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Codex Denied Vindictus Vanguard

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  • Intent: To create a loyal and powerful combat force for Darth Vindictus.
  • Image Credit: Artwork by Lucasfilm
  • Role: This unit serves as the personal guard and strike force for Darth Vindictus.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Unit Name: Vindictus Vanguard
  • Affiliation: Darth Vindictus
  • Classification: Elite Guard
  • Description: Vindictus's Vanguard are a group of elite warriors handpicked by Darth Vindictus himself. They are fiercely loyal and share his ruthless and cunning nature. They wear black armor adorned with ancient Sith symbols, similar to their master.
  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Rare
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Equipment: Advanced combat armor, blaster rifles, thermal detonators, and personal energy shields[^1^][2].
  • Combat Function: Vindictus's Vanguard serve as both a protective detail for Darth Vindictus and a strike force. They are trained to work together in perfect unison, using advanced combat tactics to overwhelm their enemies.
  • Highly skilled in combat and the use of advanced technology.
  • Unwavering loyalty to Darth Vindictus.
  • Limited in number due to their elite status.
  • Lack of Force sensitivity.
Vindictus's Vanguard was formed by Darth Vindictus himself after he rose to power. He handpicked each member, ensuring their loyalty and skill. They have served him faithfully ever since, protecting him from threats and carrying out his orders without question.
Darth Vindictus Darth Vindictus

This is a great submission. There are some things to address.

1. Image Credit: please provide a link to the source, web page, of the image you are using

2. Equipment: Please specify what blasters are being used and also link any factory items or canon items to their wookieepedia article.

3. Please expand on the history. If the unit has served this character since their formation what are some notable victories or accomplishments? When were they formed? Why were they formed? Why did your character feel they were needed? All of these are relevant questions you can use to expound on the historical background.

Tag me when you’re ready for me to look this over again.
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