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Approved Tech Voph's Armor

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  • Intent: To create a suit of armor for Voph during his adventures in the wide wide galaxy
  • Image Source: Hi friend!
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Voph
  • Affiliation: Voph
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Ultrachrome, Phrik, Duraplast, Gel Layer, Isotope-5
  • Classification: Multi-purpose
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.)
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): High
- Kinetic: High
- Lightsabers: Very High
- Other: EMP: Average

  • Navi VI system: As a Miralukan, Voph has difficulty utilizing visual based systems, even with the advancements created to assist his species with such tasks. Voph installed this VI to help with the more mundane tasks.
  • Weaponized Gauntlets: Voph has constructed a few weapons into the gauntlets of his armor.
  • Servos: A more modern convention, Voph has included servomotors to the various limbs, allowing the armor to support its own weight to an extent.
  • Gel Layer: This layer serves to absorb the impact of falling, and prevent the armor itself injuring Voph during a hard landing.
  • Isotope-5: Serving as the power plant of the armor, the single gram of Isotope-5 is included to power the suits servos and on-board AI. While such an item may seem like overkill, it does permit Voph to go for weeks without having to recharge or replace the power source.
  • Runes: The armor sports a collection of High Sith runes, located primarily along the mantle and visor. These runes speak of past deeds Voph has undertaken, including his ascension to Lord, and Darth, numerous honor duels he has been challenged to and won, as well as a Kaggath he was declared victor of.
  • High Resistances: Ultrachrome is a highly resistant metal for Blasters and Kinetic weapons. Its energy diffusion capabilities also results in above-average EMP shielding.
  • Very High Resistance: The Phrik layer underneath the UltraChrome boosts the lightsaber resistance quite a bit. Given his reliance on lightsabers, Voph sought ample protection from any swordsmen he may encounter.
  • Laminate Design: Voph layered Ultrachrome upon Phrik upon Duraplast to create the armor, and give it the resistances it possesses. This also results in a very heavy suit, but then again most worth wearing are.
  • Right Gauntlet: The right gauntlet holds a flame thrower, dart launcher (Single shot only), and Electro-net launcher (Single shot only)
  • Left Gauntlet: The left gauntlet has a thicker layer of UltraChrome designed to look more like a shield gauntlet. It is, in fact, intended for such purposes.
  • Heavy: One does not simply coat one's self in Phrik and Ultrachrome without a few drawbacks.
  • Fuel Tank: The Flame thrower on Voph's gauntlet requires fuel. If this tank ruptures under the right circumstances the results might be...explosive...
  • Toasted or Heated: Prolonged contact with a Lightsaber Blade or other energy output can melt the Ultrachrome plating
  • Cream Filling: While the Armor can take a hit, it is still possible to inflict damage to the person within if the armor is struck hard enough with blunt force.
Voph did not immediately set about forging this new set of armor upon his awakening. In part because he was not sure if it was necessary, and in part because he did not possess the materials needed to create something worth wearing. Voph has always felt most at home in a suit of armor, and typically wears one as a second skin. He designed something heavy, impenetrable, but not invulnerable. If he could do that, he might not be in the position he's in today. The armor is not agile like it was in his elder days, but then again, those days are gone. It allows for a decent range of movement, including force assisted leaps, but Voph tends to prefer keeping his feet planted, tanking damage that he does not redirect or deflect with his lightsaber.

While some of the design appears Sith, the majority of it bears more resemblance to the Beskar'gam of Mandalorians eons prior. The runes lining the mantle and visor are High-Sith in origin, and speak of his feats of the old days, in something akin to a ballad. The long skirt reaching from his waist to his ankles is purely decorative, meant to evoke the regal nobility of Voph's old station of Dark Lord of the Sith.
Factory Judge

Ultrachrome is great in dissipating EMP and Ion weapons fairly well, However, to keep your rating, I recommend mentioning Reinforced Duraplast(Last lines mentioned in the article), can also aid in the dissipation of EMPs and such.

Voph said:
Gel Layer: This layer serves to absorb the impact of falling, and prevent the armor itself injuring Voph during a hard landing.
If you would like, you can throw on as a weakness that even though the armor can take a hit itself, powerful kinetic strikes can still bruise and break bones beneath the armor. It would balance out the submission a little more.

For the sake of making your sub look and feel more balanced, You can mention as a weakness that constant contact with a lightsaber to the armor, or a rapid barrage of energy based weaponry can literally melt the outer layer of Ultrachrome. This in turn can weaken the structure of the armor over all, as well as reduce the effectiveness of dissipating EMP/Ion weaponry.

Just some recommendations as I was looking it over. Otherwise, really cool.

So I basically put EMP on there just because it was as a result of the UltraChrome's native shielding. I've backed it off to Average, to try and bring it more in line with what the UltraChrome alone would provide. Otherwise, I've added the suggestions into weaknesses.
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