Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Visit from the Postman

When Jorus thought about planets that had done an impressive job of staying private, Ancora ranked among the best. It hadn't always been that way. His memories of defense actions, evacuations, all kinds of turmoil were fuzzy but impassioned. But for a good few decades now, Ancora and its queen, Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium , had vanished expertly. Many of the old Outer Rim Coalition worlds had tried similar approaches as the Sith grew to dominate the region. Few could boast Ancora's success.

Every once in a while, quiet Wild Space worlds needed a delivery. Maps, mainly: updated nav data to fine-tune their secrecy. And parcels, exotica, personal messages, the occasional passenger. Courier work in old familiar wilderness paid the bills when bills needed paying.

Jorus' ship, the City of Nar Shaddaa, decanted over Ancora. Old ORC codes worked just fine, but he called ahead anyway. His destination was the non-denominational Kallien Academy, an old Force training site attached to a palace.

"This is Captain Jorus Merrill, coming down."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko


The woman's eyes watched the city below, the morning mist that touched the shores slowly departed like a wave rushing back out. It was surely peaceful in these early hours. She sat at a little small table along the bridge; one that connected the royal building to the Kallien Academy. Sanya's hands cradled a cup of caff as its aroma mixed with the hint of the distant shore. Footsteps pitter pattered from behind before stopping suddenly, the droid dutifully stood waiting for permission to speak.

Of course Sanya waited for a moment taking one more sip and savored its rich flavor. "Maria, whats up." She said without taking her eyes off the waking city.

"Received a report that some old codes were just used. A Captain Jorus Merrill. Also you have an appointment wi─"

The woman's eared flicked at the name and came with it a soft smile till the droid continued on. With a hand quickly raised cutting the droid off from talking about any kind of appointment. "Rearrange my appointments for today please, have his ship re-routed to the important guest hanger." She turned on her seat and assured one of her guard and a butler to approach. "Please, send someone to bring my old friend here when he arrives Judie. Keldan, fresh pot would be delightful."

The Guard momentarily bowed her head and moved to the side to issue commands to another guard closer to the vicinity of the hanger. As for Keldan, he smiled and remained there for a second. "My liege, would you care for some morning snacks prepared too?" He asked knowing the woman's routine for years.

Of course with a happy nod she agreed and the Butler made his way inside of Arx Luss and Maria followed with the old gent. Once more her eyes fell onto the city, eagerly Sanya waited to the approaching ship. Already the day was lining up to be a good one, the kind that grew very rare.

Jorus curved the City of Nar Shaddaa into its new course. The articulated space train slid in alongside the requested hangar, too long to fit inside. Most of the ship was kept at hard vacuum; he let in the local atmosphere and equalized the bridge pressure. His ears still popped as he came down the ramp.

And there she was: a comrade of many battles a very long time ago. He leaned on his cane and bowed. "Yer Majesty. Been too long. Ancora's still a beautiful place. It's a credit to you that it's had peace."

If it had, anyway, but he figured so. He'd called up stills of this palace and the adjoining temple from decades past. While things had changed, none of those changes suggested major damage repair to his eye. Nothing compared to the threats this quiet world has faced in younger days. Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium looked much the same: older, more at peace, and less damaged.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko


Finishing her caf with a large gulp, the woman stood from her table and in great strides walked towards where the hangers would be. Going down the elevator inside of Arx Luss she finally saw the large vessel swoop down braking clouds. Her first thought was wondering if it would fit, though missing threading that needle the woman made it down before Jorus had exited his craft.

Standing there waiting, as hisses of white vapour shoot into the floor then the ramp lowered. Out came a man who wore his age and bowed before her. "Jorus my old friend, it has indeed been to long. Though compared to other comrades from those days, you are the first." She spoke with a chuckle at the end. "And yes, the world and it's people do well. However you do me to much credit, we would not have made it here without you and the others too; and without them the people there would be nothing."

In a moment of realization Sanya smiled warmly. "If you plan to stay for a little, I would love to chat. ... ... Perhaps that was a little obvious when I had you rerouted here." Her eyes were bright and a smile pronounced in a way age can do. Naturally with a gesture towards the elevator as she turned to walk side by side the rugged gentleman as her guard lead the way. "I will say I am pleasantly surprised you are here. What brings you out this way if it's okay to ask?"


