Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Void Wings


Organizational Type

The Tempest Queen / King

Governing Body
Council of Star Lords

The Centrality

Loose Organization of Private Fleets



The Void Wings are a loose collection of Thieves, Smugglers, Mercenaries, Freedom Fighters and other n'er-do-wells based in the Centrality - a lengthy region of space nestled between Hutt Space and the Cron Drift. Once a collection of independent Free Captains and unorganized outfits, they joined together as a single fleet in 853 ABY under the Tempest to prey on neighboring regions of space.
They have no true headquarters, operating instead out of the numerous systems and asteroid fields of the Centrality and Cron Drift. Only Twi'leks are permitted to join the organization - including those freed from enemy vessels or during raids into neighbor sectors. They value their freedom above all else, and as a result are very loosely organized. Individual crews serve a Free Captain, most Free Captains band together in the service of a Star Lord, and the Lords serve on the Council under the leadership of the current Tempest.
The Void Wings attack shipping in the neighboring regions - the Tion Cluster, Auril Sector and Kessel Sector - as well as plying their trade along the Mara Corridor; some even venture further out on daring raids to free other Twi'leks, strike at the shipping lanes of Galactic Powers, or even make a name for themselves before slipping back to the Centrality to drink away their ill gotten gains. Relying on local knowledge and superior 'seamanship', they manage to out maneuver enemy warships - typically those of the Tion Cluster and Auril Sector defense forces. With the collapse of the Sovereignty and Ancient Eye and the resulting power vacuum in the region it has caused - the current Tempest and Council have turned their eyes towards that region and the treasures it is bound to hold.
Anyone can declare themselves a Free Captain - provided they are a Twi'lek with a Twi'lek crew - and so long as they possess a vessel. A Star Lord must have some control over one of the various ports of call within the Centrality or have a number of Free Captains serving under them- though a few retain this title through their exploits and capabilities alone - but the most powerful of all comprise the Void Wings ruling body: the Council of Star Lords. While Free Captains have little affection - much less any trust - nearly all of them respect and support each other as a group when called upon by the Council or its leader, The Tempest.
What is unique about the Void Wings is their composition - that being - every member is a Twi'lek; often those that had otherwise escaped a live of slavery or servitude in one way or another.

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