Judas of Vahl
Beyond Broken
Vigil of the Fallen
Banestead Ruins, Tantorus
[member="Faye Terrik"], [member="Darth Arcanix"], [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=18px]Midas Âzanroil"], [member="Randial"], [member="Darth Praelior"]

Rain. There were many kinds of it. The thick, heavy drops that soaked you and plunked hard into puddles. The light, torrential downpour that could turn a desert into an ocean. Then there was the cleansing rain. It was the kind that followed the carnage of war, seeping into wounds and washing away the dried blood and tears from broken men and women. It was just right and set the mood almost as a ray of sunshine did. Black clouds rolled over the Banestead Ruins with impunity. A lone figure stood before the main ruins, clutching his arm. Mordecai Zambrano panted heavily as the light rainfall sizzled against his crimson saber. Blood and water ran downs his arms before trickling off of his fingers. Red liquid swirled in puddles around the ground he stood on and several corpses littered the path before him and behind. Few of them beheld scorch marks that were being put out by the downpour and others had lost limbs to the glowing sword of plasma.
They called me a heretic and tried to convert me. What else was I supposed to do? 'Do you have a moment to hear about our lord, the Force?' Feth that.
The Dragon Lord sighed tearing off a strip of his tunic. He silenced the saber with a thumb mash before tying the cloth around a jagged gash across his arm. While these poor, old, and over zealous saps had the use of the Force at their fingers, Mordecai never expected them to be carrying around an ancient assortment of daggers and small weaponry. One of them even carried an old crossbow. The wooden weapon was still in the hands of its former owner, an unlucky soul who happened to only have one arm and a gouge through his chest.
"You don't need it anymore." He grunted as he bent down to recover the weapon, inspecting it with curious fingers. With a look of approval, he pursed his lips and turned back towards the ruins. Hopefully his summoned help would be here soon. He needed someone to hold an umbrella for him.