"I'd love to rest a few days on Ancora, thanks for that," said Jorus, clomping along. He and his cane couldn't match the Queen's grace and poise, but he could at least keep up. "Some mail broker piled up a package of letters, crates, trade goods for Ancora over the last while. Got to be enough that she hired a courier to bring it all out. So I figured I'd take the courier gig and look in."

He paused at the palace door and fished out a datacard for her.

"A gift," he said. "Maps of the whole region, everything this side of Terminus and Zonju and off the other side too. Don't know what kind of eyes and ears you've got, but the Sith took most of it, most of what we used to protect. Throw a rock and you're at Torrential and Qi-Ko, and they set up shop there going on twenty-five years ago, killed plenty. When I say you've done a hell of a job keeping Ancora safe and secret, I mean it. Figured some updated nav data might help."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko


She listened to Jorus as they slowly walked, a brief chucke of amusement could be heard the moment he mentioned the post. The elevator before them wooshed open with melodic hum, the guards stood off to the sides allowing the two to enter first. "You are certainly welcome to rest here for as long as you like." Once the two was inside, Sanya pressed the button to head up. The morning was still young and soon things around the place would pick up in pace. No doubt Keldan would have realised by now she wasn't where she previously sat. Though the head guard notified over coms they where returning to the upper levels.

All the while her attention never left the guest in her company. Curious at first as to why Jorus was handing her a datapad, Sanya began to feel appreciative of the gift as he explained the contents, knowing it would do service for her people. Though the news that followed was deeply saddening. "I have very little eyes and ears for the galaxy as a whole. Hearing that they once more control that region, well that is sad news indeed. I remember how much effort many put into stabilising that region."

"For keeping it safe, it's not just me alone. A group of Mandalorians; House Solus are not far from this system and are a great ally. They frequently patrol the system, on top of our own."
Her mind wandered more to the past as her eyes glanced out as she gave considerable thought. "Honestly though, the only reason I believe we stayed hidden was because I made the hard choice and decided to stay put. As much as I like to be within the stars, the galaxy and I do not mesh. Trouble used to seek me out, I know the coalition felt that too."

Soon the elevator came to a stop, Judie and Mon'mirr once again stepped out first allowing the two to sept off. This time Sanya's steps matched the speed of Jorus's. "Even still, I miss those days. So much I would have changed but joining with the coalition definitely is not one of those things. If not for you guys capturing me, putting me on trial, was perhaps the best thing that put me on a better path that I could not see how to reach.”

“My I was a silly girl wasn’t I.”

"No, I was the fool. Vengeful, high-handed. I've done terrible things myself."

He grimaced and leaned on a railing over the beautiful view.

"War crimes, like you. I had no room to stand in judgment on you th'way I did. Took me way too long to see you were the one trying to be better and I was sliding worse. My memory's shavvit now, but going back through my files, I don't recognize the man I was. I'm glad you found a place with us, found your way clear of what you did while the Sith ran the show around the Black Rose and all...but I wish I'd made different choices, brought you in sooner, saved lives. Saved us both some pain before the good days."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko


"We both were. You believed me wrong of war crimes, can't say I do not blame you for wanting justice. Though the image you allowed yourselves to paint was wrong, and I remember you apologising after I asked why you believed it. You are right that I was trying to do better, but trying did not wash away the blood that soaks these hands.” As she said that one arm reached across her abdomen as fingers crawled around her wrist, even those black ears drooped a little into the silver locks.

“Had it not been for that trial, the work of my people doing their best to track me down in a time of grave adversity, and the Coalitions willing to help someone they hoped to condemn. All these lives may have not been saved or born." Gradually strolling through the hallway one may perhaps expect to see marvellous decor in the arched recesses of the wall. Most were bare save for one space of a young girl around her early 20s. Inscribed Aurodium plaque inlaid in the base reads Elia Val Lerium.

Slowly but gradually they passed under the large arch that led out onto the bridge connecting the royal building and the academy. By the time they made it her butler was already waiting and had set the tray with a pot and cups. With a nudge of her hand the chair opposite the spot with which she normally sat slid out from under the table, one with an incredible view and the relaxing sounds of the waterfall gushing under. It was also the perfect space to look over and see into one of the many gardens of the academy. "They will come out soon, for their training sessions. Watching them brings me such hope for the future."

Before Keldan was able to take a second step closer to the table, he looked dumbfounded by the sight of Sanya reaching over to the pot and poured the drinks for the two.

