Vina Zomo
Best Karking Healer. Ever.

NAME: Vina Zomo
FACTION: The Healer's Guild, I guess
RANK: Healer
SPECIES: Devaronian (with some human, Cathar, Rattataki, Miraluka, and even a trace of Gammorean blood somewhere in the family tree)
AGE: 41
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 150lbs
EYES: Icy blue
HAIR: Dark brown and white
SKIN: tan
FORCE SENSITIVE: Slightly, but only enough for a weak "Spidey-sense" (for lack of a better word)
APPEARANCE: Often clad in clothes and robes which would identify her as a healer. Her hair is kept in a ponytail, though the two white strands hang loose. A smattering of brown spots across her nose and a distinct lack of the traditional Devaronian hair is a result of her mixed blood, while the two large spots are a distinct marker proclaiming what her blood is mostly composed of.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Excellent healer -- she knows almost every thing there is to know about remedies and cures
+ can blend into the background, thanks to her quiet demeanour
+ Usually successful with calming people, again thanks to her quiet demeanour
+/- Will offer medical attention to anyone who needs it
- Has a strong dislike of violence, and as such doesn't know how to use weapons
- Her compassion for others can be easily manipulated
- So, so ticklish. Enough so that it really is a weakness -- she can't do anything while being tickled ((trust me, this is a real weakness -_-))
Medical shuttle gifted to her by her parents, named Eternal Hope.
Long, long ago, two of Vina's ancestors were in the Healer's Guild. And then, a few more. And a few more. Eventually, her family was so involved within the guild and its mission that, when it vanished in 8ABY, her family still continued to pass on all of their secrets and ways of healing.
As an only child, this meant that much of Vina's childhood was spent learning all there was to be learned about the art of healing, to ensure the secret legacy would continue on. Her parents were pleased with the eagerness their daughter displayed at helping others, so when she came of age the Devaronian was given her very own ship and received a license which allowed her to practice her grassroots medicine without being fined.
As her parents before her, and their parents before them, Vina soon left her home planet of Galidraan to explore the world and spread the healing touch. And, while many folks gave her compensation, credits were tight. To alleviate some of her financial problems, the Devaronian began to write realistic fiction novels based on the places she went. The revenue from her stories was enough to keep herself afloat, though she wouldn't consider herself rich.
During a brief stint on Coruscant, Vina was temporarily hired by a doctor in an attempt to better fix one of the patients, a certain [member="Meric Nadun"]. Though her techniques managed to fix most of the damaged caused by his fall into a vast of grease, the scars could not be removed, nor the dependency on his suit.
Her work done, the doctor paid her and told her to be on her way, though Vina was permitted to give a brief goodbye to her patient.
About a year after, Vina met and fell head over heels for a fellow charity worker, a human male named Hult Marrik. The two had met while assisting a flooded village, and soon began to work together. Their constant proximity eventually resulted in a marriage between the two.
The couple continued their work, though they never had time to seriously consider offspring. But alas, it wasn't to be.
When Vina was in her mid thirties, she lost Hult to a volcanic eruption on a planet they were helping to evacuate. Utterly heartbroken, the Devaronian would have let her life go were it not for the understanding that her work was more important that letting herself waste. So, she continued to work and heal, though those that knew her before would notice a little less smile, a little less joy, and a more reserved nature in general.
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