat of combat.

Vorn typically focuses in the here and now, very rarely going as far as thinking ahead. As a result he often gets himself into sticky situations in ways where he has to fight his way out, often in a brutal and particularly bloody way. A smart individual will take advantage of his lack of foresight to get him into a less favorable position.

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