"Yeah, I try to remind myself we all made something good outta those times, and outta ourselves. At least I can't think of anyone we were tied up with who got worse..."

He got the distinct feeling the Queen did not, as a matter of course, personally pour the tea for her guests, and took it as a gesture. To Jorus the non-tea-drinker, it didn't taste like much, but the smell was deeply relaxing. He let his eyes half-close to the sound of the waterfall beneath them. When the academy's Force-sensitives came out into the garden below, however, they got his full attention.

"What do they learn these days, your academy kids? The usual - push, pull, jump, run, saber? Any hallmarks, unique things? If any of'em are interested in instinctive astrogation, I'd be happy to run a bit of a class while I'm here, if you think they could use it."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko


She watched him relax which brought a warm smile to her lips as she added a dash of milk took a small sip of her own. The aroma was what hit first with its sweet notes, the taste too calming. "Well, the students get some freedom in what they wish to learn and are encouraged to research. Though the curriculum at this time of year should be covering different philosophies as a more academic angle. The jedi and sith is taught to avoid their mistakes in creating a rift that has caused and endless war. We also cover the Philosophies of the Aing-tii and how they perceive the force more openly as a spectrum rather than black or white. I would say their philosophy is close to what I follow myself."

Her eyes turned to the garden watching the students walk out into the courtyard below gathering as a class. "Practical wise, self defence techniques and techniques that can benefit society, so yes telekinesis; the seven forums along with the less well practiced in the galaxy, and one unique to our academy Duumo. That form was one I created and is a strong one the catch is, it requires two people. We cover healing very toughly, while they are students, they also serve as a crucial part in case of a crisis. Though if you wish to teach a class, you are very welcome to. Knowledge makes us grow and broadens the horizon. I am sure there are some who dream of the stars like we did when we were young. Best part, they have the freedom to decide their futures unlike the jedi or the sith."

Her smile grew and her expression showed her pride. "Even I still dream of the stars. Once more going past the bounds of this wonderful system. Perhaps too see my allies on Vanquo, or maybe just to experience what I have missed for so long."

"Solid curriculum." Jorus knocked back the last of his tea and got up to watch from the railing. "Got some depth to it. Been decades since this place started up, sounds like it's grown into its own thing."

The mention of the Aing-Tii monks got a wince. "The Sith took the Aing-Tii world, the secret one, years back. Jedi evacuated some of the monks but that's about it. I don't know where they went. Did any come here? Seems like the kind of place a few might've wound up. If not, I've still got a couple friends of friends in the Jedi, might be able to swing something."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko


The more the words sith popped up the more her mind was drawn to wonder the actual state of the galaxy. Her curiosity tugging at the hopes to help. Sanya's hand in a smooth natural motion grasped her other wrist giving it a squeeze. "I have not heard any mention of Aing-Tii settlers, thought they are a secretive bunch in the first place. I would have to put inquiries in to find out that information for you." Her eyes drew away from the students over to Jorus. Her slit pupils had widened a little and ears a little low as she thought about her question.

"What, what is it like out there these days? The last major event I am accurately aware of was the fall of Mandalore the infernal, the genocide of the mandalorians and their freedom. Which was very expensive, Cynthia contacted me for assistance and had it not been for her tone, I would have thought it a trick. Still that was some time ago. I had to keep myself away from knowing all that's out there, to keep myself contained here, behaving myself, like a good girl." She could not resist to try and lighten what she had said with a light joke.

"Nothing wrong with isolation. Lotta my biggest regrets are from connecting the wrong planet to the galaxy just in time for some war or other. Exploring, navigation, they're not neutral. There's some that think the Dark Age has ended yet. Maybe they're right."

The class was looking polished down there in the garden. Skilled. But only skilled in theory; these young people wouldn't have known war. Maybe the odd criminal takedown or pirate raid. Could they be relied on to protect Ancora? Questions like that probably weighed heavily on Sanya. They were a pretty close parallel to how Jorus felt about his extended family.

"The kicker of it is, galaxy's been more or less at peace for a quarter century except near here. Sith burrowed down not far from here, Galactic Alliance took everything from the Core to the Inner Rim. There's a new war between Alliance and a Mando group and that's about that. If you're not in the raggedy edges getting chewed up by the Sith, it's a quiet time on most worlds."

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